var/cache/testing/ContainerMhdHbrh/App_KernelTestingDebugContainer.php line 1143

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  1. <?php
  2. namespace ContainerMhdHbrh;
  3. use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\RewindableGenerator;
  4. use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
  5. use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container;
  6. use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
  7. use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\LogicException;
  8. use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\RuntimeException;
  9. use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\FrozenParameterBag;
  10. use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ParameterBagInterface;
  11. /**
  12.  * @internal This class has been auto-generated by the Symfony Dependency Injection Component.
  13.  */
  14. class App_KernelTestingDebugContainer extends Container
  15. {
  16.     protected $containerDir;
  17.     protected $targetDir;
  18.     protected $parameters = [];
  19.     private $buildParameters;
  20.     protected $getService;
  21.     public function __construct(array $buildParameters = [], $containerDir __DIR__)
  22.     {
  23.         $this->getService \Closure::fromCallable([$this'getService']);
  24.         $this->buildParameters $buildParameters;
  25.         $this->containerDir $containerDir;
  26.         $this->targetDir \dirname($containerDir);
  27.         $this->parameters $this->getDefaultParameters();
  28.         $this->services $this->privates = [];
  29.         $this->syntheticIds = [
  30.             'Pimcore\\Cache\\Runtime' => true,
  31.             'Pimcore\\Extension\\Config' => true,
  32.             'kernel' => true,
  33.         ];
  34.         $this->methodMap = [
  35.             '.container.private.form.factory' => 'get_Container_Private_Form_FactoryService',
  36.             '.container.private.profiler' => 'get_Container_Private_ProfilerService',
  37.             '' => 'get_Container_Private_Security_AuthorizationCheckerService',
  38.             '' => 'get_Container_Private_Security_TokenStorageService',
  39.             '.container.private.session' => 'get_Container_Private_SessionService',
  40.             '.container.private.twig' => 'get_Container_Private_TwigService',
  41.             '.container.private.validator' => 'get_Container_Private_ValidatorService',
  42.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Security\\ContentSecurityPolicyHandler' => 'getContentSecurityPolicyHandlerService',
  43.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Security\\CsrfProtectionHandler' => 'getCsrfProtectionHandlerService',
  44.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\FullPageCacheListener' => 'getFullPageCacheListenerService',
  45.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\GoogleAnalyticsCodeListener' => 'getGoogleAnalyticsCodeListenerService',
  46.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\GoogleTagManagerListener' => 'getGoogleTagManagerListenerService',
  47.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\ElasticSearchConfigService' => 'getElasticSearchConfigServiceService',
  48.             'Pimcore\\Cache\\Core\\CoreCacheHandler' => 'getCoreCacheHandlerService',
  49.             'Pimcore\\Config' => 'getConfigService',
  50.             'Pimcore\\Document\\Editable\\Block\\BlockStateStack' => 'getBlockStateStackService',
  51.             'Pimcore\\Document\\Renderer\\DocumentRenderer' => 'getDocumentRendererService',
  52.             'Pimcore\\Document\\StaticPageGenerator' => 'getStaticPageGeneratorService',
  53.             'Pimcore\\Extension\\Bundle\\PimcoreBundleManager' => 'getPimcoreBundleManagerService',
  54.             'Pimcore\\Extension\\Document\\Areabrick\\AreabrickManagerInterface' => 'getAreabrickManagerInterfaceService',
  55.             'Pimcore\\Http\\RequestHelper' => 'getRequestHelperService',
  56.             'Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\DocumentResolver' => 'getDocumentResolverService',
  57.             'Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\EditmodeResolver' => 'getEditmodeResolverService',
  58.             'Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\OutputTimestampResolver' => 'getOutputTimestampResolverService',
  59.             'Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\PimcoreContextResolver' => 'getPimcoreContextResolverService',
  60.             'Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\ResponseHeaderResolver' => 'getResponseHeaderResolverService',
  61.             'Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\SiteResolver' => 'getSiteResolverService',
  62.             'Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\StaticPageResolver' => 'getStaticPageResolverService',
  63.             'Pimcore\\Http\\ResponseHelper' => 'getResponseHelperService',
  64.             'Pimcore\\Localization\\LocaleServiceInterface' => 'getLocaleServiceInterfaceService',
  65.             'Pimcore\\Model\\Document\\Editable\\Loader\\EditableLoader' => 'getEditableLoaderService',
  66.             'Pimcore\\Model\\Document\\Service' => 'getServiceService',
  67.             'Pimcore\\Security\\User\\TokenStorageUserResolver' => 'getTokenStorageUserResolverService',
  68.             'Pimcore\\Targeting\\Document\\DocumentTargetingConfigurator' => 'getDocumentTargetingConfiguratorService',
  69.             'Pimcore\\Templating\\Renderer\\EditableRenderer' => 'getEditableRendererService',
  70.             'Pimcore\\Workflow\\ExpressionService' => 'getExpressionServiceService',
  71.             'Pimcore\\Workflow\\Manager' => 'getManagerService',
  72.             'Pimcore\\Workflow\\Place\\StatusInfo' => 'getStatusInfoService',
  73.             'Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\WebLinkExtension' => 'getWebLinkExtensionService',
  74.             'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\SessionListener' => 'getSessionListenerService',
  75.             'Symfony\\Component\\Lock\\LockFactory' => 'getLockFactoryService',
  76.             'Symfony\\Contracts\\Translation\\TranslatorInterface' => 'getTranslatorInterfaceService',
  77.             '' => 'getCache_AppService',
  78.             'cache.system' => 'getCache_SystemService',
  79.             'cache.validator_expression_language' => 'getCache_ValidatorExpressionLanguageService',
  80.             'cmf_routing.route_provider' => 'getCmfRouting_RouteProviderService',
  81.             'data_collector.dump' => 'getDataCollector_DumpService',
  82.             'doctrine' => 'getDoctrineService',
  83.             'doctrine.dbal.default_connection' => 'getDoctrine_Dbal_DefaultConnectionService',
  84.             'doctrine.orm.pimcore_direct_edit_entity_manager' => 'getDoctrine_Orm_PimcoreDirectEditEntityManagerService',
  85.             'doctrine.orm.portal_engine_entity_manager' => 'getDoctrine_Orm_PortalEngineEntityManagerService',
  86.             'doctrine.orm.statistics_explorer_entity_manager' => 'getDoctrine_Orm_StatisticsExplorerEntityManagerService',
  87.             'event_dispatcher' => 'getEventDispatcherService',
  88.             'http_kernel' => 'getHttpKernelService',
  89.             'messenger.default_bus' => 'getMessenger_DefaultBusService',
  90.             'monolog.logger.admin' => 'getMonolog_Logger_AdminService',
  91.             'monolog.logger.cache' => 'getMonolog_Logger_CacheService',
  92.             'monolog.logger.doctrine' => 'getMonolog_Logger_DoctrineService',
  93.             'monolog.logger.event' => 'getMonolog_Logger_EventService',
  94.             'monolog.logger.http_client' => 'getMonolog_Logger_HttpClientService',
  95.             'monolog.logger.init' => 'getMonolog_Logger_InitService',
  96.             'monolog.logger.php' => 'getMonolog_Logger_PhpService',
  97.             '' => 'getMonolog_Logger_Portalengine_EsService',
  98.             'monolog.logger.profiler' => 'getMonolog_Logger_ProfilerService',
  99.             'monolog.logger.request' => 'getMonolog_Logger_RequestService',
  100.             'monolog.logger.router' => 'getMonolog_Logger_RouterService',
  101.             'monolog.logger.routing' => 'getMonolog_Logger_RoutingService',
  102.             '' => 'getMonolog_Logger_SecurityService',
  103.             'pimcore.cache.pool' => 'getPimcore_Cache_PoolService',
  104.             'pimcore.routing.router.request_context' => 'getPimcore_Routing_Router_RequestContextService',
  105.             'pimcore.templating.engine.delegating' => 'getPimcore_Templating_Engine_DelegatingService',
  106.             'request_stack' => 'getRequestStackService',
  107.             'router' => 'getRouterService',
  108.             'var_dumper.cloner' => 'getVarDumper_ClonerService',
  109.             'pimcore.templating.engine.twig' => 'getPimcore_Templating_Engine_TwigService',
  110.             'Doctrine\\Common\\Persistence\\ConnectionRegistry' => 'getConnectionRegistryService',
  111.             'cache_clearer' => 'getCacheClearerService',
  112.             'filesystem' => 'getFilesystemService',
  113.             'serializer' => 'getSerializerService',
  114.             'security.csrf.token_manager' => 'getSecurity_Csrf_TokenManagerService',
  115.             'form.factory' => 'getForm_FactoryService',
  116.             'form.type.file' => 'getForm_Type_FileService',
  117.             'profiler' => 'getProfilerService',
  118.             'security.authorization_checker' => 'getSecurity_AuthorizationCheckerService',
  119.             'security.token_storage' => 'getSecurity_TokenStorageService',
  120.             'twig' => 'getTwigService',
  121.             'security.password_encoder' => 'getSecurity_PasswordEncoderService',
  122.             '' => 'getPimcoreAdmin_Security_UserProviderService',
  123.             '' => 'getPimcoreAdmin_Security_UserLoaderService',
  124.             '' => 'getPimcoreAdmin_Security_UserCheckerService',
  125.             'session' => 'getSessionService',
  126.             'validator' => 'getValidatorService',
  127.         ];
  128.         $this->fileMap = [
  129.             '.container.private.cache_clearer' => 'get_Container_Private_CacheClearerService',
  130.             '.container.private.filesystem' => 'get_Container_Private_FilesystemService',
  131.             '.container.private.form.type.file' => 'get_Container_Private_Form_Type_FileService',
  132.             '' => 'get_Container_Private_PimcoreAdmin_Security_UserCheckerService',
  133.             '' => 'get_Container_Private_PimcoreAdmin_Security_UserLoaderService',
  134.             '' => 'get_Container_Private_PimcoreAdmin_Security_UserProviderService',
  135.             '' => 'get_Container_Private_Security_Csrf_TokenManagerService',
  136.             '' => 'get_Container_Private_Security_PasswordEncoderService',
  137.             '.container.private.serializer' => 'get_Container_Private_SerializerService',
  138.             'AdvancedObjectSearchBundle\\Controller\\AdminController' => 'getAdminControllerService',
  139.             'AdvancedObjectSearchBundle\\Installer' => 'getInstallerService',
  140.             'AdvancedObjectSearchBundle\\Tools\\ElasticSearchConfigService' => 'getElasticSearchConfigService2Service',
  141.             'App\\Controller\\AdminController' => 'getAdminController2Service',
  142.             'App\\Controller\\DefaultController' => 'getDefaultControllerService',
  143.             'App\\Controller\\Web2printController' => 'getWeb2printControllerService',
  144.             'Basilicom\\ERDiagramXMLExportBundle\\Command\\CreateERDiagramXMLExportCommand' => 'getCreateERDiagramXMLExportCommandService',
  145.             'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\Controller\\DocumentController' => 'getDocumentControllerService',
  146.             'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\Controller\\FieldTypeController' => 'getFieldTypeControllerService',
  147.             'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\Controller\\ImportController' => 'getImportControllerService',
  148.             'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\Controller\\ImportconfigController' => 'getImportconfigControllerService',
  149.             'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\Controller\\MappingconfigController' => 'getMappingconfigControllerService',
  150.             'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\Controller\\RestController' => 'getRestControllerService',
  151.             'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\Controller\\Web2PrintController' => 'getWeb2PrintController2Service',
  152.             'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\Maintenance\\CleanupImportStatus' => 'getCleanupImportStatusService',
  153.             'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\Tools\\Installer' => 'getInstaller2Service',
  154.             'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\lib\\Pim\\EventDispatcher' => 'getEventDispatcher2Service',
  155.             'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\lib\\Pim\\Helper' => 'getHelperService',
  156.             'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\lib\\Pim\\Item\\ImporterInterface' => 'getImporterInterfaceService',
  157.             'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\lib\\Pim\\Item\\ItemMoldBuilder' => 'getItemMoldBuilderService',
  158.             'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\lib\\Pim\\Item\\TranslationHelper' => 'getTranslationHelperService',
  159.             'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\lib\\Pim\\Logger\\EmailReportingLogger' => 'getEmailReportingLoggerService',
  160.             'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\lib\\Pim\\Parser\\GridParser' => 'getGridParserService',
  161.             'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\lib\\Pim\\RawData\\Importmanager' => 'getImportmanagerService',
  162.             'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\lib\\Pim\\TextGeneration\\TextGenerator' => 'getTextGeneratorService',
  163.             'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\lib\\Pim\\Translate\\TranslationProvider' => 'getTranslationProviderService',
  164.             'DataDirectorCurrencyConverter' => 'getDataDirectorCurrencyConverterService',
  165.             'DataDirectorGridViewPathFormatter' => 'getDataDirectorGridViewPathFormatterService',
  166.             'DataDirectorObjectBrickFieldsOptionProvider' => 'getDataDirectorObjectBrickFieldsOptionProviderService',
  167.             'DataDirectorOptionProvider' => 'getDataDirectorOptionProviderService',
  168.             'DataDirectorPreview' => 'getDataDirectorPreviewService',
  169.             'DataDirectorSearchViewPathFormatter' => 'getDataDirectorSearchViewPathFormatterService',
  170.             'DefaultPathFormatter' => 'getDefaultPathFormatterService',
  171.             'Doctrine\\Bundle\\DoctrineBundle\\Controller\\ProfilerController' => 'getProfilerControllerService',
  172.             'Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\Controller\\CallbackSettingsController' => 'getCallbackSettingsControllerService',
  173.             'Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\Controller\\ConfigController' => 'getConfigControllerService',
  174.             'Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\Controller\\IndexController' => 'getIndexControllerService',
  175.             'Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\Controller\\MonitoringItemController' => 'getMonitoringItemControllerService',
  176.             'Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\Controller\\RestController' => 'getRestController2Service',
  177.             'Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\Installer' => 'getInstaller3Service',
  178.             'Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\Service\\CommandsValidator' => 'getCommandsValidatorService',
  179.             'FrontendPermissionToolkitBundle\\Service' => 'getService2Service',
  180.             'GuzzleHttp\\Client' => 'getClientService',
  181.             'Knp\\Component\\Pager\\PaginatorInterface' => 'getPaginatorInterfaceService',
  182.             'Pimcore\\Admin\\Serializer' => 'getSerializer2Service',
  183.             'Pimcore\\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle\\Controller\\BackendController' => 'getBackendControllerService',
  184.             'Pimcore\\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle\\Controller\\DefaultController' => 'getDefaultController2Service',
  185.             'Pimcore\\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle\\Installer' => 'getInstaller4Service',
  186.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Asset\\AssetController' => 'getAssetControllerService',
  187.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Asset\\AssetHelperController' => 'getAssetHelperControllerService',
  188.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\DataObject\\ClassController' => 'getClassControllerService',
  189.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\DataObject\\ClassificationstoreController' => 'getClassificationstoreControllerService',
  190.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\DataObject\\DataObjectController' => 'getDataObjectControllerService',
  191.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\DataObject\\DataObjectHelperController' => 'getDataObjectHelperControllerService',
  192.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\DataObject\\QuantityValueController' => 'getQuantityValueControllerService',
  193.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\DataObject\\VariantsController' => 'getVariantsControllerService',
  194.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\DocumentController' => 'getDocumentController2Service',
  195.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\EmailController' => 'getEmailControllerService',
  196.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\FolderController' => 'getFolderControllerService',
  197.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\HardlinkController' => 'getHardlinkControllerService',
  198.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\LinkController' => 'getLinkControllerService',
  199.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\NewsletterController' => 'getNewsletterControllerService',
  200.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\PageController' => 'getPageControllerService',
  201.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\PrintcontainerController' => 'getPrintcontainerControllerService',
  202.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\PrintpageController' => 'getPrintpageControllerService',
  203.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\RenderletController' => 'getRenderletControllerService',
  204.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\SnippetController' => 'getSnippetControllerService',
  205.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\ElementController' => 'getElementControllerService',
  206.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\EmailController' => 'getEmailController2Service',
  207.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\External\\AdminerController' => 'getAdminerControllerService',
  208.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\External\\OpcacheController' => 'getOpcacheControllerService',
  209.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\IndexController' => 'getIndexController2Service',
  210.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\InstallController' => 'getInstallControllerService',
  211.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\LogController' => 'getLogControllerService',
  212.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\LoginController' => 'getLoginControllerService',
  213.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\MiscController' => 'getMiscControllerService',
  214.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\NotificationController' => 'getNotificationControllerService',
  215.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\PortalController' => 'getPortalControllerService',
  216.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\RecyclebinController' => 'getRecyclebinControllerService',
  217.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\RedirectsController' => 'getRedirectsControllerService',
  218.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\SettingsController' => 'getSettingsControllerService',
  219.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\TagsController' => 'getTagsControllerService',
  220.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\TargetingController' => 'getTargetingControllerService',
  221.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\TranslationController' => 'getTranslationControllerService',
  222.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\UserController' => 'getUserControllerService',
  223.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\WorkflowController' => 'getWorkflowControllerService',
  224.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\ExtensionManager\\ExtensionManagerController' => 'getExtensionManagerControllerService',
  225.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\GDPR\\AdminController' => 'getAdminController3Service',
  226.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\GDPR\\AssetController' => 'getAssetController2Service',
  227.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\GDPR\\DataObjectController' => 'getDataObjectController2Service',
  228.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\GDPR\\PimcoreUsersController' => 'getPimcoreUsersControllerService',
  229.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\GDPR\\SentMailController' => 'getSentMailControllerService',
  230.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Reports\\AnalyticsController' => 'getAnalyticsControllerService',
  231.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Reports\\CustomReportController' => 'getCustomReportControllerService',
  232.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Reports\\SettingsController' => 'getSettingsController2Service',
  233.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Searchadmin\\SearchController' => 'getSearchControllerService',
  234.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Security\\User\\TokenStorageUserResolver' => 'getTokenStorageUserResolver2Service',
  235.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Session\\Handler\\AdminSessionHandler' => 'getAdminSessionHandlerService',
  236.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Controller\\PublicServicesController' => 'getPublicServicesControllerService',
  237.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\WorkflowManagementListener' => 'getWorkflowManagementListenerService',
  238.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\Controller\\ConfigController' => 'getConfigController2Service',
  239.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\Controller\\GraphQLExplorerController' => 'getGraphQLExplorerControllerService',
  240.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\Controller\\WebserviceController' => 'getWebserviceControllerService',
  241.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\GraphQL\\Service' => 'getService3Service',
  242.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\Installer' => 'getInstaller5Service',
  243.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\Service\\CheckConsumerPermissionsService' => 'getCheckConsumerPermissionsServiceService',
  244.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\Service\\ExportService' => 'getExportServiceService',
  245.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\Service\\FileUploadService' => 'getFileUploadServiceService',
  246.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\Service\\ImportService' => 'getImportServiceService',
  247.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\Service\\OutputCacheService' => 'getOutputCacheServiceService',
  248.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubCiHubBundle\\Installer' => 'getInstaller6Service',
  249.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle\\Controller\\ConfigController' => 'getConfigController3Service',
  250.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle\\Controller\\DownloadController' => 'getDownloadControllerService',
  251.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle\\Exporter\\File' => 'getFileService',
  252.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle\\Installer' => 'getInstaller7Service',
  253.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubSimpleRestBundle\\Controller\\AbstractController' => 'getAbstractControllerService',
  254.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubSimpleRestBundle\\Controller\\ConfigController' => 'getConfigController4Service',
  255.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubSimpleRestBundle\\Controller\\EndpointController' => 'getEndpointControllerService',
  256.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubSimpleRestBundle\\Controller\\SwaggerController' => 'getSwaggerControllerService',
  257.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubSimpleRestBundle\\Installer' => 'getInstaller8Service',
  258.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataImporterBundle\\Controller\\ConfigDataObjectController' => 'getConfigDataObjectControllerService',
  259.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataImporterBundle\\Controller\\PushImportController' => 'getPushImportControllerService',
  260.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataImporterBundle\\Installer' => 'getInstaller9Service',
  261.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DirectEditBundle\\Controller\\AssetEditController' => 'getAssetEditControllerService',
  262.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DirectEditBundle\\Controller\\ClientController' => 'getClientControllerService',
  263.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DirectEditBundle\\Installer' => 'getInstaller10Service',
  264.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DirectEditBundle\\Service\\MercureUrlService' => 'getMercureUrlServiceService',
  265.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\EnterpriseSubscriptionToolsBundle\\Controller\\LicenseCheckController' => 'getLicenseCheckControllerService',
  266.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\AbstractSiteController' => 'getAbstractSiteControllerService',
  267.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\CollectionsController' => 'getCollectionsControllerService',
  268.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\FrontendBuildController' => 'getFrontendBuildControllerService',
  269.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\WizardController' => 'getWizardControllerService',
  270.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\AuthController' => 'getAuthControllerService',
  271.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\CollectionController' => 'getCollectionControllerService',
  272.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\DataPool\\AssetController' => 'getAssetController3Service',
  273.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\DataPool\\DataObjectController' => 'getDataObjectController3Service',
  274.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\DownloadCartController' => 'getDownloadCartControllerService',
  275.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\EmailController' => 'getEmailController3Service',
  276.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\LanguageVariantController' => 'getLanguageVariantControllerService',
  277.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\PortalController' => 'getPortalController2Service',
  278.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\PublicShareController' => 'getPublicShareControllerService',
  279.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\AssetUploadController' => 'getAssetUploadControllerService',
  280.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\BatchTaskController' => 'getBatchTaskControllerService',
  281.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\CollectionController' => 'getCollectionController2Service',
  282.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\DataPool\\AssetController' => 'getAssetController4Service',
  283.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\DataPool\\DataObjectController' => 'getDataObjectController4Service',
  284.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\DataPool\\PublicShare\\AssetController' => 'getAssetController5Service',
  285.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\DataPool\\PublicShare\\DataObjectController' => 'getDataObjectController5Service',
  286.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\DirectEditController' => 'getDirectEditControllerService',
  287.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\DownloadController' => 'getDownloadController2Service',
  288.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\FolderController' => 'getFolderController2Service',
  289.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\PublicShareController' => 'getPublicShareController2Service',
  290.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\PublicShare\\DetailActionsController' => 'getDetailActionsControllerService',
  291.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\PublicShare\\DownloadController' => 'getDownloadController3Service',
  292.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\SavedSearchController' => 'getSavedSearchControllerService',
  293.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\SearchController' => 'getSearchController2Service',
  294.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\TranslationController' => 'getTranslationController2Service',
  295.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\SavedSearchController' => 'getSavedSearchController2Service',
  296.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\SearchController' => 'getSearchController3Service',
  297.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\SnippetController' => 'getSnippetController2Service',
  298.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\StatisticExplorerController' => 'getStatisticExplorerControllerService',
  299.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\UserController' => 'getUserController2Service',
  300.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Installer' => 'getInstaller11Service',
  301.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\IndexUpdateService' => 'getIndexUpdateServiceService',
  302.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Security\\FrontendPermissionToolkit\\DataProvider' => 'getDataProviderService',
  303.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Tools\\MigrationServiceLocator' => 'getMigrationServiceLocatorService',
  304.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\StatisticsExplorerBundle\\Controller\\StatisticsController' => 'getStatisticsControllerService',
  305.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\StatisticsExplorerBundle\\Installer' => 'getInstaller12Service',
  306.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\WorkflowDesignerBundle\\Controller\\AdminController' => 'getAdminController4Service',
  307.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\WorkflowDesignerBundle\\Controller\\ConfigController' => 'getConfigController5Service',
  308.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\WorkflowDesignerBundle\\Installer' => 'getInstaller13Service',
  309.             'Pimcore\\Cache\\Symfony\\CacheClearer' => 'getCacheClearer2Service',
  310.             'Pimcore\\Controller\\Config\\ControllerDataProvider' => 'getControllerDataProviderService',
  311.             'Pimcore\\DataObject\\BlockDataMarshaller\\Consent' => 'getConsentService',
  312.             'Pimcore\\DataObject\\BlockDataMarshaller\\Date' => 'getDateService',
  313.             'Pimcore\\DataObject\\BlockDataMarshaller\\ExternalImage' => 'getExternalImageService',
  314.             'Pimcore\\DataObject\\BlockDataMarshaller\\Geobounds' => 'getGeoboundsService',
  315.             'Pimcore\\DataObject\\BlockDataMarshaller\\Geopoint' => 'getGeopointService',
  316.             'Pimcore\\DataObject\\BlockDataMarshaller\\Geopolygon' => 'getGeopolygonService',
  317.             'Pimcore\\DataObject\\BlockDataMarshaller\\Localizedfields' => 'getLocalizedfieldsService',
  318.             'Pimcore\\DataObject\\BlockDataMarshaller\\RgbaColor' => 'getRgbaColorService',
  319.             'Pimcore\\DataObject\\BlockDataMarshaller\\StructuredTable' => 'getStructuredTableService',
  320.             'Pimcore\\DataObject\\ClassBuilder\\FieldDefinitionDocBlockBuilderInterface' => 'getFieldDefinitionDocBlockBuilderInterfaceService',
  321.             'Pimcore\\DataObject\\ClassBuilder\\PHPClassDumperInterface' => 'getPHPClassDumperInterfaceService',
  322.             'Pimcore\\DataObject\\ClassBuilder\\PHPFieldCollectionClassDumperInterface' => 'getPHPFieldCollectionClassDumperInterfaceService',
  323.             'Pimcore\\DataObject\\ClassBuilder\\PHPObjectBrickClassDumperInterface' => 'getPHPObjectBrickClassDumperInterfaceService',
  324.             'Pimcore\\DataObject\\ClassBuilder\\PHPObjectBrickContainerClassDumperInterface' => 'getPHPObjectBrickContainerClassDumperInterfaceService',
  325.             'Pimcore\\DataObject\\Consent\\Service' => 'getService4Service',
  326.             'Pimcore\\DataObject\\FielddefinitionMarshaller\\BlockDataMarshaller\\EncryptedField' => 'getEncryptedFieldService',
  327.             'Pimcore\\DataObject\\FielddefinitionMarshaller\\Classificationstore\\BooleanSelect' => 'getBooleanSelectService',
  328.             'Pimcore\\DataObject\\FielddefinitionMarshaller\\Classificationstore\\EncryptedField' => 'getEncryptedField2Service',
  329.             'Pimcore\\DataObject\\FielddefinitionMarshaller\\Classificationstore\\Multiselect' => 'getMultiselectService',
  330.             'Pimcore\\DataObject\\FielddefinitionMarshaller\\Classificationstore\\QuantityValue' => 'getQuantityValueService',
  331.             'Pimcore\\DataObject\\FielddefinitionMarshaller\\Classificationstore\\RgbaColor' => 'getRgbaColor2Service',
  332.             'Pimcore\\DataObject\\FielddefinitionMarshaller\\Classificationstore\\Table' => 'getTableService',
  333.             'Pimcore\\DataObject\\GridColumnConfig\\Service' => 'getService5Service',
  334.             'Pimcore\\Document\\Editable\\EditableHandler' => 'getEditableHandlerService',
  335.             'Pimcore\\Document\\Editable\\EditableUsageResolver' => 'getEditableUsageResolverService',
  336.             'Pimcore\\Element\\MarshallerService' => 'getMarshallerServiceService',
  337.             'Pimcore\\Helper\\LongRunningHelper' => 'getLongRunningHelperService',
  338.             'Pimcore\\Http\\ClientFactory' => 'getClientFactoryService',
  339.             'Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\TemplateResolver' => 'getTemplateResolverService',
  340.             'Pimcore\\Image\\Adapter\\GD' => 'getGDService',
  341.             'Pimcore\\Image\\Adapter\\Imagick' => 'getImagickService',
  342.             'Pimcore\\Image\\Optimizer' => 'getOptimizerService',
  343.             'Pimcore\\Localization\\IntlFormatter' => 'getIntlFormatterService',
  344.             'Pimcore\\Log\\ApplicationLogger' => 'getApplicationLoggerService',
  345.             'Pimcore\\Log\\Handler\\ApplicationLoggerDb' => 'getApplicationLoggerDbService',
  346.             'Pimcore\\Mail\\Mailer' => 'getMailerService',
  347.             'Pimcore\\Migrations\\FilteredMigrationsRepository' => 'getFilteredMigrationsRepositoryService',
  348.             'Pimcore\\Migrations\\FilteredTableMetadataStorage' => 'getFilteredTableMetadataStorageService',
  349.             'Pimcore\\Model\\DataObject\\ClassDefinition\\ClassDefinitionManager' => 'getClassDefinitionManagerService',
  350.             'Pimcore\\Model\\DataObject\\ClassDefinition\\ClassLayoutDefinitionManager' => 'getClassLayoutDefinitionManagerService',
  351.             'Pimcore\\Model\\DataObject\\ClassDefinition\\DynamicOptionsProvider\\CountryOptionsProvider' => 'getCountryOptionsProviderService',
  352.             'Pimcore\\Model\\DataObject\\QuantityValue\\QuantityValueConverterInterface' => 'getQuantityValueConverterInterfaceService',
  353.             'Pimcore\\Model\\DataObject\\QuantityValue\\UnitConversionService' => 'getUnitConversionServiceService',
  354.             'Pimcore\\Model\\Notification\\Service\\NotificationService' => 'getNotificationServiceService',
  355.             'Pimcore\\Model\\Version\\Adapter\\VersionStorageAdapterInterface' => 'getVersionStorageAdapterInterfaceService',
  356.             'Pimcore\\Serializer\\Serializer' => 'getSerializer3Service',
  357.             'Pimcore\\Tool\\AssetsInstaller' => 'getAssetsInstallerService',
  358.             'Pimcore\\Tool\\Storage' => 'getStorageService',
  359.             'Pimcore\\Workflow\\Dumper\\GraphvizDumper' => 'getGraphvizDumperService',
  360.             'Pimcore\\Workflow\\Dumper\\StateMachineGraphvizDumper' => 'getStateMachineGraphvizDumperService',
  361.             'Pimcore\\Workflow\\Notification\\NotificationEmailService' => 'getNotificationEmailServiceService',
  362.             'Scheb\\TwoFactorBundle\\Model\\PersisterInterface' => 'getPersisterInterfaceService',
  363.             'Scheb\\TwoFactorBundle\\Security\\TwoFactor\\Provider\\TwoFactorFormRendererInterface' => 'getTwoFactorFormRendererInterfaceService',
  364.             'Symfony\\Bundle\\FrameworkBundle\\Controller\\RedirectController' => 'getRedirectControllerService',
  365.             'Symfony\\Bundle\\FrameworkBundle\\Controller\\TemplateController' => 'getTemplateControllerService',
  366.             'app.datahub.full-exporter' => 'getApp_Datahub_FullexporterService',
  367.             'app.datahub.variant-exporter' => 'getApp_Datahub_VariantexporterService',
  368.             '' => 'getApp_Datahub_Variantexporter_AtService',
  369.             '' => 'getApp_Datahub_Variantexporter_ChService',
  370.             '' => 'getApp_Datahub_Variantexporter_CzService',
  371.             '' => 'getApp_Datahub_Variantexporter_DeService',
  372.             '' => 'getApp_Datahub_Variantexporter_GbService',
  373.             '' => 'getApp_Datahub_Variantexporter_HuService',
  374.             '' => 'getApp_Datahub_Variantexporter_ItService',
  375.             '' => 'getApp_Datahub_Variantexporter_NlService',
  376.             '' => 'getApp_Datahub_Variantexporter_PlService',
  377.             '' => 'getApp_Datahub_Variantexporter_SkService',
  378.             'cache.app_clearer' => 'getCache_AppClearerService',
  379.             'cache.global_clearer' => 'getCache_GlobalClearerService',
  380.             'cache.system_clearer' => 'getCache_SystemClearerService',
  381.             'cache_warmer' => 'getCacheWarmerService',
  382.             'cmf_routing.redirect_controller' => 'getCmfRouting_RedirectControllerService',
  383.             'console.command.public_alias.AdvancedObjectSearchBundle\\Command\\ProcessUpdateQueueCommand' => 'getProcessUpdateQueueCommandService',
  384.             'console.command.public_alias.AdvancedObjectSearchBundle\\Command\\ReindexCommand' => 'getReindexCommandService',
  385.             'console.command.public_alias.AdvancedObjectSearchBundle\\Command\\UpdateMappingCommand' => 'getUpdateMappingCommandService',
  386.             'console.command.public_alias.Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\Command\\ClassMethodExecutorCommand' => 'getClassMethodExecutorCommandService',
  387.             'console.command.public_alias.Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\Command\\MaintenanceCommand' => 'getMaintenanceCommandService',
  388.             'console.command.public_alias.Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\Command\\MigrationGeneratorCommand' => 'getMigrationGeneratorCommandService',
  389.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle\\Command\\MigrateToCustomSettingsCommand' => 'getMigrateToCustomSettingsCommandService',
  390.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle\\Command\\PopulateCommand' => 'getPopulateCommandService',
  391.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\Bundle\\ListCommand' => 'getListCommandService',
  392.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\CacheWarmingCommand' => 'getCacheWarmingCommandService',
  393.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\ClassesDefinitionsBuildCommand' => 'getClassesDefinitionsBuildCommandService',
  394.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\Definition\\Import\\ClassCommand' => 'getClassCommandService',
  395.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\Definition\\Import\\CustomLayoutCommand' => 'getCustomLayoutCommandService',
  396.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\Definition\\Import\\FieldCollectionCommand' => 'getFieldCollectionCommandService',
  397.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\Definition\\Import\\ObjectBrickCommand' => 'getObjectBrickCommandService',
  398.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\DeleteClassificationStoreCommand' => 'getDeleteClassificationStoreCommandService',
  399.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\DeleteUnusedLocaleDataCommand' => 'getDeleteUnusedLocaleDataCommandService',
  400.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\Document\\GeneratePagePreviews' => 'getGeneratePagePreviewsService',
  401.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\Document\\MigrateElementsCommand' => 'getMigrateElementsCommandService',
  402.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\EmailLogsCleanupCommand' => 'getEmailLogsCleanupCommandService',
  403.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\GenerateStaticPagesCommand' => 'getGenerateStaticPagesCommandService',
  404.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\InternalMigrationHelpersCommand' => 'getInternalMigrationHelpersCommandService',
  405.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\InternalModelDaoMappingGeneratorCommand' => 'getInternalModelDaoMappingGeneratorCommandService',
  406.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\InternalUnicodeCldrLanguageTerritoryGeneratorCommand' => 'getInternalUnicodeCldrLanguageTerritoryGeneratorCommandService',
  407.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\LowQualityImagePreviewCommand' => 'getLowQualityImagePreviewCommandService',
  408.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\MaintenanceModeCommand' => 'getMaintenanceModeCommandService',
  409.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\Migrate\\StorageCommand' => 'getStorageCommandService',
  410.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\Migrate\\ThumbnailsFolderStructureCommand' => 'getThumbnailsFolderStructureCommandService',
  411.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\MysqlToolsCommand' => 'getMysqlToolsCommandService',
  412.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\RecyclebinCleanupCommand' => 'getRecyclebinCleanupCommandService',
  413.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\RequirementsCheckCommand' => 'getRequirementsCheckCommandService',
  414.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\ResetPasswordCommand' => 'getResetPasswordCommandService',
  415.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\RunScriptCommand' => 'getRunScriptCommandService',
  416.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\SearchBackendReindexCommand' => 'getSearchBackendReindexCommandService',
  417.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\ThumbnailsClearCommand' => 'getThumbnailsClearCommandService',
  418.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\ThumbnailsImageCommand' => 'getThumbnailsImageCommandService',
  419.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\ThumbnailsVideoCommand' => 'getThumbnailsVideoCommandService',
  420.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\Command\\Configuration\\MigrateLegacyConfig' => 'getMigrateLegacyConfigService',
  421.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\Command\\Configuration\\RebuildWorkspacesCommand' => 'getRebuildWorkspacesCommandService',
  422.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\Command\\GraphQL\\RebuildDefinitionsCommand' => 'getRebuildDefinitionsCommandService',
  423.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle\\Command\\CronExecutionCommand' => 'getCronExecutionCommandService',
  424.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle\\Command\\ExportFileCommand' => 'getExportFileCommandService',
  425.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubSimpleRestBundle\\Command\\CreateOrUpdateMappingCommand' => 'getCreateOrUpdateMappingCommandService',
  426.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubSimpleRestBundle\\Command\\ProcessQueueCommand' => 'getProcessQueueCommandService',
  427.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubSimpleRestBundle\\Command\\ResetQueueCommand' => 'getResetQueueCommandService',
  428.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataImporterBundle\\Command\\CronExecutionCommand' => 'getCronExecutionCommand2Service',
  429.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataImporterBundle\\Command\\DummyDataCommand' => 'getDummyDataCommandService',
  430.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataImporterBundle\\Command\\ParallelProcessQueueCommand' => 'getParallelProcessQueueCommandService',
  431.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataImporterBundle\\Command\\PrepareImportCommand' => 'getPrepareImportCommandService',
  432.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataImporterBundle\\Command\\SequentialProcessQueueCommand' => 'getSequentialProcessQueueCommandService',
  433.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\DirectEditBundle\\Command\\CleanupCommand' => 'getCleanupCommandService',
  434.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Command\\SizeEstimationCommand' => 'getSizeEstimationCommandService',
  435.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Command\\Update\\IndexRecreateCommand' => 'getIndexRecreateCommandService',
  436.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Command\\Update\\IndexUpdateCommand' => 'getIndexUpdateCommandService',
  437.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Command\\Update\\UpdateFrontendBuildCommand' => 'getUpdateFrontendBuildCommandService',
  438.             'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Command\\WizardCommand' => 'getWizardCommandService',
  439.             'console.command_loader' => 'getConsole_CommandLoaderService',
  440.             'container.env_var_processors_locator' => 'getContainer_EnvVarProcessorsLocatorService',
  441.             'error_controller' => 'getErrorControllerService',
  442.             'fos_js_routing.controller' => 'getFosJsRouting_ControllerService',
  443.             'fos_js_routing.extractor' => 'getFosJsRouting_ExtractorService',
  444.             'fos_js_routing.serializer' => 'getFosJsRouting_SerializerService',
  445.             'monolog.logger.DATA-IMPORTER' => 'getMonolog_Logger_DATAIMPORTERService',
  446.             '' => 'getMonolog_Logger_AdvancedObjectSearch_EsService',
  447.             'monolog.logger.console' => 'getMonolog_Logger_ConsoleService',
  448.             'monolog.logger.debug' => 'getMonolog_Logger_DebugService',
  449.             'monolog.logger.lock' => 'getMonolog_Logger_LockService',
  450.             'monolog.logger.mailer' => 'getMonolog_Logger_MailerService',
  451.             'monolog.logger.messenger' => 'getMonolog_Logger_MessengerService',
  452.             'monolog.logger.pimcore' => 'getMonolog_Logger_PimcoreService',
  453.             'monolog.logger.pimcore_admin.session' => 'getMonolog_Logger_PimcoreAdmin_SessionService',
  454.             'monolog.logger.pimcore_advanced_object_search' => 'getMonolog_Logger_PimcoreAdvancedObjectSearchService',
  455.             'monolog.logger.pimcore_api' => 'getMonolog_Logger_PimcoreApiService',
  456.             'monolog.logger.pimcore_datahub_simplerest' => 'getMonolog_Logger_PimcoreDatahubSimplerestService',
  457.             '' => 'getMonolog_Logger_PimcoreStatisticsExplorer_EsService',
  458.             'monolog.logger.portalengine' => 'getMonolog_Logger_PortalengineService',
  459.             'monolog.logger.session' => 'getMonolog_Logger_SessionService',
  460.             'monolog.logger.translation' => 'getMonolog_Logger_TranslationService',
  461.             'pim.logger' => 'getPim_LoggerService',
  462.             '' => 'getPimcore_Analytics_Google_FallbackServiceLocatorService',
  463.             'pimcore.cache.adapter.null_tag_aware' => 'getPimcore_Cache_Adapter_NullTagAwareService',
  464.             'pimcore.class.resolver.document' => 'getPimcore_Class_Resolver_DocumentService',
  465.             'pimcore.custom_report.adapter.factories' => 'getPimcore_CustomReport_Adapter_FactoriesService',
  466.             '' => 'getPimcore_ImplementationLoader_Asset_Metadata_DataService',
  467.             '' => 'getPimcore_ImplementationLoader_Object_DataService',
  468.             'pimcore.implementation_loader.object.layout' => 'getPimcore_ImplementationLoader_Object_LayoutService',
  469.             'pimcore.model.factory' => 'getPimcore_Model_FactoryService',
  470.             'pimcore.newsletter.address_source_adapter.factories' => 'getPimcore_Newsletter_AddressSourceAdapter_FactoriesService',
  471.             '' => 'getPimcore_Workflow_PlaceoptionsproviderService',
  472.             '' => 'getPimcoreAssetMetadataClassdefinitions_ImplementationLoader_DataService',
  473.             'pimcore_asset_metadata_classdefinitions.implementation_loader.layout' => 'getPimcoreAssetMetadataClassdefinitions_ImplementationLoader_LayoutService',
  474.             'presta_sitemap.controller' => 'getPrestaSitemap_ControllerService',
  475.             'presta_sitemap.dump_command' => 'getPrestaSitemap_DumpCommandService',
  476.             'presta_sitemap.dumper' => 'getPrestaSitemap_DumperService',
  477.             'presta_sitemap.generator' => 'getPrestaSitemap_GeneratorService',
  478.             'routing.loader' => 'getRouting_LoaderService',
  479.             'scheb_two_factor.firewall_context' => 'getSchebTwoFactor_FirewallContextService',
  480.             'scheb_two_factor.form_controller' => 'getSchebTwoFactor_FormControllerService',
  481.             '' => 'getSchebTwoFactor_Security_GoogleAuthenticatorService',
  482.             'services_resetter' => 'getServicesResetterService',
  483.             'web_profiler.controller.exception_panel' => 'getWebProfiler_Controller_ExceptionPanelService',
  484.             'web_profiler.controller.profiler' => 'getWebProfiler_Controller_ProfilerService',
  485.             'web_profiler.controller.router' => 'getWebProfiler_Controller_RouterService',
  486.         ];
  487.         $this->aliases = [
  488.             'App\\Kernel' => 'kernel',
  489.             'Doctrine\\Persistence\\ConnectionRegistry' => 'doctrine',
  490.             'GuzzleHttp\\ClientInterface' => 'GuzzleHttp\\Client',
  491.             'Pimcore\\Db\\Connection' => 'doctrine.dbal.default_connection',
  492.             'Pimcore\\Db\\ConnectionInterface' => 'doctrine.dbal.default_connection',
  493.             'Pimcore\\Kernel' => 'kernel',
  494.             'Pimcore\\Localization\\LocaleService' => 'Pimcore\\Localization\\LocaleServiceInterface',
  495.             'Presta\\SitemapBundle\\Controller\\SitemapController' => 'presta_sitemap.controller',
  496.             'Scheb\\TwoFactorBundle\\Security\\TwoFactor\\Provider\\Google\\GoogleAuthenticator' => '',
  497.             'Scheb\\TwoFactorBundle\\Security\\TwoFactor\\Provider\\Google\\GoogleAuthenticatorInterface' => '',
  498.             'Scheb\\TwoFactorBundle\\Security\\TwoFactor\\TwoFactorFirewallContext' => 'scheb_two_factor.firewall_context',
  499.             'database_connection' => 'doctrine.dbal.default_connection',
  500.             'doctrine.orm.entity_manager' => 'doctrine.orm.pimcore_direct_edit_entity_manager',
  501.             'messenger.bus.pimcore-core' => 'messenger.default_bus',
  502.             'pimcore.app_logger' => 'Pimcore\\Log\\ApplicationLogger',
  503.             'pimcore.app_logger.default' => 'Pimcore\\Log\\ApplicationLogger',
  504.             'pimcore.datahub.fileExport.exporter.file' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle\\Exporter\\File',
  505.             'pimcore.http_client' => 'GuzzleHttp\\Client',
  506.             'pimcore.locale' => 'Pimcore\\Localization\\LocaleServiceInterface',
  507.             '' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Security\\User\\TokenStorageUserResolver',
  508.             'pimcore_admin.serializer' => 'Pimcore\\Admin\\Serializer',
  509.             'translator' => 'Symfony\\Contracts\\Translation\\TranslatorInterface',
  510.         ];
  511.         $this->privates['service_container'] = function () {
  512.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernelInterface.php';
  513.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/KernelInterface.php';
  514.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/RebootableInterface.php';
  515.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/TerminableInterface.php';
  516.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Kernel.php';
  517.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/framework-bundle/Kernel/MicroKernelTrait.php';
  518.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Kernel.php';
  519.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/src/Kernel.php';
  520.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/ControllerMetadata/ArgumentMetadataFactoryInterface.php';
  521.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/ControllerMetadata/ArgumentMetadataFactory.php';
  522.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventSubscriberInterface.php';
  523.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/ResponseListener.php';
  524.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/StreamedResponseListener.php';
  525.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/LocaleListener.php';
  526.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/ValidateRequestListener.php';
  527.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/DisallowRobotsIndexingListener.php';
  528.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/ErrorListener.php';
  529.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/ParameterBag/ParameterBagInterface.php';
  530.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/ParameterBag/ParameterBag.php';
  531.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/ParameterBag/FrozenParameterBag.php';
  532.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/psr/container/src/ContainerInterface.php';
  533.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/ParameterBag/ContainerBagInterface.php';
  534.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/ParameterBag/ContainerBag.php';
  535.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php';
  536.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Controller/ArgumentResolverInterface.php';
  537.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Controller/TraceableArgumentResolver.php';
  538.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Controller/ArgumentResolver.php';
  539.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/RequestStack.php';
  540.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/config/ConfigCacheFactoryInterface.php';
  541.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/config/ResourceCheckerConfigCacheFactory.php';
  542.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/LocaleAwareListener.php';
  543.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Fragment/FragmentRendererInterface.php';
  544.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Fragment/RoutableFragmentRenderer.php';
  545.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Fragment/InlineFragmentRenderer.php';
  546.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/psr/cache/src/CacheItemPoolInterface.php';
  547.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Adapter/AdapterInterface.php';
  548.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/contracts/Cache/CacheInterface.php';
  549.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/cache/PruneableInterface.php';
  550.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/contracts/Service/ResetInterface.php';
  551.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/cache/ResettableInterface.php';
  552.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Adapter/TraceableAdapter.php';
  553.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/contracts/Cache/CacheTrait.php';
  554.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Traits/ContractsTrait.php';
  555.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Traits/ProxyTrait.php';
  556.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Adapter/ProxyAdapter.php';
  557.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/psr/log/Psr/Log/LoggerAwareInterface.php';
  558.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/psr/log/Psr/Log/LoggerAwareTrait.php';
  559.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Traits/AbstractAdapterTrait.php';
  560.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Adapter/AbstractAdapter.php';
  561.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Marshaller/MarshallerInterface.php';
  562.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Marshaller/DefaultMarshaller.php';
  563.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/asset/Packages.php';
  564.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/asset/PackageInterface.php';
  565.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/asset/Package.php';
  566.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/asset/PathPackage.php';
  567.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/asset/VersionStrategy/VersionStrategyInterface.php';
  568.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/asset/VersionStrategy/EmptyVersionStrategy.php';
  569.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/asset/Context/ContextInterface.php';
  570.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/asset/Context/RequestStackContext.php';
  571.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/mailer/EventListener/MessageLoggerListener.php';
  572.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/contracts/Translation/TranslatorInterface.php';
  573.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/translation/TranslatorBagInterface.php';
  574.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/contracts/Translation/LocaleAwareInterface.php';
  575.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/translation/Translator.php';
  576.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/CacheWarmer/WarmableInterface.php';
  577.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/framework-bundle/Translation/Translator.php';
  578.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/contracts/Service/ServiceProviderInterface.php';
  579.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/contracts/Service/ServiceLocatorTrait.php';
  580.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/ServiceLocator.php';
  581.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/translation/Formatter/MessageFormatterInterface.php';
  582.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/translation/Formatter/IntlFormatterInterface.php';
  583.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/translation/Formatter/MessageFormatter.php';
  584.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/contracts/Translation/TranslatorTrait.php';
  585.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/translation/IdentityTranslator.php';
  586.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/DebugHandlersListener.php';
  587.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Debug/FileLinkFormatter.php';
  588.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/stopwatch/Stopwatch.php';
  589.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Controller/ControllerResolverInterface.php';
  590.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Controller/TraceableControllerResolver.php';
  591.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Controller/ControllerResolver.php';
  592.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Controller/ContainerControllerResolver.php';
  593.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/framework-bundle/Controller/ControllerResolver.php';
  594.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Log/DebugLoggerInterface.php';
  595.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/monolog-bridge/Processor/DebugProcessor.php';
  596.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/expression-language/ExpressionFunctionProviderInterface.php';
  597.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/routing/Matcher/ExpressionLanguageProvider.php';
  598.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/RouterListener.php';
  599.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/annotations/lib/Doctrine/Common/Annotations/Reader.php';
  600.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/annotations/lib/Doctrine/Common/Annotations/AnnotationReader.php';
  601.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/annotations/lib/Doctrine/Common/Annotations/AnnotationRegistry.php';
  602.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/annotations/lib/Doctrine/Common/Annotations/PsrCachedReader.php';
  603.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Adapter/PhpArrayAdapter.php';
  604.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/property-info/PropertyTypeExtractorInterface.php';
  605.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/property-info/PropertyDescriptionExtractorInterface.php';
  606.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/property-info/PropertyAccessExtractorInterface.php';
  607.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/property-info/PropertyListExtractorInterface.php';
  608.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/property-info/PropertyInfoExtractorInterface.php';
  609.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/property-info/PropertyInitializableExtractorInterface.php';
  610.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/property-info/PropertyInfoExtractor.php';
  611.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/web-link/EventListener/AddLinkHeaderListener.php';
  612.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Adapter/TagAwareAdapterInterface.php';
  613.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/contracts/Cache/TagAwareCacheInterface.php';
  614.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Adapter/TagAwareAdapter.php';
  615.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Adapter/TraceableTagAwareAdapter.php';
  616.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/Session/SessionFactoryInterface.php';
  617.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/Session/SessionFactory.php';
  618.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/Session/Storage/SessionStorageFactoryInterface.php';
  619.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/Session/Storage/NativeSessionStorageFactory.php';
  620.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/Session/Storage/Handler/AbstractSessionHandler.php';
  621.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/Session/Storage/Handler/StrictSessionHandler.php';
  622.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/Session/SessionBagInterface.php';
  623.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/Session/Storage/MetadataBag.php';
  624.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/form/FormRegistryInterface.php';
  625.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/form/FormRegistry.php';
  626.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/form/FormExtensionInterface.php';
  627.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/form/Extension/DependencyInjection/DependencyInjectionExtension.php';
  628.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/form/ResolvedFormTypeFactoryInterface.php';
  629.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/form/Extension/DataCollector/Proxy/ResolvedTypeFactoryDataCollectorProxy.php';
  630.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/form/ResolvedFormTypeFactory.php';
  631.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/validator/ValidatorBuilder.php';
  632.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Validation.php';
  633.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/validator/ConstraintValidatorFactoryInterface.php';
  634.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/validator/ContainerConstraintValidatorFactory.php';
  635.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/validator/ObjectInitializerInterface.php';
  636.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/doctrine-bridge/Validator/DoctrineInitializer.php';
  637.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Mapping/Loader/LoaderInterface.php';
  638.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Mapping/Loader/AutoMappingTrait.php';
  639.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Mapping/Loader/PropertyInfoLoader.php';
  640.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/doctrine-bridge/Validator/DoctrineLoader.php';
  641.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/notifier/EventListener/NotificationLoggerListener.php';
  642.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/ProfilerListener.php';
  643.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/DataCollector/DataCollectorInterface.php';
  644.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/DataCollector/DataCollector.php';
  645.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/DataCollector/LateDataCollectorInterface.php';
  646.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/DataCollector/RequestDataCollector.php';
  647.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/DataCollector/RouterDataCollector.php';
  648.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/framework-bundle/DataCollector/RouterDataCollector.php';
  649.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/form/Extension/DataCollector/FormDataCollectorInterface.php';
  650.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/form/Extension/DataCollector/FormDataCollector.php';
  651.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/form/Extension/DataCollector/FormDataExtractorInterface.php';
  652.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/form/Extension/DataCollector/FormDataExtractor.php';
  653.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/translation/DataCollectorTranslator.php';
  654.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Authentication/Token/Storage/TokenStorageInterface.php';
  655.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Authentication/Token/Storage/TokenStorage.php';
  656.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Authorization/AuthorizationCheckerInterface.php';
  657.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Security.php';
  658.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Role/RoleHierarchyInterface.php';
  659.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Role/RoleHierarchy.php';
  660.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-http/FirewallMapInterface.php';
  661.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-bundle/Security/FirewallMap.php';
  662.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-http/Logout/LogoutUrlGenerator.php';
  663.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-http/HttpUtils.php';
  664.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-http/RememberMe/ResponseListener.php';
  665.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Authorization/AccessDecisionManagerInterface.php';
  666.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Authorization/TraceableAccessDecisionManager.php';
  667.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Authorization/AccessDecisionManager.php';
  668.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Authorization/Strategy/AccessDecisionStrategyInterface.php';
  669.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Authorization/Strategy/AffirmativeStrategy.php';
  670.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-http/Firewall.php';
  671.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-bundle/EventListener/FirewallListener.php';
  672.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-bundle/Debug/TraceableFirewallListener.php';
  673.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/psr/event-dispatcher/src/EventDispatcherInterface.php';
  674.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/contracts/EventDispatcher/EventDispatcherInterface.php';
  675.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcherInterface.php';
  676.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php';
  677.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-http/Firewall/FirewallListenerInterface.php';
  678.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-http/Firewall/AbstractListener.php';
  679.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-http/Firewall/ContextListener.php';
  680.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/scheb/2fa-bundle/Security/TwoFactor/TwoFactorFirewallConfig.php';
  681.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/scheb/2fa-bundle/Security/Http/Utils/RequestDataReader.php';
  682.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/scheb/2fa-bundle/Security/TwoFactor/Event/TwoFactorFormListener.php';
  683.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/scheb/2fa-bundle/Security/TwoFactor/Provider/TwoFactorProviderPreparationListener.php';
  684.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/twig/twig/src/Loader/LoaderInterface.php';
  685.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/twig/twig/src/Loader/FilesystemLoader.php';
  686.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/twig/twig/src/Profiler/Profile.php';
  687.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/Extension/HttpKernelRuntime.php';
  688.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Fragment/FragmentHandler.php';
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  1063.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/Extension/YamlExtension.php';
  1064.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/Extension/StopwatchExtension.php';
  1065.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/Extension/ExpressionExtension.php';
  1066.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/Extension/HttpKernelExtension.php';
  1067.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/Extension/HttpFoundationExtension.php';
  1068.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/UrlHelper.php';
  1069.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/Extension/SerializerExtension.php';
  1070.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/Extension/FormExtension.php';
  1071.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/Extension/DumpExtension.php';
  1072.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/twig/string-extra/StringExtension.php';
  1073.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/Twig/DoctrineExtension.php';
  1074.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/web-profiler-bundle/Twig/WebProfilerExtension.php';
  1075.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Twig/Extension/HelpersExtension.php';
  1076.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Twig/Extension/DocumentEditableExtension.php';
  1077.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Twig/Extension/PimcoreObjectExtension.php';
  1078.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Twig/Extension/PimcoreToolExtension.php';
  1079.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Twig/Extension/NavigationExtension.php';
  1080.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Twig/Extension/GlossaryExtension.php';
  1081.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Tool/Glossary/Processor.php';
  1082.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Twig/Extension/HeaderExtension.php';
  1083.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Twig/Extension/AssetCompressExtension.php';
  1084.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Twig/Extension/WebsiteConfigExtension.php';
  1085.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Twig/Extension/DumpExtension.php';
  1086.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Twig/Extension/CacheExtension.php';
  1087.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Twig/Extension/AssetHelperExtensions.php';
  1088.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Twig/Extension/DataObjectHelperExtensions.php';
  1089.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Twig/Extension/DocumentHelperExtensions.php';
  1090.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Twig/Extension/ImageThumbnailExtension.php';
  1091.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/rybakit/twig-deferred-extension/src/DeferredExtension.php';
  1092.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/twig/twig/src/Extension/SandboxExtension.php';
  1093.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/twig/twig/src/Sandbox/SecurityPolicyInterface.php';
  1094.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Twig/Sandbox/SecurityPolicy.php';
  1095.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Twig/Extension/AdminExtension.php';
  1096.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/portal-engine/src/Twig/ConfigExtension.php';
  1097.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/portal-engine/src/Service/Frontend/FrontendConfigService.php';
  1098.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/portal-engine/src/Twig/HeadTitleExtension.php';
  1099.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/portal-engine/src/Twig/PortalImagesExtension.php';
  1100.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/portal-engine/src/Twig/PortalLanguagesExtension.php';
  1101.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/portal-engine/src/Twig/TranslatorExtension.php';
  1102.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/portal-engine/src/Service/Security/Traits/SecurityServiceAware.php';
  1103.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/portal-engine/src/Twig/UserExtension.php';
  1104.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/portal-engine/src/Twig/WebpackExtension.php';
  1105.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/webpack-encore-bundle/src/Twig/EntryFilesTwigExtension.php';
  1106.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/webpack-encore-bundle/src/Twig/StimulusTwigExtension.php';
  1107.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/blackbit/data-director/lib/Pim/Twig/DachcomToolboxExtension.php';
  1108.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/AppVariable.php';
  1109.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/twig/twig/src/RuntimeLoader/RuntimeLoaderInterface.php';
  1110.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/twig/twig/src/RuntimeLoader/ContainerRuntimeLoader.php';
  1111.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/twig/extra-bundle/MissingExtensionSuggestor.php';
  1112.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/twig-bundle/DependencyInjection/Configurator/EnvironmentConfigurator.php';
  1113.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/Session/SessionInterface.php';
  1114.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/Session/Session.php';
  1115.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Session/SessionConfigurator.php';
  1116.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Mapping/Factory/MetadataFactoryInterface.php';
  1117.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Validator/ValidatorInterface.php';
  1118.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Validator/TraceableValidator.php';
  1119.         };
  1120.     }
  1121.     public function compile(): void
  1122.     {
  1123.         throw new LogicException('You cannot compile a dumped container that was already compiled.');
  1124.     }
  1125.     public function isCompiled(): bool
  1126.     {
  1127.         return true;
  1128.     }
  1129.     public function getRemovedIds(): array
  1130.     {
  1131.         return require $this->containerDir.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'removed-ids.php';
  1132.     }
  1133.     protected function load($file$lazyLoad true)
  1134.     {
  1135.         if (class_exists($class __NAMESPACE__.'\\'.$filefalse)) {
  1136.             return $class::do($this$lazyLoad);
  1137.         }
  1138.         if ('.' === $file[-4]) {
  1139.             $class substr($class0, -4);
  1140.         } else {
  1141.             $file .= '.php';
  1142.         }
  1143.         $service = require $this->containerDir.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file;
  1144.         return class_exists($classfalse) ? $class::do($this$lazyLoad) : $service;
  1145.     }
  1146.     protected function createProxy($class\Closure $factory)
  1147.     {
  1148.         class_exists($classfalse) || require __DIR__.'/'.$class.'.php';
  1149.         return $factory();
  1150.     }
  1151.     /**
  1152.      * Gets the public '.container.private.form.factory' shared service.
  1153.      *
  1154.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Form\FormFactory
  1155.      */
  1156.     protected function get_Container_Private_Form_FactoryService()
  1157.     {
  1158.         $a = ($this->privates['form.registry'] ?? $this->getForm_RegistryService());
  1159.         if (isset($this->services['.container.private.form.factory'])) {
  1160.             return $this->services['.container.private.form.factory'];
  1161.         }
  1162.         return $this->services['.container.private.form.factory'] = new \Symfony\Component\Form\FormFactory($a);
  1163.     }
  1164.     /**
  1165.      * Gets the public '.container.private.profiler' shared service.
  1166.      *
  1167.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler\Profiler
  1168.      */
  1169.     protected function get_Container_Private_ProfilerService()
  1170.     {
  1171.         $a = ($this->services['monolog.logger.profiler'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_ProfilerService());
  1172.         $this->services['.container.private.profiler'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler\Profiler(new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler\FileProfilerStorage(('file:'.$this->targetDir.''.'/profiler')), $atrue);
  1173.         $b = ($this->services['kernel'] ?? $this->get('kernel'));
  1174.         $c = ($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack()));
  1175.         $d = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\DataCollector\CacheDataCollector();
  1176.         $d->addInstance('', ($this->services[''] ?? $this->getCache_AppService()));
  1177.         $d->addInstance('cache.system', ($this->services['cache.system'] ?? $this->getCache_SystemService()));
  1178.         $d->addInstance('cache.validator', ($this->privates['cache.validator'] ?? $this->getCache_ValidatorService()));
  1179.         $d->addInstance('cache.serializer', ($this->privates['cache.serializer'] ?? $this->getCache_SerializerService()));
  1180.         $d->addInstance('cache.annotations', ($this->privates['cache.annotations'] ?? $this->getCache_AnnotationsService()));
  1181.         $d->addInstance('cache.property_info', ($this->privates['cache.property_info'] ?? $this->getCache_PropertyInfoService()));
  1182.         $d->addInstance('cache.messenger.restart_workers_signal', ($this->privates['cache.messenger.restart_workers_signal'] ?? $this->getCache_Messenger_RestartWorkersSignalService()));
  1183.         $d->addInstance('cache.rate_limiter', ($this->privates['cache.rate_limiter'] ?? $this->getCache_RateLimiterService()));
  1184.         $d->addInstance('pimcore.cache.pool', ($this->privates['.pimcore.cache.pool.inner'] ?? $this->get_Pimcore_Cache_Pool_InnerService()));
  1185.         $d->addInstance('cache.validator_expression_language', ($this->services['cache.validator_expression_language'] ?? $this->getCache_ValidatorExpressionLanguageService()));
  1186.         $d->addInstance('cache.security_expression_language', ($this->privates['cache.security_expression_language'] ?? $this->getCache_SecurityExpressionLanguageService()));
  1187.         $d->addInstance('cache.security_token_verifier', ($this->privates['cache.security_token_verifier'] ?? $this->getCache_SecurityTokenVerifierService()));
  1188.         $d->addInstance('cache.doctrine.orm.pimcore_direct_edit.result', ($this->privates['cache.doctrine.orm.pimcore_direct_edit.result'] ?? $this->getCache_Doctrine_Orm_PimcoreDirectEdit_ResultService()));
  1189.         $d->addInstance('cache.doctrine.orm.pimcore_direct_edit.query', ($this->privates['cache.doctrine.orm.pimcore_direct_edit.query'] ?? $this->getCache_Doctrine_Orm_PimcoreDirectEdit_QueryService()));
  1190.         $d->addInstance('cache.doctrine.orm.portal_engine.result', ($this->privates['cache.doctrine.orm.portal_engine.result'] ?? $this->getCache_Doctrine_Orm_PortalEngine_ResultService()));
  1191.         $d->addInstance('cache.doctrine.orm.portal_engine.query', ($this->privates['cache.doctrine.orm.portal_engine.query'] ?? $this->getCache_Doctrine_Orm_PortalEngine_QueryService()));
  1192.         $d->addInstance('cache.doctrine.orm.statistics_explorer.result', ($this->privates['cache.doctrine.orm.statistics_explorer.result'] ?? $this->getCache_Doctrine_Orm_StatisticsExplorer_ResultService()));
  1193.         $d->addInstance('cache.doctrine.orm.statistics_explorer.query', ($this->privates['cache.doctrine.orm.statistics_explorer.query'] ?? $this->getCache_Doctrine_Orm_StatisticsExplorer_QueryService()));
  1194.         $d->addInstance('pimcore.cache.adapter.redis_tag_aware', ($this->privates['pimcore.cache.adapter.redis_tag_aware'] ?? $this->getPimcore_Cache_Adapter_RedisTagAwareService()));
  1195.         $d->addInstance('cache.webpack_encore', ($this->privates['cache.webpack_encore'] ?? $this->getCache_WebpackEncoreService()));
  1196.         $e = new \Symfony\Component\HttpClient\DataCollector\HttpClientDataCollector();
  1197.         $e->registerClient('http_client', ($this->privates['.debug.http_client'] ?? $this->get_Debug_HttpClientService()));
  1198.         $f = new \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\DataCollector\DoctrineDataCollector(($this->services['doctrine'] ?? $this->getDoctrineService()), trueNULL);
  1199.         $f->addLogger('default', ($this->privates['doctrine.dbal.logger.profiling.default'] ?? ($this->privates['doctrine.dbal.logger.profiling.default'] = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\DebugStack())));
  1200.         $g = new \Symfony\Component\Messenger\DataCollector\MessengerDataCollector();
  1201.         $g->registerBus('messenger.bus.pimcore-core', ($this->services['messenger.default_bus'] ?? $this->getMessenger_DefaultBusService()));
  1202.         $g->registerBus('messenger.bus.portal-engine', ($this->privates['debug.traced.messenger.bus.portal-engine'] ?? $this->getDebug_Traced_Messenger_Bus_PortalengineService()));
  1203.         $h = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\ConfigDataCollector();
  1204.         if ($this->has('kernel')) {
  1205.             $h->setKernel($b);
  1206.         }
  1207.         $instance->add(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\DataCollector\\PimcoreDataCollector'] ?? $this->getPimcoreDataCollectorService()));
  1208.         $instance->add(($this->privates['data_collector.request'] ?? $this->getDataCollector_RequestService()));
  1209.         $instance->add(new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\TimeDataCollector($b, ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] ?? ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] = new \Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\Stopwatch(true)))));
  1210.         $instance->add(new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\MemoryDataCollector());
  1211.         $instance->add(new \Symfony\Component\Validator\DataCollector\ValidatorDataCollector(($this->services['.container.private.validator'] ?? $this->get_Container_Private_ValidatorService())));
  1212.         $instance->add(new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\AjaxDataCollector());
  1213.         $instance->add(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\DataCollector\\PimcoreTargetingDataCollector'] ?? $this->getPimcoreTargetingDataCollectorService()));
  1214.         $instance->add(($this->privates['data_collector.form'] ?? $this->getDataCollector_FormService()));
  1215.         $instance->add(new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\ExceptionDataCollector());
  1216.         $instance->add(new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\LoggerDataCollector($a, ($this->targetDir.''.'/App_KernelTestingDebugContainer'), $c));
  1217.         $instance->add(new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\EventDataCollector(($this->services['event_dispatcher'] ?? $this->getEventDispatcherService()), $c));
  1218.         $instance->add(($this->privates['data_collector.router'] ?? ($this->privates['data_collector.router'] = new \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DataCollector\RouterDataCollector())));
  1219.         $instance->add($d);
  1220.         $instance->add(new \Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollector\TranslationDataCollector(($this->privates['translator.data_collector'] ?? $this->getTranslator_DataCollectorService())));
  1221.         $instance->add(new \Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DataCollector\SecurityDataCollector(($this->privates['security.untracked_token_storage'] ?? ($this->privates['security.untracked_token_storage'] = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\TokenStorage())), ($this->privates['security.role_hierarchy'] ?? $this->getSecurity_RoleHierarchyService()), ($this->privates['security.logout_url_generator'] ?? $this->getSecurity_LogoutUrlGeneratorService()), ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->getDebug_Security_Access_DecisionManagerService()), ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->getSecurity_Firewall_MapService()), ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->getDebug_Security_FirewallService()), true));
  1222.         $instance->add(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\DataCollector\TwigDataCollector(($this->privates['twig.profile'] ?? ($this->privates['twig.profile'] = new \Twig\Profiler\Profile())), ($this->services['.container.private.twig'] ?? $this->get_Container_Private_TwigService())));
  1223.         $instance->add($e);
  1224.         $instance->add($f);
  1225.         $instance->add(($this->services['data_collector.dump'] ?? $this->getDataCollector_DumpService()));
  1226.         $instance->add($g);
  1227.         $instance->add(new \Symfony\Component\Mailer\DataCollector\MessageDataCollector(($this->privates['mailer.message_logger_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['mailer.message_logger_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\Mailer\EventListener\MessageLoggerListener()))));
  1228.         $instance->add(new \Symfony\Component\Notifier\DataCollector\NotificationDataCollector(($this->privates['notifier.logger_notification_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['notifier.logger_notification_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\Notifier\EventListener\NotificationLoggerListener()))));
  1229.         $instance->add($h);
  1230.         return $instance;
  1231.     }
  1232.     /**
  1233.      * Gets the public '' shared service.
  1234.      *
  1235.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\AuthorizationChecker
  1236.      */
  1237.     protected function get_Container_Private_Security_AuthorizationCheckerService()
  1238.     {
  1239.         $a = ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->getDebug_Security_Access_DecisionManagerService());
  1240.         if (isset($this->services[''])) {
  1241.             return $this->services[''];
  1242.         }
  1243.         return $this->services[''] = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\AuthorizationChecker(($this->services[''] ?? $this->get_Container_Private_Security_TokenStorageService()), $afalsefalsefalse);
  1244.     }
  1245.     /**
  1246.      * Gets the public '' shared service.
  1247.      *
  1248.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\UsageTrackingTokenStorage
  1249.      */
  1250.     protected function get_Container_Private_Security_TokenStorageService()
  1251.     {
  1252.         return $this->services[''] = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\UsageTrackingTokenStorage(($this->privates['security.untracked_token_storage'] ?? ($this->privates['security.untracked_token_storage'] = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\TokenStorage())), new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  1253.             'request_stack' => ['services''request_stack''getRequestStackService'false],
  1254.         ], [
  1255.             'request_stack' => '?',
  1256.         ]));
  1257.     }
  1258.     /**
  1259.      * Gets the public '.container.private.session' shared service.
  1260.      *
  1261.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session
  1262.      */
  1263.     protected function get_Container_Private_SessionService()
  1264.     {
  1265.         $a = ($this->privates['session.factory'] ?? $this->getSession_FactoryService());
  1266.         if (isset($this->services['.container.private.session'])) {
  1267.             return $this->services['.container.private.session'];
  1268.         }
  1269.         $this->services['.container.private.session'] = $instance $a->createSession();
  1270.         $b = new \Pimcore\Session\SessionConfigurator();
  1271.         $b->addConfigurator(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Session\\AdminSessionBagConfigurator'] ?? $this->getAdminSessionBagConfiguratorService()));
  1272.         $b->configure($instance);
  1273.         return $instance;
  1274.     }
  1275.     /**
  1276.      * Gets the public '.container.private.twig' shared service.
  1277.      *
  1278.      * @return \Twig\Environment
  1279.      */
  1280.     protected function get_Container_Private_TwigService()
  1281.     {
  1282.         $this->services['.container.private.twig'] = $instance = new \Twig\Environment(($this->privates['twig.loader.native_filesystem'] ?? $this->getTwig_Loader_NativeFilesystemService()), ['debug' => true'strict_variables' => true'autoescape' => 'name''cache' => ($this->targetDir.''.'/twig'), 'charset' => 'UTF-8']);
  1283.         $a = ($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack()));
  1284.         $b = ($this->services[''] ?? $this->get_Container_Private_Security_TokenStorageService());
  1285.         $c = ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] ?? ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] = new \Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\Stopwatch(true)));
  1286.         $d = ($this->services['Symfony\\Contracts\\Translation\\TranslatorInterface'] ?? $this->getTranslatorInterfaceService());
  1287.         $e = ($this->privates['debug.file_link_formatter'] ?? $this->getDebug_FileLinkFormatterService());
  1288.         $f = ($this->services['router'] ?? $this->getRouterService());
  1289.         $g = new \Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\HtmlDumper(NULL'UTF-8'1);
  1290.         $g->setDisplayOptions(['maxStringLength' => 4096'fileLinkFormat' => $e]);
  1291.         $h = ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\EditmodeResolver'] ?? $this->getEditmodeResolverService());
  1292.         $i = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\PortalConfig\\PortalConfigService'] ?? $this->getPortalConfigServiceService());
  1293.         $j = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Frontend\FrontendConfigService();
  1294.         $j->setConfig('geo.tileLayerUrl''{z}/{x}/{y}.png');
  1295.         $j->setConfig('geo.copyright''&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors');
  1296.         $k = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Security\\SecurityService'] ?? $this->getSecurityServiceService());
  1297.         $l = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Twig\UserExtension();
  1298.         $l->setSecurityService($k);
  1299.         $m = new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\AppVariable();
  1300.         $m->setEnvironment('testing');
  1301.         $m->setDebug(true);
  1302.         if ($this->has('')) {
  1303.             $m->setTokenStorage($b);
  1304.         }
  1305.         if ($this->has('request_stack')) {
  1306.             $m->setRequestStack($a);
  1307.         }
  1308.         $n = new \Twig\Extra\TwigExtraBundle\MissingExtensionSuggestor();
  1309.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\CsrfExtension());
  1310.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\LogoutUrlExtension(($this->privates['security.logout_url_generator'] ?? $this->getSecurity_LogoutUrlGeneratorService())));
  1311.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\SecurityExtension(($this->services[''] ?? $this->get_Container_Private_Security_AuthorizationCheckerService()), new \Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Impersonate\ImpersonateUrlGenerator($a, ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->getSecurity_Firewall_MapService()), $b)));
  1312.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\ProfilerExtension(($this->privates['twig.profile'] ?? ($this->privates['twig.profile'] = new \Twig\Profiler\Profile())), $c));
  1313.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\TranslationExtension($d));
  1314.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\AssetExtension(($this->privates['assets.packages'] ?? $this->getAssets_PackagesService())));
  1315.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\CodeExtension($e\dirname(__DIR__4), 'UTF-8'));
  1316.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\RoutingExtension($f));
  1317.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\YamlExtension());
  1318.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\StopwatchExtension($ctrue));
  1319.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\ExpressionExtension());
  1320.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\HttpKernelExtension());
  1321.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\HttpFoundationExtension(new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\UrlHelper($a$f)));
  1322.         $instance->addExtension(($this->services['Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\WebLinkExtension'] ?? $this->getWebLinkExtensionService()));
  1323.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\SerializerExtension());
  1324.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\FormExtension($d));
  1325.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\DumpExtension(($this->services['var_dumper.cloner'] ?? $this->getVarDumper_ClonerService()), ($this->privates['var_dumper.html_dumper'] ?? $this->getVarDumper_HtmlDumperService())));
  1326.         $instance->addExtension(new \Twig\Extra\String\StringExtension());
  1327.         $instance->addExtension(new \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Twig\DoctrineExtension());
  1328.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\Twig\WebProfilerExtension($g));
  1329.         $instance->addExtension(new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\HelpersExtension(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\PimcoreUrl'] ?? $this->getPimcoreUrlService())));
  1330.         $instance->addExtension(new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\DocumentEditableExtension(($this->services['Pimcore\\Templating\\Renderer\\EditableRenderer'] ?? $this->getEditableRendererService())));
  1331.         $instance->addExtension(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\SubrequestExtension'] ?? $this->getSubrequestExtensionService()));
  1332.         $instance->addExtension(new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\PimcoreObjectExtension());
  1333.         $instance->addExtension(new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\PimcoreToolExtension());
  1334.         $instance->addExtension(new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\NavigationExtension(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Navigation'] ?? $this->getNavigationService())));
  1335.         $instance->addExtension(new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\GlossaryExtension(new \Pimcore\Tool\Glossary\Processor(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\RequestHelper'] ?? $this->getRequestHelperService()), $h, ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\DocumentResolver'] ?? $this->getDocumentResolverService()), $this->parameters['pimcore.glossary.blocked_tags'])));
  1336.         $instance->addExtension(new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\HeaderExtension(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\HeadLink'] ?? $this->getHeadLinkService()), ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\HeadMeta'] ?? $this->getHeadMetaService()), ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\HeadScript'] ?? $this->getHeadScriptService()), ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\HeadStyle'] ?? $this->getHeadStyleService()), ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\HeadTitle'] ?? $this->getHeadTitleService()), ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\InlineScript'] ?? $this->getInlineScriptService()), ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Placeholder'] ?? $this->getPlaceholderService())));
  1337.         $instance->addExtension(new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\AssetCompressExtension());
  1338.         $instance->addExtension(new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\WebsiteConfigExtension());
  1339.         $instance->addExtension(new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\DumpExtension());
  1340.         $instance->addExtension(new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\CacheExtension($h));
  1341.         $instance->addExtension(new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\AssetHelperExtensions());
  1342.         $instance->addExtension(new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\DataObjectHelperExtensions());
  1343.         $instance->addExtension(new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\DocumentHelperExtensions());
  1344.         $instance->addExtension(new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\ImageThumbnailExtension());
  1345.         $instance->addExtension(new \Twig\DeferredExtension\DeferredExtension());
  1346.         $instance->addExtension(new \Twig\Extension\SandboxExtension(new \Pimcore\Twig\Sandbox\SecurityPolicy($this->parameters['pimcore.templating.twig.sandbox_security_policy.tags'], $this->parameters['pimcore.templating.twig.sandbox_security_policy.filters'], $this->parameters['pimcore.templating.twig.sandbox_security_policy.functions'])));
  1347.         $instance->addExtension(new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\AdminExtension($f$h, ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Security\\User\\UserLoader'] ?? $this->getUserLoaderService())));
  1348.         $instance->addExtension(new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Twig\ConfigExtension($i, ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\DataPool\\DataPoolConfigService'] ?? $this->getDataPoolConfigServiceService()), $j));
  1349.         $instance->addExtension(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Twig\\ContentExtension'] ?? $this->getContentExtensionService()));
  1350.         $instance->addExtension(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Twig\\EditmodeExtension'] ?? $this->getEditmodeExtensionService()));
  1351.         $instance->addExtension(new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Twig\HeadTitleExtension(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Content\\HeadTitleService'] ?? $this->getHeadTitleServiceService())));
  1352.         $instance->addExtension(new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Twig\PortalImagesExtension($f$i$h$k, ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\User\\AvatarService'] ?? $this->getAvatarServiceService())));
  1353.         $instance->addExtension(new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Twig\PortalLanguagesExtension(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Document\\LanguageVariantService'] ?? $this->getLanguageVariantServiceService())));
  1354.         $instance->addExtension(new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Twig\TranslatorExtension(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\DataPool\\TranslatorService'] ?? $this->getTranslatorServiceService())));
  1355.         $instance->addExtension($l);
  1356.         $instance->addExtension(new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Twig\WebpackExtension($i));
  1357.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\WebpackEncoreBundle\Twig\EntryFilesTwigExtension(new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  1358.             'webpack_encore.entrypoint_lookup_collection' => ['privates''webpack_encore.entrypoint_lookup_collection''getWebpackEncore_EntrypointLookupCollectionService'false],
  1359.             'webpack_encore.tag_renderer' => ['privates''webpack_encore.tag_renderer''getWebpackEncore_TagRendererService'true],
  1360.         ], [
  1361.             'webpack_encore.entrypoint_lookup_collection' => '?',
  1362.             'webpack_encore.tag_renderer' => '?',
  1363.         ])));
  1364.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\WebpackEncoreBundle\Twig\StimulusTwigExtension());
  1365.         $instance->addExtension(new \Blackbit\DataDirectorBundle\lib\Pim\Twig\DachcomToolboxExtension());
  1366.         $instance->addGlobal('app'$m);
  1367.         $instance->addRuntimeLoader(new \Twig\RuntimeLoader\ContainerRuntimeLoader(new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  1368.             'Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\CsrfRuntime' => ['privates''twig.runtime.security_csrf''getTwig_Runtime_SecurityCsrfService'true],
  1369.             'Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\HttpKernelRuntime' => ['privates''twig.runtime.httpkernel''getTwig_Runtime_HttpkernelService'false],
  1370.             'Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\SerializerRuntime' => ['privates''twig.runtime.serializer''getTwig_Runtime_SerializerService'true],
  1371.             'Symfony\\Component\\Form\\FormRenderer' => ['privates''twig.form.renderer''getTwig_Form_RendererService'true],
  1372.             'Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\PimcoreUrl' => ['privates''Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\PimcoreUrl''getPimcoreUrlService'false],
  1373.             'Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\HeadLink' => ['privates''Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\HeadLink''getHeadLinkService'false],
  1374.             'Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\HeadMeta' => ['privates''Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\HeadMeta''getHeadMetaService'false],
  1375.             'Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\HeadScript' => ['privates''Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\HeadScript''getHeadScriptService'false],
  1376.             'Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\HeadStyle' => ['privates''Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\HeadStyle''getHeadStyleService'false],
  1377.             'Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\HeadTitle' => ['privates''Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\HeadTitle''getHeadTitleService'false],
  1378.             'Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Inc' => ['privates''Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Inc''getIncService'false],
  1379.             'Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\InlineScript' => ['privates''Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\InlineScript''getInlineScriptService'false],
  1380.             'Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Navigation' => ['privates''Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Navigation''getNavigationService'false],
  1381.             'Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Placeholder' => ['privates''Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Placeholder''getPlaceholderService'false],
  1382.             'Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Placeholder\\AbstractExtension' => ['privates''Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Placeholder\\AbstractExtension''getAbstractExtensionService'true],
  1383.             'Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Placeholder\\CacheBusterAware' => ['privates''Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Placeholder\\CacheBusterAware''getCacheBusterAwareService'true],
  1384.         ], [
  1385.             'Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\CsrfRuntime' => '?',
  1386.             'Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\HttpKernelRuntime' => '?',
  1387.             'Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\SerializerRuntime' => '?',
  1388.             'Symfony\\Component\\Form\\FormRenderer' => '?',
  1389.             'Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\PimcoreUrl' => '?',
  1390.             'Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\HeadLink' => '?',
  1391.             'Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\HeadMeta' => '?',
  1392.             'Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\HeadScript' => '?',
  1393.             'Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\HeadStyle' => '?',
  1394.             'Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\HeadTitle' => '?',
  1395.             'Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Inc' => '?',
  1396.             'Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\InlineScript' => '?',
  1397.             'Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Navigation' => '?',
  1398.             'Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Placeholder' => '?',
  1399.             'Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Placeholder\\AbstractExtension' => '?',
  1400.             'Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Placeholder\\CacheBusterAware' => '?',
  1401.         ])));
  1402.         $instance->addGlobal('container'$this);
  1403.         $instance->addGlobal('pimcore_csrf', ($this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Security\\CsrfProtectionHandler'] ?? $this->getCsrfProtectionHandlerService()));
  1404.         $instance->addGlobal('pimcore_csp', ($this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Security\\ContentSecurityPolicyHandler'] ?? $this->getContentSecurityPolicyHandlerService()));
  1405.         $instance->registerUndefinedFilterCallback([=> $n=> 'suggestFilter']);
  1406.         $instance->registerUndefinedFunctionCallback([=> $n=> 'suggestFunction']);
  1407.         $instance->registerUndefinedTokenParserCallback([=> $n=> 'suggestTag']);
  1408.         (new \Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle\DependencyInjection\Configurator\EnvironmentConfigurator('F j, Y H:i''%d days'NULL0'.'','))->configure($instance);
  1409.         return $instance;
  1410.     }
  1411.     /**
  1412.      * Gets the public '.container.private.validator' shared service.
  1413.      *
  1414.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator\TraceableValidator
  1415.      */
  1416.     protected function get_Container_Private_ValidatorService()
  1417.     {
  1418.         $a = ($this->privates['validator.builder'] ?? $this->getValidator_BuilderService());
  1419.         if (isset($this->services['.container.private.validator'])) {
  1420.             return $this->services['.container.private.validator'];
  1421.         }
  1422.         return $this->services['.container.private.validator'] = new \Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator\TraceableValidator($a->getValidator());
  1423.     }
  1424.     /**
  1425.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\Security\ContentSecurityPolicyHandler' shared autowired service.
  1426.      *
  1427.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\Security\ContentSecurityPolicyHandler
  1428.      */
  1429.     protected function getContentSecurityPolicyHandlerService()
  1430.     {
  1431.         $this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Security\\ContentSecurityPolicyHandler'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\Security\ContentSecurityPolicyHandler(($this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] ?? ($this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] = new \Pimcore\Config())));
  1432.         $a = ($this->services[''] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_SecurityService());
  1433.         $instance->setLogger($a);
  1434.         $instance->setLogger($a);
  1435.         $instance->addAllowedUrls('default-src', []);
  1436.         $instance->addAllowedUrls('img-src', []);
  1437.         $instance->addAllowedUrls('script-src', []);
  1438.         $instance->addAllowedUrls('style-src', []);
  1439.         $instance->addAllowedUrls('connect-src', []);
  1440.         $instance->addAllowedUrls('font-src', []);
  1441.         $instance->addAllowedUrls('media-src', []);
  1442.         $instance->addAllowedUrls('frame-src', []);
  1443.         $instance->addAllowedUrls('connect-src', [=> '']);
  1444.         return $instance;
  1445.     }
  1446.     /**
  1447.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\Security\CsrfProtectionHandler' shared autowired service.
  1448.      *
  1449.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\Security\CsrfProtectionHandler
  1450.      */
  1451.     protected function getCsrfProtectionHandlerService()
  1452.     {
  1453.         $a = ($this->services['.container.private.twig'] ?? $this->get_Container_Private_TwigService());
  1454.         if (isset($this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Security\\CsrfProtectionHandler'])) {
  1455.             return $this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Security\\CsrfProtectionHandler'];
  1456.         }
  1457.         $this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Security\\CsrfProtectionHandler'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\Security\CsrfProtectionHandler([], $a);
  1458.         $b = ($this->services[''] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_SecurityService());
  1459.         $instance->setLogger($b);
  1460.         $instance->setLogger($b);
  1461.         return $instance;
  1462.     }
  1463.     /**
  1464.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\FullPageCacheListener' shared autowired service.
  1465.      *
  1466.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\FullPageCacheListener
  1467.      */
  1468.     protected function getFullPageCacheListenerService()
  1469.     {
  1470.         $a = ($this->services['event_dispatcher'] ?? $this->getEventDispatcherService());
  1471.         if (isset($this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\FullPageCacheListener'])) {
  1472.             return $this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\FullPageCacheListener'];
  1473.         }
  1474.         $this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\FullPageCacheListener'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\FullPageCacheListener(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\VisitorInfoStorage'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\VisitorInfoStorage'] = new \Pimcore\Targeting\VisitorInfoStorage())), new \Pimcore\Cache\FullPage\SessionStatus('_sf2_meta'$a), $a, ($this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] ?? ($this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] = new \Pimcore\Config())));
  1475.         $instance->setPimcoreContextResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\PimcoreContextResolver'] ?? $this->getPimcoreContextResolverService()));
  1476.         $instance->setStaticPageResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\StaticPageResolver'] ?? $this->getStaticPageResolverService()));
  1477.         return $instance;
  1478.     }
  1479.     /**
  1480.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\GoogleAnalyticsCodeListener' shared autowired service.
  1481.      *
  1482.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\GoogleAnalyticsCodeListener
  1483.      */
  1484.     protected function getGoogleAnalyticsCodeListenerService()
  1485.     {
  1486.         $a = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Analytics\\Google\\Tracker'] ?? $this->getTrackerService());
  1487.         if (isset($this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\GoogleAnalyticsCodeListener'])) {
  1488.             return $this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\GoogleAnalyticsCodeListener'];
  1489.         }
  1490.         $this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\GoogleAnalyticsCodeListener'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\GoogleAnalyticsCodeListener($a);
  1491.         $instance->setResponseHelper(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\ResponseHelper'] ?? ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\ResponseHelper'] = new \Pimcore\Http\ResponseHelper())));
  1492.         $instance->setPimcoreContextResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\PimcoreContextResolver'] ?? $this->getPimcoreContextResolverService()));
  1493.         $instance->setStaticPageResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\StaticPageResolver'] ?? $this->getStaticPageResolverService()));
  1494.         return $instance;
  1495.     }
  1496.     /**
  1497.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\GoogleTagManagerListener' shared autowired service.
  1498.      *
  1499.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\GoogleTagManagerListener
  1500.      */
  1501.     protected function getGoogleTagManagerListenerService()
  1502.     {
  1503.         $a = ($this->services['event_dispatcher'] ?? $this->getEventDispatcherService());
  1504.         if (isset($this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\GoogleTagManagerListener'])) {
  1505.             return $this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\GoogleTagManagerListener'];
  1506.         }
  1507.         $this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\GoogleTagManagerListener'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\GoogleTagManagerListener(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Analytics\\SiteId\\SiteIdProvider'] ?? $this->getSiteIdProviderService()), $a, ($this->services['pimcore.templating.engine.delegating'] ?? $this->getPimcore_Templating_Engine_DelegatingService()));
  1508.         $instance->setResponseHelper(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\ResponseHelper'] ?? ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\ResponseHelper'] = new \Pimcore\Http\ResponseHelper())));
  1509.         $instance->setPimcoreContextResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\PimcoreContextResolver'] ?? $this->getPimcoreContextResolverService()));
  1510.         return $instance;
  1511.     }
  1512.     /**
  1513.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\SearchIndex\ElasticSearchConfigService' shared autowired service.
  1514.      *
  1515.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\SearchIndex\ElasticSearchConfigService
  1516.      */
  1517.     protected function getElasticSearchConfigServiceService()
  1518.     {
  1519.         $this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\ElasticSearchConfigService'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\SearchIndex\ElasticSearchConfigService('localhost:9201''portal_engine_', ['index' => ['mapping' => ['nested_fields' => ['limit' => 200], 'total_fields' => ['limit' => 100000]]], 'number_of_shards' => 1'number_of_replicas' => 0'max_ngram_diff' => 30'analysis' => ['analyzer' => ['portal_engine_ngram_analyzer' => ['tokenizer' => 'portal_engine_ngram_tokenzier''filter' => [=> 'lowercase']], 'portal_engine_whitespace_analyzer' => ['tokenizer' => 'portal_engine_whitespace_tokenzier''filter' => [=> 'lowercase']], 'portal_engine_path_analyzer' => ['tokenizer' => 'portal_engine_path_tokenizer']], 'tokenizer' => ['portal_engine_ngram_tokenzier' => ['type' => 'ngram''min_gram' => 3'max_gram' => 25'token_chars' => [=> 'letter'=> 'digit']], 'portal_engine_whitespace_tokenzier' => ['type' => 'whitespace'], 'portal_engine_path_tokenizer' => ['type' => 'path_hierarchy']]]], ['list_page_size' => 60'list_max_filter_options' => 500'search_analyzer_attributes' => ['keyword' => ['fields' => ['analyzed_ngram' => ['type' => 'text''analyzer' => 'portal_engine_ngram_analyzer''search_analyzer' => 'portal_engine_whitespace_analyzer'], 'analyzed' => ['type' => 'text''analyzer' => 'standard''search_analyzer' => 'portal_engine_whitespace_analyzer']]]], 'max_synchronous_children_rename_limit' => 500], []);
  1520.         $instance->setLogger(($this->services[''] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_Portalengine_EsService()));
  1521.         return $instance;
  1522.     }
  1523.     /**
  1524.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Cache\Core\CoreCacheHandler' shared autowired service.
  1525.      *
  1526.      * @return \Pimcore\Cache\Core\CoreCacheHandler
  1527.      */
  1528.     protected function getCoreCacheHandlerService()
  1529.     {
  1530.         $a = ($this->services['event_dispatcher'] ?? $this->getEventDispatcherService());
  1531.         if (isset($this->services['Pimcore\\Cache\\Core\\CoreCacheHandler'])) {
  1532.             return $this->services['Pimcore\\Cache\\Core\\CoreCacheHandler'];
  1533.         }
  1534.         $b = ($this->services['pimcore.cache.pool'] ?? $this->getPimcore_Cache_PoolService());
  1535.         $c = new \Pimcore\Cache\Core\WriteLock($b);
  1536.         $d = ($this->services['monolog.logger.cache'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_CacheService());
  1537.         $c->setLogger($d);
  1538.         $c->setLogger($d);
  1539.         $this->services['Pimcore\\Cache\\Core\\CoreCacheHandler'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Cache\Core\CoreCacheHandler($b$c$a);
  1540.         $instance->setLogger($d);
  1541.         $instance->setLogger($d);
  1542.         return $instance;
  1543.     }
  1544.     /**
  1545.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Config' shared autowired service.
  1546.      *
  1547.      * @return \Pimcore\Config
  1548.      */
  1549.     protected function getConfigService()
  1550.     {
  1551.         return $this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] = new \Pimcore\Config();
  1552.     }
  1553.     /**
  1554.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Document\Editable\Block\BlockStateStack' shared autowired service.
  1555.      *
  1556.      * @return \Pimcore\Document\Editable\Block\BlockStateStack
  1557.      */
  1558.     protected function getBlockStateStackService()
  1559.     {
  1560.         return $this->services['Pimcore\\Document\\Editable\\Block\\BlockStateStack'] = new \Pimcore\Document\Editable\Block\BlockStateStack();
  1561.     }
  1562.     /**
  1563.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Document\Renderer\DocumentRenderer' shared autowired service.
  1564.      *
  1565.      * @return \Pimcore\Document\Renderer\DocumentRenderer
  1566.      */
  1567.     protected function getDocumentRendererService()
  1568.     {
  1569.         $a = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Templating\\Renderer\\ActionRenderer'] ?? $this->getActionRendererService());
  1570.         if (isset($this->services['Pimcore\\Document\\Renderer\\DocumentRenderer'])) {
  1571.             return $this->services['Pimcore\\Document\\Renderer\\DocumentRenderer'];
  1572.         }
  1573.         $b = ($this->privates['fragment.renderer.inline'] ?? $this->getFragment_Renderer_InlineService());
  1574.         if (isset($this->services['Pimcore\\Document\\Renderer\\DocumentRenderer'])) {
  1575.             return $this->services['Pimcore\\Document\\Renderer\\DocumentRenderer'];
  1576.         }
  1577.         $c = ($this->services['Pimcore\\Targeting\\Document\\DocumentTargetingConfigurator'] ?? $this->getDocumentTargetingConfiguratorService());
  1578.         if (isset($this->services['Pimcore\\Document\\Renderer\\DocumentRenderer'])) {
  1579.             return $this->services['Pimcore\\Document\\Renderer\\DocumentRenderer'];
  1580.         }
  1581.         $d = ($this->services['event_dispatcher'] ?? $this->getEventDispatcherService());
  1582.         if (isset($this->services['Pimcore\\Document\\Renderer\\DocumentRenderer'])) {
  1583.             return $this->services['Pimcore\\Document\\Renderer\\DocumentRenderer'];
  1584.         }
  1585.         $this->services['Pimcore\\Document\\Renderer\\DocumentRenderer'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Document\Renderer\DocumentRenderer(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\RequestHelper'] ?? $this->getRequestHelperService()), $a$b, ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Routing\\Dynamic\\DocumentRouteHandler'] ?? $this->getDocumentRouteHandlerService()), $c$d, ($this->services['Pimcore\\Localization\\LocaleServiceInterface'] ?? $this->getLocaleServiceInterfaceService()));
  1586.         $instance->setContainerService(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Placeholder\\ContainerService'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Placeholder\\ContainerService'] = new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\Placeholder\ContainerService())));
  1587.         return $instance;
  1588.     }
  1589.     /**
  1590.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Document\StaticPageGenerator' shared autowired service.
  1591.      *
  1592.      * @return \Pimcore\Document\StaticPageGenerator
  1593.      */
  1594.     protected function getStaticPageGeneratorService()
  1595.     {
  1596.         $a = ($this->services['Pimcore\\Document\\Renderer\\DocumentRenderer'] ?? $this->getDocumentRendererService());
  1597.         if (isset($this->services['Pimcore\\Document\\StaticPageGenerator'])) {
  1598.             return $this->services['Pimcore\\Document\\StaticPageGenerator'];
  1599.         }
  1600.         $b = ($this->services['Symfony\\Component\\Lock\\LockFactory'] ?? $this->getLockFactoryService());
  1601.         if (isset($this->services['Pimcore\\Document\\StaticPageGenerator'])) {
  1602.             return $this->services['Pimcore\\Document\\StaticPageGenerator'];
  1603.         }
  1604.         return $this->services['Pimcore\\Document\\StaticPageGenerator'] = new \Pimcore\Document\StaticPageGenerator($a$b);
  1605.     }
  1606.     /**
  1607.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Extension\Bundle\PimcoreBundleManager' shared autowired service.
  1608.      *
  1609.      * @return \Pimcore\Extension\Bundle\PimcoreBundleManager
  1610.      */
  1611.     protected function getPimcoreBundleManagerService()
  1612.     {
  1613.         $a = ($this->services['event_dispatcher'] ?? $this->getEventDispatcherService());
  1614.         if (isset($this->services['Pimcore\\Extension\\Bundle\\PimcoreBundleManager'])) {
  1615.             return $this->services['Pimcore\\Extension\\Bundle\\PimcoreBundleManager'];
  1616.         }
  1617.         $b = ($this->services['router'] ?? $this->getRouterService());
  1618.         if (isset($this->services['Pimcore\\Extension\\Bundle\\PimcoreBundleManager'])) {
  1619.             return $this->services['Pimcore\\Extension\\Bundle\\PimcoreBundleManager'];
  1620.         }
  1621.         return $this->services['Pimcore\\Extension\\Bundle\\PimcoreBundleManager'] = new \Pimcore\Extension\Bundle\PimcoreBundleManager(new \Pimcore\Extension\Bundle\Config\StateConfig(($this->services['Pimcore\\Extension\\Config'] ?? $this->get('Pimcore\\Extension\\Config'1))), new \Pimcore\Extension\Bundle\PimcoreBundleLocator(new \Pimcore\Composer\PackageInfo(), $this->parameters['pimcore.extensions.bundles.search_paths'], true), ($this->services['kernel'] ?? $this->get('kernel'1)), $a$b);
  1622.     }
  1623.     /**
  1624.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Extension\Document\Areabrick\AreabrickManagerInterface' shared autowired service.
  1625.      *
  1626.      * @return \Pimcore\Extension\Document\Areabrick\AreabrickManager
  1627.      */
  1628.     protected function getAreabrickManagerInterfaceService()
  1629.     {
  1630.         $this->services['Pimcore\\Extension\\Document\\Areabrick\\AreabrickManagerInterface'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Extension\Document\Areabrick\AreabrickManager(($this->services['Pimcore\\Extension\\Config'] ?? $this->get('Pimcore\\Extension\\Config'1)), new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  1631.             'portal-engine-statistics' => ['privates''pimcore_portal_engine.area.brick.portal_engine_statistics''getPimcorePortalEngine_Area_Brick_PortalEngineStatisticsService'true],
  1632.             'portal-engine-teaser-cta' => ['privates''pimcore_portal_engine.area.brick.portal_engine_teaser_cta''getPimcorePortalEngine_Area_Brick_PortalEngineTeaserCtaService'true],
  1633.             'portal-engine-teasers' => ['privates''pimcore_portal_engine.area.brick.portal_engine_teasers''getPimcorePortalEngine_Area_Brick_PortalEngineTeasersService'true],
  1634.             'portal-engine-wysiwyg' => ['privates''pimcore_portal_engine.area.brick.portal_engine_wysiwyg''getPimcorePortalEngine_Area_Brick_PortalEngineWysiwygService'true],
  1635.         ], [
  1636.             'portal-engine-statistics' => '?',
  1637.             'portal-engine-teaser-cta' => '?',
  1638.             'portal-engine-teasers' => '?',
  1639.             'portal-engine-wysiwyg' => '?',
  1640.         ]));
  1641.         $instance->registerService('portal-engine-statistics''pimcore_portal_engine.area.brick.portal_engine_statistics');
  1642.         $instance->registerService('portal-engine-teaser-cta''pimcore_portal_engine.area.brick.portal_engine_teaser_cta');
  1643.         $instance->registerService('portal-engine-teasers''pimcore_portal_engine.area.brick.portal_engine_teasers');
  1644.         $instance->registerService('portal-engine-wysiwyg''pimcore_portal_engine.area.brick.portal_engine_wysiwyg');
  1645.         return $instance;
  1646.     }
  1647.     /**
  1648.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Http\RequestHelper' shared autowired service.
  1649.      *
  1650.      * @return \Pimcore\Http\RequestHelper
  1651.      */
  1652.     protected function getRequestHelperService()
  1653.     {
  1654.         return $this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\RequestHelper'] = new \Pimcore\Http\RequestHelper(($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())), ($this->services['pimcore.routing.router.request_context'] ?? $this->getPimcore_Routing_Router_RequestContextService()));
  1655.     }
  1656.     /**
  1657.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Http\Request\Resolver\DocumentResolver' shared autowired service.
  1658.      *
  1659.      * @return \Pimcore\Http\Request\Resolver\DocumentResolver
  1660.      */
  1661.     protected function getDocumentResolverService()
  1662.     {
  1663.         return $this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\DocumentResolver'] = new \Pimcore\Http\Request\Resolver\DocumentResolver(($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())));
  1664.     }
  1665.     /**
  1666.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Http\Request\Resolver\EditmodeResolver' shared autowired service.
  1667.      *
  1668.      * @return \Pimcore\Http\Request\Resolver\EditmodeResolver
  1669.      */
  1670.     protected function getEditmodeResolverService()
  1671.     {
  1672.         $this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\EditmodeResolver'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Http\Request\Resolver\EditmodeResolver(($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())), ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Security\\User\\UserLoader'] ?? $this->getUserLoaderService()), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\RequestHelper'] ?? $this->getRequestHelperService()));
  1673.         $a = ($this->services['monolog.logger.init'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_InitService());
  1674.         $instance->setLogger($a);
  1675.         $instance->setLogger($a);
  1676.         return $instance;
  1677.     }
  1678.     /**
  1679.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Http\Request\Resolver\OutputTimestampResolver' shared autowired service.
  1680.      *
  1681.      * @return \Pimcore\Http\Request\Resolver\OutputTimestampResolver
  1682.      */
  1683.     protected function getOutputTimestampResolverService()
  1684.     {
  1685.         return $this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\OutputTimestampResolver'] = new \Pimcore\Http\Request\Resolver\OutputTimestampResolver(($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())));
  1686.     }
  1687.     /**
  1688.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Http\Request\Resolver\PimcoreContextResolver' shared autowired service.
  1689.      *
  1690.      * @return \Pimcore\Http\Request\Resolver\PimcoreContextResolver
  1691.      */
  1692.     protected function getPimcoreContextResolverService()
  1693.     {
  1694.         $a = new \Pimcore\Http\Context\PimcoreContextGuesser(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Http\\RequestMatcherFactory'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Http\\RequestMatcherFactory'] = new \Pimcore\Http\RequestMatcherFactory())));
  1695.         $a->addContextRoutes('profiler', [=> ['path' => '^/_(profiler|wdt)(/.*)?$''route' => false'host' => false'methods' => []]]);
  1696.         $a->addContextRoutes('admin', [=> ['path' => '^/admin(/.*)?$''route' => false'host' => false'methods' => []], => ['route' => '^pimcore_admin_''path' => false'host' => false'methods' => []]]);
  1697.         $a->addContextRoutes('plugin', [=> ['path' => '^/plugin(/.*)?$''route' => false'host' => false'methods' => []]]);
  1698.         $a->addContextRoutes('dummy_to_not_get_array_index_0', []);
  1699.         $a->addContextRoutes('webservice', [=> ['path' => '^/api/rest/(import|export|status)''route' => false'host' => false'methods' => []], => ['route' => '^dataport_''path' => false'host' => false'methods' => []], => ['path' => '^/webservice(/.*)?$''route' => false'host' => false'methods' => []]]);
  1700.         return $this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\PimcoreContextResolver'] = new \Pimcore\Http\Request\Resolver\PimcoreContextResolver(($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())), $a);
  1701.     }
  1702.     /**
  1703.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Http\Request\Resolver\ResponseHeaderResolver' shared autowired service.
  1704.      *
  1705.      * @return \Pimcore\Http\Request\Resolver\ResponseHeaderResolver
  1706.      */
  1707.     protected function getResponseHeaderResolverService()
  1708.     {
  1709.         return $this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\ResponseHeaderResolver'] = new \Pimcore\Http\Request\Resolver\ResponseHeaderResolver(($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())));
  1710.     }
  1711.     /**
  1712.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Http\Request\Resolver\SiteResolver' shared autowired service.
  1713.      *
  1714.      * @return \Pimcore\Http\Request\Resolver\SiteResolver
  1715.      */
  1716.     protected function getSiteResolverService()
  1717.     {
  1718.         return $this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\SiteResolver'] = new \Pimcore\Http\Request\Resolver\SiteResolver(($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())));
  1719.     }
  1720.     /**
  1721.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Http\Request\Resolver\StaticPageResolver' shared autowired service.
  1722.      *
  1723.      * @return \Pimcore\Http\Request\Resolver\StaticPageResolver
  1724.      */
  1725.     protected function getStaticPageResolverService()
  1726.     {
  1727.         return $this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\StaticPageResolver'] = new \Pimcore\Http\Request\Resolver\StaticPageResolver(($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())));
  1728.     }
  1729.     /**
  1730.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Http\ResponseHelper' shared autowired service.
  1731.      *
  1732.      * @return \Pimcore\Http\ResponseHelper
  1733.      */
  1734.     protected function getResponseHelperService()
  1735.     {
  1736.         return $this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\ResponseHelper'] = new \Pimcore\Http\ResponseHelper();
  1737.     }
  1738.     /**
  1739.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Localization\LocaleServiceInterface' shared autowired service.
  1740.      *
  1741.      * @return \Pimcore\Localization\LocaleService
  1742.      */
  1743.     protected function getLocaleServiceInterfaceService()
  1744.     {
  1745.         return $this->services['Pimcore\\Localization\\LocaleServiceInterface'] = new \Pimcore\Localization\LocaleService(($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())), ($this->services['Symfony\\Contracts\\Translation\\TranslatorInterface'] ?? $this->getTranslatorInterfaceService()));
  1746.     }
  1747.     /**
  1748.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Loader\EditableLoader' shared autowired service.
  1749.      *
  1750.      * @return \Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Loader\EditableLoader
  1751.      */
  1752.     protected function getEditableLoaderService()
  1753.     {
  1754.         return $this->services['Pimcore\\Model\\Document\\Editable\\Loader\\EditableLoader'] = new \Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Loader\EditableLoader([=> new \Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Loader\PrefixLoader([=> '\\Pimcore\\Model\\Document\\Editable\\'])]);
  1755.     }
  1756.     /**
  1757.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Model\Document\Service' shared autowired service.
  1758.      *
  1759.      * @return \Pimcore\Model\Document\Service
  1760.      */
  1761.     protected function getServiceService()
  1762.     {
  1763.         return $this->services['Pimcore\\Model\\Document\\Service'] = new \Pimcore\Model\Document\Service();
  1764.     }
  1765.     /**
  1766.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Security\User\TokenStorageUserResolver' shared autowired service.
  1767.      *
  1768.      * @return \Pimcore\Security\User\TokenStorageUserResolver
  1769.      */
  1770.     protected function getTokenStorageUserResolverService()
  1771.     {
  1772.         return $this->services['Pimcore\\Security\\User\\TokenStorageUserResolver'] = new \Pimcore\Security\User\TokenStorageUserResolver(($this->services[''] ?? $this->get_Container_Private_Security_TokenStorageService()));
  1773.     }
  1774.     /**
  1775.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Targeting\Document\DocumentTargetingConfigurator' shared autowired service.
  1776.      *
  1777.      * @return \Pimcore\Targeting\Document\DocumentTargetingConfigurator
  1778.      */
  1779.     protected function getDocumentTargetingConfiguratorService()
  1780.     {
  1781.         $a = ($this->services['Pimcore\\Cache\\Core\\CoreCacheHandler'] ?? $this->getCoreCacheHandlerService());
  1782.         if (isset($this->services['Pimcore\\Targeting\\Document\\DocumentTargetingConfigurator'])) {
  1783.             return $this->services['Pimcore\\Targeting\\Document\\DocumentTargetingConfigurator'];
  1784.         }
  1785.         return $this->services['Pimcore\\Targeting\\Document\\DocumentTargetingConfigurator'] = new \Pimcore\Targeting\Document\DocumentTargetingConfigurator(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\VisitorInfoStorage'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\VisitorInfoStorage'] = new \Pimcore\Targeting\VisitorInfoStorage())), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\RequestHelper'] ?? $this->getRequestHelperService()), ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Security\\User\\UserLoader'] ?? $this->getUserLoaderService()), $a);
  1786.     }
  1787.     /**
  1788.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Templating\Renderer\EditableRenderer' shared autowired service.
  1789.      *
  1790.      * @return \Pimcore\Templating\Renderer\EditableRenderer
  1791.      */
  1792.     protected function getEditableRendererService()
  1793.     {
  1794.         $this->services['Pimcore\\Templating\\Renderer\\EditableRenderer'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Templating\Renderer\EditableRenderer(($this->services['Pimcore\\Model\\Document\\Editable\\Loader\\EditableLoader'] ?? $this->getEditableLoaderService()), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\EditmodeResolver'] ?? $this->getEditmodeResolverService()), ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Document\\Editable\\EditmodeEditableDefinitionCollector'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Document\\Editable\\EditmodeEditableDefinitionCollector'] = new \Pimcore\Document\Editable\EditmodeEditableDefinitionCollector())));
  1795.         $a = ($this->privates['monolog.logger'] ?? $this->getMonolog_LoggerService());
  1796.         $instance->setLogger($a);
  1797.         $instance->setLogger($a);
  1798.         return $instance;
  1799.     }
  1800.     /**
  1801.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Workflow\ExpressionService' shared autowired service.
  1802.      *
  1803.      * @return \Pimcore\Workflow\ExpressionService
  1804.      */
  1805.     protected function getExpressionServiceService()
  1806.     {
  1807.         $a = ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->getDebug_Security_Access_DecisionManagerService());
  1808.         if (isset($this->services['Pimcore\\Workflow\\ExpressionService'])) {
  1809.             return $this->services['Pimcore\\Workflow\\ExpressionService'];
  1810.         }
  1811.         $b = ($this->services['.container.private.validator'] ?? $this->get_Container_Private_ValidatorService());
  1812.         if (isset($this->services['Pimcore\\Workflow\\ExpressionService'])) {
  1813.             return $this->services['Pimcore\\Workflow\\ExpressionService'];
  1814.         }
  1815.         $c = ($this->services[''] ?? $this->get_Container_Private_Security_TokenStorageService());
  1816.         return $this->services['Pimcore\\Workflow\\ExpressionService'] = new \Pimcore\Workflow\ExpressionService(new \Symfony\Component\Workflow\EventListener\ExpressionLanguage(($this->services[''] ?? $this->getCache_AppService())), $c, new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\AuthorizationChecker($c$afalsefalse), ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->getSchebTwoFactor_Security_Authentication_TrustResolverService()), ($this->privates['security.role_hierarchy'] ?? $this->getSecurity_RoleHierarchyService()), $b);
  1817.     }
  1818.     /**
  1819.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Workflow\Manager' shared autowired service.
  1820.      *
  1821.      * @return \Pimcore\Workflow\Manager
  1822.      */
  1823.     protected function getManagerService()
  1824.     {
  1825.         $a = ($this->services['Pimcore\\Workflow\\ExpressionService'] ?? $this->getExpressionServiceService());
  1826.         if (isset($this->services['Pimcore\\Workflow\\Manager'])) {
  1827.             return $this->services['Pimcore\\Workflow\\Manager'];
  1828.         }
  1829.         $b = ($this->services['event_dispatcher'] ?? $this->getEventDispatcherService());
  1830.         if (isset($this->services['Pimcore\\Workflow\\Manager'])) {
  1831.             return $this->services['Pimcore\\Workflow\\Manager'];
  1832.         }
  1833.         return $this->services['Pimcore\\Workflow\\Manager'] = new \Pimcore\Workflow\Manager(($this->privates['workflow.registry'] ?? ($this->privates['workflow.registry'] = new \Symfony\Component\Workflow\Registry())), ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Workflow\\EventSubscriber\\NotesSubscriber'] ?? $this->getNotesSubscriberService()), $a$b);
  1834.     }
  1835.     /**
  1836.      * Gets the public 'Pimcore\Workflow\Place\StatusInfo' shared autowired service.
  1837.      *
  1838.      * @return \Pimcore\Workflow\Place\StatusInfo
  1839.      */
  1840.     protected function getStatusInfoService()
  1841.     {
  1842.         $a = ($this->services['Pimcore\\Workflow\\Manager'] ?? $this->getManagerService());
  1843.         if (isset($this->services['Pimcore\\Workflow\\Place\\StatusInfo'])) {
  1844.             return $this->services['Pimcore\\Workflow\\Place\\StatusInfo'];
  1845.         }
  1846.         $b = ($this->services['.container.private.twig'] ?? $this->get_Container_Private_TwigService());
  1847.         if (isset($this->services['Pimcore\\Workflow\\Place\\StatusInfo'])) {
  1848.             return $this->services['Pimcore\\Workflow\\Place\\StatusInfo'];
  1849.         }
  1850.         return $this->services['Pimcore\\Workflow\\Place\\StatusInfo'] = new \Pimcore\Workflow\Place\StatusInfo($a$b, ($this->services['Symfony\\Contracts\\Translation\\TranslatorInterface'] ?? $this->getTranslatorInterfaceService()));
  1851.     }
  1852.     /**
  1853.      * Gets the public 'Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\WebLinkExtension' shared service.
  1854.      *
  1855.      * @return \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\WebLinkExtension
  1856.      */
  1857.     protected function getWebLinkExtensionService()
  1858.     {
  1859.         return $this->services['Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\WebLinkExtension'] = new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\WebLinkExtension(($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())));
  1860.     }
  1861.     /**
  1862.      * Gets the public 'Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener' shared service.
  1863.      *
  1864.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener
  1865.      */
  1866.     protected function getSessionListenerService()
  1867.     {
  1868.         return $this->services['Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\SessionListener'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener(new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  1869.             'initialized_session' => ['services''.container.private.session'NULLfalse],
  1870.             'logger' => ['privates''monolog.logger''getMonolog_LoggerService'false],
  1871.             'session' => ['services''.container.private.session''get_Container_Private_SessionService'false],
  1872.             'session_collector' => ['privates''data_collector.request.session_collector''getDataCollector_Request_SessionCollectorService'true],
  1873.             'session_factory' => ['privates''session.factory''getSession_FactoryService'false],
  1874.         ], [
  1875.             'initialized_session' => '?',
  1876.             'logger' => '?',
  1877.             'session' => '?',
  1878.             'session_collector' => '?',
  1879.             'session_factory' => '?',
  1880.         ]), true$this->parameters['']);
  1881.     }
  1882.     /**
  1883.      * Gets the public 'Symfony\Component\Lock\LockFactory' shared autowired service.
  1884.      *
  1885.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Lock\LockFactory
  1886.      */
  1887.     protected function getLockFactoryService()
  1888.     {
  1889.         $a = ($this->services['doctrine.dbal.default_connection'] ?? $this->getDoctrine_Dbal_DefaultConnectionService());
  1890.         if (isset($this->services['Symfony\\Component\\Lock\\LockFactory'])) {
  1891.             return $this->services['Symfony\\Component\\Lock\\LockFactory'];
  1892.         }
  1893.         $this->services['Symfony\\Component\\Lock\\LockFactory'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Component\Lock\LockFactory(new \Symfony\Component\Lock\Store\DoctrineDbalStore($a));
  1894.         $instance->setLogger(($this->privates['monolog.logger'] ?? $this->getMonolog_LoggerService()));
  1895.         return $instance;
  1896.     }
  1897.     /**
  1898.      * Gets the public 'Symfony\Contracts\Translation\TranslatorInterface' shared autowired service.
  1899.      *
  1900.      * @return \Pimcore\Translation\Translator
  1901.      */
  1902.     protected function getTranslatorInterfaceService()
  1903.     {
  1904.         $this->services['Symfony\\Contracts\\Translation\\TranslatorInterface'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Translation\Translator(($this->privates['translator.data_collector'] ?? $this->getTranslator_DataCollectorService()));
  1905.         $instance->setKernel(($this->services['kernel'] ?? $this->get('kernel'1)));
  1906.         $instance->setAdminPath('@PimcoreCoreBundle/Resources/translations');
  1907.         $instance->setAdminTranslationMapping([]);
  1908.         return $instance;
  1909.     }
  1910.     /**
  1911.      * Gets the public '' shared service.
  1912.      *
  1913.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter
  1914.      */
  1915.     protected function getCache_AppService()
  1916.     {
  1917.         return $this->services[''] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter(new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ProxyAdapter(($this->services['pimcore.cache.pool'] ?? $this->getPimcore_Cache_PoolService()), 'app'));
  1918.     }
  1919.     /**
  1920.      * Gets the public 'cache.system' shared service.
  1921.      *
  1922.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter
  1923.      */
  1924.     protected function getCache_SystemService()
  1925.     {
  1926.         return $this->services['cache.system'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter(\Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\AbstractAdapter::createSystemCache('sgsRVj7yRK'0$this->getParameter('container.build_id'), ($this->targetDir.''.'/pools/system'), ($this->services['monolog.logger.cache'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_CacheService())));
  1927.     }
  1928.     /**
  1929.      * Gets the public 'cache.validator_expression_language' shared service.
  1930.      *
  1931.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter
  1932.      */
  1933.     protected function getCache_ValidatorExpressionLanguageService()
  1934.     {
  1935.         return $this->services['cache.validator_expression_language'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter(\Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\AbstractAdapter::createSystemCache('mbzMeFfupO'0$this->getParameter('container.build_id'), ($this->targetDir.''.'/pools/system'), ($this->services['monolog.logger.cache'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_CacheService())));
  1936.     }
  1937.     /**
  1938.      * Gets the public 'cmf_routing.route_provider' shared autowired service.
  1939.      *
  1940.      * @return \Pimcore\Routing\DynamicRouteProvider
  1941.      */
  1942.     protected function getCmfRouting_RouteProviderService()
  1943.     {
  1944.         $a = ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\SiteResolver'] ?? $this->getSiteResolverService());
  1945.         $this->services['cmf_routing.route_provider'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Routing\DynamicRouteProvider($a);
  1946.         $instance->addHandler(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Routing\\Dynamic\\DocumentRouteHandler'] ?? $this->getDocumentRouteHandlerService()));
  1947.         $instance->addHandler(new \Pimcore\Routing\Dynamic\DataObjectRouteHandler($a, ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\RequestHelper'] ?? $this->getRequestHelperService()), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] ?? ($this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] = new \Pimcore\Config()))));
  1948.         return $instance;
  1949.     }
  1950.     /**
  1951.      * Gets the public 'data_collector.dump' shared service.
  1952.      *
  1953.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\DumpDataCollector
  1954.      */
  1955.     protected function getDataCollector_DumpService()
  1956.     {
  1957.         return $this->services['data_collector.dump'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\DumpDataCollector(($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] ?? ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] = new \Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\Stopwatch(true))), ($this->privates['debug.file_link_formatter'] ?? $this->getDebug_FileLinkFormatterService()), 'UTF-8', ($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())), NULL);
  1958.     }
  1959.     /**
  1960.      * Gets the public 'doctrine' shared service.
  1961.      *
  1962.      * @return \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Registry
  1963.      */
  1964.     protected function getDoctrineService()
  1965.     {
  1966.         return $this->services['doctrine'] = new \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Registry($this$this->parameters['doctrine.connections'], $this->parameters['doctrine.entity_managers'], 'default''pimcore_direct_edit');
  1967.     }
  1968.     /**
  1969.      * Gets the public 'doctrine.dbal.default_connection' shared service.
  1970.      *
  1971.      * @return \Pimcore\Db\Connection
  1972.      */
  1973.     protected function getDoctrine_Dbal_DefaultConnectionService()
  1974.     {
  1975.         $a = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Configuration();
  1976.         $a->setSQLLogger(new \Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\LoggerChain([=> new \Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Logger\DbalLogger(($this->services['monolog.logger.doctrine'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_DoctrineService()), ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] ?? ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] = new \Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\Stopwatch(true)))), => ($this->privates['doctrine.dbal.logger.profiling.default'] ?? ($this->privates['doctrine.dbal.logger.profiling.default'] = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\DebugStack()))]));
  1977.         $a->setSchemaAssetsFilter(new \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Dbal\SchemaAssetsFilterManager([=> new \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Dbal\BlacklistSchemaAssetFilter([=> 'lock_keys'=> 'cache_items'=> 'cache_items'])]));
  1978.         return $this->services['doctrine.dbal.default_connection'] = (new \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\ConnectionFactory($this->parameters['doctrine.dbal.connection_factory.types']))->createConnection(['driver' => 'pdo_mysql''charset' => 'UTF8MB4''host' => 'localhost''port' => 3306'user' => 'db-user-2''password' => '1rBEHqJcRBzXEuJJOUPy''dbname' => 'db-2''driverOptions' => [1002 => 'SET sql_mode = \'\';'], 'wrapperClass' => '\\Pimcore\\Db\\Connection''serverVersion' => '10.5.15-MariaDB-1:10.5.15+maria~focal''defaultTableOptions' => ['charset' => 'UTF8MB4''engine' => 'InnoDB''collate' => 'utf8mb4_general_ci']], $a, new \Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\ContainerAwareEventManager(new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  1979.             'cmf_routing.persistence.doctrine.route_condition_metadata_listener' => ['privates''cmf_routing.persistence.doctrine.route_condition_metadata_listener''getCmfRouting_Persistence_Doctrine_RouteConditionMetadataListenerService'true],
  1980.             'doctrine.orm.listeners.doctrine_dbal_cache_adapter_schema_subscriber' => ['privates''doctrine.orm.listeners.doctrine_dbal_cache_adapter_schema_subscriber''getDoctrine_Orm_Listeners_DoctrineDbalCacheAdapterSchemaSubscriberService'true],
  1981.             'doctrine.orm.listeners.doctrine_token_provider_schema_subscriber' => ['privates''doctrine.orm.listeners.doctrine_token_provider_schema_subscriber''getDoctrine_Orm_Listeners_DoctrineTokenProviderSchemaSubscriberService'true],
  1982.             'doctrine.orm.listeners.pdo_cache_adapter_doctrine_schema_subscriber' => ['privates''doctrine.orm.listeners.pdo_cache_adapter_doctrine_schema_subscriber''getDoctrine_Orm_Listeners_PdoCacheAdapterDoctrineSchemaSubscriberService'true],
  1983.             'doctrine.orm.messenger.doctrine_schema_subscriber' => ['privates''doctrine.orm.messenger.doctrine_schema_subscriber''getDoctrine_Orm_Messenger_DoctrineSchemaSubscriberService'true],
  1984.             'doctrine.orm.pimcore_direct_edit_listeners.attach_entity_listeners' => ['privates''doctrine.orm.pimcore_direct_edit_listeners.attach_entity_listeners''getDoctrine_Orm_PimcoreDirectEditListeners_AttachEntityListenersService'true],
  1985.             'doctrine.orm.portal_engine_listeners.attach_entity_listeners' => ['privates''doctrine.orm.portal_engine_listeners.attach_entity_listeners''getDoctrine_Orm_PortalEngineListeners_AttachEntityListenersService'true],
  1986.             'doctrine.orm.statistics_explorer_listeners.attach_entity_listeners' => ['privates''doctrine.orm.statistics_explorer_listeners.attach_entity_listeners''getDoctrine_Orm_StatisticsExplorerListeners_AttachEntityListenersService'true],
  1987.         ], [
  1988.             'cmf_routing.persistence.doctrine.route_condition_metadata_listener' => '?',
  1989.             'doctrine.orm.listeners.doctrine_dbal_cache_adapter_schema_subscriber' => '?',
  1990.             'doctrine.orm.listeners.doctrine_token_provider_schema_subscriber' => '?',
  1991.             'doctrine.orm.listeners.pdo_cache_adapter_doctrine_schema_subscriber' => '?',
  1992.             'doctrine.orm.messenger.doctrine_schema_subscriber' => '?',
  1993.             'doctrine.orm.pimcore_direct_edit_listeners.attach_entity_listeners' => '?',
  1994.             'doctrine.orm.portal_engine_listeners.attach_entity_listeners' => '?',
  1995.             'doctrine.orm.statistics_explorer_listeners.attach_entity_listeners' => '?',
  1996.         ]), [=> 'doctrine.orm.messenger.doctrine_schema_subscriber'=> 'doctrine.orm.listeners.doctrine_dbal_cache_adapter_schema_subscriber'=> 'doctrine.orm.listeners.pdo_cache_adapter_doctrine_schema_subscriber'=> 'doctrine.orm.listeners.doctrine_token_provider_schema_subscriber'=> 'cmf_routing.persistence.doctrine.route_condition_metadata_listener'=> [=> [=> 'loadClassMetadata'], => 'doctrine.orm.pimcore_direct_edit_listeners.attach_entity_listeners'], => [=> [=> 'loadClassMetadata'], => 'doctrine.orm.portal_engine_listeners.attach_entity_listeners'], => [=> [=> 'loadClassMetadata'], => 'doctrine.orm.statistics_explorer_listeners.attach_entity_listeners']]), ['enum' => 'string''bit' => 'boolean']);
  1997.     }
  1998.     /**
  1999.      * Gets the public 'doctrine.orm.pimcore_direct_edit_entity_manager' shared service.
  2000.      *
  2001.      * @return \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager
  2002.      */
  2003.     protected function getDoctrine_Orm_PimcoreDirectEditEntityManagerService($lazyLoad true)
  2004.     {
  2005.         if ($lazyLoad) {
  2006.             return $this->services['doctrine.orm.pimcore_direct_edit_entity_manager'] = $this->createProxy('EntityManager_9a5be93', function () {
  2007.                 return \EntityManager_9a5be93::staticProxyConstructor(function (&$wrappedInstance\ProxyManager\Proxy\LazyLoadingInterface $proxy) {
  2008.                     $wrappedInstance $this->getDoctrine_Orm_PimcoreDirectEditEntityManagerService(false);
  2009.                     $proxy->setProxyInitializer(null);
  2010.                     return true;
  2011.                 });
  2012.             });
  2013.         }
  2014.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/common/src/Proxy/Autoloader.php';
  2015.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Proxy/Autoloader.php';
  2016.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/persistence/src/Persistence/ObjectManager.php';
  2017.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/EntityManagerInterface.php';
  2018.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/EntityManager.php';
  2019.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Configuration.php';
  2020.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/persistence/src/Persistence/Mapping/Driver/MappingDriver.php';
  2021.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/Mapping/MappingDriver.php';
  2022.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/persistence/src/Persistence/Mapping/Driver/MappingDriverChain.php';
  2023.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/persistence/src/Persistence/Mapping/Driver/ColocatedMappingDriver.php';
  2024.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/persistence/src/Persistence/Mapping/Driver/AnnotationDriver.php';
  2025.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Mapping/Driver/CompatibilityAnnotationDriver.php';
  2026.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Mapping/Driver/AnnotationDriver.php';
  2027.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Mapping/EntityListenerResolver.php';
  2028.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/Mapping/EntityListenerServiceResolver.php';
  2029.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/Mapping/ContainerEntityListenerResolver.php';
  2030.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/ManagerConfigurator.php';
  2031.         $a = new \Doctrine\ORM\Configuration();
  2032.         $b = new \Doctrine\Persistence\Mapping\Driver\MappingDriverChain();
  2033.         $b->addDriver(new \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\AnnotationDriver(($this->privates['annotations.cached_reader'] ?? $this->getAnnotations_CachedReaderService()), [=> (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/direct-edit/src/Entity')]), 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DirectEditBundle\\Entity');
  2034.         $a->setEntityNamespaces(['PimcoreDirectEdit' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DirectEditBundle\\Entity']);
  2035.         $a->setMetadataCache(new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ArrayAdapter());
  2036.         $a->setQueryCache(($this->privates['cache.doctrine.orm.pimcore_direct_edit.query'] ?? $this->getCache_Doctrine_Orm_PimcoreDirectEdit_QueryService()));
  2037.         $a->setResultCache(($this->privates['cache.doctrine.orm.pimcore_direct_edit.result'] ?? $this->getCache_Doctrine_Orm_PimcoreDirectEdit_ResultService()));
  2038.         $a->setMetadataDriverImpl(new \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Mapping\MappingDriver($b, ($this->privates['.service_locator.KLVvNIq'] ?? $this->get_ServiceLocator_KLVvNIqService())));
  2039.         $a->setProxyDir(($this->targetDir.''.'/doctrine/orm/Proxies'));
  2040.         $a->setProxyNamespace('Proxies');
  2041.         $a->setAutoGenerateProxyClasses(false);
  2042.         $a->setSchemaIgnoreClasses([]);
  2043.         $a->setClassMetadataFactoryName('Doctrine\\Bundle\\DoctrineBundle\\Mapping\\ClassMetadataFactory');
  2044.         $a->setDefaultRepositoryClassName('Doctrine\\ORM\\EntityRepository');
  2045.         $a->setNamingStrategy(($this->privates['doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.default'] ?? ($this->privates['doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.default'] = new \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultNamingStrategy())));
  2046.         $a->setQuoteStrategy(($this->privates['doctrine.orm.quote_strategy.default'] ?? ($this->privates['doctrine.orm.quote_strategy.default'] = new \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultQuoteStrategy())));
  2047.         $a->setEntityListenerResolver(new \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Mapping\ContainerEntityListenerResolver($this));
  2048.         $a->setRepositoryFactory(($this->privates['doctrine.orm.container_repository_factory'] ?? $this->getDoctrine_Orm_ContainerRepositoryFactoryService()));
  2049.         $instance = new \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager(($this->services['doctrine.dbal.default_connection'] ?? $this->getDoctrine_Dbal_DefaultConnectionService()), $a);
  2050.         (new \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\ManagerConfigurator([], []))->configure($instance);
  2051.         return $instance;
  2052.     }
  2053.     /**
  2054.      * Gets the public 'doctrine.orm.portal_engine_entity_manager' shared service.
  2055.      *
  2056.      * @return \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager
  2057.      */
  2058.     protected function getDoctrine_Orm_PortalEngineEntityManagerService($lazyLoad true)
  2059.     {
  2060.         if ($lazyLoad) {
  2061.             return $this->services['doctrine.orm.portal_engine_entity_manager'] = $this->createProxy('EntityManager_9a5be93', function () {
  2062.                 return \EntityManager_9a5be93::staticProxyConstructor(function (&$wrappedInstance\ProxyManager\Proxy\LazyLoadingInterface $proxy) {
  2063.                     $wrappedInstance $this->getDoctrine_Orm_PortalEngineEntityManagerService(false);
  2064.                     $proxy->setProxyInitializer(null);
  2065.                     return true;
  2066.                 });
  2067.             });
  2068.         }
  2069.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/persistence/src/Persistence/ObjectManager.php';
  2070.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/EntityManagerInterface.php';
  2071.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/EntityManager.php';
  2072.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Configuration.php';
  2073.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/persistence/src/Persistence/Mapping/Driver/MappingDriver.php';
  2074.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/Mapping/MappingDriver.php';
  2075.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/persistence/src/Persistence/Mapping/Driver/MappingDriverChain.php';
  2076.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/persistence/src/Persistence/Mapping/Driver/ColocatedMappingDriver.php';
  2077.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/persistence/src/Persistence/Mapping/Driver/AnnotationDriver.php';
  2078.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Mapping/Driver/CompatibilityAnnotationDriver.php';
  2079.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Mapping/Driver/AnnotationDriver.php';
  2080.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Mapping/EntityListenerResolver.php';
  2081.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/Mapping/EntityListenerServiceResolver.php';
  2082.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/Mapping/ContainerEntityListenerResolver.php';
  2083.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/ManagerConfigurator.php';
  2084.         $a = new \Doctrine\ORM\Configuration();
  2085.         $b = new \Doctrine\Persistence\Mapping\Driver\MappingDriverChain();
  2086.         $b->addDriver(new \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\AnnotationDriver(($this->privates['annotations.cached_reader'] ?? $this->getAnnotations_CachedReaderService()), [=> (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/portal-engine/src/Entity')]), 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Entity');
  2087.         $a->setEntityNamespaces(['PimcorePortalEngine' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Entity']);
  2088.         $a->setMetadataCache(new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ArrayAdapter());
  2089.         $a->setQueryCache(($this->privates['cache.doctrine.orm.portal_engine.query'] ?? $this->getCache_Doctrine_Orm_PortalEngine_QueryService()));
  2090.         $a->setResultCache(($this->privates['cache.doctrine.orm.portal_engine.result'] ?? $this->getCache_Doctrine_Orm_PortalEngine_ResultService()));
  2091.         $a->setMetadataDriverImpl(new \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Mapping\MappingDriver($b, ($this->privates['.service_locator.KLVvNIq'] ?? $this->get_ServiceLocator_KLVvNIqService())));
  2092.         $a->setProxyDir(($this->targetDir.''.'/doctrine/orm/Proxies'));
  2093.         $a->setProxyNamespace('Proxies');
  2094.         $a->setAutoGenerateProxyClasses(false);
  2095.         $a->setSchemaIgnoreClasses([]);
  2096.         $a->setClassMetadataFactoryName('Doctrine\\Bundle\\DoctrineBundle\\Mapping\\ClassMetadataFactory');
  2097.         $a->setDefaultRepositoryClassName('Doctrine\\ORM\\EntityRepository');
  2098.         $a->setNamingStrategy(($this->privates['doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.default'] ?? ($this->privates['doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.default'] = new \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultNamingStrategy())));
  2099.         $a->setQuoteStrategy(($this->privates['doctrine.orm.quote_strategy.default'] ?? ($this->privates['doctrine.orm.quote_strategy.default'] = new \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultQuoteStrategy())));
  2100.         $a->setEntityListenerResolver(new \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Mapping\ContainerEntityListenerResolver($this));
  2101.         $a->setRepositoryFactory(($this->privates['doctrine.orm.container_repository_factory'] ?? $this->getDoctrine_Orm_ContainerRepositoryFactoryService()));
  2102.         $instance = new \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager(($this->services['doctrine.dbal.default_connection'] ?? $this->getDoctrine_Dbal_DefaultConnectionService()), $a);
  2103.         (new \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\ManagerConfigurator([], []))->configure($instance);
  2104.         return $instance;
  2105.     }
  2106.     /**
  2107.      * Gets the public 'doctrine.orm.statistics_explorer_entity_manager' shared service.
  2108.      *
  2109.      * @return \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager
  2110.      */
  2111.     protected function getDoctrine_Orm_StatisticsExplorerEntityManagerService($lazyLoad true)
  2112.     {
  2113.         if ($lazyLoad) {
  2114.             return $this->services['doctrine.orm.statistics_explorer_entity_manager'] = $this->createProxy('EntityManager_9a5be93', function () {
  2115.                 return \EntityManager_9a5be93::staticProxyConstructor(function (&$wrappedInstance\ProxyManager\Proxy\LazyLoadingInterface $proxy) {
  2116.                     $wrappedInstance $this->getDoctrine_Orm_StatisticsExplorerEntityManagerService(false);
  2117.                     $proxy->setProxyInitializer(null);
  2118.                     return true;
  2119.                 });
  2120.             });
  2121.         }
  2122.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/persistence/src/Persistence/ObjectManager.php';
  2123.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/EntityManagerInterface.php';
  2124.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/EntityManager.php';
  2125.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Configuration.php';
  2126.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/persistence/src/Persistence/Mapping/Driver/MappingDriver.php';
  2127.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/Mapping/MappingDriver.php';
  2128.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/persistence/src/Persistence/Mapping/Driver/MappingDriverChain.php';
  2129.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/persistence/src/Persistence/Mapping/Driver/ColocatedMappingDriver.php';
  2130.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/persistence/src/Persistence/Mapping/Driver/AnnotationDriver.php';
  2131.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Mapping/Driver/CompatibilityAnnotationDriver.php';
  2132.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Mapping/Driver/AnnotationDriver.php';
  2133.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Mapping/EntityListenerResolver.php';
  2134.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/Mapping/EntityListenerServiceResolver.php';
  2135.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/Mapping/ContainerEntityListenerResolver.php';
  2136.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/ManagerConfigurator.php';
  2137.         $a = new \Doctrine\ORM\Configuration();
  2138.         $b = new \Doctrine\Persistence\Mapping\Driver\MappingDriverChain();
  2139.         $b->addDriver(new \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\AnnotationDriver(($this->privates['annotations.cached_reader'] ?? $this->getAnnotations_CachedReaderService()), [=> (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/statistics-explorer/src/Entity')]), 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\StatisticsExplorerBundle\\Entity');
  2140.         $a->setEntityNamespaces(['PimcoreStatisticsExplorerBundle' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\StatisticsExplorerBundle\\Entity']);
  2141.         $a->setMetadataCache(new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ArrayAdapter());
  2142.         $a->setQueryCache(($this->privates['cache.doctrine.orm.statistics_explorer.query'] ?? $this->getCache_Doctrine_Orm_StatisticsExplorer_QueryService()));
  2143.         $a->setResultCache(($this->privates['cache.doctrine.orm.statistics_explorer.result'] ?? $this->getCache_Doctrine_Orm_StatisticsExplorer_ResultService()));
  2144.         $a->setMetadataDriverImpl(new \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Mapping\MappingDriver($b, ($this->privates['.service_locator.KLVvNIq'] ?? $this->get_ServiceLocator_KLVvNIqService())));
  2145.         $a->setProxyDir(($this->targetDir.''.'/doctrine/orm/Proxies'));
  2146.         $a->setProxyNamespace('Proxies');
  2147.         $a->setAutoGenerateProxyClasses(false);
  2148.         $a->setSchemaIgnoreClasses([]);
  2149.         $a->setClassMetadataFactoryName('Doctrine\\Bundle\\DoctrineBundle\\Mapping\\ClassMetadataFactory');
  2150.         $a->setDefaultRepositoryClassName('Doctrine\\ORM\\EntityRepository');
  2151.         $a->setNamingStrategy(($this->privates['doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.default'] ?? ($this->privates['doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.default'] = new \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultNamingStrategy())));
  2152.         $a->setQuoteStrategy(($this->privates['doctrine.orm.quote_strategy.default'] ?? ($this->privates['doctrine.orm.quote_strategy.default'] = new \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultQuoteStrategy())));
  2153.         $a->setEntityListenerResolver(new \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Mapping\ContainerEntityListenerResolver($this));
  2154.         $a->setRepositoryFactory(($this->privates['doctrine.orm.container_repository_factory'] ?? $this->getDoctrine_Orm_ContainerRepositoryFactoryService()));
  2155.         $instance = new \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager(($this->services['doctrine.dbal.default_connection'] ?? $this->getDoctrine_Dbal_DefaultConnectionService()), $a);
  2156.         (new \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\ManagerConfigurator([], []))->configure($instance);
  2157.         return $instance;
  2158.     }
  2159.     /**
  2160.      * Gets the public 'event_dispatcher' shared service.
  2161.      *
  2162.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher
  2163.      */
  2164.     protected function getEventDispatcherService()
  2165.     {
  2166.         $this->services['event_dispatcher'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher(new \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher(), ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] ?? ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] = new \Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\Stopwatch(true))), ($this->services['monolog.logger.event'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_EventService()), ($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())));
  2167.         $instance->addListener('scheb_two_factor.authentication.complete', [=> function () {
  2168.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\TwoFactorListener'] ?? $this->load('getTwoFactorListenerService'));
  2169.         }, => 'onAuthenticationComplete'], 0);
  2170.         $instance->addListener('scheb_two_factor.authentication.attempt', [=> function () {
  2171.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\TwoFactorListener'] ?? $this->load('getTwoFactorListenerService'));
  2172.         }, => 'onAuthenticationAttempt'], 0);
  2173.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.preAdd', [=> function () {
  2174.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\MarketsShadowListener'] ?? ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\MarketsShadowListener'] = new \App\EventListener\MarketsShadowListener()));
  2175.         }, => 'onObjectPreAddOrUpdate'], 0);
  2176.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.preUpdate', [=> function () {
  2177.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\MarketsShadowListener'] ?? ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\MarketsShadowListener'] = new \App\EventListener\MarketsShadowListener()));
  2178.         }, => 'onObjectPreAddOrUpdate'], 0);
  2179.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.admin.dataobject.get.preSendData', [=> function () {
  2180.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\AdminLayoutModificationListener'] ?? ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\AdminLayoutModificationListener'] = new \App\EventListener\AdminLayoutModificationListener()));
  2181.         }, => 'onObjectGetPreSendData'], 0);
  2182.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.bundle_manager.paths.css', [=> function () {
  2183.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\AdminAssetsListener'] ?? ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\AdminAssetsListener'] = new \App\EventListener\AdminAssetsListener()));
  2184.         }, => 'onPathsCss'], 0);
  2185.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.bundle_manager.paths.js', [=> function () {
  2186.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\AdminAssetsListener'] ?? ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\AdminAssetsListener'] = new \App\EventListener\AdminAssetsListener()));
  2187.         }, => 'onPathsJs'], 0);
  2188.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.admin.resolve.elementAdminStyle', [=> function () {
  2189.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\AdminStyleListener'] ?? ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\AdminStyleListener'] = new \App\EventListener\AdminStyleListener()));
  2190.         }, => 'onResolveElementAdminStyle'], 0);
  2191.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  2192.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\ProductPassListener'] ?? $this->load('getProductPassListenerService'));
  2193.         }, => 'onObjectPostUpdate'], 0);
  2194.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  2195.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\ProductPassListener'] ?? $this->load('getProductPassListenerService'));
  2196.         }, => 'onAssetPostUpdate'], 0);
  2197.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  2198.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\DamListener'] ?? $this->load('getDamListenerService'));
  2199.         }, => 'onObjectPostUpdate'], 0);
  2200.         $instance->addListener('kernel.controller', [=> function () {
  2201.             return ($this->privates['data_collector.router'] ?? ($this->privates['data_collector.router'] = new \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DataCollector\RouterDataCollector()));
  2202.         }, => 'onKernelController'], 0);
  2203.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\CheckPassportEvent', [=> function () {
  2204.             return ($this->privates['security.listener.user_provider'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Listener_UserProviderService'));
  2205.         }, => 'checkPassport'], 1024);
  2206.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2207.             return ($this->privates['security.context_listener.0'] ?? $this->getSecurity_ContextListener_0Service());
  2208.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], 0);
  2209.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2210.             return ($this->privates['security.context_listener.1'] ?? $this->getSecurity_ContextListener_1Service());
  2211.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], 0);
  2212.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2213.             return ($this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\GoogleAnalyticsCodeListener'] ?? $this->getGoogleAnalyticsCodeListenerService());
  2214.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], -110);
  2215.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2216.             return ($this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\GoogleTagManagerListener'] ?? $this->getGoogleTagManagerListenerService());
  2217.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], -108);
  2218.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2219.             return ($this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\FullPageCacheListener'] ?? $this->getFullPageCacheListenerService());
  2220.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 610);
  2221.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2222.             return ($this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\FullPageCacheListener'] ?? $this->getFullPageCacheListenerService());
  2223.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], -120);
  2224.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2225.             return ($this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\FullPageCacheListener'] ?? $this->getFullPageCacheListenerService());
  2226.         }, => 'stopPropagationCheck'], 100);
  2227.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2228.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\MaintenancePageListener'] ?? $this->getMaintenancePageListenerService());
  2229.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 620);
  2230.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.admin.indexAction.settings', [=> function () {
  2231.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\EventListener\\AdminListener'] ?? $this->load('getAdminListenerService'));
  2232.         }, => 'addIndexSettings'], 0);
  2233.         $instance->addListener('Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataImporterBundle\\Event\\PostPreparationEvent', [=> function () {
  2234.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataImporterBundle\\EventListener\\DataImporterListener'] ?? $this->load('getDataImporterListenerService'));
  2235.         }, => 'importPrepared'], 0);
  2236.         $instance->addListener('kernel.exception', [=> function () {
  2237.             return ($this->privates['webpack_encore.exception_listener'] ?? $this->load('getWebpackEncore_ExceptionListenerService'));
  2238.         }, => 'onKernelException'], 0);
  2239.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  2240.             return ($this->privates['bundle.advanced_object_search.eventlisteners'] ?? $this->load('getBundle_AdvancedObjectSearch_EventlistenersService'));
  2241.         }, => 'updateObject'], 0);
  2242.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.postAdd', [=> function () {
  2243.             return ($this->privates['bundle.advanced_object_search.eventlisteners'] ?? $this->load('getBundle_AdvancedObjectSearch_EventlistenersService'));
  2244.         }, => 'updateObject'], 0);
  2245.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.preDelete', [=> function () {
  2246.             return ($this->privates['bundle.advanced_object_search.eventlisteners'] ?? $this->load('getBundle_AdvancedObjectSearch_EventlistenersService'));
  2247.         }, => 'deleteObject'], 0);
  2248.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.class.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  2249.             return ($this->privates['bundle.advanced_object_search.eventlisteners'] ?? $this->load('getBundle_AdvancedObjectSearch_EventlistenersService'));
  2250.         }, => 'updateMapping'], 0);
  2251.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.class.postDelete', [=> function () {
  2252.             return ($this->privates['bundle.advanced_object_search.eventlisteners'] ?? $this->load('getBundle_AdvancedObjectSearch_EventlistenersService'));
  2253.         }, => 'deleteIndex'], 0);
  2254.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.system.maintenance', [=> function () {
  2255.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\ImportStatusListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\ImportStatusListener'] = new \Blackbit\DataDirectorBundle\EventListener\ImportStatusListener(23600)));
  2256.         }, => 'maintenance'], 0);
  2257.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  2258.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\AutomaticImportListener'] ?? $this->load('getAutomaticImportListenerService'));
  2259.         }, => 'startImports'], 0);
  2260.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.postAdd', [=> function () {
  2261.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\AutomaticImportListener'] ?? $this->load('getAutomaticImportListenerService'));
  2262.         }, => 'startImports'], 0);
  2263.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  2264.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\AutomaticImportListener'] ?? $this->load('getAutomaticImportListenerService'));
  2265.         }, => 'startImports'], 0);
  2266.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.postAdd', [=> function () {
  2267.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\AutomaticImportListener'] ?? $this->load('getAutomaticImportListenerService'));
  2268.         }, => 'startImports'], 0);
  2269.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.document.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  2270.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\AutomaticImportListener'] ?? $this->load('getAutomaticImportListenerService'));
  2271.         }, => 'startImports'], 0);
  2272.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.document.postAdd', [=> function () {
  2273.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\AutomaticImportListener'] ?? $this->load('getAutomaticImportListenerService'));
  2274.         }, => 'startImports'], 0);
  2275.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.preDelete', [=> function () {
  2276.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\AutomaticImportListener'] ?? $this->load('getAutomaticImportListenerService'));
  2277.         }, => 'deleteRawdata'], 0);
  2278.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.preDelete', [=> function () {
  2279.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\AutomaticImportListener'] ?? $this->load('getAutomaticImportListenerService'));
  2280.         }, => 'deleteRawdata'], 0);
  2281.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.document.preDelete', [=> function () {
  2282.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\AutomaticImportListener'] ?? $this->load('getAutomaticImportListenerService'));
  2283.         }, => 'deleteRawdata'], 0);
  2284.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  2285.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\MappingPreviewListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\MappingPreviewListener'] = new \Blackbit\DataDirectorBundle\EventListener\MappingPreviewListener()));
  2286.         }, => 'clearMappingPreviewCache'], 0);
  2287.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  2288.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\MappingPreviewListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\MappingPreviewListener'] = new \Blackbit\DataDirectorBundle\EventListener\MappingPreviewListener()));
  2289.         }, => 'clearMappingPreviewCache'], 0);
  2290.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.document.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  2291.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\MappingPreviewListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\MappingPreviewListener'] = new \Blackbit\DataDirectorBundle\EventListener\MappingPreviewListener()));
  2292.         }, => 'clearMappingPreviewCache'], 0);
  2293.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.preDelete', [=> function () {
  2294.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\MappingPreviewListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\MappingPreviewListener'] = new \Blackbit\DataDirectorBundle\EventListener\MappingPreviewListener()));
  2295.         }, => 'clearMappingPreviewCache'], 0);
  2296.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.preDelete', [=> function () {
  2297.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\MappingPreviewListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\MappingPreviewListener'] = new \Blackbit\DataDirectorBundle\EventListener\MappingPreviewListener()));
  2298.         }, => 'clearMappingPreviewCache'], 0);
  2299.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.document.preDelete', [=> function () {
  2300.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\MappingPreviewListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\MappingPreviewListener'] = new \Blackbit\DataDirectorBundle\EventListener\MappingPreviewListener()));
  2301.         }, => 'clearMappingPreviewCache'], 0);
  2302.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.class.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  2303.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\ClassChangedListener'] ?? $this->load('getClassChangedListenerService'));
  2304.         }, => 'removeCompiledDataQuerySelectors'], 0);
  2305.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.class.postDelete', [=> function () {
  2306.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\ClassChangedListener'] ?? $this->load('getClassChangedListenerService'));
  2307.         }, => 'removeCompiledDataQuerySelectors'], 0);
  2308.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.system.cache.clear', [=> function () {
  2309.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\ClassChangedListener'] ?? $this->load('getClassChangedListenerService'));
  2310.         }, => 'removeAllCompiledDataQuerySelectors'], 0);
  2311.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.class.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  2312.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\ClassChangedListener'] ?? $this->load('getClassChangedListenerService'));
  2313.         }, => 'createStoreView'], 0);
  2314.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.class.postAdd', [=> function () {
  2315.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\ClassChangedListener'] ?? $this->load('getClassChangedListenerService'));
  2316.         }, => 'createStoreView'], 0);
  2317.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.class.postDelete', [=> function () {
  2318.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\ClassChangedListener'] ?? $this->load('getClassChangedListenerService'));
  2319.         }, => 'removeStoreView'], 0);
  2320.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.class.preAdd', [=> function () {
  2321.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\ClassChangedListener'] ?? $this->load('getClassChangedListenerService'));
  2322.         }, => 'addPreviewService'], 0);
  2323.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.class.preUpdate', [=> function () {
  2324.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\ClassChangedListener'] ?? $this->load('getClassChangedListenerService'));
  2325.         }, => 'addPathFormatterService'], 0);
  2326.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.objectbrick.preUpdate', [=> function () {
  2327.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\ClassChangedListener'] ?? $this->load('getClassChangedListenerService'));
  2328.         }, => 'addPathFormatterService'], 0);
  2329.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.class.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  2330.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\ClassChangedListener'] ?? $this->load('getClassChangedListenerService'));
  2331.         }, => 'updatePerspective'], 0);
  2332.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.class.postAdd', [=> function () {
  2333.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\ClassChangedListener'] ?? $this->load('getClassChangedListenerService'));
  2334.         }, => 'updatePerspective'], 0);
  2335.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.preUpdate', [=> function () {
  2336.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\AssetHashListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\AssetHashListener'] = new \Blackbit\DataDirectorBundle\EventListener\AssetHashListener()));
  2337.         }, => 'updateHash'], 0);
  2338.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.system.service.preGetDeepCopy', [=> function () {
  2339.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\DeepCopyListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\DeepCopyListener'] = new \Blackbit\DataDirectorBundle\EventListener\DeepCopyListener()));
  2340.         }, => 'getDeepCopyInstance'], 0);
  2341.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.preUpdate', [=> function () {
  2342.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\AddDataportIdListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\AddDataportIdListener'] = new \Blackbit\DataDirectorBundle\EventListener\AddDataportIdListener()));
  2343.         }, => 'addDataportId'], 255);
  2344.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  2345.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\AddDataportIdListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\AddDataportIdListener'] = new \Blackbit\DataDirectorBundle\EventListener\AddDataportIdListener()));
  2346.         }, => 'addDataportId'], 255);
  2347.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.document.preUpdate', [=> function () {
  2348.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\AddDataportIdListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\AddDataportIdListener'] = new \Blackbit\DataDirectorBundle\EventListener\AddDataportIdListener()));
  2349.         }, => 'addDataportId'], 255);
  2350.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.document.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  2351.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\AddDataportIdListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\AddDataportIdListener'] = new \Blackbit\DataDirectorBundle\EventListener\AddDataportIdListener()));
  2352.         }, => 'addDataportId'], 255);
  2353.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2354.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\ContextListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\ContextListener'] = new \Blackbit\DataDirectorBundle\EventListener\ContextListener()));
  2355.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 0);
  2356.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.bundle_manager.paths.css', [=> function () {
  2357.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\PimcoreAdminListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\PimcoreAdminListener'] = new \Blackbit\DataDirectorBundle\EventListener\PimcoreAdminListener()));
  2358.         }, => 'addCSSFiles'], 0);
  2359.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.bundle_manager.paths.js', [=> function () {
  2360.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\PimcoreAdminListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\PimcoreAdminListener'] = new \Blackbit\DataDirectorBundle\EventListener\PimcoreAdminListener()));
  2361.         }, => 'addJSFiles'], 0);
  2362.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.admin.resolve.elementAdminStyle', [=> function () {
  2363.             return ($this->privates['Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\EventListener\\AdminStyleListener'] ?? $this->load('getAdminStyleListener2Service'));
  2364.         }, => 'onResolveElementAdminStyle'], -200);
  2365.         $instance->addListener('Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Event\\DataObject\\UpdateIndexDataEvent', [=> function () {
  2366.             return ($this->privates['App\\PortalEngine\\EventListener\\MarketsActiveSubscriber'] ?? ($this->privates['App\\PortalEngine\\EventListener\\MarketsActiveSubscriber'] = new \App\PortalEngine\EventListener\MarketsActiveSubscriber()));
  2367.         }, => 'onUpdateIndexData'], 0);
  2368.         $instance->addListener('Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Event\\DataObject\\ExtractMappingEvent', [=> function () {
  2369.             return ($this->privates['App\\PortalEngine\\EventListener\\MarketsActiveSubscriber'] ?? ($this->privates['App\\PortalEngine\\EventListener\\MarketsActiveSubscriber'] = new \App\PortalEngine\EventListener\MarketsActiveSubscriber()));
  2370.         }, => 'onExtractMapping'], 0);
  2371.         $instance->addListener('Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Event\\DataObject\\ExtractMainImageEvent', [=> function () {
  2372.             return ($this->privates['App\\PortalEngine\\EventListener\\ExtractMainImageSubscriber'] ?? ($this->privates['App\\PortalEngine\\EventListener\\ExtractMainImageSubscriber'] = new \App\PortalEngine\EventListener\ExtractMainImageSubscriber()));
  2373.         }, => 'onExtractMainImage'], 0);
  2374.         $instance->addListener('Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Event\\DataObject\\ExtractNameEvent', [=> function () {
  2375.             return ($this->privates['App\\PortalEngine\\EventListener\\ExtractNameSubscriber'] ?? ($this->privates['App\\PortalEngine\\EventListener\\ExtractNameSubscriber'] = new \App\PortalEngine\EventListener\ExtractNameSubscriber()));
  2376.         }, => 'onExtractName'], 0);
  2377.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2378.             return ($this->privates['response_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['response_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ResponseListener('UTF-8'false)));
  2379.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], 0);
  2380.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2381.             return ($this->privates['streamed_response_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['streamed_response_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\StreamedResponseListener()));
  2382.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], -1024);
  2383.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2384.             return ($this->privates['locale_listener'] ?? $this->getLocaleListener2Service());
  2385.         }, => 'setDefaultLocale'], 100);
  2386.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2387.             return ($this->privates['locale_listener'] ?? $this->getLocaleListener2Service());
  2388.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 16);
  2389.         $instance->addListener('kernel.finish_request', [=> function () {
  2390.             return ($this->privates['locale_listener'] ?? $this->getLocaleListener2Service());
  2391.         }, => 'onKernelFinishRequest'], 0);
  2392.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2393.             return ($this->privates['validate_request_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['validate_request_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ValidateRequestListener()));
  2394.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 256);
  2395.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2396.             return ($this->privates['disallow_search_engine_index_response_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['disallow_search_engine_index_response_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\DisallowRobotsIndexingListener()));
  2397.         }, => 'onResponse'], -255);
  2398.         $instance->addListener('kernel.controller_arguments', [=> function () {
  2399.             return ($this->privates['exception_listener'] ?? $this->getExceptionListenerService());
  2400.         }, => 'onControllerArguments'], 0);
  2401.         $instance->addListener('kernel.exception', [=> function () {
  2402.             return ($this->privates['exception_listener'] ?? $this->getExceptionListenerService());
  2403.         }, => 'logKernelException'], 0);
  2404.         $instance->addListener('kernel.exception', [=> function () {
  2405.             return ($this->privates['exception_listener'] ?? $this->getExceptionListenerService());
  2406.         }, => 'onKernelException'], -128);
  2407.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2408.             return ($this->privates['exception_listener'] ?? $this->getExceptionListenerService());
  2409.         }, => 'removeCspHeader'], -128);
  2410.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2411.             return ($this->privates['locale_aware_listener'] ?? $this->getLocaleAwareListenerService());
  2412.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 15);
  2413.         $instance->addListener('kernel.finish_request', [=> function () {
  2414.             return ($this->privates['locale_aware_listener'] ?? $this->getLocaleAwareListenerService());
  2415.         }, => 'onKernelFinishRequest'], -15);
  2416.         $instance->addListener('console.error', [=> function () {
  2417.             return ($this->privates['console.error_listener'] ?? $this->load('getConsole_ErrorListenerService'));
  2418.         }, => 'onConsoleError'], -128);
  2419.         $instance->addListener('console.terminate', [=> function () {
  2420.             return ($this->privates['console.error_listener'] ?? $this->load('getConsole_ErrorListenerService'));
  2421.         }, => 'onConsoleTerminate'], -128);
  2422.         $instance->addListener('console.error', [=> function () {
  2423.             return ($this->privates['console.suggest_missing_package_subscriber'] ?? ($this->privates['console.suggest_missing_package_subscriber'] = new \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\EventListener\SuggestMissingPackageSubscriber()));
  2424.         }, => 'onConsoleError'], 0);
  2425.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Mailer\\Event\\MessageEvent', [=> function () {
  2426.             return ($this->privates['mailer.envelope_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['mailer.envelope_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\Mailer\EventListener\EnvelopeListener(NULLNULL)));
  2427.         }, => 'onMessage'], -255);
  2428.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Mailer\\Event\\MessageEvent', [=> function () {
  2429.             return ($this->privates['mailer.message_logger_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['mailer.message_logger_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\Mailer\EventListener\MessageLoggerListener()));
  2430.         }, => 'onMessage'], -255);
  2431.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2432.             return ($this->privates['debug.debug_handlers_listener'] ?? $this->getDebug_DebugHandlersListenerService());
  2433.         }, => 'configure'], 2048);
  2434.         $instance->addListener('console.command', [=> function () {
  2435.             return ($this->privates['debug.debug_handlers_listener'] ?? $this->getDebug_DebugHandlersListenerService());
  2436.         }, => 'configure'], 2048);
  2437.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2438.             return ($this->privates['router_listener'] ?? $this->getRouterListenerService());
  2439.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 32);
  2440.         $instance->addListener('kernel.finish_request', [=> function () {
  2441.             return ($this->privates['router_listener'] ?? $this->getRouterListenerService());
  2442.         }, => 'onKernelFinishRequest'], 0);
  2443.         $instance->addListener('kernel.exception', [=> function () {
  2444.             return ($this->privates['router_listener'] ?? $this->getRouterListenerService());
  2445.         }, => 'onKernelException'], -64);
  2446.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2447.             return ($this->privates['web_link.add_link_header_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['web_link.add_link_header_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\WebLink\EventListener\AddLinkHeaderListener()));
  2448.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], 0);
  2449.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2450.             return ($this->services['Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\SessionListener'] ?? $this->getSessionListenerService());
  2451.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 128);
  2452.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2453.             return ($this->services['Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\SessionListener'] ?? $this->getSessionListenerService());
  2454.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], -1000);
  2455.         $instance->addListener('kernel.finish_request', [=> function () {
  2456.             return ($this->services['Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\SessionListener'] ?? $this->getSessionListenerService());
  2457.         }, => 'onFinishRequest'], 0);
  2458.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Messenger\\Event\\WorkerMessageFailedEvent', [=> function () {
  2459.             return ($this->privates['messenger.retry.send_failed_message_for_retry_listener'] ?? $this->load('getMessenger_Retry_SendFailedMessageForRetryListenerService'));
  2460.         }, => 'onMessageFailed'], 100);
  2461.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Messenger\\Event\\WorkerMessageFailedEvent', [=> function () {
  2462.             return ($this->privates['messenger.failure.add_error_details_stamp_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['messenger.failure.add_error_details_stamp_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\Messenger\EventListener\AddErrorDetailsStampListener()));
  2463.         }, => 'onMessageFailed'], 200);
  2464.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Messenger\\Event\\WorkerStartedEvent', [=> function () {
  2465.             return ($this->privates['messenger.listener.stop_worker_on_restart_signal_listener'] ?? $this->load('getMessenger_Listener_StopWorkerOnRestartSignalListenerService'));
  2466.         }, => 'onWorkerStarted'], 0);
  2467.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Messenger\\Event\\WorkerRunningEvent', [=> function () {
  2468.             return ($this->privates['messenger.listener.stop_worker_on_restart_signal_listener'] ?? $this->load('getMessenger_Listener_StopWorkerOnRestartSignalListenerService'));
  2469.         }, => 'onWorkerRunning'], 0);
  2470.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Messenger\\Event\\WorkerMessageFailedEvent', [=> function () {
  2471.             return ($this->privates['messenger.listener.stop_worker_on_stop_exception_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['messenger.listener.stop_worker_on_stop_exception_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\Messenger\EventListener\StopWorkerOnCustomStopExceptionListener()));
  2472.         }, => 'onMessageFailed'], 0);
  2473.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Messenger\\Event\\WorkerRunningEvent', [=> function () {
  2474.             return ($this->privates['messenger.listener.stop_worker_on_stop_exception_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['messenger.listener.stop_worker_on_stop_exception_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\Messenger\EventListener\StopWorkerOnCustomStopExceptionListener()));
  2475.         }, => 'onWorkerRunning'], 0);
  2476.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Notifier\\Event\\MessageEvent', [=> function () {
  2477.             return ($this->privates['notifier.logger_notification_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['notifier.logger_notification_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\Notifier\EventListener\NotificationLoggerListener()));
  2478.         }, => 'onNotification'], -255);
  2479.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2480.             return ($this->privates['profiler_listener'] ?? $this->getProfilerListenerService());
  2481.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], -100);
  2482.         $instance->addListener('kernel.exception', [=> function () {
  2483.             return ($this->privates['profiler_listener'] ?? $this->getProfilerListenerService());
  2484.         }, => 'onKernelException'], 0);
  2485.         $instance->addListener('kernel.terminate', [=> function () {
  2486.             return ($this->privates['profiler_listener'] ?? $this->getProfilerListenerService());
  2487.         }, => 'onKernelTerminate'], -1024);
  2488.         $instance->addListener('kernel.controller', [=> function () {
  2489.             return ($this->privates['data_collector.request'] ?? $this->getDataCollector_RequestService());
  2490.         }, => 'onKernelController'], 0);
  2491.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2492.             return ($this->privates['data_collector.request'] ?? $this->getDataCollector_RequestService());
  2493.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], 0);
  2494.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2495.             return ($this->privates['security.rememberme.response_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['security.rememberme.response_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Http\RememberMe\ResponseListener()));
  2496.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], 0);
  2497.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\CheckPassportEvent', [=> function () {
  2498.             return ($this->privates['security.listener.check_authenticator_credentials'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Listener_CheckAuthenticatorCredentialsService'));
  2499.         }, => 'checkPassport'], 0);
  2500.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\LoginSuccessEvent', [=> function () {
  2501.             return ($this->privates['security.listener.password_migrating'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Listener_PasswordMigratingService'));
  2502.         }, => 'onLoginSuccess'], 0);
  2503.         $instance->addListener('', [=> function () {
  2504.             return ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->load('getDebug_Security_Voter_VoteListenerService'));
  2505.         }, => 'onVoterVote'], 0);
  2506.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2507.             return ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->getDebug_Security_FirewallService());
  2508.         }, => 'configureLogoutUrlGenerator'], 8);
  2509.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2510.             return ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->getDebug_Security_FirewallService());
  2511.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 8);
  2512.         $instance->addListener('kernel.finish_request', [=> function () {
  2513.             return ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->getDebug_Security_FirewallService());
  2514.         }, => 'onKernelFinishRequest'], 0);
  2515.         $instance->addListener('kernel.exception', [=> function () {
  2516.             return ($this->privates['security.authentication.kernel_exception_listener.two_factor.pimcore_admin'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Authentication_KernelExceptionListener_TwoFactor_PimcoreAdminService'));
  2517.         }, => 'onKernelException'], 2);
  2518.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2519.             return ($this->privates['security.authentication.form_listener.two_factor.pimcore_admin'] ?? $this->getSecurity_Authentication_FormListener_TwoFactor_PimcoreAdminService());
  2520.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 0);
  2521.         $instance->addListener('security.authentication.success', [=> function () {
  2522.             return ($this->privates['security.authentication.provider_preparation_listener.two_factor.pimcore_admin'] ?? $this->getSecurity_Authentication_ProviderPreparationListener_TwoFactor_PimcoreAdminService());
  2523.         }, => 'onLogin'], 9223372036854775807);
  2524.         $instance->addListener('scheb_two_factor.authentication.require', [=> function () {
  2525.             return ($this->privates['security.authentication.provider_preparation_listener.two_factor.pimcore_admin'] ?? $this->getSecurity_Authentication_ProviderPreparationListener_TwoFactor_PimcoreAdminService());
  2526.         }, => 'onAccessDenied'], 0);
  2527.         $instance->addListener('scheb_two_factor.authentication.form', [=> function () {
  2528.             return ($this->privates['security.authentication.provider_preparation_listener.two_factor.pimcore_admin'] ?? $this->getSecurity_Authentication_ProviderPreparationListener_TwoFactor_PimcoreAdminService());
  2529.         }, => 'onTwoFactorForm'], 0);
  2530.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2531.             return ($this->privates['security.authentication.provider_preparation_listener.two_factor.pimcore_admin'] ?? $this->getSecurity_Authentication_ProviderPreparationListener_TwoFactor_PimcoreAdminService());
  2532.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], 1);
  2533.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Mailer\\Event\\MessageEvent', [=> function () {
  2534.             return ($this->privates['twig.mailer.message_listener'] ?? $this->load('getTwig_Mailer_MessageListenerService'));
  2535.         }, => 'onMessage'], 0);
  2536.         $instance->addListener('console.command', [=> function () {
  2537.             return ($this->privates['monolog.handler.console'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_ConsoleService());
  2538.         }, => 'onCommand'], 255);
  2539.         $instance->addListener('console.terminate', [=> function () {
  2540.             return ($this->privates['monolog.handler.console'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_ConsoleService());
  2541.         }, => 'onTerminate'], -255);
  2542.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Messenger\\Event\\WorkerMessageHandledEvent', [=> function () {
  2543.             return ($this->privates['doctrine.orm.messenger.event_subscriber.doctrine_clear_entity_manager'] ?? $this->load('getDoctrine_Orm_Messenger_EventSubscriber_DoctrineClearEntityManagerService'));
  2544.         }, => 'onWorkerMessageHandled'], 0);
  2545.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Messenger\\Event\\WorkerMessageFailedEvent', [=> function () {
  2546.             return ($this->privates['doctrine.orm.messenger.event_subscriber.doctrine_clear_entity_manager'] ?? $this->load('getDoctrine_Orm_Messenger_EventSubscriber_DoctrineClearEntityManagerService'));
  2547.         }, => 'onWorkerMessageFailed'], 0);
  2548.         $instance->addListener('kernel.controller', [=> function () {
  2549.             return ($this->privates['sensio_framework_extra.controller.listener'] ?? $this->getSensioFrameworkExtra_Controller_ListenerService());
  2550.         }, => 'onKernelController'], 0);
  2551.         $instance->addListener('kernel.controller', [=> function () {
  2552.             return ($this->privates['sensio_framework_extra.converter.listener'] ?? $this->getSensioFrameworkExtra_Converter_ListenerService());
  2553.         }, => 'onKernelController'], 0);
  2554.         $instance->addListener('kernel.controller', [=> function () {
  2555.             return ($this->privates['sensio_framework_extra.view.listener'] ?? $this->getSensioFrameworkExtra_View_ListenerService());
  2556.         }, => 'onKernelController'], -128);
  2557.         $instance->addListener('kernel.view', [=> function () {
  2558.             return ($this->privates['sensio_framework_extra.view.listener'] ?? $this->getSensioFrameworkExtra_View_ListenerService());
  2559.         }, => 'onKernelView'], 0);
  2560.         $instance->addListener('kernel.controller', [=> function () {
  2561.             return ($this->privates['sensio_framework_extra.cache.listener'] ?? ($this->privates['sensio_framework_extra.cache.listener'] = new \Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\HttpCacheListener()));
  2562.         }, => 'onKernelController'], 0);
  2563.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2564.             return ($this->privates['sensio_framework_extra.cache.listener'] ?? ($this->privates['sensio_framework_extra.cache.listener'] = new \Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\HttpCacheListener()));
  2565.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], 0);
  2566.         $instance->addListener('kernel.controller_arguments', [=> function () {
  2567.             return ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->getSensioFrameworkExtra_Security_ListenerService());
  2568.         }, => 'onKernelControllerArguments'], 0);
  2569.         $instance->addListener('kernel.controller_arguments', [=> function () {
  2570.             return ($this->privates['framework_extra_bundle.event.is_granted'] ?? $this->getFrameworkExtraBundle_Event_IsGrantedService());
  2571.         }, => 'onKernelControllerArguments'], 0);
  2572.         $instance->addListener('presta_sitemap.populate', [=> function () {
  2573.             return ($this->privates['presta_sitemap.eventlistener.route_annotation'] ?? $this->load('getPrestaSitemap_Eventlistener_RouteAnnotationService'));
  2574.         }, => 'registerRouteAnnotation'], 0);
  2575.         $instance->addListener('security.authentication.success', [=> function () {
  2576.             return ($this->privates[''] ?? ($this->privates[''] = new \Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\TwoFactor\Event\AuthenticationSuccessEventSuppressor()));
  2577.         }, => 'onLogin'], 9223372036854775806);
  2578.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\CheckPassportEvent', [=> function () {
  2579.             return ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->load('getSchebTwoFactor_Security_Listener_CheckTwoFactorCodeService'));
  2580.         }, => 'checkPassport'], 0);
  2581.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\LoginSuccessEvent', [=> function () {
  2582.             return ($this->privates[''] ?? ($this->privates[''] = new \Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\Http\EventListener\SuppressRememberMeListener()));
  2583.         }, => 'onSuccessfulLogin'], -63);
  2584.         $instance->addListener('console.command', [=> function () {
  2585.             return ($this->privates['debug.dump_listener'] ?? $this->load('getDebug_DumpListenerService'));
  2586.         }, => 'configure'], 1024);
  2587.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2588.             return ($this->privates['web_profiler.debug_toolbar'] ?? $this->getWebProfiler_DebugToolbarService());
  2589.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], -128);
  2590.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2591.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Session\\AdminSessionBagConfigurator'] ?? $this->getAdminSessionBagConfiguratorService());
  2592.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 127);
  2593.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\LogoutEvent', [=> function () {
  2594.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Security\\Event\\LogoutListener'] ?? $this->load('getLogoutListenerService'));
  2595.         }, => 'onLogout'], 0);
  2596.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2597.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\AdminSecurityListener'] ?? $this->getAdminSecurityListenerService());
  2598.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], 0);
  2599.         $instance->addListener('kernel.controller', [=> function () {
  2600.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\AdminAuthenticationDoubleCheckListener'] ?? $this->getAdminAuthenticationDoubleCheckListenerService());
  2601.         }, => 'onKernelController'], 0);
  2602.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2603.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\CsrfProtectionListener'] ?? $this->getCsrfProtectionListenerService());
  2604.         }, => 'handleRequest'], 11);
  2605.         $instance->addListener('kernel.exception', [=> function () {
  2606.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\AdminExceptionListener'] ?? $this->load('getAdminExceptionListenerService'));
  2607.         }, => 'onKernelException'], 0);
  2608.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.class.postDelete', [=> function () {
  2609.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\GridConfigListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\GridConfigListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\GridConfigListener()));
  2610.         }, => 'onClassDelete'], 0);
  2611.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.user.postDelete', [=> function () {
  2612.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\GridConfigListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\GridConfigListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\GridConfigListener()));
  2613.         }, => 'onUserDelete'], 0);
  2614.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.postDelete', [=> function () {
  2615.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\GridConfigListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\GridConfigListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\GridConfigListener()));
  2616.         }, => 'onObjectDelete'], 0);
  2617.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.class.postDelete', [=> function () {
  2618.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\ImportConfigListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\ImportConfigListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\ImportConfigListener()));
  2619.         }, => 'onClassDelete'], 0);
  2620.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.user.postDelete', [=> function () {
  2621.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\ImportConfigListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\ImportConfigListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\ImportConfigListener()));
  2622.         }, => 'onUserDelete'], 0);
  2623.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2624.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\AdminSessionBagListener'] ?? $this->getAdminSessionBagListenerService());
  2625.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 127);
  2626.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2627.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\HttpCacheListener'] ?? $this->getHttpCacheListenerService());
  2628.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], 0);
  2629.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2630.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\CustomAdminEntryPointCheckListener'] ?? $this->getCustomAdminEntryPointCheckListenerService());
  2631.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 560);
  2632.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2633.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\UserPerspectiveListener'] ?? $this->getUserPerspectiveListenerService());
  2634.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 0);
  2635.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2636.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\UsageStatisticsListener'] ?? $this->getUsageStatisticsListenerService());
  2637.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 0);
  2638.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2639.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\EnablePreviewTimeSliderListener'] ?? $this->getEnablePreviewTimeSliderListenerService());
  2640.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], 0);
  2641.         $instance->addListener('knp_pager.items', [=> function () {
  2642.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Model\\Paginator\\EventSubscriber\\PaginateListingSubscriber'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Model\\Paginator\\EventSubscriber\\PaginateListingSubscriber'] = new \Pimcore\Model\Paginator\EventSubscriber\PaginateListingSubscriber()));
  2643.         }, => 'items'], -5);
  2644.         $instance->addListener('knp_pager.before', [=> function () {
  2645.             return ($this->privates['Knp\\Component\\Pager\\Event\\Subscriber\\Paginate\\PaginationSubscriber'] ?? ($this->privates['Knp\\Component\\Pager\\Event\\Subscriber\\Paginate\\PaginationSubscriber'] = new \Knp\Component\Pager\Event\Subscriber\Paginate\PaginationSubscriber()));
  2646.         }, => 'before'], 0);
  2647.         $instance->addListener('knp_pager.pagination', [=> function () {
  2648.             return ($this->privates['Knp\\Component\\Pager\\Event\\Subscriber\\Paginate\\PaginationSubscriber'] ?? ($this->privates['Knp\\Component\\Pager\\Event\\Subscriber\\Paginate\\PaginationSubscriber'] = new \Knp\Component\Pager\Event\Subscriber\Paginate\PaginationSubscriber()));
  2649.         }, => 'pagination'], 0);
  2650.         $instance->addListener('workflow.completed', [=> function () {
  2651.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Workflow\\EventSubscriber\\NotificationSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getNotificationSubscriberService'));
  2652.         }, => 'onWorkflowCompleted'], 0);
  2653.         $instance->addListener('workflow.completed', [=> function () {
  2654.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Workflow\\EventSubscriber\\NotesSubscriber'] ?? $this->getNotesSubscriberService());
  2655.         }, => 'onWorkflowCompleted'], 1);
  2656.         $instance->addListener('workflow.enter', [=> function () {
  2657.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Workflow\\EventSubscriber\\NotesSubscriber'] ?? $this->getNotesSubscriberService());
  2658.         }, => 'onWorkflowEnter'], 0);
  2659.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.workflow.preGlobalAction', [=> function () {
  2660.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Workflow\\EventSubscriber\\NotesSubscriber'] ?? $this->getNotesSubscriberService());
  2661.         }, => 'onPreGlobalAction'], 0);
  2662.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.workflow.postGlobalAction', [=> function () {
  2663.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Workflow\\EventSubscriber\\NotesSubscriber'] ?? $this->getNotesSubscriberService());
  2664.         }, => 'onPostGlobalAction'], 0);
  2665.         $instance->addListener('workflow.completed', [=> function () {
  2666.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Workflow\\EventSubscriber\\ChangePublishedStateSubscriber'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Workflow\\EventSubscriber\\ChangePublishedStateSubscriber'] = new \Pimcore\Workflow\EventSubscriber\ChangePublishedStateSubscriber()));
  2667.         }, => 'onWorkflowCompleted'], 0);
  2668.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2669.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\RoutingListener'] ?? $this->getRoutingListenerService());
  2670.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 512);
  2671.         $instance->addListener('kernel.exception', [=> function () {
  2672.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\RoutingListener'] ?? $this->getRoutingListenerService());
  2673.         }, => 'onKernelException'], 64);
  2674.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2675.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\PimcoreContextListener'] ?? $this->getPimcoreContextListenerService());
  2676.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 24);
  2677.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2678.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\DocumentFallbackListener'] ?? $this->getDocumentFallbackListenerService());
  2679.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 20);
  2680.         $instance->addListener('kernel.controller', [=> function () {
  2681.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\DocumentFallbackListener'] ?? $this->getDocumentFallbackListenerService());
  2682.         }, => 'onKernelController'], 50);
  2683.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2684.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\PimcoreHeaderListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\PimcoreHeaderListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\PimcoreHeaderListener()));
  2685.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], 0);
  2686.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2687.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\LocaleListener'] ?? $this->getLocaleListenerService());
  2688.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 1);
  2689.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2690.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\LocaleListener'] ?? $this->getLocaleListenerService());
  2691.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], 0);
  2692.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2693.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\TranslationDebugListener'] ?? $this->getTranslationDebugListenerService());
  2694.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 0);
  2695.         $instance->addListener('kernel.terminate', [=> function () {
  2696.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\DumpTranslationEntriesListener'] ?? $this->load('getDumpTranslationEntriesListenerService'));
  2697.         }, => 'onKernelTerminate'], 0);
  2698.         $instance->addListener('console.terminate', [=> function () {
  2699.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\DumpTranslationEntriesListener'] ?? $this->load('getDumpTranslationEntriesListenerService'));
  2700.         }, => 'onConsoleTerminate'], 0);
  2701.         $instance->addListener('kernel.controller', [=> function () {
  2702.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\ElementListener'] ?? $this->getElementListenerService());
  2703.         }, => 'onKernelController'], 30);
  2704.         $instance->addListener('kernel.controller', [=> function () {
  2705.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\GlobalTemplateVariablesListener'] ?? $this->getGlobalTemplateVariablesListenerService());
  2706.         }, => 'onKernelController'], 15);
  2707.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2708.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\GlobalTemplateVariablesListener'] ?? $this->getGlobalTemplateVariablesListenerService());
  2709.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], 0);
  2710.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2711.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\GlobalTemplateVariablesListener'] ?? $this->getGlobalTemplateVariablesListenerService());
  2712.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 700);
  2713.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2714.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\HardlinkCanonicalListener'] ?? $this->getHardlinkCanonicalListenerService());
  2715.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], 0);
  2716.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2717.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\BlockStateListener'] ?? $this->getBlockStateListenerService());
  2718.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 0);
  2719.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2720.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\BlockStateListener'] ?? $this->getBlockStateListenerService());
  2721.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], 0);
  2722.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2723.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\DocumentMetaDataListener'] ?? $this->getDocumentMetaDataListenerService());
  2724.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 0);
  2725.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.document.renderer.pre_render', [=> function () {
  2726.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\DocumentRendererListener'] ?? $this->load('getDocumentRendererListenerService'));
  2727.         }, => 'onPreRender'], 0);
  2728.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.document.renderer.post_render', [=> function () {
  2729.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\DocumentRendererListener'] ?? $this->load('getDocumentRendererListenerService'));
  2730.         }, => 'onPostRender'], 0);
  2731.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.document.postAdd', [=> function () {
  2732.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\StaticPageGeneratorListener'] ?? $this->getStaticPageGeneratorListenerService());
  2733.         }, => 'onPostAddUpdateDeleteDocument'], 0);
  2734.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.document.postDelete', [=> function () {
  2735.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\StaticPageGeneratorListener'] ?? $this->getStaticPageGeneratorListenerService());
  2736.         }, => 'onPostAddUpdateDeleteDocument'], 0);
  2737.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.document.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  2738.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\StaticPageGeneratorListener'] ?? $this->getStaticPageGeneratorListenerService());
  2739.         }, => 'onPostAddUpdateDeleteDocument'], 0);
  2740.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2741.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\StaticPageGeneratorListener'] ?? $this->getStaticPageGeneratorListenerService());
  2742.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 510);
  2743.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2744.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\StaticPageGeneratorListener'] ?? $this->getStaticPageGeneratorListenerService());
  2745.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], -120);
  2746.         $instance->addListener('kernel.view', [=> function () {
  2747.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\ContentTemplateListener'] ?? $this->load('getContentTemplateListenerService'));
  2748.         }, => 'onKernelView'], 16);
  2749.         $instance->addListener('kernel.controller', [=> function () {
  2750.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\EventedControllerListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\EventedControllerListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\EventedControllerListener()));
  2751.         }, => 'onKernelController'], 0);
  2752.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2753.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\EventedControllerListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\EventedControllerListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\EventedControllerListener()));
  2754.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], 0);
  2755.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.postAdd', [=> function () {
  2756.             return ($this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\WorkflowManagementListener'] ?? $this->load('getWorkflowManagementListenerService'));
  2757.         }, => 'onElementPostAdd'], 0);
  2758.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.document.postAdd', [=> function () {
  2759.             return ($this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\WorkflowManagementListener'] ?? $this->load('getWorkflowManagementListenerService'));
  2760.         }, => 'onElementPostAdd'], 0);
  2761.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.postAdd', [=> function () {
  2762.             return ($this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\WorkflowManagementListener'] ?? $this->load('getWorkflowManagementListenerService'));
  2763.         }, => 'onElementPostAdd'], 0);
  2764.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.postDelete', [=> function () {
  2765.             return ($this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\WorkflowManagementListener'] ?? $this->load('getWorkflowManagementListenerService'));
  2766.         }, => 'onElementPostDelete'], 0);
  2767.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.document.postDelete', [=> function () {
  2768.             return ($this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\WorkflowManagementListener'] ?? $this->load('getWorkflowManagementListenerService'));
  2769.         }, => 'onElementPostDelete'], 0);
  2770.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.postDelete', [=> function () {
  2771.             return ($this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\WorkflowManagementListener'] ?? $this->load('getWorkflowManagementListenerService'));
  2772.         }, => 'onElementPostDelete'], 0);
  2773.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.admin.dataobject.get.preSendData', [=> function () {
  2774.             return ($this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\WorkflowManagementListener'] ?? $this->load('getWorkflowManagementListenerService'));
  2775.         }, => 'onAdminElementGetPreSendData'], 0);
  2776.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.admin.asset.get.preSendData', [=> function () {
  2777.             return ($this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\WorkflowManagementListener'] ?? $this->load('getWorkflowManagementListenerService'));
  2778.         }, => 'onAdminElementGetPreSendData'], 0);
  2779.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.admin.document.get.preSendData', [=> function () {
  2780.             return ($this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\WorkflowManagementListener'] ?? $this->load('getWorkflowManagementListenerService'));
  2781.         }, => 'onAdminElementGetPreSendData'], 0);
  2782.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.postCopy', [=> function () {
  2783.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\ElementTagsListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\ElementTagsListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\ElementTagsListener()));
  2784.         }, => 'onPostCopy'], 0);
  2785.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.document.postCopy', [=> function () {
  2786.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\ElementTagsListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\ElementTagsListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\ElementTagsListener()));
  2787.         }, => 'onPostCopy'], 0);
  2788.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.postCopy', [=> function () {
  2789.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\ElementTagsListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\ElementTagsListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\ElementTagsListener()));
  2790.         }, => 'onPostCopy'], 0);
  2791.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.postDelete', [=> function () {
  2792.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\ElementTagsListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\ElementTagsListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\ElementTagsListener()));
  2793.         }, => 'onPostAssetDelete'], -9999);
  2794.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.postAdd', [=> function () {
  2795.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\SearchBackendListener'] ?? $this->load('getSearchBackendListenerService'));
  2796.         }, => 'onPostAddUpdateElement'], 0);
  2797.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.document.postAdd', [=> function () {
  2798.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\SearchBackendListener'] ?? $this->load('getSearchBackendListenerService'));
  2799.         }, => 'onPostAddUpdateElement'], 0);
  2800.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.postAdd', [=> function () {
  2801.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\SearchBackendListener'] ?? $this->load('getSearchBackendListenerService'));
  2802.         }, => 'onPostAddUpdateElement'], 0);
  2803.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.preDelete', [=> function () {
  2804.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\SearchBackendListener'] ?? $this->load('getSearchBackendListenerService'));
  2805.         }, => 'onPreDeleteElement'], 0);
  2806.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.document.preDelete', [=> function () {
  2807.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\SearchBackendListener'] ?? $this->load('getSearchBackendListenerService'));
  2808.         }, => 'onPreDeleteElement'], 0);
  2809.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.preDelete', [=> function () {
  2810.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\SearchBackendListener'] ?? $this->load('getSearchBackendListenerService'));
  2811.         }, => 'onPreDeleteElement'], 0);
  2812.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  2813.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\SearchBackendListener'] ?? $this->load('getSearchBackendListenerService'));
  2814.         }, => 'onPostAddUpdateElement'], 0);
  2815.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.document.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  2816.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\SearchBackendListener'] ?? $this->load('getSearchBackendListenerService'));
  2817.         }, => 'onPostAddUpdateElement'], 0);
  2818.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  2819.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\SearchBackendListener'] ?? $this->load('getSearchBackendListenerService'));
  2820.         }, => 'onPostAddUpdateElement'], 0);
  2821.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.postAdd', [=> function () {
  2822.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\UUIDListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\UUIDListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\UUIDListener()));
  2823.         }, => 'onPostAdd'], 0);
  2824.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.document.postAdd', [=> function () {
  2825.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\UUIDListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\UUIDListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\UUIDListener()));
  2826.         }, => 'onPostAdd'], 0);
  2827.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.postAdd', [=> function () {
  2828.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\UUIDListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\UUIDListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\UUIDListener()));
  2829.         }, => 'onPostAdd'], 0);
  2830.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.class.postAdd', [=> function () {
  2831.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\UUIDListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\UUIDListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\UUIDListener()));
  2832.         }, => 'onPostAdd'], 0);
  2833.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.postDelete', [=> function () {
  2834.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\UUIDListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\UUIDListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\UUIDListener()));
  2835.         }, => 'onPostDelete'], 0);
  2836.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.document.postDelete', [=> function () {
  2837.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\UUIDListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\UUIDListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\UUIDListener()));
  2838.         }, => 'onPostDelete'], 0);
  2839.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.postDelete', [=> function () {
  2840.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\UUIDListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\UUIDListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\UUIDListener()));
  2841.         }, => 'onPostDelete'], 0);
  2842.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.class.postDelete', [=> function () {
  2843.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\UUIDListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\UUIDListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\UUIDListener()));
  2844.         }, => 'onPostDelete'], 0);
  2845.         $instance->addListener('kernel.exception', [=> function () {
  2846.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\ResponseExceptionListener'] ?? $this->load('getResponseExceptionListenerService'));
  2847.         }, => 'onKernelException'], 0);
  2848.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2849.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\ResponseHeaderListener'] ?? $this->getResponseHeaderListenerService());
  2850.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], 32);
  2851.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2852.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\EditmodeListener'] ?? $this->getEditmodeListenerService());
  2853.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 0);
  2854.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2855.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\EditmodeListener'] ?? $this->getEditmodeListenerService());
  2856.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], 0);
  2857.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2858.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\ResponseStackListener'] ?? $this->getResponseStackListenerService());
  2859.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], 24);
  2860.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2861.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\InternalWysiwygHtmlAttributeFilterListener'] ?? $this->getInternalWysiwygHtmlAttributeFilterListenerService());
  2862.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], 0);
  2863.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2864.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\GoogleSearchConsoleVerificationListener'] ?? $this->getGoogleSearchConsoleVerificationListenerService());
  2865.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 64);
  2866.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2867.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\OutputTimestampListener'] ?? $this->getOutputTimestampListenerService());
  2868.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 0);
  2869.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2870.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\WebDebugToolbarListener'] ?? $this->getWebDebugToolbarListenerService());
  2871.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], -118);
  2872.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Messenger\\Event\\WorkerMessageReceivedEvent', [=> function () {
  2873.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\MessengerClearRuntimeCacheListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\MessengerClearRuntimeCacheListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\MessengerClearRuntimeCacheListener()));
  2874.         }, => 'handle'], 0);
  2875.         $instance->addListener('presta_sitemap.populate', [=> function () {
  2876.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Sitemap\\EventListener\\SitemapGeneratorListener'] ?? $this->load('getSitemapGeneratorListenerService'));
  2877.         }, => 'onPopulateSitemap'], 0);
  2878.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2879.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\TargetingListener'] ?? $this->getTargetingListenerService());
  2880.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 7);
  2881.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2882.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\TargetingListener'] ?? $this->getTargetingListenerService());
  2883.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], -115);
  2884.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.targeting.pre_resolve', [=> function () {
  2885.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\TargetingListener'] ?? $this->getTargetingListenerService());
  2886.         }, => 'onPreResolve'], 0);
  2887.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.targeting.pre_resolve', [=> function () {
  2888.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\DocumentTargetGroupListener'] ?? $this->load('getDocumentTargetGroupListenerService'));
  2889.         }, => 'onVisitorInfoResolve'], 0);
  2890.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.cache.full_page.prepare_response', [=> function () {
  2891.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\FullPageCacheCookieCleanupListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\FullPageCacheCookieCleanupListener'] = new \Pimcore\Targeting\EventListener\FullPageCacheCookieCleanupListener()));
  2892.         }, => 'onPrepareFullPageCacheResponse'], 0);
  2893.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.targeting.visited_pages_count_match', [=> function () {
  2894.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\VisitedPagesCountListener'] ?? $this->load('getVisitedPagesCountListenerService'));
  2895.         }, => 'onVisitedPagesCountMatch'], 0);
  2896.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.targeting.post_resolve', [=> function () {
  2897.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\VisitedPagesCountListener'] ?? $this->load('getVisitedPagesCountListenerService'));
  2898.         }, => 'onPostResolveVisitorInfo'], 0);
  2899.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.targeting.pre_resolve', [=> function () {
  2900.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\ToolbarListener'] ?? $this->getToolbarListenerService());
  2901.         }, => 'onPreResolve'], -10);
  2902.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  2903.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\ToolbarListener'] ?? $this->getToolbarListenerService());
  2904.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], -127);
  2905.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.cache.full_page.ignored_session_keys', [=> function () {
  2906.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\TargetingSessionBagListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\TargetingSessionBagListener'] = new \Pimcore\Targeting\EventListener\TargetingSessionBagListener()));
  2907.         }, => 'configureIgnoredSessionKeys'], 0);
  2908.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.cache.full_page.prepare_response', [=> function () {
  2909.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\TargetingSessionBagListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\TargetingSessionBagListener'] = new \Pimcore\Targeting\EventListener\TargetingSessionBagListener()));
  2910.         }, => 'prepareFullPageCacheResponse'], 0);
  2911.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  2912.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\TargetingSessionBagListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\TargetingSessionBagListener'] = new \Pimcore\Targeting\EventListener\TargetingSessionBagListener()));
  2913.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 127);
  2914.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  2915.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\EventListener\\DataChangeListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\EventListener\\DataChangeListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\DataHubBundle\EventListener\DataChangeListener()));
  2916.         }, => 'onObjectUpdate'], 0);
  2917.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.postDelete', [=> function () {
  2918.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\EventListener\\DataChangeListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\EventListener\\DataChangeListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\DataHubBundle\EventListener\DataChangeListener()));
  2919.         }, => 'onObjectDelete'], 0);
  2920.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.document.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  2921.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\EventListener\\DataChangeListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\EventListener\\DataChangeListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\DataHubBundle\EventListener\DataChangeListener()));
  2922.         }, => 'onDocumentUpdate'], 0);
  2923.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.document.postDelete', [=> function () {
  2924.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\EventListener\\DataChangeListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\EventListener\\DataChangeListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\DataHubBundle\EventListener\DataChangeListener()));
  2925.         }, => 'onDocumentDelete'], 0);
  2926.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  2927.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\EventListener\\DataChangeListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\EventListener\\DataChangeListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\DataHubBundle\EventListener\DataChangeListener()));
  2928.         }, => 'onAssetUpdate'], 0);
  2929.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.postDelete', [=> function () {
  2930.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\EventListener\\DataChangeListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\EventListener\\DataChangeListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\DataHubBundle\EventListener\DataChangeListener()));
  2931.         }, => 'onAssetDelete'], 0);
  2932.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  2933.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubSimpleRestBundle\\EventSubscriber\\ChangedEventSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getChangedEventSubscriberService'));
  2934.         }, => 'updateElement'], 0);
  2935.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  2936.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubSimpleRestBundle\\EventSubscriber\\ChangedEventSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getChangedEventSubscriberService'));
  2937.         }, => 'updateElement'], 0);
  2938.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.postAdd', [=> function () {
  2939.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubSimpleRestBundle\\EventSubscriber\\ChangedEventSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getChangedEventSubscriberService'));
  2940.         }, => 'updateElement'], 0);
  2941.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.postDelete', [=> function () {
  2942.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubSimpleRestBundle\\EventSubscriber\\ChangedEventSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getChangedEventSubscriberService'));
  2943.         }, => 'deleteElement'], 0);
  2944.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.postDelete', [=> function () {
  2945.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubSimpleRestBundle\\EventSubscriber\\ChangedEventSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getChangedEventSubscriberService'));
  2946.         }, => 'deleteElement'], 0);
  2947.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.datahub.configuration.postDelete', [=> function () {
  2948.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubSimpleRestBundle\\EventSubscriber\\ConfigurationEventSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getConfigurationEventSubscriber2Service'));
  2949.         }, => 'postDelete'], 0);
  2950.         $instance->addListener('console.error', [=> function () {
  2951.             return ($this->privates['Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\SystemEventsListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\SystemEventsListener'] = new \Elements\Bundle\ProcessManagerBundle\SystemEventsListener()));
  2952.         }, => 'onConsoleError'], 0);
  2953.         $instance->addListener('console.terminate', [=> function () {
  2954.             return ($this->privates['Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\SystemEventsListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\SystemEventsListener'] = new \Elements\Bundle\ProcessManagerBundle\SystemEventsListener()));
  2955.         }, => 'onConsoleTerminate'], 0);
  2956.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.datahub.configuration.postDelete', [=> function () {
  2957.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataImporterBundle\\EventListener\\ConfigurationEventSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getConfigurationEventSubscriber3Service'));
  2958.         }, => 'postDelete'], 0);
  2959.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.datahub.configuration.postSave', [=> function () {
  2960.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataImporterBundle\\EventListener\\ConfigurationEventSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getConfigurationEventSubscriber3Service'));
  2961.         }, => 'postSave'], 0);
  2962.         $instance->addListener('Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle\\Event\\Admin\\ValidateConfigEvent', [=> function () {
  2963.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle\\EventSubscriber\\AdminSubscriber'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle\\EventSubscriber\\AdminSubscriber'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\DataHubFileExportBundle\EventSubscriber\AdminSubscriber()));
  2964.         }, => 'isValidConfig'], 0);
  2965.         $instance->addListener('Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle\\Event\\Admin\\ResetConfigEvent', [=> function () {
  2966.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle\\EventSubscriber\\AdminSubscriber'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle\\EventSubscriber\\AdminSubscriber'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\DataHubFileExportBundle\EventSubscriber\AdminSubscriber()));
  2967.         }, => 'resetConfig'], 0);
  2968.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.datahub.configuration.postDelete', [=> function () {
  2969.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle\\EventSubscriber\\ConfigurationEventSubscriber'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle\\EventSubscriber\\ConfigurationEventSubscriber'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\DataHubFileExportBundle\EventSubscriber\ConfigurationEventSubscriber()));
  2970.         }, => 'postDelete'], 0);
  2971.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  2972.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle\\EventSubscriber\\DataObjectSubscriber'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle\\EventSubscriber\\DataObjectSubscriber'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\DataHubFileExportBundle\EventSubscriber\DataObjectSubscriber()));
  2973.         }, => 'doExport'], 0);
  2974.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.postAdd', [=> function () {
  2975.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle\\EventSubscriber\\DataObjectSubscriber'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle\\EventSubscriber\\DataObjectSubscriber'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\DataHubFileExportBundle\EventSubscriber\DataObjectSubscriber()));
  2976.         }, => 'doExport'], 0);
  2977.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.preDelete', [=> function () {
  2978.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle\\EventSubscriber\\DataObjectSubscriber'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle\\EventSubscriber\\DataObjectSubscriber'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\DataHubFileExportBundle\EventSubscriber\DataObjectSubscriber()));
  2979.         }, => 'preDelete'], 0);
  2980.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.admin.indexAction.settings', [=> function () {
  2981.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\AdminSettingsSubscriber'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\AdminSettingsSubscriber'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\EventSubscriber\AdminSettingsSubscriber([])));
  2982.         }, => 'getSettings'], 0);
  2983.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  2984.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\AssetUpdateSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getAssetUpdateSubscriberService'));
  2985.         }, => 'updateAsset'], 0);
  2986.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Messenger\\Event\\WorkerMessageFailedEvent', [=> function () {
  2987.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\BatchTaskSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getBatchTaskSubscriberService'));
  2988.         }, => 'onBatchTaskMessageFailed'], 0);
  2989.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Messenger\\Event\\WorkerMessageHandledEvent', [=> function () {
  2990.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\BatchTaskSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getBatchTaskSubscriberService'));
  2991.         }, => 'onWorkerMessageHandled'], 0);
  2992.         $instance->addListener('kernel.terminate', [=> function () {
  2993.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\BatchTaskSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getBatchTaskSubscriberService'));
  2994.         }, => 'onTerminate'], 0);
  2995.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.postDelete', [=> function () {
  2996.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\DeleteElementSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getDeleteElementSubscriberService'));
  2997.         }, => 'onDataObjectPostDelete'], 0);
  2998.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.postDelete', [=> function () {
  2999.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\DeleteElementSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getDeleteElementSubscriberService'));
  3000.         }, => 'onAssetPostDelete'], 0);
  3001.         $instance->addListener('Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Event\\Permission\\DataPoolUpdateItemEvent', [=> function () {
  3002.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\DenyPermissionsForFolders'] ?? $this->load('getDenyPermissionsForFoldersService'));
  3003.         }, => 'denyAccessForRootAndUploadFolder'], 0);
  3004.         $instance->addListener('Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Event\\Permission\\DataPoolDeleteItemEvent', [=> function () {
  3005.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\DenyPermissionsForFolders'] ?? $this->load('getDenyPermissionsForFoldersService'));
  3006.         }, => 'denyAccessForRootAndUploadFolder'], 0);
  3007.         $instance->addListener('Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Event\\Permission\\DataPoolSubfolderItemEvent', [=> function () {
  3008.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\DenyPermissionsForFolders'] ?? $this->load('getDenyPermissionsForFoldersService'));
  3009.         }, => 'denyAccessForUploadFolderOnly'], 0);
  3010.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.document.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  3011.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\DocumentCacheClearSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getDocumentCacheClearSubscriberService'));
  3012.         }, => 'onDocumentSave'], 0);
  3013.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.document.preUpdate', [=> function () {
  3014.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\DocumentConfigSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getDocumentConfigSubscriberService'));
  3015.         }, => 'onDocumentSave'], 0);
  3016.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.document.preAdd', [=> function () {
  3017.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\DocumentConfigSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getDocumentConfigSubscriberService'));
  3018.         }, => 'onDocumentAdd'], 0);
  3019.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.document.postAdd', [=> function () {
  3020.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\DocumentConfigSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getDocumentConfigSubscriberService'));
  3021.         }, => 'triggerUpdatePortalsJson'], 0);
  3022.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.document.postDelete', [=> function () {
  3023.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\DocumentConfigSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getDocumentConfigSubscriberService'));
  3024.         }, => 'triggerUpdatePortalsJson'], 0);
  3025.         $instance->addListener('kernel.terminate', [=> function () {
  3026.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\DocumentConfigSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getDocumentConfigSubscriberService'));
  3027.         }, => 'onTerminate'], 0);
  3028.         $instance->addListener('console.terminate', [=> function () {
  3029.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\DocumentConfigSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getDocumentConfigSubscriberService'));
  3030.         }, => 'onTerminate'], -1000);
  3031.         $instance->addListener('Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Event\\Download\\DownloadAssetEvent', [=> function () {
  3032.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\DownloadTrackerSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getDownloadTrackerSubscriberService'));
  3033.         }, => 'onDownloadAsset'], 0);
  3034.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  3035.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\IndexUpdateSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getIndexUpdateSubscriberService'));
  3036.         }, => 'updateDataObject'], 0);
  3037.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.postAdd', [=> function () {
  3038.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\IndexUpdateSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getIndexUpdateSubscriberService'));
  3039.         }, => 'updateDataObject'], 0);
  3040.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.preDelete', [=> function () {
  3041.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\IndexUpdateSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getIndexUpdateSubscriberService'));
  3042.         }, => 'deleteDataObject'], 0);
  3043.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.class.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  3044.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\IndexUpdateSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getIndexUpdateSubscriberService'));
  3045.         }, => 'updateDataObjectMapping'], 0);
  3046.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.class.postAdd', [=> function () {
  3047.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\IndexUpdateSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getIndexUpdateSubscriberService'));
  3048.         }, => 'addDataObjectMapping'], 0);
  3049.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.class.postDelete', [=> function () {
  3050.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\IndexUpdateSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getIndexUpdateSubscriberService'));
  3051.         }, => 'deleteDataObjectIndex'], 0);
  3052.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  3053.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\IndexUpdateSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getIndexUpdateSubscriberService'));
  3054.         }, => 'updateAsset'], 0);
  3055.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.postAdd', [=> function () {
  3056.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\IndexUpdateSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getIndexUpdateSubscriberService'));
  3057.         }, => 'updateAsset'], 0);
  3058.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.postDelete', [=> function () {
  3059.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\IndexUpdateSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getIndexUpdateSubscriberService'));
  3060.         }, => 'deleteAsset'], 0);
  3061.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.metadata.configuration.postUpdate', [=> function () {
  3062.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\IndexUpdateSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getIndexUpdateSubscriberService'));
  3063.         }, => 'updateAssetMapping'], 0);
  3064.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.metadata.configuration.postDelete', [=> function () {
  3065.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\IndexUpdateSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getIndexUpdateSubscriberService'));
  3066.         }, => 'updateAssetMapping'], 0);
  3067.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.tag.preDelete', [=> function () {
  3068.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\IndexUpdateSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getIndexUpdateSubscriberService'));
  3069.         }, => 'deleteTag'], 0);
  3070.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.tag.postAddToElement', [=> function () {
  3071.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\IndexUpdateSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getIndexUpdateSubscriberService'));
  3072.         }, => 'updateTagAssignment'], 0);
  3073.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.tag.postRemoveFromElement', [=> function () {
  3074.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\IndexUpdateSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getIndexUpdateSubscriberService'));
  3075.         }, => 'updateTagAssignment'], 0);
  3076.         $instance->addListener('kernel.controller', [=> function () {
  3077.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\PrefixSubscriber'] ?? $this->getPrefixSubscriberService());
  3078.         }, => 'onKernelController'], 0);
  3079.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  3080.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\RequestSubscriber'] ?? $this->getRequestSubscriberService());
  3081.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 33);
  3082.         $instance->addListener('kernel.exception', [=> function () {
  3083.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\ResponseExceptionSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getResponseExceptionSubscriberService'));
  3084.         }, => 'onKernelException'], -5);
  3085.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.preUpdate', [=> function () {
  3086.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\SaveUserSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getSaveUserSubscriberService'));
  3087.         }, => 'onPreUpdate'], 0);
  3088.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.preAdd', [=> function () {
  3089.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\SaveUserSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getSaveUserSubscriberService'));
  3090.         }, => 'onPreUpdate'], 0);
  3091.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.postDelete', [=> function () {
  3092.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\SaveUserSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getSaveUserSubscriberService'));
  3093.         }, => 'onPostDelete'], 0);
  3094.         $instance->addListener('kernel.controller', [=> function () {
  3095.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\SecuritySubscriber'] ?? $this->getSecuritySubscriberService());
  3096.         }, => 'onKernelController'], 19);
  3097.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.dataobject.preUpdate', [=> function () {
  3098.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\SecuritySubscriber'] ?? $this->getSecuritySubscriberService());
  3099.         }, => 'onPreUpdate'], 0);
  3100.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.preUpdate', [=> function () {
  3101.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\SecuritySubscriber'] ?? $this->getSecuritySubscriberService());
  3102.         }, => 'onPreUpdate'], 0);
  3103.         $instance->addListener('Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Event\\DataObject\\ExtractMappingEvent', [=> function () {
  3104.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\SizeEstimationStrategyListener'] ?? $this->load('getSizeEstimationStrategyListenerService'));
  3105.         }, => 'onExtractMapping'], 0);
  3106.         $instance->addListener('Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Event\\DataObject\\UpdateIndexDataEvent', [=> function () {
  3107.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\SizeEstimationStrategyListener'] ?? $this->load('getSizeEstimationStrategyListenerService'));
  3108.         }, => 'onUpdateIndexData'], 0);
  3109.         $instance->addListener('Pimcore\\Bundle\\StatisticsExplorerBundle\\Events\\DataFilterModificationEvent', [=> function () {
  3110.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\StatisticsSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getStatisticsSubscriberService'));
  3111.         }, => 'modifyStatisticsFilter'], 0);
  3112.         $instance->addListener('Pimcore\\Bundle\\StatisticsExplorerBundle\\Events\\DataResultEvent', [=> function () {
  3113.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\StatisticsSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getStatisticsSubscriberService'));
  3114.         }, => 'modifyDataResult'], 0);
  3115.         $instance->addListener('Pimcore\\Bundle\\StatisticsExplorerBundle\\Events\\StatisticsServiceInitEvent', [=> function () {
  3116.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\StatisticsSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getStatisticsSubscriberService'));
  3117.         }, => 'addDataObjectClassSources'], 0);
  3118.         $instance->addListener('Pimcore\\Bundle\\StatisticsExplorerBundle\\Events\\TableRenderEvent', [=> function () {
  3119.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\StatisticsSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getStatisticsSubscriberService'));
  3120.         }, => 'renderAssetListing'], 0);
  3121.         $instance->addListener('kernel.finish_request', [=> function () {
  3122.             return ($this->privates['Symfony\\WebpackEncoreBundle\\EventListener\\ResetAssetsEventListener'] ?? $this->getResetAssetsEventListenerService());
  3123.         }, => 'resetAssets'], 0);
  3124.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.admin.asset.get.preSendData', [=> function () {
  3125.             return ($this->privates['pimcore_asset_metadata_classdefinitions.event_listener.main_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['pimcore_asset_metadata_classdefinitions.event_listener.main_listener'] = new \Pimcore\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle\EventListener\MainListener()));
  3126.         }, => 'getPreSendData'], 0);
  3127.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.admin.asset.list.beforeBatchUpdate', [=> function () {
  3128.             return ($this->privates['pimcore_asset_metadata_classdefinitions.event_listener.main_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['pimcore_asset_metadata_classdefinitions.event_listener.main_listener'] = new \Pimcore\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle\EventListener\MainListener()));
  3129.         }, => 'assetListBeforeBatchUpdate'], 0);
  3130.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.admin.asset.list.beforeUpdate', [=> function () {
  3131.             return ($this->privates['pimcore_asset_metadata_classdefinitions.event_listener.main_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['pimcore_asset_metadata_classdefinitions.event_listener.main_listener'] = new \Pimcore\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle\EventListener\MainListener()));
  3132.         }, => 'assetListBeforeUpdate'], 0);
  3133.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.admin.asset.getFieldGridConfig', [=> function () {
  3134.             return ($this->privates['pimcore_asset_metadata_classdefinitions.event_listener.main_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['pimcore_asset_metadata_classdefinitions.event_listener.main_listener'] = new \Pimcore\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle\EventListener\MainListener()));
  3135.         }, => 'assetListGetFieldGridConfig'], 0);
  3136.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.admin.asset.metadata.preSave', [=> function () {
  3137.             return ($this->privates['pimcore_asset_metadata_classdefinitions.event_listener.main_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['pimcore_asset_metadata_classdefinitions.event_listener.main_listener'] = new \Pimcore\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle\EventListener\MainListener()));
  3138.         }, => 'assetMetadataPreSet'], 0);
  3139.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.preGetMetadata', [=> function () {
  3140.             return ($this->privates['pimcore_asset_metadata_classdefinitions.event_listener.main_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['pimcore_asset_metadata_classdefinitions.event_listener.main_listener'] = new \Pimcore\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle\EventListener\MainListener()));
  3141.         }, => 'preGetMetadata'], 0);
  3142.         $instance->addListener('pimcore.asset.preUpdate', [=> function () {
  3143.             return ($this->privates['pimcore_asset_metadata_classdefinitions.event_listener.main_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['pimcore_asset_metadata_classdefinitions.event_listener.main_listener'] = new \Pimcore\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle\EventListener\MainListener()));
  3144.         }, => 'preUpdate'], 0);
  3145.         $instance->addListener('kernel.terminate', [=> function () {
  3146.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\WorkflowDesignerBundle\\EventSubscriber\\ContainerClearSubscriber'] ?? $this->load('getContainerClearSubscriberService'));
  3147.         }, => 'onTerminate'], -5000);
  3148.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\CheckPassportEvent', [=> function () {
  3149.             return ($this->privates['security.listener.csrf_protection'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Listener_CsrfProtectionService'));
  3150.         }, => 'checkPassport'], 512);
  3151.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\LogoutEvent', [=> function () {
  3152.             return ($this->privates['security.logout.listener.csrf_token_clearing'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Logout_Listener_CsrfTokenClearingService'));
  3153.         }, => 'onLogout'], 0);
  3154.         return $instance;
  3155.     }
  3156.     /**
  3157.      * Gets the public 'http_kernel' shared service.
  3158.      *
  3159.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel
  3160.      */
  3161.     protected function getHttpKernelService()
  3162.     {
  3163.         $a = ($this->services['event_dispatcher'] ?? $this->getEventDispatcherService());
  3164.         if (isset($this->services['http_kernel'])) {
  3165.             return $this->services['http_kernel'];
  3166.         }
  3167.         return $this->services['http_kernel'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel($a, ($this->privates['debug.controller_resolver'] ?? $this->getDebug_ControllerResolverService()), ($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())), new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller\TraceableArgumentResolver(new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller\ArgumentResolver(($this->privates['argument_metadata_factory'] ?? ($this->privates['argument_metadata_factory'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\ControllerMetadata\ArgumentMetadataFactory())), new RewindableGenerator(function () {
  3168.             yield => ($this->privates['debug.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Request\\ParamConverter\\DataObjectParamResolver'] ?? $this->load('getDataObjectParamResolverService'));
  3169.             yield => ($this->privates['debug.argument_resolver.request_attribute'] ?? $this->load('getDebug_ArgumentResolver_RequestAttributeService'));
  3170.             yield => ($this->privates['debug.argument_resolver.request'] ?? $this->load('getDebug_ArgumentResolver_RequestService'));
  3171.             yield => ($this->privates['debug.argument_resolver.session'] ?? $this->load('getDebug_ArgumentResolver_SessionService'));
  3172.             yield => ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->load('getDebug_Security_UserValueResolverService'));
  3173.             yield => ($this->privates['debug.Pimcore\\Controller\\ArgumentValueResolver\\DocumentValueResolver'] ?? $this->load('getDocumentValueResolverService'));
  3174.             yield => ($this->privates['debug.Pimcore\\Controller\\ArgumentValueResolver\\EditmodeValueResolver'] ?? $this->load('getEditmodeValueResolverService'));
  3175.             yield => ($this->privates['debug.Pimcore\\Controller\\ArgumentValueResolver\\WebsiteConfigValueResolver'] ?? $this->load('getWebsiteConfigValueResolverService'));
  3176.             yield => ($this->privates['debug.argument_resolver.service'] ?? $this->load('getDebug_ArgumentResolver_ServiceService'));
  3177.             yield => ($this->privates['debug.argument_resolver.default'] ?? $this->load('getDebug_ArgumentResolver_DefaultService'));
  3178.             yield 10 => ($this->privates['debug.argument_resolver.variadic'] ?? $this->load('getDebug_ArgumentResolver_VariadicService'));
  3179.             yield 11 => ($this->privates['debug.argument_resolver.not_tagged_controller'] ?? $this->load('getDebug_ArgumentResolver_NotTaggedControllerService'));
  3180.         }, 12)), ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] ?? ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] = new \Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\Stopwatch(true)))));
  3181.     }
  3182.     /**
  3183.      * Gets the public 'messenger.default_bus' shared service.
  3184.      *
  3185.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Messenger\TraceableMessageBus
  3186.      */
  3187.     protected function getMessenger_DefaultBusService()
  3188.     {
  3189.         return $this->services['messenger.default_bus'] = new \Symfony\Component\Messenger\TraceableMessageBus(new \Symfony\Component\Messenger\MessageBus(new RewindableGenerator(function () {
  3190.             yield => ($this->privates['messenger.bus.pimcore-core.middleware.traceable'] ?? $this->load('getMessenger_Bus_Pimcorecore_Middleware_TraceableService'));
  3191.             yield => ($this->privates['messenger.bus.pimcore-core.middleware.add_bus_name_stamp_middleware'] ?? ($this->privates['messenger.bus.pimcore-core.middleware.add_bus_name_stamp_middleware'] = new \Symfony\Component\Messenger\Middleware\AddBusNameStampMiddleware('messenger.bus.pimcore-core')));
  3192.             yield => ($this->privates['messenger.middleware.reject_redelivered_message_middleware'] ?? ($this->privates['messenger.middleware.reject_redelivered_message_middleware'] = new \Symfony\Component\Messenger\Middleware\RejectRedeliveredMessageMiddleware()));
  3193.             yield => ($this->privates['messenger.middleware.dispatch_after_current_bus'] ?? ($this->privates['messenger.middleware.dispatch_after_current_bus'] = new \Symfony\Component\Messenger\Middleware\DispatchAfterCurrentBusMiddleware()));
  3194.             yield => ($this->privates['messenger.middleware.failed_message_processing_middleware'] ?? ($this->privates['messenger.middleware.failed_message_processing_middleware'] = new \Symfony\Component\Messenger\Middleware\FailedMessageProcessingMiddleware()));
  3195.             yield => ($this->privates['messenger.middleware.send_message'] ?? $this->load('getMessenger_Middleware_SendMessageService'));
  3196.             yield => ($this->privates['messenger.bus.pimcore-core.middleware.handle_message'] ?? $this->load('getMessenger_Bus_Pimcorecore_Middleware_HandleMessageService'));
  3197.         }, 7)));
  3198.     }
  3199.     /**
  3200.      * Gets the public 'monolog.logger.admin' shared service.
  3201.      *
  3202.      * @return \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger
  3203.      */
  3204.     protected function getMonolog_Logger_AdminService()
  3205.     {
  3206.         $this->services['monolog.logger.admin'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger('admin');
  3207.         $instance->pushProcessor(($this->privates['debug.log_processor'] ?? $this->getDebug_LogProcessorService()));
  3208.         $instance->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.console'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_ConsoleService()));
  3209.         $instance->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.main'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_MainService()));
  3210.         \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\AddDebugLogProcessorPass::configureLogger($instance);
  3211.         return $instance;
  3212.     }
  3213.     /**
  3214.      * Gets the public 'monolog.logger.cache' shared service.
  3215.      *
  3216.      * @return \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger
  3217.      */
  3218.     protected function getMonolog_Logger_CacheService()
  3219.     {
  3220.         $this->services['monolog.logger.cache'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger('cache');
  3221.         $instance->pushProcessor(($this->privates['debug.log_processor'] ?? $this->getDebug_LogProcessorService()));
  3222.         $instance->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.null_internal'] ?? ($this->privates['monolog.handler.null_internal'] = new \Monolog\Handler\NullHandler())));
  3223.         \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\AddDebugLogProcessorPass::configureLogger($instance);
  3224.         return $instance;
  3225.     }
  3226.     /**
  3227.      * Gets the public 'monolog.logger.doctrine' shared service.
  3228.      *
  3229.      * @return \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger
  3230.      */
  3231.     protected function getMonolog_Logger_DoctrineService()
  3232.     {
  3233.         $this->services['monolog.logger.doctrine'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger('doctrine');
  3234.         $instance->pushProcessor(($this->privates['debug.log_processor'] ?? $this->getDebug_LogProcessorService()));
  3235.         $instance->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.null_internal'] ?? ($this->privates['monolog.handler.null_internal'] = new \Monolog\Handler\NullHandler())));
  3236.         \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\AddDebugLogProcessorPass::configureLogger($instance);
  3237.         return $instance;
  3238.     }
  3239.     /**
  3240.      * Gets the public 'monolog.logger.event' shared service.
  3241.      *
  3242.      * @return \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger
  3243.      */
  3244.     protected function getMonolog_Logger_EventService()
  3245.     {
  3246.         $this->services['monolog.logger.event'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger('event');
  3247.         $instance->pushProcessor(($this->privates['debug.log_processor'] ?? $this->getDebug_LogProcessorService()));
  3248.         $instance->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.null_internal'] ?? ($this->privates['monolog.handler.null_internal'] = new \Monolog\Handler\NullHandler())));
  3249.         \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\AddDebugLogProcessorPass::configureLogger($instance);
  3250.         return $instance;
  3251.     }
  3252.     /**
  3253.      * Gets the public 'monolog.logger.http_client' shared service.
  3254.      *
  3255.      * @return \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger
  3256.      */
  3257.     protected function getMonolog_Logger_HttpClientService()
  3258.     {
  3259.         $this->services['monolog.logger.http_client'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger('http_client');
  3260.         $instance->pushProcessor(($this->privates['debug.log_processor'] ?? $this->getDebug_LogProcessorService()));
  3261.         $instance->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.console'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_ConsoleService()));
  3262.         $instance->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.main'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_MainService()));
  3263.         \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\AddDebugLogProcessorPass::configureLogger($instance);
  3264.         return $instance;
  3265.     }
  3266.     /**
  3267.      * Gets the public 'monolog.logger.init' shared service.
  3268.      *
  3269.      * @return \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger
  3270.      */
  3271.     protected function getMonolog_Logger_InitService()
  3272.     {
  3273.         $this->services['monolog.logger.init'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger('init');
  3274.         $instance->pushProcessor(($this->privates['debug.log_processor'] ?? $this->getDebug_LogProcessorService()));
  3275.         $instance->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.console'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_ConsoleService()));
  3276.         $instance->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.main'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_MainService()));
  3277.         \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\AddDebugLogProcessorPass::configureLogger($instance);
  3278.         return $instance;
  3279.     }
  3280.     /**
  3281.      * Gets the public 'monolog.logger.php' shared service.
  3282.      *
  3283.      * @return \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger
  3284.      */
  3285.     protected function getMonolog_Logger_PhpService()
  3286.     {
  3287.         $this->services['monolog.logger.php'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger('php');
  3288.         $instance->pushProcessor(($this->privates['debug.log_processor'] ?? $this->getDebug_LogProcessorService()));
  3289.         $instance->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.console'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_ConsoleService()));
  3290.         $instance->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.main'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_MainService()));
  3291.         \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\AddDebugLogProcessorPass::configureLogger($instance);
  3292.         return $instance;
  3293.     }
  3294.     /**
  3295.      * Gets the public '' shared service.
  3296.      *
  3297.      * @return \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger
  3298.      */
  3299.     protected function getMonolog_Logger_Portalengine_EsService()
  3300.     {
  3301.         $this->services[''] = $instance = new \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger('');
  3302.         $instance->pushProcessor(($this->privates['debug.log_processor'] ?? $this->getDebug_LogProcessorService()));
  3303.         $instance->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.console'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_ConsoleService()));
  3304.         $instance->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.main'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_MainService()));
  3305.         \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\AddDebugLogProcessorPass::configureLogger($instance);
  3306.         return $instance;
  3307.     }
  3308.     /**
  3309.      * Gets the public 'monolog.logger.profiler' shared service.
  3310.      *
  3311.      * @return \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger
  3312.      */
  3313.     protected function getMonolog_Logger_ProfilerService()
  3314.     {
  3315.         $this->services['monolog.logger.profiler'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger('profiler');
  3316.         $instance->pushProcessor(($this->privates['debug.log_processor'] ?? $this->getDebug_LogProcessorService()));
  3317.         $instance->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.console'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_ConsoleService()));
  3318.         $instance->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.main'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_MainService()));
  3319.         \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\AddDebugLogProcessorPass::configureLogger($instance);
  3320.         return $instance;
  3321.     }
  3322.     /**
  3323.      * Gets the public 'monolog.logger.request' shared service.
  3324.      *
  3325.      * @return \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger
  3326.      */
  3327.     protected function getMonolog_Logger_RequestService()
  3328.     {
  3329.         $this->services['monolog.logger.request'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger('request');
  3330.         $instance->pushProcessor(($this->privates['debug.log_processor'] ?? $this->getDebug_LogProcessorService()));
  3331.         $instance->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.console'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_ConsoleService()));
  3332.         $instance->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.main'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_MainService()));
  3333.         \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\AddDebugLogProcessorPass::configureLogger($instance);
  3334.         return $instance;
  3335.     }
  3336.     /**
  3337.      * Gets the public 'monolog.logger.router' shared service.
  3338.      *
  3339.      * @return \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger
  3340.      */
  3341.     protected function getMonolog_Logger_RouterService()
  3342.     {
  3343.         $this->services['monolog.logger.router'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger('router');
  3344.         $instance->pushProcessor(($this->privates['debug.log_processor'] ?? $this->getDebug_LogProcessorService()));
  3345.         $instance->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.console'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_ConsoleService()));
  3346.         $instance->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.main'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_MainService()));
  3347.         \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\AddDebugLogProcessorPass::configureLogger($instance);
  3348.         return $instance;
  3349.     }
  3350.     /**
  3351.      * Gets the public 'monolog.logger.routing' shared service.
  3352.      *
  3353.      * @return \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger
  3354.      */
  3355.     protected function getMonolog_Logger_RoutingService()
  3356.     {
  3357.         $this->services['monolog.logger.routing'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger('routing');
  3358.         $instance->pushProcessor(($this->privates['debug.log_processor'] ?? $this->getDebug_LogProcessorService()));
  3359.         $instance->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.console'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_ConsoleService()));
  3360.         $instance->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.main'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_MainService()));
  3361.         \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\AddDebugLogProcessorPass::configureLogger($instance);
  3362.         return $instance;
  3363.     }
  3364.     /**
  3365.      * Gets the public '' shared service.
  3366.      *
  3367.      * @return \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger
  3368.      */
  3369.     protected function getMonolog_Logger_SecurityService()
  3370.     {
  3371.         $this->services[''] = $instance = new \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger('security');
  3372.         $instance->pushProcessor(($this->privates['debug.log_processor'] ?? $this->getDebug_LogProcessorService()));
  3373.         $instance->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.console'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_ConsoleService()));
  3374.         $instance->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.main'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_MainService()));
  3375.         \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\AddDebugLogProcessorPass::configureLogger($instance);
  3376.         return $instance;
  3377.     }
  3378.     /**
  3379.      * Gets the public 'pimcore.cache.pool' shared service.
  3380.      *
  3381.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TagAwareAdapter
  3382.      */
  3383.     protected function getPimcore_Cache_PoolService()
  3384.     {
  3385.         $this->services['pimcore.cache.pool'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TagAwareAdapter(($this->privates['.pimcore.cache.pool.inner'] ?? $this->get_Pimcore_Cache_Pool_InnerService()), NULL);
  3386.         if ($this->has('monolog.logger.cache')) {
  3387.             $instance->setLogger(($this->services['monolog.logger.cache'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_CacheService()));
  3388.         }
  3389.         return $instance;
  3390.     }
  3391.     /**
  3392.      * Gets the public 'pimcore.routing.router.request_context' shared service.
  3393.      *
  3394.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext
  3395.      */
  3396.     protected function getPimcore_Routing_Router_RequestContextService()
  3397.     {
  3398.         $this->services['pimcore.routing.router.request_context'] = $instance \Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext::fromUri('''''https'80443);
  3399.         $instance->setParameter('_functions', ($this->privates['router.expression_language_provider'] ?? $this->getRouter_ExpressionLanguageProviderService()));
  3400.         return $instance;
  3401.     }
  3402.     /**
  3403.      * Gets the public 'pimcore.templating.engine.delegating' shared autowired service.
  3404.      *
  3405.      * @return \Pimcore\Templating\TwigDefaultDelegatingEngine
  3406.      */
  3407.     protected function getPimcore_Templating_Engine_DelegatingService()
  3408.     {
  3409.         $a = ($this->services['.container.private.twig'] ?? $this->get_Container_Private_TwigService());
  3410.         if (isset($this->services['pimcore.templating.engine.delegating'])) {
  3411.             return $this->services['pimcore.templating.engine.delegating'];
  3412.         }
  3413.         return $this->services['pimcore.templating.engine.delegating'] = new \Pimcore\Templating\TwigDefaultDelegatingEngine($a, ($this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] ?? ($this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] = new \Pimcore\Config())));
  3414.     }
  3415.     /**
  3416.      * Gets the public 'request_stack' shared service.
  3417.      *
  3418.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack
  3419.      */
  3420.     protected function getRequestStackService()
  3421.     {
  3422.         return $this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack();
  3423.     }
  3424.     /**
  3425.      * Gets the public 'router' shared service.
  3426.      *
  3427.      * @return \Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\ChainRouter
  3428.      */
  3429.     protected function getRouterService()
  3430.     {
  3431.         $a = ($this->privates['monolog.logger'] ?? $this->getMonolog_LoggerService());
  3432.         $this->services['router'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\ChainRouter($a);
  3433.         $b = ($this->services['pimcore.routing.router.request_context'] ?? $this->getPimcore_Routing_Router_RequestContextService());
  3434.         $c = new \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router((new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  3435.             'routing.loader' => ['services''routing.loader''getRouting_LoaderService'true],
  3436.         ], [
  3437.             'routing.loader' => 'Symfony\\Component\\Config\\Loader\\LoaderInterface',
  3438.         ]))->withContext('router.default'$this), 'kernel::loadRoutes', ['cache_dir' => $this->targetDir.'''debug' => true'generator_class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Generator\\CompiledUrlGenerator''generator_dumper_class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Generator\\Dumper\\CompiledUrlGeneratorDumper''matcher_class' => 'Symfony\\Bundle\\FrameworkBundle\\Routing\\RedirectableCompiledUrlMatcher''matcher_dumper_class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Matcher\\Dumper\\CompiledUrlMatcherDumper''strict_requirements' => true'resource_type' => 'service'], $b, ($this->privates['parameter_bag'] ?? ($this->privates['parameter_bag'] = new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ContainerBag($this))), ($this->services['monolog.logger.router'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_RouterService()), 'en');
  3439.         $c->setConfigCacheFactory(($this->privates['config_cache_factory'] ?? $this->getConfigCacheFactoryService()));
  3440.         $c->addExpressionLanguageProvider(($this->privates['router.expression_language_provider'] ?? $this->getRouter_ExpressionLanguageProviderService()));
  3441.         $d = ($this->services['cmf_routing.route_provider'] ?? $this->getCmfRouting_RouteProviderService());
  3442.         $e = new \Symfony\Cmf\Bundle\RoutingBundle\Routing\DynamicRouter($b, new \Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\NestedMatcher\NestedMatcher($d, new \Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\NestedMatcher\UrlMatcher(new \Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection(), new \Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext())), new \Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\ContentAwareGenerator($d$a), '', ($this->services['event_dispatcher'] ?? $this->getEventDispatcherService()), $d);
  3443.         $e->setRequestStack(($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())));
  3444.         $e->addRouteEnhancer(new \Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\Enhancer\RouteContentEnhancer('_route_object''_content'), 100);
  3445.         $f = new \Pimcore\Routing\Staticroute\Router($b, ($this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] ?? ($this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] = new \Pimcore\Config())));
  3446.         $g = ($this->services['monolog.logger.routing'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_RoutingService());
  3447.         $f->setLogger($g);
  3448.         $f->setLocaleParams([]);
  3449.         $f->setLogger($g);
  3450.         $instance->setContext($b);
  3451.         $instance->add($c'300');
  3452.         $instance->add($e'200');
  3453.         $instance->add(new \Pimcore\Routing\Element\Router($b, ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\RequestHelper'] ?? $this->getRequestHelperService())), 110);
  3454.         $instance->add($f100);
  3455.         return $instance;
  3456.     }
  3457.     /**
  3458.      * Gets the public 'var_dumper.cloner' shared service.
  3459.      *
  3460.      * @return \Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\VarCloner
  3461.      */
  3462.     protected function getVarDumper_ClonerService()
  3463.     {
  3464.         $this->services['var_dumper.cloner'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\VarCloner();
  3465.         $instance->setMaxItems(2500);
  3466.         $instance->setMinDepth(1);
  3467.         $instance->setMaxString(-1);
  3468.         $instance->addCasters(['Closure' => 'Symfony\\Component\\VarDumper\\Caster\\ReflectionCaster::unsetClosureFileInfo']);
  3469.         return $instance;
  3470.     }
  3471.     /**
  3472.      * Gets the private '.debug.http_client' shared service.
  3473.      *
  3474.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpClient\TraceableHttpClient
  3475.      */
  3476.     protected function get_Debug_HttpClientService()
  3477.     {
  3478.         $a \Symfony\Component\HttpClient\HttpClient::create([], 6);
  3479.         if ($this->has('monolog.logger.http_client')) {
  3480.             $a->setLogger(($this->services['monolog.logger.http_client'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_HttpClientService()));
  3481.         }
  3482.         return $this->privates['.debug.http_client'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpClient\TraceableHttpClient($a, ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] ?? ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] = new \Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\Stopwatch(true))));
  3483.     }
  3484.     /**
  3485.      * Gets the private '.pimcore.cache.pool.inner' shared service.
  3486.      *
  3487.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableTagAwareAdapter
  3488.      */
  3489.     protected function get_Pimcore_Cache_Pool_InnerService()
  3490.     {
  3491.         return $this->privates['.pimcore.cache.pool.inner'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableTagAwareAdapter(($this->privates['.pimcore.cache.pool.inner.recorder_inner'] ?? $this->get_Pimcore_Cache_Pool_Inner_RecorderInnerService()));
  3492.     }
  3493.     /**
  3494.      * Gets the private '.pimcore.cache.pool.inner.recorder_inner' shared autowired service.
  3495.      *
  3496.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\RedisTagAwareAdapter
  3497.      */
  3498.     protected function get_Pimcore_Cache_Pool_Inner_RecorderInnerService($lazyLoad true)
  3499.     {
  3500.         if ($lazyLoad) {
  3501.             return $this->privates['.pimcore.cache.pool.inner.recorder_inner'] = $this->createProxy('RedisTagAwareAdapter_310208a', function () {
  3502.                 return \RedisTagAwareAdapter_310208a::staticProxyConstructor(function (&$wrappedInstance\ProxyManager\Proxy\LazyLoadingInterface $proxy) {
  3503.                     $wrappedInstance $this->get_Pimcore_Cache_Pool_Inner_RecorderInnerService(false);
  3504.                     $proxy->setProxyInitializer(null);
  3505.                     return true;
  3506.                 });
  3507.             });
  3508.         }
  3509.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Adapter/AbstractTagAwareAdapter.php';
  3510.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Traits/RedisTrait.php';
  3511.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Adapter/RedisTagAwareAdapter.php';
  3512.         $instance = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\RedisTagAwareAdapter(\Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\AbstractAdapter::createConnection('redis://localhost:6380', ['lazy' => true]), 'ce6bg0jXPI'31536000, ($this->privates['cache.default_marshaller'] ?? ($this->privates['cache.default_marshaller'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Marshaller\DefaultMarshaller(NULLtrue))));
  3513.         $a = ($this->services['monolog.logger.cache'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_CacheService());
  3514.         $instance->setLogger($a);
  3515.         $instance->setLogger($a);
  3516.         return $instance;
  3517.     }
  3518.     /**
  3519.      * Gets the private '.service_locator.KLVvNIq' shared service.
  3520.      *
  3521.      * @return \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ServiceLocator
  3522.      */
  3523.     protected function get_ServiceLocator_KLVvNIqService()
  3524.     {
  3525.         return $this->privates['.service_locator.KLVvNIq'] = new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  3526.             'doctrine.ulid_generator' => ['privates''doctrine.ulid_generator''getDoctrine_UlidGeneratorService'true],
  3527.             'doctrine.uuid_generator' => ['privates''doctrine.uuid_generator''getDoctrine_UuidGeneratorService'true],
  3528.         ], [
  3529.             'doctrine.ulid_generator' => '?',
  3530.             'doctrine.uuid_generator' => '?',
  3531.         ]);
  3532.     }
  3533.     /**
  3534.      * Gets the private '.service_locator.VMNzrGt' shared service.
  3535.      *
  3536.      * @return \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ServiceLocator
  3537.      */
  3538.     protected function get_ServiceLocator_VMNzrGtService()
  3539.     {
  3540.         return $this->privates['.service_locator.VMNzrGt'] = new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  3541.             '' => ['privates''''getSecurity_Firewall_Map_Context_DevService'true],
  3542.             '' => ['privates''''getSecurity_Firewall_Map_Context_PimcoreAdminService'true],
  3543.             '' => ['privates''''getSecurity_Firewall_Map_Context_PimcoreAdminWebdavService'true],
  3544.             '' => ['privates''''getSecurity_Firewall_Map_Context_PortalEngineService'true],
  3545.         ], [
  3546.             '' => '?',
  3547.             '' => '?',
  3548.             '' => '?',
  3549.             '' => '?',
  3550.         ]);
  3551.     }
  3552.     /**
  3553.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Analytics\Google\Tracker' shared autowired service.
  3554.      *
  3555.      * @return \Pimcore\Analytics\Google\Tracker
  3556.      */
  3557.     protected function getTrackerService()
  3558.     {
  3559.         $a = ($this->services['event_dispatcher'] ?? $this->getEventDispatcherService());
  3560.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Analytics\\Google\\Tracker'])) {
  3561.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Analytics\\Google\\Tracker'];
  3562.         }
  3563.         $b = ($this->services['.container.private.twig'] ?? $this->get_Container_Private_TwigService());
  3564.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Analytics\\Google\\Tracker'])) {
  3565.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Analytics\\Google\\Tracker'];
  3566.         }
  3567.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Analytics\\Google\\Tracker'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Analytics\Google\Tracker(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Analytics\\SiteId\\SiteIdProvider'] ?? $this->getSiteIdProviderService()), ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Analytics\\Google\\Config\\ConfigProvider'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Analytics\\Google\\Config\\ConfigProvider'] = new \Pimcore\Analytics\Google\Config\ConfigProvider())), $a$b);
  3568.         $instance->setLogger(($this->privates['monolog.logger'] ?? $this->getMonolog_LoggerService()));
  3569.         return $instance;
  3570.     }
  3571.     /**
  3572.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Analytics\SiteId\SiteIdProvider' shared autowired service.
  3573.      *
  3574.      * @return \Pimcore\Analytics\SiteId\SiteIdProvider
  3575.      */
  3576.     protected function getSiteIdProviderService()
  3577.     {
  3578.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Analytics\\SiteId\\SiteIdProvider'] = new \Pimcore\Analytics\SiteId\SiteIdProvider(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\SiteResolver'] ?? $this->getSiteResolverService()));
  3579.     }
  3580.     /**
  3581.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\AdminAuthenticationDoubleCheckListener' shared autowired service.
  3582.      *
  3583.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\AdminAuthenticationDoubleCheckListener
  3584.      */
  3585.     protected function getAdminAuthenticationDoubleCheckListenerService()
  3586.     {
  3587.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\AdminAuthenticationDoubleCheckListener'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\AdminAuthenticationDoubleCheckListener(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Http\\RequestMatcherFactory'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Http\\RequestMatcherFactory'] = new \Pimcore\Http\RequestMatcherFactory())), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Security\\User\\TokenStorageUserResolver'] ?? $this->getTokenStorageUserResolverService()), $this->parameters['pimcore.admin.unauthenticated_routes']);
  3588.         $instance->setPimcoreContextResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\PimcoreContextResolver'] ?? $this->getPimcoreContextResolverService()));
  3589.         return $instance;
  3590.     }
  3591.     /**
  3592.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\AdminSecurityListener' shared autowired service.
  3593.      *
  3594.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\AdminSecurityListener
  3595.      */
  3596.     protected function getAdminSecurityListenerService()
  3597.     {
  3598.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\AdminSecurityListener'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\AdminSecurityListener(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\RequestHelper'] ?? $this->getRequestHelperService()), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Security\\ContentSecurityPolicyHandler'] ?? $this->getContentSecurityPolicyHandlerService()), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] ?? ($this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] = new \Pimcore\Config())));
  3599.         $instance->setPimcoreContextResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\PimcoreContextResolver'] ?? $this->getPimcoreContextResolverService()));
  3600.         return $instance;
  3601.     }
  3602.     /**
  3603.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\AdminSessionBagListener' shared autowired service.
  3604.      *
  3605.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\AdminSessionBagListener
  3606.      */
  3607.     protected function getAdminSessionBagListenerService()
  3608.     {
  3609.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\AdminSessionBagListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\AdminSessionBagListener(($this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] ?? ($this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] = new \Pimcore\Config())));
  3610.     }
  3611.     /**
  3612.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\CsrfProtectionListener' shared autowired service.
  3613.      *
  3614.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\CsrfProtectionListener
  3615.      */
  3616.     protected function getCsrfProtectionListenerService()
  3617.     {
  3618.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\CsrfProtectionListener'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\CsrfProtectionListener(($this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Security\\CsrfProtectionHandler'] ?? $this->getCsrfProtectionHandlerService()));
  3619.         $instance->setPimcoreContextResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\PimcoreContextResolver'] ?? $this->getPimcoreContextResolverService()));
  3620.         return $instance;
  3621.     }
  3622.     /**
  3623.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\CustomAdminEntryPointCheckListener' shared autowired service.
  3624.      *
  3625.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\CustomAdminEntryPointCheckListener
  3626.      */
  3627.     protected function getCustomAdminEntryPointCheckListenerService()
  3628.     {
  3629.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\CustomAdminEntryPointCheckListener'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\CustomAdminEntryPointCheckListener(NULL);
  3630.         $instance->setPimcoreContextResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\PimcoreContextResolver'] ?? $this->getPimcoreContextResolverService()));
  3631.         return $instance;
  3632.     }
  3633.     /**
  3634.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\EnablePreviewTimeSliderListener' shared autowired service.
  3635.      *
  3636.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\EnablePreviewTimeSliderListener
  3637.      */
  3638.     protected function getEnablePreviewTimeSliderListenerService()
  3639.     {
  3640.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\EnablePreviewTimeSliderListener'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\EnablePreviewTimeSliderListener(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\OutputTimestampResolver'] ?? $this->getOutputTimestampResolverService()), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\RequestHelper'] ?? $this->getRequestHelperService()), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\EditmodeResolver'] ?? $this->getEditmodeResolverService()), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\DocumentResolver'] ?? $this->getDocumentResolverService()));
  3641.         $instance->setResponseHelper(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\ResponseHelper'] ?? ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\ResponseHelper'] = new \Pimcore\Http\ResponseHelper())));
  3642.         return $instance;
  3643.     }
  3644.     /**
  3645.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\HttpCacheListener' shared autowired service.
  3646.      *
  3647.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\HttpCacheListener
  3648.      */
  3649.     protected function getHttpCacheListenerService()
  3650.     {
  3651.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\HttpCacheListener'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\HttpCacheListener(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\RequestHelper'] ?? $this->getRequestHelperService()), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\ResponseHelper'] ?? ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\ResponseHelper'] = new \Pimcore\Http\ResponseHelper())));
  3652.         $instance->setPimcoreContextResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\PimcoreContextResolver'] ?? $this->getPimcoreContextResolverService()));
  3653.         return $instance;
  3654.     }
  3655.     /**
  3656.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\UsageStatisticsListener' shared autowired service.
  3657.      *
  3658.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\UsageStatisticsListener
  3659.      */
  3660.     protected function getUsageStatisticsListenerService()
  3661.     {
  3662.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\UsageStatisticsListener'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\UsageStatisticsListener(($this->services['Pimcore\\Security\\User\\TokenStorageUserResolver'] ?? $this->getTokenStorageUserResolverService()), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] ?? ($this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] = new \Pimcore\Config())));
  3663.         $instance->setPimcoreContextResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\PimcoreContextResolver'] ?? $this->getPimcoreContextResolverService()));
  3664.         return $instance;
  3665.     }
  3666.     /**
  3667.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\UserPerspectiveListener' shared autowired service.
  3668.      *
  3669.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\UserPerspectiveListener
  3670.      */
  3671.     protected function getUserPerspectiveListenerService()
  3672.     {
  3673.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\EventListener\\UserPerspectiveListener'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\EventListener\UserPerspectiveListener(($this->services['Pimcore\\Security\\User\\TokenStorageUserResolver'] ?? $this->getTokenStorageUserResolverService()));
  3674.         $a = ($this->services['monolog.logger.admin'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_AdminService());
  3675.         $instance->setLogger($a);
  3676.         $instance->setLogger($a);
  3677.         $instance->setPimcoreContextResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\PimcoreContextResolver'] ?? $this->getPimcoreContextResolverService()));
  3678.         return $instance;
  3679.     }
  3680.     /**
  3681.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\Session\AdminSessionBagConfigurator' shared autowired service.
  3682.      *
  3683.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\Session\AdminSessionBagConfigurator
  3684.      */
  3685.     protected function getAdminSessionBagConfiguratorService()
  3686.     {
  3687.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Session\\AdminSessionBagConfigurator'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\Session\AdminSessionBagConfigurator(($this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] ?? ($this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] = new \Pimcore\Config())));
  3688.     }
  3689.     /**
  3690.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\DataCollector\PimcoreDataCollector' shared autowired service.
  3691.      *
  3692.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\DataCollector\PimcoreDataCollector
  3693.      */
  3694.     protected function getPimcoreDataCollectorService()
  3695.     {
  3696.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\DataCollector\\PimcoreDataCollector'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\DataCollector\PimcoreDataCollector(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\PimcoreContextResolver'] ?? $this->getPimcoreContextResolverService()));
  3697.     }
  3698.     /**
  3699.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\DataCollector\PimcoreTargetingDataCollector' shared autowired service.
  3700.      *
  3701.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\DataCollector\PimcoreTargetingDataCollector
  3702.      */
  3703.     protected function getPimcoreTargetingDataCollectorService()
  3704.     {
  3705.         $a = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\Debug\\TargetingDataCollector'] ?? $this->getTargetingDataCollectorService());
  3706.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\DataCollector\\PimcoreTargetingDataCollector'])) {
  3707.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\DataCollector\\PimcoreTargetingDataCollector'];
  3708.         }
  3709.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\DataCollector\\PimcoreTargetingDataCollector'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\DataCollector\PimcoreTargetingDataCollector(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\VisitorInfoStorage'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\VisitorInfoStorage'] = new \Pimcore\Targeting\VisitorInfoStorage())), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\DocumentResolver'] ?? $this->getDocumentResolverService()), $a);
  3710.     }
  3711.     /**
  3712.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\BlockStateListener' shared autowired service.
  3713.      *
  3714.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\BlockStateListener
  3715.      */
  3716.     protected function getBlockStateListenerService()
  3717.     {
  3718.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\BlockStateListener'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\BlockStateListener(($this->services['Pimcore\\Document\\Editable\\Block\\BlockStateStack'] ?? ($this->services['Pimcore\\Document\\Editable\\Block\\BlockStateStack'] = new \Pimcore\Document\Editable\Block\BlockStateStack())));
  3719.         $a = ($this->privates['monolog.logger'] ?? $this->getMonolog_LoggerService());
  3720.         $instance->setLogger($a);
  3721.         $instance->setLogger($a);
  3722.         $instance->setPimcoreContextResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\PimcoreContextResolver'] ?? $this->getPimcoreContextResolverService()));
  3723.         return $instance;
  3724.     }
  3725.     /**
  3726.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\DocumentFallbackListener' shared autowired service.
  3727.      *
  3728.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\DocumentFallbackListener
  3729.      */
  3730.     protected function getDocumentFallbackListenerService()
  3731.     {
  3732.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\DocumentFallbackListener'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\DocumentFallbackListener(($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\DocumentResolver'] ?? $this->getDocumentResolverService()), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\SiteResolver'] ?? $this->getSiteResolverService()), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Model\\Document\\Service'] ?? ($this->services['Pimcore\\Model\\Document\\Service'] = new \Pimcore\Model\Document\Service())));
  3733.         $instance->setPimcoreContextResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\PimcoreContextResolver'] ?? $this->getPimcoreContextResolverService()));
  3734.         return $instance;
  3735.     }
  3736.     /**
  3737.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\DocumentMetaDataListener' shared autowired service.
  3738.      *
  3739.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\DocumentMetaDataListener
  3740.      */
  3741.     protected function getDocumentMetaDataListenerService()
  3742.     {
  3743.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\DocumentMetaDataListener'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\DocumentMetaDataListener(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\DocumentResolver'] ?? $this->getDocumentResolverService()), ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\HeadMeta'] ?? $this->getHeadMetaService()));
  3744.         $instance->setPimcoreContextResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\PimcoreContextResolver'] ?? $this->getPimcoreContextResolverService()));
  3745.         return $instance;
  3746.     }
  3747.     /**
  3748.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\EditmodeListener' shared autowired service.
  3749.      *
  3750.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\EditmodeListener
  3751.      */
  3752.     protected function getEditmodeListenerService()
  3753.     {
  3754.         $a = ($this->services['Pimcore\\Extension\\Bundle\\PimcoreBundleManager'] ?? $this->getPimcoreBundleManagerService());
  3755.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\EditmodeListener'])) {
  3756.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\EditmodeListener'];
  3757.         }
  3758.         $b = ($this->services['router'] ?? $this->getRouterService());
  3759.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\EditmodeListener'])) {
  3760.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\EditmodeListener'];
  3761.         }
  3762.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\EditmodeListener'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\EditmodeListener(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\EditmodeResolver'] ?? $this->getEditmodeResolverService()), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\DocumentResolver'] ?? $this->getDocumentResolverService()), ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Security\\User\\UserLoader'] ?? $this->getUserLoaderService()), $a$b, ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Document\\Editable\\EditmodeEditableDefinitionCollector'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Document\\Editable\\EditmodeEditableDefinitionCollector'] = new \Pimcore\Document\Editable\EditmodeEditableDefinitionCollector())));
  3763.         $instance->setLogger(($this->privates['monolog.logger'] ?? $this->getMonolog_LoggerService()));
  3764.         $instance->setPimcoreContextResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\PimcoreContextResolver'] ?? $this->getPimcoreContextResolverService()));
  3765.         return $instance;
  3766.     }
  3767.     /**
  3768.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\ElementListener' shared autowired service.
  3769.      *
  3770.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\ElementListener
  3771.      */
  3772.     protected function getElementListenerService()
  3773.     {
  3774.         $a = ($this->services['Pimcore\\Targeting\\Document\\DocumentTargetingConfigurator'] ?? $this->getDocumentTargetingConfiguratorService());
  3775.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\ElementListener'])) {
  3776.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\ElementListener'];
  3777.         }
  3778.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\ElementListener'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\ElementListener(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\DocumentResolver'] ?? $this->getDocumentResolverService()), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\EditmodeResolver'] ?? $this->getEditmodeResolverService()), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\RequestHelper'] ?? $this->getRequestHelperService()), ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Security\\User\\UserLoader'] ?? $this->getUserLoaderService()), $a, ($this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] ?? ($this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] = new \Pimcore\Config())));
  3779.         $b = ($this->services['monolog.logger.init'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_InitService());
  3780.         $instance->setLogger($b);
  3781.         $instance->setLogger($b);
  3782.         $instance->setPimcoreContextResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\PimcoreContextResolver'] ?? $this->getPimcoreContextResolverService()));
  3783.         return $instance;
  3784.     }
  3785.     /**
  3786.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\GlobalTemplateVariablesListener' shared autowired service.
  3787.      *
  3788.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\GlobalTemplateVariablesListener
  3789.      */
  3790.     protected function getGlobalTemplateVariablesListenerService()
  3791.     {
  3792.         $a = ($this->services['.container.private.twig'] ?? $this->get_Container_Private_TwigService());
  3793.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\GlobalTemplateVariablesListener'])) {
  3794.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\GlobalTemplateVariablesListener'];
  3795.         }
  3796.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\GlobalTemplateVariablesListener'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\GlobalTemplateVariablesListener(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\DocumentResolver'] ?? $this->getDocumentResolverService()), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\EditmodeResolver'] ?? $this->getEditmodeResolverService()), $a);
  3797.         $instance->setLogger(($this->privates['monolog.logger'] ?? $this->getMonolog_LoggerService()));
  3798.         $instance->setPimcoreContextResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\PimcoreContextResolver'] ?? $this->getPimcoreContextResolverService()));
  3799.         return $instance;
  3800.     }
  3801.     /**
  3802.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\GoogleSearchConsoleVerificationListener' shared autowired service.
  3803.      *
  3804.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\GoogleSearchConsoleVerificationListener
  3805.      */
  3806.     protected function getGoogleSearchConsoleVerificationListenerService()
  3807.     {
  3808.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\GoogleSearchConsoleVerificationListener'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\GoogleSearchConsoleVerificationListener();
  3809.         $instance->setPimcoreContextResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\PimcoreContextResolver'] ?? $this->getPimcoreContextResolverService()));
  3810.         return $instance;
  3811.     }
  3812.     /**
  3813.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\HardlinkCanonicalListener' shared autowired service.
  3814.      *
  3815.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\HardlinkCanonicalListener
  3816.      */
  3817.     protected function getHardlinkCanonicalListenerService()
  3818.     {
  3819.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\HardlinkCanonicalListener'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\HardlinkCanonicalListener(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\DocumentResolver'] ?? $this->getDocumentResolverService()));
  3820.         $instance->setPimcoreContextResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\PimcoreContextResolver'] ?? $this->getPimcoreContextResolverService()));
  3821.         return $instance;
  3822.     }
  3823.     /**
  3824.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\InternalWysiwygHtmlAttributeFilterListener' shared autowired service.
  3825.      *
  3826.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\InternalWysiwygHtmlAttributeFilterListener
  3827.      */
  3828.     protected function getInternalWysiwygHtmlAttributeFilterListenerService()
  3829.     {
  3830.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\InternalWysiwygHtmlAttributeFilterListener'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\InternalWysiwygHtmlAttributeFilterListener();
  3831.         $instance->setResponseHelper(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\ResponseHelper'] ?? ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\ResponseHelper'] = new \Pimcore\Http\ResponseHelper())));
  3832.         $instance->setPimcoreContextResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\PimcoreContextResolver'] ?? $this->getPimcoreContextResolverService()));
  3833.         $instance->setStaticPageResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\StaticPageResolver'] ?? $this->getStaticPageResolverService()));
  3834.         return $instance;
  3835.     }
  3836.     /**
  3837.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\LocaleListener' shared autowired service.
  3838.      *
  3839.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\LocaleListener
  3840.      */
  3841.     protected function getLocaleListenerService()
  3842.     {
  3843.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\LocaleListener'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\LocaleListener();
  3844.         $instance->setPimcoreContextResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\PimcoreContextResolver'] ?? $this->getPimcoreContextResolverService()));
  3845.         return $instance;
  3846.     }
  3847.     /**
  3848.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\OutputTimestampListener' shared autowired service.
  3849.      *
  3850.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\OutputTimestampListener
  3851.      */
  3852.     protected function getOutputTimestampListenerService()
  3853.     {
  3854.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\OutputTimestampListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\OutputTimestampListener(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\OutputTimestampResolver'] ?? $this->getOutputTimestampResolverService()));
  3855.     }
  3856.     /**
  3857.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\RoutingListener' shared autowired service.
  3858.      *
  3859.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\RoutingListener
  3860.      */
  3861.     protected function getRoutingListenerService()
  3862.     {
  3863.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\RoutingListener'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\RoutingListener(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\RequestHelper'] ?? $this->getRequestHelperService()), ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Routing\\RedirectHandler'] ?? $this->getRedirectHandlerService()), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\SiteResolver'] ?? $this->getSiteResolverService()), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] ?? ($this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] = new \Pimcore\Config())));
  3864.         $instance->setPimcoreContextResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\PimcoreContextResolver'] ?? $this->getPimcoreContextResolverService()));
  3865.         return $instance;
  3866.     }
  3867.     /**
  3868.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\StaticPageGeneratorListener' shared autowired service.
  3869.      *
  3870.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\StaticPageGeneratorListener
  3871.      */
  3872.     protected function getStaticPageGeneratorListenerService()
  3873.     {
  3874.         $a = ($this->services['Pimcore\\Document\\StaticPageGenerator'] ?? $this->getStaticPageGeneratorService());
  3875.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\StaticPageGeneratorListener'])) {
  3876.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\StaticPageGeneratorListener'];
  3877.         }
  3878.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\Frontend\\StaticPageGeneratorListener'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\StaticPageGeneratorListener($a, ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\DocumentResolver'] ?? $this->getDocumentResolverService()), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\RequestHelper'] ?? $this->getRequestHelperService()), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] ?? ($this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] = new \Pimcore\Config())));
  3879.         $instance->setPimcoreContextResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\PimcoreContextResolver'] ?? $this->getPimcoreContextResolverService()));
  3880.         $instance->setStaticPageResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\StaticPageResolver'] ?? $this->getStaticPageResolverService()));
  3881.         return $instance;
  3882.     }
  3883.     /**
  3884.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\MaintenancePageListener' shared autowired service.
  3885.      *
  3886.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\MaintenancePageListener
  3887.      */
  3888.     protected function getMaintenancePageListenerService()
  3889.     {
  3890.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\MaintenancePageListener'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\MaintenancePageListener(($this->services['kernel'] ?? $this->get('kernel'1)));
  3891.         $instance->loadTemplateFromResource('@PimcoreCoreBundle/Resources/misc/maintenance.html');
  3892.         $instance->setResponseHelper(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\ResponseHelper'] ?? ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\ResponseHelper'] = new \Pimcore\Http\ResponseHelper())));
  3893.         return $instance;
  3894.     }
  3895.     /**
  3896.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\PimcoreContextListener' shared autowired service.
  3897.      *
  3898.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\PimcoreContextListener
  3899.      */
  3900.     protected function getPimcoreContextListenerService()
  3901.     {
  3902.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\PimcoreContextListener'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\PimcoreContextListener(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\PimcoreContextResolver'] ?? $this->getPimcoreContextResolverService()), ($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())));
  3903.         $a = ($this->privates['monolog.logger'] ?? $this->getMonolog_LoggerService());
  3904.         $instance->setLogger($a);
  3905.         $instance->setLogger($a);
  3906.         return $instance;
  3907.     }
  3908.     /**
  3909.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\ResponseHeaderListener' shared autowired service.
  3910.      *
  3911.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\ResponseHeaderListener
  3912.      */
  3913.     protected function getResponseHeaderListenerService()
  3914.     {
  3915.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\ResponseHeaderListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\ResponseHeaderListener(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\ResponseHeaderResolver'] ?? $this->getResponseHeaderResolverService()));
  3916.     }
  3917.     /**
  3918.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\ResponseStackListener' shared autowired service.
  3919.      *
  3920.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\ResponseStackListener
  3921.      */
  3922.     protected function getResponseStackListenerService()
  3923.     {
  3924.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\ResponseStackListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\ResponseStackListener(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Http\\ResponseStack'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Http\\ResponseStack'] = new \Pimcore\Http\ResponseStack())));
  3925.     }
  3926.     /**
  3927.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\TranslationDebugListener' shared autowired service.
  3928.      *
  3929.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\TranslationDebugListener
  3930.      */
  3931.     protected function getTranslationDebugListenerService()
  3932.     {
  3933.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\TranslationDebugListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\TranslationDebugListener(($this->services['Symfony\\Contracts\\Translation\\TranslatorInterface'] ?? $this->getTranslatorInterfaceService()), 'pimcore_debug_translations');
  3934.     }
  3935.     /**
  3936.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\WebDebugToolbarListener' shared autowired service.
  3937.      *
  3938.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\WebDebugToolbarListener
  3939.      */
  3940.     protected function getWebDebugToolbarListenerService()
  3941.     {
  3942.         $a = ($this->services['event_dispatcher'] ?? $this->getEventDispatcherService());
  3943.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\WebDebugToolbarListener'])) {
  3944.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\WebDebugToolbarListener'];
  3945.         }
  3946.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\EventListener\\WebDebugToolbarListener'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\WebDebugToolbarListener(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\RequestHelper'] ?? $this->getRequestHelperService()), ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Http\\RequestMatcherFactory'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Http\\RequestMatcherFactory'] = new \Pimcore\Http\RequestMatcherFactory())), ($this->privates['web_profiler.debug_toolbar'] ?? $this->getWebProfiler_DebugToolbarService()), $a$this->parameters['pimcore.web_profiler.toolbar.excluded_routes']);
  3947.     }
  3948.     /**
  3949.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\EventSubscriber\PrefixSubscriber' shared autowired service.
  3950.      *
  3951.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\EventSubscriber\PrefixSubscriber
  3952.      */
  3953.     protected function getPrefixSubscriberService()
  3954.     {
  3955.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\PrefixSubscriber'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\EventSubscriber\PrefixSubscriber(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Document\\PrefixService'] ?? $this->getPrefixServiceService()));
  3956.     }
  3957.     /**
  3958.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\EventSubscriber\RequestSubscriber' shared autowired service.
  3959.      *
  3960.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\EventSubscriber\RequestSubscriber
  3961.      */
  3962.     protected function getRequestSubscriberService()
  3963.     {
  3964.         $a = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\PortalConfig\\PortalConfigService'] ?? $this->getPortalConfigServiceService());
  3965.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\RequestSubscriber'])) {
  3966.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\RequestSubscriber'];
  3967.         }
  3968.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\RequestSubscriber'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\EventSubscriber\RequestSubscriber($a, ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Security\\SecurityService'] ?? $this->getSecurityServiceService()));
  3969.     }
  3970.     /**
  3971.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\EventSubscriber\SecuritySubscriber' shared autowired service.
  3972.      *
  3973.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\EventSubscriber\SecuritySubscriber
  3974.      */
  3975.     protected function getSecuritySubscriberService()
  3976.     {
  3977.         $a = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\PortalConfig\\PortalConfigService'] ?? $this->getPortalConfigServiceService());
  3978.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\SecuritySubscriber'])) {
  3979.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\SecuritySubscriber'];
  3980.         }
  3981.         $b = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\PublicShare\\PublicShareService'] ?? $this->getPublicShareServiceService());
  3982.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\SecuritySubscriber'])) {
  3983.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\SecuritySubscriber'];
  3984.         }
  3985.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\EventSubscriber\\SecuritySubscriber'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\EventSubscriber\SecuritySubscriber($a, ($this->privates['security.helper'] ?? $this->getSecurity_HelperService()), ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Security\\SecurityService'] ?? $this->getSecurityServiceService()), ($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())), $b, []);
  3986.     }
  3987.     /**
  3988.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Asset\NameExtractorService' shared autowired service.
  3989.      *
  3990.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Asset\NameExtractorService
  3991.      */
  3992.     protected function getNameExtractorServiceService()
  3993.     {
  3994.         $a = ($this->services['event_dispatcher'] ?? $this->getEventDispatcherService());
  3995.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Asset\\NameExtractorService'])) {
  3996.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Asset\\NameExtractorService'];
  3997.         }
  3998.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Asset\\NameExtractorService'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Asset\NameExtractorService($a);
  3999.     }
  4000.     /**
  4001.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Asset\SearchIndexFieldDefinitionService' shared autowired service.
  4002.      *
  4003.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Asset\SearchIndexFieldDefinitionService
  4004.      */
  4005.     protected function getSearchIndexFieldDefinitionServiceService()
  4006.     {
  4007.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Asset\\SearchIndexFieldDefinitionService'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Asset\SearchIndexFieldDefinitionService(new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  4008.             'asset' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\Asset\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\AssetRelationAdapter''getAssetRelationAdapterService'true],
  4009.             'calculatedValue' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\Asset\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\TextAdapter''getTextAdapterService'true],
  4010.             'checkbox' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\Asset\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\BooleanAdapter''getBooleanAdapter2Service'true],
  4011.             'country' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\Asset\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\CountryAdapter''getCountryAdapterService'true],
  4012.             'date' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\Asset\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\DateAdapter''getDateAdapter2Service'true],
  4013.             'datetime' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\Asset\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\DateTimeAdapter''getDateTimeAdapterService'true],
  4014.             'input' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\Asset\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\TextAdapter''getTextAdapterService'true],
  4015.             'language' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\Asset\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\LanguageAdapter''getLanguageAdapterService'true],
  4016.             'manyToManyRelation' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\Asset\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\ManyToManyRelationAdapter''getManyToManyRelationAdapterService'true],
  4017.             'multiselect' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\Asset\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\MultiSelectAdapter''getMultiSelectAdapter2Service'true],
  4018.             'numeric' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\Asset\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\NumericAdapter''getNumericAdapterService'true],
  4019.             'object' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\Asset\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\ObjectRelationAdapter''getObjectRelationAdapterService'true],
  4020.             'select' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\Asset\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\SelectAdapter''getSelectAdapter2Service'true],
  4021.             'textarea' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\Asset\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\TextAdapter''getTextAdapterService'true],
  4022.             'wysiwyg' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\Asset\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\DefaultAdapter''getDefaultAdapter2Service'true],
  4023.         ], [
  4024.             'asset' => '?',
  4025.             'calculatedValue' => '?',
  4026.             'checkbox' => '?',
  4027.             'country' => '?',
  4028.             'date' => '?',
  4029.             'datetime' => '?',
  4030.             'input' => '?',
  4031.             'language' => '?',
  4032.             'manyToManyRelation' => '?',
  4033.             'multiselect' => '?',
  4034.             'numeric' => '?',
  4035.             'object' => '?',
  4036.             'select' => '?',
  4037.             'textarea' => '?',
  4038.             'wysiwyg' => '?',
  4039.         ]));
  4040.     }
  4041.     /**
  4042.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Asset\ThumbnailService' shared autowired service.
  4043.      *
  4044.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Asset\ThumbnailService
  4045.      */
  4046.     protected function getThumbnailServiceService()
  4047.     {
  4048.         $a = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\DataObject\\MainImageExtractorService'] ?? $this->getMainImageExtractorServiceService());
  4049.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Asset\\ThumbnailService'])) {
  4050.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Asset\\ThumbnailService'];
  4051.         }
  4052.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Asset\\ThumbnailService'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Asset\ThumbnailService($a);
  4053.     }
  4054.     /**
  4055.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Collection\CollectionService' shared autowired service.
  4056.      *
  4057.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Collection\CollectionService
  4058.      */
  4059.     protected function getCollectionServiceService()
  4060.     {
  4061.         $a = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\IndexQueueService'] ?? $this->getIndexQueueServiceService());
  4062.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Collection\\CollectionService'])) {
  4063.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Collection\\CollectionService'];
  4064.         }
  4065.         $b = ($this->services[''] ?? $this->get_Container_Private_Security_AuthorizationCheckerService());
  4066.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Collection\\CollectionService'])) {
  4067.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Collection\\CollectionService'];
  4068.         }
  4069.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Collection\\CollectionService'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Collection\CollectionService(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Entity\\EntityManagerService'] ?? $this->getEntityManagerServiceService()), ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Security\\SecurityService'] ?? $this->getSecurityServiceService()), $a, ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\DataPool\\DataPoolConfigService'] ?? $this->getDataPoolConfigServiceService()), $b);
  4070.     }
  4071.     /**
  4072.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Content\HeadTitleService' shared autowired service.
  4073.      *
  4074.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Content\HeadTitleService
  4075.      */
  4076.     protected function getHeadTitleServiceService()
  4077.     {
  4078.         $a = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\PortalConfig\\PortalConfigService'] ?? $this->getPortalConfigServiceService());
  4079.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Content\\HeadTitleService'])) {
  4080.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Content\\HeadTitleService'];
  4081.         }
  4082.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Content\\HeadTitleService'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Content\HeadTitleService(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\DocumentResolver'] ?? $this->getDocumentResolverService()), ($this->services['Symfony\\Contracts\\Translation\\TranslatorInterface'] ?? $this->getTranslatorInterfaceService()), $a);
  4083.     }
  4084.     /**
  4085.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Content\NavigationService' shared autowired service.
  4086.      *
  4087.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Content\NavigationService
  4088.      */
  4089.     protected function getNavigationServiceService()
  4090.     {
  4091.         $a = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Navigation'] ?? $this->getNavigationService());
  4092.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Content\\NavigationService'])) {
  4093.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Content\\NavigationService'];
  4094.         }
  4095.         $b = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\PortalConfig\\PortalConfigService'] ?? $this->getPortalConfigServiceService());
  4096.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Content\\NavigationService'])) {
  4097.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Content\\NavigationService'];
  4098.         }
  4099.         $c = ($this->privates['security.helper'] ?? $this->getSecurity_HelperService());
  4100.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Content\\NavigationService'])) {
  4101.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Content\\NavigationService'];
  4102.         }
  4103.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Content\\NavigationService'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Content\NavigationService($a$b, new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Content\PageConfigService(), ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\DataPool\\DataPoolConfigService'] ?? $this->getDataPoolConfigServiceService()), $c, ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\DocumentResolver'] ?? $this->getDocumentResolverService()));
  4104.     }
  4105.     /**
  4106.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\DataObject\MainImageExtractorService' shared autowired service.
  4107.      *
  4108.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\DataObject\MainImageExtractorService
  4109.      */
  4110.     protected function getMainImageExtractorServiceService()
  4111.     {
  4112.         $a = ($this->services['event_dispatcher'] ?? $this->getEventDispatcherService());
  4113.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\DataObject\\MainImageExtractorService'])) {
  4114.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\DataObject\\MainImageExtractorService'];
  4115.         }
  4116.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\DataObject\\MainImageExtractorService'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\DataObject\MainImageExtractorService($a);
  4117.     }
  4118.     /**
  4119.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\DataObject\NameExtractorService' shared autowired service.
  4120.      *
  4121.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\DataObject\NameExtractorService
  4122.      */
  4123.     protected function getNameExtractorService3Service()
  4124.     {
  4125.         $a = ($this->services['event_dispatcher'] ?? $this->getEventDispatcherService());
  4126.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\DataObject\\NameExtractorService'])) {
  4127.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\DataObject\\NameExtractorService'];
  4128.         }
  4129.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\DataObject\\NameExtractorService'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\DataObject\NameExtractorService($a);
  4130.     }
  4131.     /**
  4132.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\DataObject\SearchIndexFieldDefinitionService' shared autowired service.
  4133.      *
  4134.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\DataObject\SearchIndexFieldDefinitionService
  4135.      */
  4136.     protected function getSearchIndexFieldDefinitionService2Service()
  4137.     {
  4138.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\DataObject\\SearchIndexFieldDefinitionService'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\DataObject\SearchIndexFieldDefinitionService(new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  4139.             'advancedManyToManyObjectRelation' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\DataObject\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\AdvancedManyToManyObjectRelationAdapter''getAdvancedManyToManyObjectRelationAdapter2Service'true],
  4140.             'advancedManyToManyRelation' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\DataObject\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\AdvancedManyToManyRelationAdapter''getAdvancedManyToManyRelationAdapter2Service'true],
  4141.             'calculatedValue' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\DataObject\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\TextAdapter''getTextAdapter2Service'true],
  4142.             'checkbox' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\DataObject\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\BooleanAdapter''getBooleanAdapter4Service'true],
  4143.             'country' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\DataObject\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\CountryAdapter''getCountryAdapter3Service'true],
  4144.             'countrymultiselect' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\DataObject\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\CountryMultiSelectAdapter''getCountryMultiSelectAdapter2Service'true],
  4145.             'date' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\DataObject\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\DateAdapter''getDateAdapter4Service'true],
  4146.             'datetime' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\DataObject\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\DateTimeAdapter''getDateTimeAdapter3Service'true],
  4147.             'input' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\DataObject\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\TextAdapter''getTextAdapter2Service'true],
  4148.             'inputQuantityValue' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\DataObject\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\QuantityValueAdapter''getQuantityValueAdapter2Service'true],
  4149.             'language' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\DataObject\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\LanguageAdapter''getLanguageAdapter3Service'true],
  4150.             'languagemultiselect' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\DataObject\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\LanguageMultiSelectAdapter''getLanguageMultiSelectAdapter2Service'true],
  4151.             'localizedfields' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\DataObject\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\LocalizedFieldsAdapter''getLocalizedFieldsAdapter2Service'true],
  4152.             'manyToManyObjectRelation' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\DataObject\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\ManyToManyObjectRelationAdapter''getManyToManyObjectRelationAdapter2Service'true],
  4153.             'manyToManyRelation' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\DataObject\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\ManyToManyRelationAdapter''getManyToManyRelationAdapter3Service'true],
  4154.             'manyToOneRelation' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\DataObject\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\ManyToOneRelationAdapter''getManyToOneRelationAdapter2Service'true],
  4155.             'multiselect' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\DataObject\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\MultiSelectAdapter''getMultiSelectAdapter4Service'true],
  4156.             'numeric' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\DataObject\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\NumericAdapter''getNumericAdapter2Service'true],
  4157.             'quantityValue' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\DataObject\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\QuantityValueAdapter''getQuantityValueAdapter2Service'true],
  4158.             'select' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\DataObject\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\SelectAdapter''getSelectAdapter4Service'true],
  4159.             'slider' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\DataObject\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\NumericAdapter''getNumericAdapter2Service'true],
  4160.             'textarea' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\DataObject\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\TextAdapter''getTextAdapter2Service'true],
  4161.             'wysiwyg' => [false'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\DataObject\\FieldDefinitionAdapter\\DefaultAdapter''getDefaultAdapter4Service'true],
  4162.         ], [
  4163.             'advancedManyToManyObjectRelation' => '?',
  4164.             'advancedManyToManyRelation' => '?',
  4165.             'calculatedValue' => '?',
  4166.             'checkbox' => '?',
  4167.             'country' => '?',
  4168.             'countrymultiselect' => '?',
  4169.             'date' => '?',
  4170.             'datetime' => '?',
  4171.             'input' => '?',
  4172.             'inputQuantityValue' => '?',
  4173.             'language' => '?',
  4174.             'languagemultiselect' => '?',
  4175.             'localizedfields' => '?',
  4176.             'manyToManyObjectRelation' => '?',
  4177.             'manyToManyRelation' => '?',
  4178.             'manyToOneRelation' => '?',
  4179.             'multiselect' => '?',
  4180.             'numeric' => '?',
  4181.             'quantityValue' => '?',
  4182.             'select' => '?',
  4183.             'slider' => '?',
  4184.             'textarea' => '?',
  4185.             'wysiwyg' => '?',
  4186.         ]));
  4187.     }
  4188.     /**
  4189.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\DataPool\DataPoolConfigService' shared autowired service.
  4190.      *
  4191.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\DataPool\DataPoolConfigService
  4192.      */
  4193.     protected function getDataPoolConfigServiceService()
  4194.     {
  4195.         $a = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\PortalConfig\\PortalConfigService'] ?? $this->getPortalConfigServiceService());
  4196.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\DataPool\\DataPoolConfigService'])) {
  4197.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\DataPool\\DataPoolConfigService'];
  4198.         }
  4199.         $b = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Document\\LanguageVariantService'] ?? $this->getLanguageVariantServiceService());
  4200.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\DataPool\\DataPoolConfigService'])) {
  4201.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\DataPool\\DataPoolConfigService'];
  4202.         }
  4203.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\DataPool\\DataPoolConfigService'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\DataPool\DataPoolConfigService(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\DocumentResolver'] ?? $this->getDocumentResolverService()), $a$b);
  4204.     }
  4205.     /**
  4206.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\DataPool\TranslatorService' shared autowired service.
  4207.      *
  4208.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\DataPool\TranslatorService
  4209.      */
  4210.     protected function getTranslatorServiceService()
  4211.     {
  4212.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\DataPool\\TranslatorService'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\DataPool\TranslatorService(($this->services['Symfony\\Contracts\\Translation\\TranslatorInterface'] ?? $this->getTranslatorInterfaceService()), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Localization\\LocaleServiceInterface'] ?? $this->getLocaleServiceInterfaceService()));
  4213.     }
  4214.     /**
  4215.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Document\LanguageVariantService' shared autowired service.
  4216.      *
  4217.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Document\LanguageVariantService
  4218.      */
  4219.     protected function getLanguageVariantServiceService()
  4220.     {
  4221.         $a = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\PortalConfig\\PortalConfigService'] ?? $this->getPortalConfigServiceService());
  4222.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Document\\LanguageVariantService'])) {
  4223.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Document\\LanguageVariantService'];
  4224.         }
  4225.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Document\\LanguageVariantService'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Document\LanguageVariantService(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\DocumentResolver'] ?? $this->getDocumentResolverService()), $a);
  4226.     }
  4227.     /**
  4228.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Document\PrefixService' shared autowired service.
  4229.      *
  4230.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Document\PrefixService
  4231.      */
  4232.     protected function getPrefixServiceService()
  4233.     {
  4234.         $a = ($this->services['router'] ?? $this->getRouterService());
  4235.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Document\\PrefixService'])) {
  4236.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Document\\PrefixService'];
  4237.         }
  4238.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Document\\PrefixService'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Document\PrefixService($a, ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\DocumentResolver'] ?? $this->getDocumentResolverService()), ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\DataPool\\DataPoolConfigService'] ?? $this->getDataPoolConfigServiceService()));
  4239.     }
  4240.     /**
  4241.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Element\NameExtractorService' shared autowired service.
  4242.      *
  4243.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Element\NameExtractorService
  4244.      */
  4245.     protected function getNameExtractorService2Service()
  4246.     {
  4247.         $a = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Asset\\NameExtractorService'] ?? $this->getNameExtractorServiceService());
  4248.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Element\\NameExtractorService'])) {
  4249.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Element\\NameExtractorService'];
  4250.         }
  4251.         $b = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\DataObject\\NameExtractorService'] ?? $this->getNameExtractorService3Service());
  4252.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Element\\NameExtractorService'])) {
  4253.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Element\\NameExtractorService'];
  4254.         }
  4255.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Element\\NameExtractorService'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Element\NameExtractorService($a$b);
  4256.     }
  4257.     /**
  4258.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Entity\EntityManagerService' shared autowired service.
  4259.      *
  4260.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Entity\EntityManagerService
  4261.      */
  4262.     protected function getEntityManagerServiceService()
  4263.     {
  4264.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Entity\\EntityManagerService'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Entity\EntityManagerService(($this->services['doctrine'] ?? $this->getDoctrineService()));
  4265.     }
  4266.     /**
  4267.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\PortalConfig\PortalConfigService' shared autowired service.
  4268.      *
  4269.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\PortalConfig\PortalConfigService
  4270.      */
  4271.     protected function getPortalConfigServiceService()
  4272.     {
  4273.         $a = ($this->services['doctrine.dbal.default_connection'] ?? $this->getDoctrine_Dbal_DefaultConnectionService());
  4274.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\PortalConfig\\PortalConfigService'])) {
  4275.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\PortalConfig\\PortalConfigService'];
  4276.         }
  4277.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\PortalConfig\\PortalConfigService'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\PortalConfig\PortalConfigService($a, ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\DocumentResolver'] ?? $this->getDocumentResolverService()), ($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())));
  4278.     }
  4279.     /**
  4280.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\PublicShare\PublicShareService' shared autowired service.
  4281.      *
  4282.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\PublicShare\PublicShareService
  4283.      */
  4284.     protected function getPublicShareServiceService()
  4285.     {
  4286.         $a = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Collection\\CollectionService'] ?? $this->getCollectionServiceService());
  4287.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\PublicShare\\PublicShareService'])) {
  4288.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\PublicShare\\PublicShareService'];
  4289.         }
  4290.         $b = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\IndexQueueService'] ?? $this->getIndexQueueServiceService());
  4291.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\PublicShare\\PublicShareService'])) {
  4292.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\PublicShare\\PublicShareService'];
  4293.         }
  4294.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\PublicShare\\PublicShareService'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\PublicShare\PublicShareService(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Entity\\EntityManagerService'] ?? $this->getEntityManagerServiceService()), $a, ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Security\\SecurityService'] ?? $this->getSecurityServiceService()), $b, ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\DataPool\\DataPoolConfigService'] ?? $this->getDataPoolConfigServiceService()), ($this->services['.container.private.session'] ?? $this->get_Container_Private_SessionService()));
  4295.     }
  4296.     /**
  4297.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\SearchIndex\Asset\IndexService' shared autowired service.
  4298.      *
  4299.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\SearchIndex\Asset\IndexService
  4300.      */
  4301.     protected function getIndexService2Service()
  4302.     {
  4303.         $a = ($this->services['event_dispatcher'] ?? $this->getEventDispatcherService());
  4304.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\Asset\\IndexService'])) {
  4305.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\Asset\\IndexService'];
  4306.         }
  4307.         $b = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Element\\NameExtractorService'] ?? $this->getNameExtractorService2Service());
  4308.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\Asset\\IndexService'])) {
  4309.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\Asset\\IndexService'];
  4310.         }
  4311.         $c = ($this->privates['monolog.logger'] ?? $this->getMonolog_LoggerService());
  4312.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\Asset\\IndexService'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\SearchIndex\Asset\IndexService($c$a, ($this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\ElasticSearchConfigService'] ?? $this->getElasticSearchConfigServiceService()), $b, ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Entity\\EntityManagerService'] ?? $this->getEntityManagerServiceService()));
  4313.         $instance->setEsClient(($this->privates['pimcore.portal_engine.es_client'] ?? $this->getPimcore_PortalEngine_EsClientService()));
  4314.         $instance->setCoreFieldsConfig($this->parameters['pimcore_portal_engine.core_fields_configuration']);
  4315.         $instance->setFieldDefinitionService(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Asset\\SearchIndexFieldDefinitionService'] ?? $this->getSearchIndexFieldDefinitionServiceService()));
  4316.         $instance->setThumbnailService(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Asset\\ThumbnailService'] ?? $this->getThumbnailServiceService()));
  4317.         $instance->setWorkflowService(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Workflow\\WorkflowService'] ?? $this->getWorkflowServiceService()));
  4318.         $instance->setLogger($c);
  4319.         return $instance;
  4320.     }
  4321.     /**
  4322.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\SearchIndex\DataObject\IndexService' shared autowired service.
  4323.      *
  4324.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\SearchIndex\DataObject\IndexService
  4325.      */
  4326.     protected function getIndexService3Service()
  4327.     {
  4328.         $a = ($this->services['event_dispatcher'] ?? $this->getEventDispatcherService());
  4329.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\DataObject\\IndexService'])) {
  4330.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\DataObject\\IndexService'];
  4331.         }
  4332.         $b = ($this->privates['monolog.logger'] ?? $this->getMonolog_LoggerService());
  4333.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\DataObject\\IndexService'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\SearchIndex\DataObject\IndexService($b$a, ($this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\ElasticSearchConfigService'] ?? $this->getElasticSearchConfigServiceService()), ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Element\\NameExtractorService'] ?? $this->getNameExtractorService2Service()), ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Entity\\EntityManagerService'] ?? $this->getEntityManagerServiceService()));
  4334.         $instance->setEsClient(($this->privates['pimcore.portal_engine.es_client'] ?? $this->getPimcore_PortalEngine_EsClientService()));
  4335.         $instance->setCoreFieldsConfig($this->parameters['pimcore_portal_engine.core_fields_configuration']);
  4336.         $instance->setFieldDefinitionService(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\DataObject\\SearchIndexFieldDefinitionService'] ?? $this->getSearchIndexFieldDefinitionService2Service()));
  4337.         $instance->setMainImageExtractorService(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\DataObject\\MainImageExtractorService'] ?? $this->getMainImageExtractorServiceService()));
  4338.         $instance->setContainerParamBag(($this->privates['parameter_bag'] ?? ($this->privates['parameter_bag'] = new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ContainerBag($this))));
  4339.         $instance->setLogger($b);
  4340.         return $instance;
  4341.     }
  4342.     /**
  4343.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\SearchIndex\IndexQueueService' shared autowired service.
  4344.      *
  4345.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\SearchIndex\IndexQueueService
  4346.      */
  4347.     protected function getIndexQueueServiceService()
  4348.     {
  4349.         $a = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\DataObject\\IndexService'] ?? $this->getIndexService3Service());
  4350.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\IndexQueueService'])) {
  4351.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\IndexQueueService'];
  4352.         }
  4353.         $b = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\Asset\\IndexService'] ?? $this->getIndexService2Service());
  4354.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\IndexQueueService'])) {
  4355.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\IndexQueueService'];
  4356.         }
  4357.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\IndexQueueService'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\SearchIndex\IndexQueueService(($this->privates['monolog.logger'] ?? $this->getMonolog_LoggerService()), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\ElasticSearchConfigService'] ?? $this->getElasticSearchConfigServiceService()), $a$b);
  4358.     }
  4359.     /**
  4360.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Security\SecurityService' shared autowired service.
  4361.      *
  4362.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Security\SecurityService
  4363.      */
  4364.     protected function getSecurityServiceService()
  4365.     {
  4366.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Security\\SecurityService'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Security\SecurityService(($this->services[''] ?? $this->get_Container_Private_Security_TokenStorageService()), ($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())));
  4367.     }
  4368.     /**
  4369.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\User\AvatarService' shared autowired service.
  4370.      *
  4371.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\User\AvatarService
  4372.      */
  4373.     protected function getAvatarServiceService()
  4374.     {
  4375.         $a = ($this->services['router'] ?? $this->getRouterService());
  4376.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\User\\AvatarService'])) {
  4377.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\User\\AvatarService'];
  4378.         }
  4379.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\User\\AvatarService'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\User\AvatarService(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Security\\SecurityService'] ?? $this->getSecurityServiceService()), $a);
  4380.     }
  4381.     /**
  4382.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Workflow\WorkflowService' shared autowired service.
  4383.      *
  4384.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Workflow\WorkflowService
  4385.      */
  4386.     protected function getWorkflowServiceService()
  4387.     {
  4388.         $a = ($this->services['Pimcore\\Workflow\\Manager'] ?? $this->getManagerService());
  4389.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Workflow\\WorkflowService'])) {
  4390.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Workflow\\WorkflowService'];
  4391.         }
  4392.         $b = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Workflow\\ActionsButtonService'] ?? $this->getActionsButtonServiceService());
  4393.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Workflow\\WorkflowService'])) {
  4394.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Workflow\\WorkflowService'];
  4395.         }
  4396.         $c = ($this->services['Pimcore\\Workflow\\Place\\StatusInfo'] ?? $this->getStatusInfoService());
  4397.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Workflow\\WorkflowService'])) {
  4398.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Workflow\\WorkflowService'];
  4399.         }
  4400.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Workflow\\WorkflowService'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Service\Workflow\WorkflowService($a, ($this->privates['workflow.registry'] ?? ($this->privates['workflow.registry'] = new \Symfony\Component\Workflow\Registry())), $b$c, ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\DataPool\\TranslatorService'] ?? $this->getTranslatorServiceService()), ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Security\\SecurityService'] ?? $this->getSecurityServiceService()), ($this->services[''] ?? $this->get_Container_Private_Security_TokenStorageService()));
  4401.     }
  4402.     /**
  4403.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Twig\ContentExtension' shared autowired service.
  4404.      *
  4405.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Twig\ContentExtension
  4406.      */
  4407.     protected function getContentExtensionService()
  4408.     {
  4409.         $a = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Content\\NavigationService'] ?? $this->getNavigationServiceService());
  4410.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Twig\\ContentExtension'])) {
  4411.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Twig\\ContentExtension'];
  4412.         }
  4413.         $b = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Templating\\Renderer\\IncludeRenderer'] ?? $this->getIncludeRendererService());
  4414.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Twig\\ContentExtension'])) {
  4415.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Twig\\ContentExtension'];
  4416.         }
  4417.         $c = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Navigation\\Renderer\\Breadcrumbs'] ?? $this->getBreadcrumbsService());
  4418.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Twig\\ContentExtension'])) {
  4419.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Twig\\ContentExtension'];
  4420.         }
  4421.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Twig\\ContentExtension'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Twig\ContentExtension(($this->services['kernel'] ?? $this->get('kernel'1)), $a$b, ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Document\\PrefixService'] ?? $this->getPrefixServiceService()), $c);
  4422.     }
  4423.     /**
  4424.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Twig\EditmodeExtension' shared autowired service.
  4425.      *
  4426.      * @return \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Twig\EditmodeExtension
  4427.      */
  4428.     protected function getEditmodeExtensionService()
  4429.     {
  4430.         $a = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Twig\\ContentExtension'] ?? $this->getContentExtensionService());
  4431.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Twig\\EditmodeExtension'])) {
  4432.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Twig\\EditmodeExtension'];
  4433.         }
  4434.         $b = ($this->services['Pimcore\\Extension\\Document\\Areabrick\\AreabrickManagerInterface'] ?? $this->getAreabrickManagerInterfaceService());
  4435.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Twig\\EditmodeExtension'])) {
  4436.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Twig\\EditmodeExtension'];
  4437.         }
  4438.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Twig\\EditmodeExtension'] = new \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Twig\EditmodeExtension(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\EditmodeResolver'] ?? $this->getEditmodeResolverService()), ($this->services['Symfony\\Contracts\\Translation\\TranslatorInterface'] ?? $this->getTranslatorInterfaceService()), $a, ($this->services['Pimcore\\Templating\\Renderer\\EditableRenderer'] ?? $this->getEditableRendererService()), $b, ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Security\\SecurityService'] ?? $this->getSecurityServiceService()));
  4439.     }
  4440.     /**
  4441.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Document\Editable\EditmodeEditableDefinitionCollector' shared autowired service.
  4442.      *
  4443.      * @return \Pimcore\Document\Editable\EditmodeEditableDefinitionCollector
  4444.      */
  4445.     protected function getEditmodeEditableDefinitionCollectorService()
  4446.     {
  4447.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Document\\Editable\\EditmodeEditableDefinitionCollector'] = new \Pimcore\Document\Editable\EditmodeEditableDefinitionCollector();
  4448.     }
  4449.     /**
  4450.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Http\Response\CodeInjector' shared autowired service.
  4451.      *
  4452.      * @return \Pimcore\Http\Response\CodeInjector
  4453.      */
  4454.     protected function getCodeInjectorService()
  4455.     {
  4456.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Http\\Response\\CodeInjector'] = new \Pimcore\Http\Response\CodeInjector(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\ResponseHelper'] ?? ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\ResponseHelper'] = new \Pimcore\Http\ResponseHelper())));
  4457.     }
  4458.     /**
  4459.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Navigation\Renderer\Breadcrumbs' shared autowired service.
  4460.      *
  4461.      * @return \Pimcore\Navigation\Renderer\Breadcrumbs
  4462.      */
  4463.     protected function getBreadcrumbsService()
  4464.     {
  4465.         $a = ($this->services['pimcore.templating.engine.delegating'] ?? $this->getPimcore_Templating_Engine_DelegatingService());
  4466.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Navigation\\Renderer\\Breadcrumbs'])) {
  4467.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Navigation\\Renderer\\Breadcrumbs'];
  4468.         }
  4469.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Navigation\\Renderer\\Breadcrumbs'] = new \Pimcore\Navigation\Renderer\Breadcrumbs($a);
  4470.     }
  4471.     /**
  4472.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Routing\Dynamic\DocumentRouteHandler' shared autowired service.
  4473.      *
  4474.      * @return \Pimcore\Routing\Dynamic\DocumentRouteHandler
  4475.      */
  4476.     protected function getDocumentRouteHandlerService()
  4477.     {
  4478.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Routing\\Dynamic\\DocumentRouteHandler'] = new \Pimcore\Routing\Dynamic\DocumentRouteHandler(($this->services['Pimcore\\Model\\Document\\Service'] ?? ($this->services['Pimcore\\Model\\Document\\Service'] = new \Pimcore\Model\Document\Service())), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\SiteResolver'] ?? $this->getSiteResolverService()), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\RequestHelper'] ?? $this->getRequestHelperService()), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] ?? ($this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] = new \Pimcore\Config())), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\StaticPageResolver'] ?? $this->getStaticPageResolverService()));
  4479.     }
  4480.     /**
  4481.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Routing\RedirectHandler' shared autowired service.
  4482.      *
  4483.      * @return \Pimcore\Routing\RedirectHandler
  4484.      */
  4485.     protected function getRedirectHandlerService()
  4486.     {
  4487.         $a = ($this->services['Symfony\\Component\\Lock\\LockFactory'] ?? $this->getLockFactoryService());
  4488.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Routing\\RedirectHandler'])) {
  4489.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Routing\\RedirectHandler'];
  4490.         }
  4491.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Routing\\RedirectHandler'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Routing\RedirectHandler(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\RequestHelper'] ?? $this->getRequestHelperService()), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\SiteResolver'] ?? $this->getSiteResolverService()), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] ?? ($this->services['Pimcore\\Config'] = new \Pimcore\Config())), $a);
  4492.         $b = ($this->services['monolog.logger.routing'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_RoutingService());
  4493.         $instance->setLogger($b);
  4494.         $instance->setLogger($b);
  4495.         return $instance;
  4496.     }
  4497.     /**
  4498.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Security\User\UserLoader' shared autowired service.
  4499.      *
  4500.      * @return \Pimcore\Security\User\UserLoader
  4501.      */
  4502.     protected function getUserLoaderService()
  4503.     {
  4504.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Security\\User\\UserLoader'] = new \Pimcore\Security\User\UserLoader(($this->services['Pimcore\\Security\\User\\TokenStorageUserResolver'] ?? $this->getTokenStorageUserResolverService()), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\RequestHelper'] ?? $this->getRequestHelperService()));
  4505.     }
  4506.     /**
  4507.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Targeting\ActionHandler\DelegatingActionHandler' shared autowired service.
  4508.      *
  4509.      * @return \Pimcore\Targeting\ActionHandler\DelegatingActionHandler
  4510.      */
  4511.     protected function getDelegatingActionHandlerService()
  4512.     {
  4513.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\ActionHandler\\DelegatingActionHandler'] = new \Pimcore\Targeting\ActionHandler\DelegatingActionHandler(new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  4514.             'assign_target_group' => ['privates''Pimcore\\Targeting\\ActionHandler\\AssignTargetGroup''getAssignTargetGroupService'true],
  4515.             'codesnippet' => ['privates''Pimcore\\Targeting\\ActionHandler\\CodeSnippet''getCodeSnippetService'true],
  4516.             'redirect' => ['privates''Pimcore\\Targeting\\ActionHandler\\Redirect''getRedirectService'true],
  4517.         ], [
  4518.             'assign_target_group' => '?',
  4519.             'codesnippet' => '?',
  4520.             'redirect' => '?',
  4521.         ]), ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\DataLoader'] ?? $this->getDataLoaderService()));
  4522.     }
  4523.     /**
  4524.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Targeting\ConditionMatcher' shared autowired service.
  4525.      *
  4526.      * @return \Pimcore\Targeting\ConditionMatcher
  4527.      */
  4528.     protected function getConditionMatcherService()
  4529.     {
  4530.         $a = ($this->services['event_dispatcher'] ?? $this->getEventDispatcherService());
  4531.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\ConditionMatcher'])) {
  4532.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\ConditionMatcher'];
  4533.         }
  4534.         $b = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\DataLoader'] ?? $this->getDataLoaderService());
  4535.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\ConditionMatcher'])) {
  4536.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\ConditionMatcher'];
  4537.         }
  4538.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\ConditionMatcher'] = new \Pimcore\Targeting\ConditionMatcher(new \Pimcore\Targeting\ConditionFactory($a$this->parameters['pimcore.targeting.conditions']), $b$a, new \Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionLanguage(($this->services['pimcore.cache.pool'] ?? $this->getPimcore_Cache_PoolService())), ($this->privates['monolog.logger'] ?? $this->getMonolog_LoggerService()));
  4539.     }
  4540.     /**
  4541.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Targeting\DataLoader' shared autowired service.
  4542.      *
  4543.      * @return \Pimcore\Targeting\DataLoader
  4544.      */
  4545.     protected function getDataLoaderService()
  4546.     {
  4547.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\DataLoader'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Targeting\DataLoader(new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  4548.             'device' => ['privates''Pimcore\\Targeting\\DataProvider\\Device''getDeviceService'true],
  4549.             'geoip' => ['privates''Pimcore\\Targeting\\DataProvider\\GeoIp''getGeoIpService'true],
  4550.             'geolocation' => ['privates''Pimcore\\Targeting\\DataProvider\\GeoLocation''getGeoLocationService'true],
  4551.             'targeting_storage' => ['privates''Pimcore\\Targeting\\DataProvider\\TargetingStorage''getTargetingStorageService'true],
  4552.             'visited_pages_counter' => ['privates''Pimcore\\Targeting\\DataProvider\\VisitedPagesCounter''getVisitedPagesCounterService'true],
  4553.         ], [
  4554.             'device' => '?',
  4555.             'geoip' => '?',
  4556.             'geolocation' => '?',
  4557.             'targeting_storage' => '?',
  4558.             'visited_pages_counter' => '?',
  4559.         ]));
  4560.         $instance->setStopwatch(($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] ?? ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] = new \Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\Stopwatch(true))));
  4561.         return $instance;
  4562.     }
  4563.     /**
  4564.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Targeting\Debug\OverrideHandler' shared autowired service.
  4565.      *
  4566.      * @return \Pimcore\Targeting\Debug\OverrideHandler
  4567.      */
  4568.     protected function getOverrideHandlerService($lazyLoad true)
  4569.     {
  4570.         if ($lazyLoad) {
  4571.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\Debug\\OverrideHandler'] = $this->createProxy('OverrideHandler_fb58919', function () {
  4572.                 return \OverrideHandler_fb58919::staticProxyConstructor(function (&$wrappedInstance\ProxyManager\Proxy\LazyLoadingInterface $proxy) {
  4573.                     $wrappedInstance $this->getOverrideHandlerService(false);
  4574.                     $proxy->setProxyInitializer(null);
  4575.                     return true;
  4576.                 });
  4577.             });
  4578.         }
  4579.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Targeting/Debug/OverrideHandler.php';
  4580.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Targeting/OverrideHandlerInterface.php';
  4581.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Targeting/Debug/Override/DocumentTargetingOverrideHandler.php';
  4582.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Targeting/Debug/Override/LanguageOverrideHandler.php';
  4583.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Targeting/Debug/Override/DeviceOverrideHandler.php';
  4584.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Targeting/Debug/Override/LocationOverrideHandler.php';
  4585.         return new \Pimcore\Targeting\Debug\OverrideHandler(($this->services['.container.private.form.factory'] ?? $this->get_Container_Private_Form_FactoryService()), [=> new \Pimcore\Targeting\Debug\Override\DocumentTargetingOverrideHandler(($this->services['Pimcore\\Targeting\\Document\\DocumentTargetingConfigurator'] ?? $this->getDocumentTargetingConfiguratorService())), => new \Pimcore\Targeting\Debug\Override\LanguageOverrideHandler(), => new \Pimcore\Targeting\Debug\Override\DeviceOverrideHandler(), => new \Pimcore\Targeting\Debug\Override\LocationOverrideHandler()]);
  4586.     }
  4587.     /**
  4588.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Targeting\Debug\TargetingDataCollector' shared autowired service.
  4589.      *
  4590.      * @return \Pimcore\Targeting\Debug\TargetingDataCollector
  4591.      */
  4592.     protected function getTargetingDataCollectorService()
  4593.     {
  4594.         $a = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\Storage\\CookieStorage'] ?? $this->getCookieStorageService());
  4595.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\Debug\\TargetingDataCollector'])) {
  4596.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\Debug\\TargetingDataCollector'];
  4597.         }
  4598.         $b = ($this->services['Pimcore\\Targeting\\Document\\DocumentTargetingConfigurator'] ?? $this->getDocumentTargetingConfiguratorService());
  4599.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\Debug\\TargetingDataCollector'])) {
  4600.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\Debug\\TargetingDataCollector'];
  4601.         }
  4602.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\Debug\\TargetingDataCollector'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Targeting\Debug\TargetingDataCollector($a$b);
  4603.         $instance->setStopwatch(($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] ?? ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] = new \Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\Stopwatch(true))));
  4604.         return $instance;
  4605.     }
  4606.     /**
  4607.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Targeting\EventListener\TargetingListener' shared autowired service.
  4608.      *
  4609.      * @return \Pimcore\Targeting\EventListener\TargetingListener
  4610.      */
  4611.     protected function getTargetingListenerService()
  4612.     {
  4613.         $a = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\Storage\\CookieStorage'] ?? $this->getCookieStorageService());
  4614.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\TargetingListener'])) {
  4615.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\TargetingListener'];
  4616.         }
  4617.         $b = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\ConditionMatcher'] ?? $this->getConditionMatcherService());
  4618.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\TargetingListener'])) {
  4619.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\TargetingListener'];
  4620.         }
  4621.         $c = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\ActionHandler\\DelegatingActionHandler'] ?? $this->getDelegatingActionHandlerService());
  4622.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\TargetingListener'])) {
  4623.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\TargetingListener'];
  4624.         }
  4625.         $d = ($this->services['doctrine.dbal.default_connection'] ?? $this->getDoctrine_Dbal_DefaultConnectionService());
  4626.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\TargetingListener'])) {
  4627.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\TargetingListener'];
  4628.         }
  4629.         $e = ($this->services['event_dispatcher'] ?? $this->getEventDispatcherService());
  4630.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\TargetingListener'])) {
  4631.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\TargetingListener'];
  4632.         }
  4633.         $f = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\VisitorInfoStorage'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\VisitorInfoStorage'] = new \Pimcore\Targeting\VisitorInfoStorage()));
  4634.         $g = new \Pimcore\Targeting\VisitorInfoResolver($a$f$b$c$d$e);
  4635.         $h = ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] ?? ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] = new \Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\Stopwatch(true)));
  4636.         $g->setStopwatch($h);
  4637.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\TargetingListener'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Targeting\EventListener\TargetingListener($g$c$f, ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\RequestHelper'] ?? $this->getRequestHelperService()), new \Pimcore\Targeting\Code\TargetingCodeGenerator($e, ($this->services['pimcore.templating.engine.delegating'] ?? $this->getPimcore_Templating_Engine_DelegatingService())));
  4638.         $instance->setStopwatch($h);
  4639.         $instance->setPimcoreContextResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\PimcoreContextResolver'] ?? $this->getPimcoreContextResolverService()));
  4640.         $instance->setResponseHelper(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\ResponseHelper'] ?? ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\ResponseHelper'] = new \Pimcore\Http\ResponseHelper())));
  4641.         $instance->setStaticPageResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\StaticPageResolver'] ?? $this->getStaticPageResolverService()));
  4642.         return $instance;
  4643.     }
  4644.     /**
  4645.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Targeting\EventListener\ToolbarListener' shared autowired service.
  4646.      *
  4647.      * @return \Pimcore\Targeting\EventListener\ToolbarListener
  4648.      */
  4649.     protected function getToolbarListenerService()
  4650.     {
  4651.         $a = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\Debug\\TargetingDataCollector'] ?? $this->getTargetingDataCollectorService());
  4652.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\ToolbarListener'])) {
  4653.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\ToolbarListener'];
  4654.         }
  4655.         $b = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\Debug\\OverrideHandler'] ?? $this->getOverrideHandlerService());
  4656.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\ToolbarListener'])) {
  4657.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\ToolbarListener'];
  4658.         }
  4659.         $c = ($this->services['event_dispatcher'] ?? $this->getEventDispatcherService());
  4660.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\ToolbarListener'])) {
  4661.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\ToolbarListener'];
  4662.         }
  4663.         $this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\EventListener\\ToolbarListener'] = $instance = new \Pimcore\Targeting\EventListener\ToolbarListener(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\VisitorInfoStorage'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\VisitorInfoStorage'] = new \Pimcore\Targeting\VisitorInfoStorage())), ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\DocumentResolver'] ?? $this->getDocumentResolverService()), $a$b$c, ($this->services['pimcore.templating.engine.delegating'] ?? $this->getPimcore_Templating_Engine_DelegatingService()), ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Http\\Response\\CodeInjector'] ?? $this->getCodeInjectorService()));
  4664.         $instance->setPimcoreContextResolver(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\PimcoreContextResolver'] ?? $this->getPimcoreContextResolverService()));
  4665.         return $instance;
  4666.     }
  4667.     /**
  4668.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Targeting\Storage\CookieStorage' shared autowired service.
  4669.      *
  4670.      * @return \Pimcore\Targeting\Storage\CookieStorage
  4671.      */
  4672.     protected function getCookieStorageService()
  4673.     {
  4674.         $a = ($this->services['event_dispatcher'] ?? $this->getEventDispatcherService());
  4675.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\Storage\\CookieStorage'])) {
  4676.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\Storage\\CookieStorage'];
  4677.         }
  4678.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Targeting\\Storage\\CookieStorage'] = new \Pimcore\Targeting\Storage\CookieStorage(new \Pimcore\Targeting\Storage\Cookie\JWTCookieSaveHandler('blFuZM6tSjr2Xw5HUXrcgkjF51qOCtMxKsep6DQUEo4=', [], NULL, ($this->privates['monolog.logger'] ?? $this->getMonolog_LoggerService())), $a);
  4679.     }
  4680.     /**
  4681.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Templating\Renderer\ActionRenderer' shared autowired service.
  4682.      *
  4683.      * @return \Pimcore\Templating\Renderer\ActionRenderer
  4684.      */
  4685.     protected function getActionRendererService()
  4686.     {
  4687.         $a = ($this->privates['twig.runtime.httpkernel'] ?? $this->getTwig_Runtime_HttpkernelService());
  4688.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Templating\\Renderer\\ActionRenderer'])) {
  4689.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Templating\\Renderer\\ActionRenderer'];
  4690.         }
  4691.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Templating\\Renderer\\ActionRenderer'] = new \Pimcore\Templating\Renderer\ActionRenderer($a);
  4692.     }
  4693.     /**
  4694.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Templating\Renderer\IncludeRenderer' shared autowired service.
  4695.      *
  4696.      * @return \Pimcore\Templating\Renderer\IncludeRenderer
  4697.      */
  4698.     protected function getIncludeRendererService()
  4699.     {
  4700.         $a = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Templating\\Renderer\\ActionRenderer'] ?? $this->getActionRendererService());
  4701.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Templating\\Renderer\\IncludeRenderer'])) {
  4702.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Templating\\Renderer\\IncludeRenderer'];
  4703.         }
  4704.         $b = ($this->services['Pimcore\\Targeting\\Document\\DocumentTargetingConfigurator'] ?? $this->getDocumentTargetingConfiguratorService());
  4705.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Templating\\Renderer\\IncludeRenderer'])) {
  4706.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Templating\\Renderer\\IncludeRenderer'];
  4707.         }
  4708.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Templating\\Renderer\\IncludeRenderer'] = new \Pimcore\Templating\Renderer\IncludeRenderer($a$b);
  4709.     }
  4710.     /**
  4711.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Twig\Extension\SubrequestExtension' shared autowired service.
  4712.      *
  4713.      * @return \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\SubrequestExtension
  4714.      */
  4715.     protected function getSubrequestExtensionService($lazyLoad true)
  4716.     {
  4717.         if ($lazyLoad) {
  4718.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\SubrequestExtension'] = $this->createProxy('SubrequestExtension_ac4dffd', function () {
  4719.                 return \SubrequestExtension_ac4dffd::staticProxyConstructor(function (&$wrappedInstance\ProxyManager\Proxy\LazyLoadingInterface $proxy) {
  4720.                     $wrappedInstance $this->getSubrequestExtensionService(false);
  4721.                     $proxy->setProxyInitializer(null);
  4722.                     return true;
  4723.                 });
  4724.             });
  4725.         }
  4726.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Twig/Extension/SubrequestExtension.php';
  4727.         return new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\SubrequestExtension(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Inc'] ?? $this->getIncService()));
  4728.     }
  4729.     /**
  4730.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\HeadLink' shared autowired service.
  4731.      *
  4732.      * @return \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\HeadLink
  4733.      */
  4734.     protected function getHeadLinkService()
  4735.     {
  4736.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\HeadLink'] = new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\HeadLink(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Placeholder\\ContainerService'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Placeholder\\ContainerService'] = new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\Placeholder\ContainerService())), ($this->services['Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\WebLinkExtension'] ?? $this->getWebLinkExtensionService()));
  4737.     }
  4738.     /**
  4739.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\HeadMeta' shared autowired service.
  4740.      *
  4741.      * @return \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\HeadMeta
  4742.      */
  4743.     protected function getHeadMetaService()
  4744.     {
  4745.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\HeadMeta'] = new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\HeadMeta(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Placeholder\\ContainerService'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Placeholder\\ContainerService'] = new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\Placeholder\ContainerService())));
  4746.     }
  4747.     /**
  4748.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\HeadScript' shared autowired service.
  4749.      *
  4750.      * @return \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\HeadScript
  4751.      */
  4752.     protected function getHeadScriptService()
  4753.     {
  4754.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\HeadScript'] = new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\HeadScript(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Placeholder\\ContainerService'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Placeholder\\ContainerService'] = new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\Placeholder\ContainerService())), ($this->services['Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\WebLinkExtension'] ?? $this->getWebLinkExtensionService()));
  4755.     }
  4756.     /**
  4757.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\HeadStyle' shared autowired service.
  4758.      *
  4759.      * @return \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\HeadStyle
  4760.      */
  4761.     protected function getHeadStyleService()
  4762.     {
  4763.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\HeadStyle'] = new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\HeadStyle(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Placeholder\\ContainerService'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Placeholder\\ContainerService'] = new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\Placeholder\ContainerService())));
  4764.     }
  4765.     /**
  4766.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\HeadTitle' shared autowired service.
  4767.      *
  4768.      * @return \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\HeadTitle
  4769.      */
  4770.     protected function getHeadTitleService()
  4771.     {
  4772.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\HeadTitle'] = new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\HeadTitle(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Placeholder\\ContainerService'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Placeholder\\ContainerService'] = new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\Placeholder\ContainerService())));
  4773.     }
  4774.     /**
  4775.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\Inc' shared autowired service.
  4776.      *
  4777.      * @return \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\Inc
  4778.      */
  4779.     protected function getIncService()
  4780.     {
  4781.         $a = ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Templating\\Renderer\\IncludeRenderer'] ?? $this->getIncludeRendererService());
  4782.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Inc'])) {
  4783.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Inc'];
  4784.         }
  4785.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Inc'] = new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\Inc($a, ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\Request\\Resolver\\EditmodeResolver'] ?? $this->getEditmodeResolverService()));
  4786.     }
  4787.     /**
  4788.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\InlineScript' shared autowired service.
  4789.      *
  4790.      * @return \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\InlineScript
  4791.      */
  4792.     protected function getInlineScriptService()
  4793.     {
  4794.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\InlineScript'] = new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\InlineScript(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Placeholder\\ContainerService'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Placeholder\\ContainerService'] = new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\Placeholder\ContainerService())), ($this->services['Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\WebLinkExtension'] ?? $this->getWebLinkExtensionService()));
  4795.     }
  4796.     /**
  4797.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\Navigation' shared autowired service.
  4798.      *
  4799.      * @return \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\Navigation
  4800.      */
  4801.     protected function getNavigationService($lazyLoad true)
  4802.     {
  4803.         if ($lazyLoad) {
  4804.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Navigation'] = $this->createProxy('Navigation_62d2b4b', function () {
  4805.                 return \Navigation_62d2b4b::staticProxyConstructor(function (&$wrappedInstance\ProxyManager\Proxy\LazyLoadingInterface $proxy) {
  4806.                     $wrappedInstance $this->getNavigationService(false);
  4807.                     $proxy->setProxyInitializer(null);
  4808.                     return true;
  4809.                 });
  4810.             });
  4811.         }
  4812.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Twig/Extension/Templating/Navigation.php';
  4813.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Navigation/Builder.php';
  4814.         return new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\Navigation(new \Pimcore\Navigation\Builder(($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\RequestHelper'] ?? $this->getRequestHelperService())), new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  4815.             'breadcrumbs' => ['privates''Pimcore\\Navigation\\Renderer\\Breadcrumbs''getBreadcrumbsService'false],
  4816.             'menu' => ['privates''Pimcore\\Navigation\\Renderer\\Menu''getMenuService'true],
  4817.         ], [
  4818.             'breadcrumbs' => '?',
  4819.             'menu' => '?',
  4820.         ]));
  4821.     }
  4822.     /**
  4823.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\PimcoreUrl' shared autowired service.
  4824.      *
  4825.      * @return \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\PimcoreUrl
  4826.      */
  4827.     protected function getPimcoreUrlService()
  4828.     {
  4829.         $a = ($this->services['router'] ?? $this->getRouterService());
  4830.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\PimcoreUrl'])) {
  4831.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\PimcoreUrl'];
  4832.         }
  4833.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\PimcoreUrl'] = new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\PimcoreUrl($a, ($this->services['Pimcore\\Http\\RequestHelper'] ?? $this->getRequestHelperService()));
  4834.     }
  4835.     /**
  4836.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\Placeholder' shared autowired service.
  4837.      *
  4838.      * @return \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\Placeholder
  4839.      */
  4840.     protected function getPlaceholderService()
  4841.     {
  4842.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Placeholder'] = new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\Placeholder(($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Placeholder\\ContainerService'] ?? ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Twig\\Extension\\Templating\\Placeholder\\ContainerService'] = new \Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\Placeholder\ContainerService())));
  4843.     }
  4844.     /**
  4845.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Workflow\ActionsButtonService' shared autowired service.
  4846.      *
  4847.      * @return \Pimcore\Workflow\ActionsButtonService
  4848.      */
  4849.     protected function getActionsButtonServiceService()
  4850.     {
  4851.         $a = ($this->services['Pimcore\\Workflow\\Manager'] ?? $this->getManagerService());
  4852.         if (isset($this->privates['Pimcore\\Workflow\\ActionsButtonService'])) {
  4853.             return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Workflow\\ActionsButtonService'];
  4854.         }
  4855.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Workflow\\ActionsButtonService'] = new \Pimcore\Workflow\ActionsButtonService($a);
  4856.     }
  4857.     /**
  4858.      * Gets the private 'Pimcore\Workflow\EventSubscriber\NotesSubscriber' shared autowired service.
  4859.      *
  4860.      * @return \Pimcore\Workflow\EventSubscriber\NotesSubscriber
  4861.      */
  4862.     protected function getNotesSubscriberService()
  4863.     {
  4864.         return $this->privates['Pimcore\\Workflow\\EventSubscriber\\NotesSubscriber'] = new \Pimcore\Workflow\EventSubscriber\NotesSubscriber(($this->services['Symfony\\Contracts\\Translation\\TranslatorInterface'] ?? $this->getTranslatorInterfaceService()));
  4865.     }
  4866.     /**
  4867.      * Gets the private 'Symfony\WebpackEncoreBundle\EventListener\ResetAssetsEventListener' shared service.
  4868.      *
  4869.      * @return \Symfony\WebpackEncoreBundle\EventListener\ResetAssetsEventListener
  4870.      */
  4871.     protected function getResetAssetsEventListenerService()
  4872.     {
  4873.         return $this->privates['Symfony\\WebpackEncoreBundle\\EventListener\\ResetAssetsEventListener'] = new \Symfony\WebpackEncoreBundle\EventListener\ResetAssetsEventListener(($this->privates['webpack_encore.entrypoint_lookup_collection'] ?? $this->getWebpackEncore_EntrypointLookupCollectionService()), [=> 'pimcoreWorkflowDesigner'=> 'pimcoreStatisticsExplorer'=> 'portalEngineBundle'=> 'portalEngineAppPortalConfig_17']);
  4874.     }
  4875.     /**
  4876.      * Gets the private 'annotations.cache_adapter' shared service.
  4877.      *
  4878.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\PhpArrayAdapter
  4879.      */
  4880.     protected function getAnnotations_CacheAdapterService()
  4881.     {
  4882.         return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\PhpArrayAdapter::create(($this->targetDir.''.'/annotations.php'), ($this->privates['cache.annotations'] ?? $this->getCache_AnnotationsService()));
  4883.     }
  4884.     /**
  4885.      * Gets the private 'annotations.cached_reader' shared service.
  4886.      *
  4887.      * @return \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\PsrCachedReader
  4888.      */
  4889.     protected function getAnnotations_CachedReaderService()
  4890.     {
  4891.         return $this->privates['annotations.cached_reader'] = new \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\PsrCachedReader(($this->privates['annotations.reader'] ?? $this->getAnnotations_ReaderService()), $this->getAnnotations_CacheAdapterService(), true);
  4892.     }
  4893.     /**
  4894.      * Gets the private 'annotations.reader' shared service.
  4895.      *
  4896.      * @return \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader
  4897.      */
  4898.     protected function getAnnotations_ReaderService()
  4899.     {
  4900.         $this->privates['annotations.reader'] = $instance = new \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader();
  4901.         $a = new \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationRegistry();
  4902.         $a->registerUniqueLoader('class_exists');
  4903.         $instance->addGlobalIgnoredName('required'$a);
  4904.         return $instance;
  4905.     }
  4906.     /**
  4907.      * Gets the private 'assets.packages' shared service.
  4908.      *
  4909.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Asset\Packages
  4910.      */
  4911.     protected function getAssets_PackagesService()
  4912.     {
  4913.         $a = ($this->services['pimcore.routing.router.request_context'] ?? $this->getPimcore_Routing_Router_RequestContextService());
  4914.         return $this->privates['assets.packages'] = new \Symfony\Component\Asset\Packages(new \Symfony\Component\Asset\PathPackage('', new \Symfony\Component\Asset\VersionStrategy\EmptyVersionStrategy(), new \Symfony\Component\Asset\Context\RequestStackContext(($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())), $a->getBaseUrl(), $a->isSecure())), new RewindableGenerator(function () {
  4915.             return new \EmptyIterator();
  4916.         }, 0));
  4917.     }
  4918.     /**
  4919.      * Gets the private 'cache.annotations' shared service.
  4920.      *
  4921.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter
  4922.      */
  4923.     protected function getCache_AnnotationsService()
  4924.     {
  4925.         return $this->privates['cache.annotations'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter(\Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\AbstractAdapter::createSystemCache('bz6YdIyvoV'0$this->getParameter('container.build_id'), ($this->targetDir.''.'/pools/system'), ($this->services['monolog.logger.cache'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_CacheService())));
  4926.     }
  4927.     /**
  4928.      * Gets the private 'cache.doctrine.orm.pimcore_direct_edit.query' shared service.
  4929.      *
  4930.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter
  4931.      */
  4932.     protected function getCache_Doctrine_Orm_PimcoreDirectEdit_QueryService()
  4933.     {
  4934.         return $this->privates['cache.doctrine.orm.pimcore_direct_edit.query'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter(new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ArrayAdapter());
  4935.     }
  4936.     /**
  4937.      * Gets the private 'cache.doctrine.orm.pimcore_direct_edit.result' shared service.
  4938.      *
  4939.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter
  4940.      */
  4941.     protected function getCache_Doctrine_Orm_PimcoreDirectEdit_ResultService()
  4942.     {
  4943.         return $this->privates['cache.doctrine.orm.pimcore_direct_edit.result'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter(new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ArrayAdapter());
  4944.     }
  4945.     /**
  4946.      * Gets the private 'cache.doctrine.orm.portal_engine.query' shared service.
  4947.      *
  4948.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter
  4949.      */
  4950.     protected function getCache_Doctrine_Orm_PortalEngine_QueryService()
  4951.     {
  4952.         return $this->privates['cache.doctrine.orm.portal_engine.query'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter(new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ArrayAdapter());
  4953.     }
  4954.     /**
  4955.      * Gets the private 'cache.doctrine.orm.portal_engine.result' shared service.
  4956.      *
  4957.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter
  4958.      */
  4959.     protected function getCache_Doctrine_Orm_PortalEngine_ResultService()
  4960.     {
  4961.         return $this->privates['cache.doctrine.orm.portal_engine.result'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter(new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ArrayAdapter());
  4962.     }
  4963.     /**
  4964.      * Gets the private 'cache.doctrine.orm.statistics_explorer.query' shared service.
  4965.      *
  4966.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter
  4967.      */
  4968.     protected function getCache_Doctrine_Orm_StatisticsExplorer_QueryService()
  4969.     {
  4970.         return $this->privates['cache.doctrine.orm.statistics_explorer.query'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter(new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ArrayAdapter());
  4971.     }
  4972.     /**
  4973.      * Gets the private 'cache.doctrine.orm.statistics_explorer.result' shared service.
  4974.      *
  4975.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter
  4976.      */
  4977.     protected function getCache_Doctrine_Orm_StatisticsExplorer_ResultService()
  4978.     {
  4979.         return $this->privates['cache.doctrine.orm.statistics_explorer.result'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter(new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ArrayAdapter());
  4980.     }
  4981.     /**
  4982.      * Gets the private 'cache.messenger.restart_workers_signal' shared service.
  4983.      *
  4984.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter
  4985.      */
  4986.     protected function getCache_Messenger_RestartWorkersSignalService()
  4987.     {
  4988.         return $this->privates['cache.messenger.restart_workers_signal'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter(new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ProxyAdapter(($this->services['pimcore.cache.pool'] ?? $this->getPimcore_Cache_PoolService()), 'app'));
  4989.     }
  4990.     /**
  4991.      * Gets the private 'cache.property_info' shared service.
  4992.      *
  4993.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter
  4994.      */
  4995.     protected function getCache_PropertyInfoService()
  4996.     {
  4997.         return $this->privates['cache.property_info'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter(\Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\AbstractAdapter::createSystemCache('wnC5FgRy8o'0$this->getParameter('container.build_id'), ($this->targetDir.''.'/pools/system'), ($this->services['monolog.logger.cache'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_CacheService())));
  4998.     }
  4999.     /**
  5000.      * Gets the private 'cache.rate_limiter' shared service.
  5001.      *
  5002.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter
  5003.      */
  5004.     protected function getCache_RateLimiterService()
  5005.     {
  5006.         return $this->privates['cache.rate_limiter'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter(new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ProxyAdapter(($this->services['pimcore.cache.pool'] ?? $this->getPimcore_Cache_PoolService()), 'app'));
  5007.     }
  5008.     /**
  5009.      * Gets the private 'cache.security_expression_language' shared service.
  5010.      *
  5011.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter
  5012.      */
  5013.     protected function getCache_SecurityExpressionLanguageService()
  5014.     {
  5015.         return $this->privates['cache.security_expression_language'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter(\Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\AbstractAdapter::createSystemCache('Vabf66T9Lv'0$this->getParameter('container.build_id'), ($this->targetDir.''.'/pools/system'), ($this->services['monolog.logger.cache'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_CacheService())));
  5016.     }
  5017.     /**
  5018.      * Gets the private 'cache.security_token_verifier' shared service.
  5019.      *
  5020.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter
  5021.      */
  5022.     protected function getCache_SecurityTokenVerifierService()
  5023.     {
  5024.         return $this->privates['cache.security_token_verifier'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter(\Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\AbstractAdapter::createSystemCache('3VL0CTggeE'0$this->getParameter('container.build_id'), ($this->targetDir.''.'/pools/system'), ($this->services['monolog.logger.cache'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_CacheService())));
  5025.     }
  5026.     /**
  5027.      * Gets the private 'cache.serializer' shared service.
  5028.      *
  5029.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter
  5030.      */
  5031.     protected function getCache_SerializerService()
  5032.     {
  5033.         return $this->privates['cache.serializer'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter(\Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\AbstractAdapter::createSystemCache('hQwcUR6Jzl'0$this->getParameter('container.build_id'), ($this->targetDir.''.'/pools/system'), ($this->services['monolog.logger.cache'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_CacheService())));
  5034.     }
  5035.     /**
  5036.      * Gets the private 'cache.validator' shared service.
  5037.      *
  5038.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter
  5039.      */
  5040.     protected function getCache_ValidatorService()
  5041.     {
  5042.         return $this->privates['cache.validator'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter(\Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\AbstractAdapter::createSystemCache('rnvaMJpKor'0$this->getParameter('container.build_id'), ($this->targetDir.''.'/pools/system'), ($this->services['monolog.logger.cache'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_CacheService())));
  5043.     }
  5044.     /**
  5045.      * Gets the private 'cache.webpack_encore' shared service.
  5046.      *
  5047.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter
  5048.      */
  5049.     protected function getCache_WebpackEncoreService()
  5050.     {
  5051.         return $this->privates['cache.webpack_encore'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter(\Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\AbstractAdapter::createSystemCache('SpJGl8kBYr'0$this->getParameter('container.build_id'), ($this->targetDir.''.'/pools/system'), ($this->services['monolog.logger.cache'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_CacheService())));
  5052.     }
  5053.     /**
  5054.      * Gets the private 'config_cache_factory' shared service.
  5055.      *
  5056.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Config\ResourceCheckerConfigCacheFactory
  5057.      */
  5058.     protected function getConfigCacheFactoryService()
  5059.     {
  5060.         return $this->privates['config_cache_factory'] = new \Symfony\Component\Config\ResourceCheckerConfigCacheFactory(new RewindableGenerator(function () {
  5061.             yield => ($this->privates['dependency_injection.config.container_parameters_resource_checker'] ?? ($this->privates['dependency_injection.config.container_parameters_resource_checker'] = new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Config\ContainerParametersResourceChecker($this)));
  5062.             yield => ($this->privates['config.resource.self_checking_resource_checker'] ?? ($this->privates['config.resource.self_checking_resource_checker'] = new \Symfony\Component\Config\Resource\SelfCheckingResourceChecker()));
  5063.         }, 2));
  5064.     }
  5065.     /**
  5066.      * Gets the private 'data_collector.form' shared service.
  5067.      *
  5068.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector\FormDataCollector
  5069.      */
  5070.     protected function getDataCollector_FormService()
  5071.     {
  5072.         return $this->privates['data_collector.form'] = new \Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector\FormDataCollector(new \Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector\FormDataExtractor());
  5073.     }
  5074.     /**
  5075.      * Gets the private 'data_collector.request' shared service.
  5076.      *
  5077.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector
  5078.      */
  5079.     protected function getDataCollector_RequestService()
  5080.     {
  5081.         return $this->privates['data_collector.request'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector(($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())));
  5082.     }
  5083.     /**
  5084.      * Gets the private 'debug.controller_resolver' shared service.
  5085.      *
  5086.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller\TraceableControllerResolver
  5087.      */
  5088.     protected function getDebug_ControllerResolverService()
  5089.     {
  5090.         return $this->privates['debug.controller_resolver'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller\TraceableControllerResolver(new \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\ControllerResolver($this, ($this->services['monolog.logger.request'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_RequestService())), ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] ?? ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] = new \Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\Stopwatch(true))));
  5091.     }
  5092.     /**
  5093.      * Gets the private 'debug.debug_handlers_listener' shared service.
  5094.      *
  5095.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\DebugHandlersListener
  5096.      */
  5097.     protected function getDebug_DebugHandlersListenerService()
  5098.     {
  5099.         return $this->privates['debug.debug_handlers_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\DebugHandlersListener(NULL, ($this->services['monolog.logger.php'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_PhpService()), NULL, -1truetrueNULL);
  5100.     }
  5101.     /**
  5102.      * Gets the private 'debug.file_link_formatter' shared service.
  5103.      *
  5104.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Debug\FileLinkFormatter
  5105.      */
  5106.     protected function getDebug_FileLinkFormatterService()
  5107.     {
  5108.         return $this->privates['debug.file_link_formatter'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Debug\FileLinkFormatter(NULL, ($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())), \dirname(__DIR__4), function () {
  5109.             return ($this->privates['debug.file_link_formatter.url_format'] ?? $this->load('getDebug_FileLinkFormatter_UrlFormatService'));
  5110.         });
  5111.     }
  5112.     /**
  5113.      * Gets the private 'debug.log_processor' shared service.
  5114.      *
  5115.      * @return \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Processor\DebugProcessor
  5116.      */
  5117.     protected function getDebug_LogProcessorService()
  5118.     {
  5119.         return $this->privates['debug.log_processor'] = new \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Processor\DebugProcessor(($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())));
  5120.     }
  5121.     /**
  5122.      * Gets the private '' shared service.
  5123.      *
  5124.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\TraceableAccessDecisionManager
  5125.      */
  5126.     protected function getDebug_Security_Access_DecisionManagerService()
  5127.     {
  5128.         return $this->privates[''] = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\TraceableAccessDecisionManager(new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\AccessDecisionManager(new RewindableGenerator(function () {
  5129.             yield => ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->load('getDebug_Security_Voter_Security_Access_AuthenticatedVoterService'));
  5130.             yield => ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->load('getDebug_Security_Voter_SchebTwoFactor_Security_Access_AuthenticatedVoterService'));
  5131.             yield => ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->load('getDebug_Security_Voter_Security_Access_RoleHierarchyVoterService'));
  5132.             yield => ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->load('getDebug_Security_Voter_Security_Access_ExpressionVoterService'));
  5133.             yield => ($this->privates['\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Security\\Voter\\DataPoolAccessVoter'] ?? $this->load('getDataPoolAccessVoterService'));
  5134.             yield => ($this->privates['\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Security\\Voter\\DataPoolAssetUploadFolderReviewingVoter'] ?? $this->load('getDataPoolAssetUploadFolderReviewingVoterService'));
  5135.             yield => ($this->privates['\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Security\\Voter\\DataPoolDownloadVoter'] ?? $this->load('getDataPoolDownloadVoterService'));
  5136.             yield => ($this->privates['\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Security\\Voter\\DataPoolItemPermissionVoter'] ?? $this->load('getDataPoolItemPermissionVoterService'));
  5137.             yield => ($this->privates['\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Security\\Voter\\DataPoolVersionHistoryVoter'] ?? $this->load('getDataPoolVersionHistoryVoterService'));
  5138.             yield => ($this->privates['\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Security\\Voter\\GuestUserPermissionVoter'] ?? $this->load('getGuestUserPermissionVoterService'));
  5139.             yield 10 => ($this->privates['\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Security\\Voter\\PortalAccessVoter'] ?? $this->load('getPortalAccessVoterService'));
  5140.             yield 11 => ($this->privates['\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Security\\Voter\\StatisticExplorerAccessVoter'] ?? $this->load('getStatisticExplorerAccessVoterService'));
  5141.         }, 12), new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\Strategy\AffirmativeStrategy(false)));
  5142.     }
  5143.     /**
  5144.      * Gets the private '' shared service.
  5145.      *
  5146.      * @return \Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Debug\TraceableFirewallListener
  5147.      */
  5148.     protected function getDebug_Security_FirewallService()
  5149.     {
  5150.         $a = ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->getSecurity_Firewall_MapService());
  5151.         if (isset($this->privates[''])) {
  5152.             return $this->privates[''];
  5153.         }
  5154.         $b = ($this->services['event_dispatcher'] ?? $this->getEventDispatcherService());
  5155.         if (isset($this->privates[''])) {
  5156.             return $this->privates[''];
  5157.         }
  5158.         $c = ($this->privates['security.logout_url_generator'] ?? $this->getSecurity_LogoutUrlGeneratorService());
  5159.         if (isset($this->privates[''])) {
  5160.             return $this->privates[''];
  5161.         }
  5162.         return $this->privates[''] = new \Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Debug\TraceableFirewallListener($a$b$c);
  5163.     }
  5164.     /**
  5165.      * Gets the private 'debug.traced.messenger.bus.portal-engine' shared service.
  5166.      *
  5167.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Messenger\TraceableMessageBus
  5168.      */
  5169.     protected function getDebug_Traced_Messenger_Bus_PortalengineService()
  5170.     {
  5171.         return $this->privates['debug.traced.messenger.bus.portal-engine'] = new \Symfony\Component\Messenger\TraceableMessageBus(new \Symfony\Component\Messenger\MessageBus(new RewindableGenerator(function () {
  5172.             yield => ($this->privates['messenger.bus.portal-engine.middleware.traceable'] ?? $this->load('getMessenger_Bus_Portalengine_Middleware_TraceableService'));
  5173.             yield => ($this->privates['messenger.bus.portal-engine.middleware.add_bus_name_stamp_middleware'] ?? ($this->privates['messenger.bus.portal-engine.middleware.add_bus_name_stamp_middleware'] = new \Symfony\Component\Messenger\Middleware\AddBusNameStampMiddleware('messenger.bus.portal-engine')));
  5174.             yield => ($this->privates['messenger.middleware.reject_redelivered_message_middleware'] ?? ($this->privates['messenger.middleware.reject_redelivered_message_middleware'] = new \Symfony\Component\Messenger\Middleware\RejectRedeliveredMessageMiddleware()));
  5175.             yield => ($this->privates['messenger.middleware.dispatch_after_current_bus'] ?? ($this->privates['messenger.middleware.dispatch_after_current_bus'] = new \Symfony\Component\Messenger\Middleware\DispatchAfterCurrentBusMiddleware()));
  5176.             yield => ($this->privates['messenger.middleware.failed_message_processing_middleware'] ?? ($this->privates['messenger.middleware.failed_message_processing_middleware'] = new \Symfony\Component\Messenger\Middleware\FailedMessageProcessingMiddleware()));
  5177.             yield => ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Messenger\\Middleware\\CollectGarbageMiddleware'] ?? $this->load('getCollectGarbageMiddlewareService'));
  5178.             yield => ($this->privates['messenger.middleware.send_message'] ?? $this->load('getMessenger_Middleware_SendMessageService'));
  5179.             yield => ($this->privates['messenger.bus.portal-engine.middleware.handle_message'] ?? $this->load('getMessenger_Bus_Portalengine_Middleware_HandleMessageService'));
  5180.         }, 8)));
  5181.     }
  5182.     /**
  5183.      * Gets the private 'doctrine.orm.container_repository_factory' shared service.
  5184.      *
  5185.      * @return \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ContainerRepositoryFactory
  5186.      */
  5187.     protected function getDoctrine_Orm_ContainerRepositoryFactoryService()
  5188.     {
  5189.         return $this->privates['doctrine.orm.container_repository_factory'] = new \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ContainerRepositoryFactory(new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [], []));
  5190.     }
  5191.     /**
  5192.      * Gets the private 'exception_listener' shared service.
  5193.      *
  5194.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ErrorListener
  5195.      */
  5196.     protected function getExceptionListenerService()
  5197.     {
  5198.         return $this->privates['exception_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ErrorListener('error_controller', ($this->services['monolog.logger.request'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_RequestService()), true, []);
  5199.     }
  5200.     /**
  5201.      * Gets the private 'form.registry' shared service.
  5202.      *
  5203.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Form\FormRegistry
  5204.      */
  5205.     protected function getForm_RegistryService()
  5206.     {
  5207.         return $this->privates['form.registry'] = new \Symfony\Component\Form\FormRegistry([=> new \Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DependencyInjection\DependencyInjectionExtension(new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  5208.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Form\\ChangeUserDataForm' => ['privates''Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Form\\ChangeUserDataForm''getChangeUserDataFormService'true],
  5209.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Form\\LoginForm' => ['privates''Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Form\\LoginForm''getLoginFormService'true],
  5210.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Form\\RecoverPasswordForm' => ['privates''Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Form\\RecoverPasswordForm''getRecoverPasswordFormService'true],
  5211.             'Symfony\\Bridge\\Doctrine\\Form\\Type\\EntityType' => ['privates''form.type.entity''getForm_Type_EntityService'true],
  5212.             'Symfony\\Cmf\\Bundle\\RoutingBundle\\Form\\Type\\RouteTypeType' => ['privates''cmf_routing.route_type_form_type''getCmfRouting_RouteTypeFormTypeService'true],
  5213.             'Symfony\\Component\\Form\\Extension\\Core\\Type\\ChoiceType' => ['privates''form.type.choice''getForm_Type_ChoiceService'true],
  5214.             'Symfony\\Component\\Form\\Extension\\Core\\Type\\ColorType' => ['privates''form.type.color''getForm_Type_ColorService'true],
  5215.             'Symfony\\Component\\Form\\Extension\\Core\\Type\\FileType' => ['services''.container.private.form.type.file''get_Container_Private_Form_Type_FileService'true],
  5216.             'Symfony\\Component\\Form\\Extension\\Core\\Type\\FormType' => ['privates''form.type.form''getForm_Type_FormService'true],
  5217.         ], [
  5218.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Form\\ChangeUserDataForm' => '?',
  5219.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Form\\LoginForm' => '?',
  5220.             'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Form\\RecoverPasswordForm' => '?',
  5221.             'Symfony\\Bridge\\Doctrine\\Form\\Type\\EntityType' => '?',
  5222.             'Symfony\\Cmf\\Bundle\\RoutingBundle\\Form\\Type\\RouteTypeType' => '?',
  5223.             'Symfony\\Component\\Form\\Extension\\Core\\Type\\ChoiceType' => '?',
  5224.             'Symfony\\Component\\Form\\Extension\\Core\\Type\\ColorType' => '?',
  5225.             'Symfony\\Component\\Form\\Extension\\Core\\Type\\FileType' => '?',
  5226.             'Symfony\\Component\\Form\\Extension\\Core\\Type\\FormType' => '?',
  5227.         ]), ['Symfony\\Component\\Form\\Extension\\Core\\Type\\FormType' => new RewindableGenerator(function () {
  5228.             yield => ($this->privates['form.type_extension.form.transformation_failure_handling'] ?? $this->load('getForm_TypeExtension_Form_TransformationFailureHandlingService'));
  5229.             yield => ($this->privates['form.type_extension.form.http_foundation'] ?? $this->load('getForm_TypeExtension_Form_HttpFoundationService'));
  5230.             yield => ($this->privates['form.type_extension.form.validator'] ?? $this->load('getForm_TypeExtension_Form_ValidatorService'));
  5231.             yield => ($this->privates['form.type_extension.upload.validator'] ?? $this->load('getForm_TypeExtension_Upload_ValidatorService'));
  5232.             yield => ($this->privates['form.type_extension.csrf'] ?? $this->load('getForm_TypeExtension_CsrfService'));
  5233.             yield => ($this->privates['form.type_extension.form.data_collector'] ?? $this->load('getForm_TypeExtension_Form_DataCollectorService'));
  5234.         }, 6), 'Symfony\\Component\\Form\\Extension\\Core\\Type\\RepeatedType' => new RewindableGenerator(function () {
  5235.             yield => ($this->privates['form.type_extension.repeated.validator'] ?? ($this->privates['form.type_extension.repeated.validator'] = new \Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\RepeatedTypeValidatorExtension()));
  5236.         }, 1), 'Symfony\\Component\\Form\\Extension\\Core\\Type\\SubmitType' => new RewindableGenerator(function () {
  5237.             yield => ($this->privates['form.type_extension.submit.validator'] ?? ($this->privates['form.type_extension.submit.validator'] = new \Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\SubmitTypeValidatorExtension()));
  5238.         }, 1)], new RewindableGenerator(function () {
  5239.             yield => ($this->privates['form.type_guesser.validator'] ?? $this->load('getForm_TypeGuesser_ValidatorService'));
  5240.             yield => ($this->privates['form.type_guesser.doctrine'] ?? $this->load('getForm_TypeGuesser_DoctrineService'));
  5241.         }, 2))], new \Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector\Proxy\ResolvedTypeFactoryDataCollectorProxy(new \Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormTypeFactory(), ($this->privates['data_collector.form'] ?? $this->getDataCollector_FormService())));
  5242.     }
  5243.     /**
  5244.      * Gets the private 'fragment.renderer.inline' shared service.
  5245.      *
  5246.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Fragment\InlineFragmentRenderer
  5247.      */
  5248.     protected function getFragment_Renderer_InlineService()
  5249.     {
  5250.         $a = ($this->services['http_kernel'] ?? $this->getHttpKernelService());
  5251.         if (isset($this->privates['fragment.renderer.inline'])) {
  5252.             return $this->privates['fragment.renderer.inline'];
  5253.         }
  5254.         $b = ($this->services['event_dispatcher'] ?? $this->getEventDispatcherService());
  5255.         if (isset($this->privates['fragment.renderer.inline'])) {
  5256.             return $this->privates['fragment.renderer.inline'];
  5257.         }
  5258.         $this->privates['fragment.renderer.inline'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Fragment\InlineFragmentRenderer($a$b);
  5259.         $instance->setFragmentPath('/_fragment');
  5260.         return $instance;
  5261.     }
  5262.     /**
  5263.      * Gets the private 'framework_extra_bundle.argument_name_convertor' shared service.
  5264.      *
  5265.      * @return \Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Request\ArgumentNameConverter
  5266.      */
  5267.     protected function getFrameworkExtraBundle_ArgumentNameConvertorService()
  5268.     {
  5269.         return $this->privates['framework_extra_bundle.argument_name_convertor'] = new \Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Request\ArgumentNameConverter(($this->privates['argument_metadata_factory'] ?? ($this->privates['argument_metadata_factory'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\ControllerMetadata\ArgumentMetadataFactory())));
  5270.     }
  5271.     /**
  5272.      * Gets the private 'framework_extra_bundle.event.is_granted' shared service.
  5273.      *
  5274.      * @return \Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\IsGrantedListener
  5275.      */
  5276.     protected function getFrameworkExtraBundle_Event_IsGrantedService()
  5277.     {
  5278.         $a = ($this->services[''] ?? $this->get_Container_Private_Security_AuthorizationCheckerService());
  5279.         if (isset($this->privates['framework_extra_bundle.event.is_granted'])) {
  5280.             return $this->privates['framework_extra_bundle.event.is_granted'];
  5281.         }
  5282.         return $this->privates['framework_extra_bundle.event.is_granted'] = new \Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\IsGrantedListener(($this->privates['framework_extra_bundle.argument_name_convertor'] ?? $this->getFrameworkExtraBundle_ArgumentNameConvertorService()), $a);
  5283.     }
  5284.     /**
  5285.      * Gets the private 'locale_aware_listener' shared service.
  5286.      *
  5287.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleAwareListener
  5288.      */
  5289.     protected function getLocaleAwareListenerService()
  5290.     {
  5291.         return $this->privates['locale_aware_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleAwareListener(new RewindableGenerator(function () {
  5292.             yield => ($this->privates['slugger'] ?? ($this->privates['slugger'] = new \Symfony\Component\String\Slugger\AsciiSlugger('en')));
  5293.             yield => ($this->privates['translator.default'] ?? $this->getTranslator_DefaultService());
  5294.             yield => ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Translation\\AdminUserTranslator'] ?? $this->load('getAdminUserTranslatorService'));
  5295.             yield => ($this->services['Symfony\\Contracts\\Translation\\TranslatorInterface'] ?? $this->getTranslatorInterfaceService());
  5296.         }, 4), ($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())));
  5297.     }
  5298.     /**
  5299.      * Gets the private 'locale_listener' shared service.
  5300.      *
  5301.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleListener
  5302.      */
  5303.     protected function getLocaleListener2Service()
  5304.     {
  5305.         $a = ($this->services['router'] ?? $this->getRouterService());
  5306.         if (isset($this->privates['locale_listener'])) {
  5307.             return $this->privates['locale_listener'];
  5308.         }
  5309.         return $this->privates['locale_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleListener(($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())), 'en'$afalse, []);
  5310.     }
  5311.     /**
  5312.      * Gets the private 'monolog.handler.console' shared service.
  5313.      *
  5314.      * @return \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Handler\ConsoleHandler
  5315.      */
  5316.     protected function getMonolog_Handler_ConsoleService()
  5317.     {
  5318.         return $this->privates['monolog.handler.console'] = new \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Handler\ConsoleHandler(NULLtrue, [], []);
  5319.     }
  5320.     /**
  5321.      * Gets the private 'monolog.handler.main' shared service.
  5322.      *
  5323.      * @return \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler
  5324.      */
  5325.     protected function getMonolog_Handler_MainService()
  5326.     {
  5327.         $this->privates['monolog.handler.main'] = $instance = new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler((\dirname(__DIR__3).'/log/testing.log'), 100trueNULLfalse);
  5328.         $instance->pushProcessor(($this->privates['monolog.processor.psr_log_message'] ?? ($this->privates['monolog.processor.psr_log_message'] = new \Monolog\Processor\PsrLogMessageProcessor())));
  5329.         return $instance;
  5330.     }
  5331.     /**
  5332.      * Gets the private 'monolog.logger' shared service.
  5333.      *
  5334.      * @return \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger
  5335.      */
  5336.     protected function getMonolog_LoggerService()
  5337.     {
  5338.         $this->privates['monolog.logger'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger('app');
  5339.         $instance->pushProcessor(($this->privates['debug.log_processor'] ?? $this->getDebug_LogProcessorService()));
  5340.         $instance->useMicrosecondTimestamps(true);
  5341.         $instance->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.console'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_ConsoleService()));
  5342.         $instance->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.main'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_MainService()));
  5343.         \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\AddDebugLogProcessorPass::configureLogger($instance);
  5344.         return $instance;
  5345.     }
  5346.     /**
  5347.      * Gets the private 'parameter_bag' shared service.
  5348.      *
  5349.      * @return \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ContainerBag
  5350.      */
  5351.     protected function getParameterBagService()
  5352.     {
  5353.         return $this->privates['parameter_bag'] = new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ContainerBag($this);
  5354.     }
  5355.     /**
  5356.      * Gets the private 'pimcore.cache.adapter.redis_tag_aware' shared service.
  5357.      *
  5358.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableTagAwareAdapter
  5359.      */
  5360.     protected function getPimcore_Cache_Adapter_RedisTagAwareService()
  5361.     {
  5362.         return $this->privates['pimcore.cache.adapter.redis_tag_aware'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableTagAwareAdapter(($this->privates['pimcore.cache.adapter.redis_tag_aware.recorder_inner'] ?? $this->getPimcore_Cache_Adapter_RedisTagAware_RecorderInnerService()));
  5363.     }
  5364.     /**
  5365.      * Gets the private 'pimcore.cache.adapter.redis_tag_aware.recorder_inner' shared autowired service.
  5366.      *
  5367.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\RedisTagAwareAdapter
  5368.      */
  5369.     protected function getPimcore_Cache_Adapter_RedisTagAware_RecorderInnerService($lazyLoad true)
  5370.     {
  5371.         if ($lazyLoad) {
  5372.             return $this->privates['pimcore.cache.adapter.redis_tag_aware.recorder_inner'] = $this->createProxy('RedisTagAwareAdapter_310208a', function () {
  5373.                 return \RedisTagAwareAdapter_310208a::staticProxyConstructor(function (&$wrappedInstance\ProxyManager\Proxy\LazyLoadingInterface $proxy) {
  5374.                     $wrappedInstance $this->getPimcore_Cache_Adapter_RedisTagAware_RecorderInnerService(false);
  5375.                     $proxy->setProxyInitializer(null);
  5376.                     return true;
  5377.                 });
  5378.             });
  5379.         }
  5380.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Adapter/AbstractTagAwareAdapter.php';
  5381.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Traits/RedisTrait.php';
  5382.         include_once \dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Adapter/RedisTagAwareAdapter.php';
  5383.         $instance = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\RedisTagAwareAdapter(\Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\AbstractAdapter::createConnection('redis://localhost', ['lazy' => true]), 'PTXSu17p0Y'0, ($this->privates['cache.default_marshaller'] ?? ($this->privates['cache.default_marshaller'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Marshaller\DefaultMarshaller(NULLtrue))));
  5384.         $a = ($this->services['monolog.logger.cache'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_CacheService());
  5385.         $instance->setLogger($a);
  5386.         $instance->setLogger($a);
  5387.         return $instance;
  5388.     }
  5389.     /**
  5390.      * Gets the private 'pimcore.portal_engine.es_client' shared autowired service.
  5391.      *
  5392.      * @return \Elasticsearch\Client
  5393.      */
  5394.     protected function getPimcore_PortalEngine_EsClientService()
  5395.     {
  5396.         return $this->privates['pimcore.portal_engine.es_client'] = \Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Tools\EsClientFactory::getESClient(($this->services['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\SearchIndex\\ElasticSearchConfigService'] ?? $this->getElasticSearchConfigServiceService()));
  5397.     }
  5398.     /**
  5399.      * Gets the private 'profiler_listener' shared service.
  5400.      *
  5401.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener
  5402.      */
  5403.     protected function getProfilerListenerService()
  5404.     {
  5405.         $a = ($this->services['.container.private.profiler'] ?? $this->get_Container_Private_ProfilerService());
  5406.         if (isset($this->privates['profiler_listener'])) {
  5407.             return $this->privates['profiler_listener'];
  5408.         }
  5409.         return $this->privates['profiler_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener($a, ($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())), NULLfalsefalseNULL);
  5410.     }
  5411.     /**
  5412.      * Gets the private 'property_info' shared service.
  5413.      *
  5414.      * @return \Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyInfoExtractor
  5415.      */
  5416.     protected function getPropertyInfoService()
  5417.     {
  5418.         return $this->privates['property_info'] = new \Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyInfoExtractor(new RewindableGenerator(function () {
  5419.             yield => ($this->privates['property_info.serializer_extractor'] ?? $this->load('getPropertyInfo_SerializerExtractorService'));
  5420.             yield => ($this->privates['property_info.reflection_extractor'] ?? ($this->privates['property_info.reflection_extractor'] = new \Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Extractor\ReflectionExtractor()));
  5421.             yield => ($this->privates['doctrine.orm.pimcore_direct_edit_entity_manager.property_info_extractor'] ?? $this->load('getDoctrine_Orm_PimcoreDirectEditEntityManager_PropertyInfoExtractorService'));
  5422.             yield => ($this->privates['doctrine.orm.portal_engine_entity_manager.property_info_extractor'] ?? $this->load('getDoctrine_Orm_PortalEngineEntityManager_PropertyInfoExtractorService'));
  5423.             yield => ($this->privates['doctrine.orm.statistics_explorer_entity_manager.property_info_extractor'] ?? $this->load('getDoctrine_Orm_StatisticsExplorerEntityManager_PropertyInfoExtractorService'));
  5424.         }, 5), new RewindableGenerator(function () {
  5425.             yield => ($this->privates['doctrine.orm.pimcore_direct_edit_entity_manager.property_info_extractor'] ?? $this->load('getDoctrine_Orm_PimcoreDirectEditEntityManager_PropertyInfoExtractorService'));
  5426.             yield => ($this->privates['doctrine.orm.portal_engine_entity_manager.property_info_extractor'] ?? $this->load('getDoctrine_Orm_PortalEngineEntityManager_PropertyInfoExtractorService'));
  5427.             yield => ($this->privates['doctrine.orm.statistics_explorer_entity_manager.property_info_extractor'] ?? $this->load('getDoctrine_Orm_StatisticsExplorerEntityManager_PropertyInfoExtractorService'));
  5428.             yield => ($this->privates['property_info.php_doc_extractor'] ?? ($this->privates['property_info.php_doc_extractor'] = new \Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Extractor\PhpDocExtractor()));
  5429.             yield => ($this->privates['property_info.reflection_extractor'] ?? ($this->privates['property_info.reflection_extractor'] = new \Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Extractor\ReflectionExtractor()));
  5430.         }, 5), new RewindableGenerator(function () {
  5431.             yield => ($this->privates['property_info.php_doc_extractor'] ?? ($this->privates['property_info.php_doc_extractor'] = new \Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Extractor\PhpDocExtractor()));
  5432.         }, 1), new RewindableGenerator(function () {
  5433.             yield => ($this->privates['doctrine.orm.pimcore_direct_edit_entity_manager.property_info_extractor'] ?? $this->load('getDoctrine_Orm_PimcoreDirectEditEntityManager_PropertyInfoExtractorService'));
  5434.             yield => ($this->privates['doctrine.orm.portal_engine_entity_manager.property_info_extractor'] ?? $this->load('getDoctrine_Orm_PortalEngineEntityManager_PropertyInfoExtractorService'));
  5435.             yield => ($this->privates['doctrine.orm.statistics_explorer_entity_manager.property_info_extractor'] ?? $this->load('getDoctrine_Orm_StatisticsExplorerEntityManager_PropertyInfoExtractorService'));
  5436.             yield => ($this->privates['property_info.reflection_extractor'] ?? ($this->privates['property_info.reflection_extractor'] = new \Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Extractor\ReflectionExtractor()));
  5437.         }, 4), new RewindableGenerator(function () {
  5438.             yield => ($this->privates['property_info.reflection_extractor'] ?? ($this->privates['property_info.reflection_extractor'] = new \Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Extractor\ReflectionExtractor()));
  5439.         }, 1));
  5440.     }
  5441.     /**
  5442.      * Gets the private 'router.expression_language_provider' shared service.
  5443.      *
  5444.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\ExpressionLanguageProvider
  5445.      */
  5446.     protected function getRouter_ExpressionLanguageProviderService()
  5447.     {
  5448.         return $this->privates['router.expression_language_provider'] = new \Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\ExpressionLanguageProvider(new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  5449.             'env' => ['privates''container.getenv''getContainer_GetenvService'true],
  5450.         ], [
  5451.             'env' => 'Closure',
  5452.         ]));
  5453.     }
  5454.     /**
  5455.      * Gets the private 'router_listener' shared service.
  5456.      *
  5457.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\RouterListener
  5458.      */
  5459.     protected function getRouterListenerService()
  5460.     {
  5461.         $a = ($this->services['router'] ?? $this->getRouterService());
  5462.         if (isset($this->privates['router_listener'])) {
  5463.             return $this->privates['router_listener'];
  5464.         }
  5465.         return $this->privates['router_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\RouterListener($a, ($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())), ($this->services['pimcore.routing.router.request_context'] ?? $this->getPimcore_Routing_Router_RequestContextService()), ($this->services['monolog.logger.request'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_RequestService()), \dirname(__DIR__4), true);
  5466.     }
  5467.     /**
  5468.      * Gets the private 'scheb_two_factor.provider_preparation_recorder' shared service.
  5469.      *
  5470.      * @return \Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\TwoFactor\Provider\TokenPreparationRecorder
  5471.      */
  5472.     protected function getSchebTwoFactor_ProviderPreparationRecorderService()
  5473.     {
  5474.         return $this->privates['scheb_two_factor.provider_preparation_recorder'] = new \Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\TwoFactor\Provider\TokenPreparationRecorder(($this->services[''] ?? $this->get_Container_Private_Security_TokenStorageService()));
  5475.     }
  5476.     /**
  5477.      * Gets the private 'scheb_two_factor.provider_registry' shared service.
  5478.      *
  5479.      * @return \Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\TwoFactor\Provider\TwoFactorProviderRegistry
  5480.      */
  5481.     protected function getSchebTwoFactor_ProviderRegistryService()
  5482.     {
  5483.         return $this->privates['scheb_two_factor.provider_registry'] = new \Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\TwoFactor\Provider\TwoFactorProviderRegistry(new RewindableGenerator(function () {
  5484.             yield 'google' => ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->load('getSchebTwoFactor_Security_Google_ProviderService'));
  5485.         }, 1));
  5486.     }
  5487.     /**
  5488.      * Gets the private '' shared service.
  5489.      *
  5490.      * @return \Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\Authentication\AuthenticationTrustResolver
  5491.      */
  5492.     protected function getSchebTwoFactor_Security_Authentication_TrustResolverService()
  5493.     {
  5494.         return $this->privates[''] = new \Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\Authentication\AuthenticationTrustResolver(new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\AuthenticationTrustResolver());
  5495.     }
  5496.     /**
  5497.      * Gets the private 'security.authentication.form_listener.two_factor.pimcore_admin' shared service.
  5498.      *
  5499.      * @return \Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\TwoFactor\Event\TwoFactorFormListener
  5500.      */
  5501.     protected function getSecurity_Authentication_FormListener_TwoFactor_PimcoreAdminService()
  5502.     {
  5503.         $a = ($this->services['event_dispatcher'] ?? $this->getEventDispatcherService());
  5504.         if (isset($this->privates['security.authentication.form_listener.two_factor.pimcore_admin'])) {
  5505.             return $this->privates['security.authentication.form_listener.two_factor.pimcore_admin'];
  5506.         }
  5507.         return $this->privates['security.authentication.form_listener.two_factor.pimcore_admin'] = new \Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\TwoFactor\Event\TwoFactorFormListener(($this->privates['security.firewall_config.two_factor.pimcore_admin'] ?? $this->getSecurity_FirewallConfig_TwoFactor_PimcoreAdminService()), ($this->services[''] ?? $this->get_Container_Private_Security_TokenStorageService()), $a);
  5508.     }
  5509.     /**
  5510.      * Gets the private 'security.authentication.provider_preparation_listener.two_factor.pimcore_admin' shared service.
  5511.      *
  5512.      * @return \Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\TwoFactor\Provider\TwoFactorProviderPreparationListener
  5513.      */
  5514.     protected function getSecurity_Authentication_ProviderPreparationListener_TwoFactor_PimcoreAdminService()
  5515.     {
  5516.         $a = ($this->privates['scheb_two_factor.provider_registry'] ?? $this->getSchebTwoFactor_ProviderRegistryService());
  5517.         if (isset($this->privates['security.authentication.provider_preparation_listener.two_factor.pimcore_admin'])) {
  5518.             return $this->privates['security.authentication.provider_preparation_listener.two_factor.pimcore_admin'];
  5519.         }
  5520.         return $this->privates['security.authentication.provider_preparation_listener.two_factor.pimcore_admin'] = new \Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\TwoFactor\Provider\TwoFactorProviderPreparationListener($a, ($this->privates['scheb_two_factor.provider_preparation_recorder'] ?? $this->getSchebTwoFactor_ProviderPreparationRecorderService()), ($this->privates['monolog.logger'] ?? $this->getMonolog_LoggerService()), 'pimcore_admin'falsefalse);
  5521.     }
  5522.     /**
  5523.      * Gets the private 'security.context_listener.0' shared service.
  5524.      *
  5525.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall\ContextListener
  5526.      */
  5527.     protected function getSecurity_ContextListener_0Service()
  5528.     {
  5529.         $a = ($this->privates['security.event_dispatcher.pimcore_admin_webdav'] ?? $this->getSecurity_EventDispatcher_PimcoreAdminWebdavService());
  5530.         if (isset($this->privates['security.context_listener.0'])) {
  5531.             return $this->privates['security.context_listener.0'];
  5532.         }
  5533.         return $this->privates['security.context_listener.0'] = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall\ContextListener(($this->privates['security.untracked_token_storage'] ?? ($this->privates['security.untracked_token_storage'] = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\TokenStorage())), new RewindableGenerator(function () {
  5534.             yield => ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Security\\Authentication\\UserProvider'] ?? $this->load('getUserProviderService'));
  5535.             yield => ($this->services[''] ?? $this->load('get_Container_Private_PimcoreAdmin_Security_UserProviderService'));
  5536.         }, 2), 'pimcore_admin_webdav', ($this->services[''] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_SecurityService()), $a, ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->getSchebTwoFactor_Security_Authentication_TrustResolverService()), [=> ($this->services[''] ?? $this->get_Container_Private_Security_TokenStorageService()), => 'enableUsageTracking']);
  5537.     }
  5538.     /**
  5539.      * Gets the private 'security.context_listener.1' shared service.
  5540.      *
  5541.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall\ContextListener
  5542.      */
  5543.     protected function getSecurity_ContextListener_1Service()
  5544.     {
  5545.         $a = ($this->privates['security.event_dispatcher.portal_engine'] ?? $this->getSecurity_EventDispatcher_PortalEngineService());
  5546.         if (isset($this->privates['security.context_listener.1'])) {
  5547.             return $this->privates['security.context_listener.1'];
  5548.         }
  5549.         return $this->privates['security.context_listener.1'] = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall\ContextListener(($this->privates['security.untracked_token_storage'] ?? ($this->privates['security.untracked_token_storage'] = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\TokenStorage())), new RewindableGenerator(function () {
  5550.             yield => ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Security\\Authentication\\UserProvider'] ?? $this->load('getUserProviderService'));
  5551.             yield => ($this->services[''] ?? $this->load('get_Container_Private_PimcoreAdmin_Security_UserProviderService'));
  5552.         }, 2), 'portal_engine', ($this->services[''] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_SecurityService()), $a, ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->getSchebTwoFactor_Security_Authentication_TrustResolverService()), [=> ($this->services[''] ?? $this->get_Container_Private_Security_TokenStorageService()), => 'enableUsageTracking']);
  5553.     }
  5554.     /**
  5555.      * Gets the private 'security.event_dispatcher.pimcore_admin_webdav' shared service.
  5556.      *
  5557.      * @return \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher
  5558.      */
  5559.     protected function getSecurity_EventDispatcher_PimcoreAdminWebdavService()
  5560.     {
  5561.         $this->privates['security.event_dispatcher.pimcore_admin_webdav'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher();
  5562.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\CheckPassportEvent', [=> function () {
  5563.             return ($this->privates['security.listener.pimcore_admin_webdav.user_provider'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Listener_PimcoreAdminWebdav_UserProviderService'));
  5564.         }, => 'checkPassport'], 2048);
  5565.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\LoginSuccessEvent', [=> function () {
  5566.             return ($this->privates['security.listener.session.pimcore_admin_webdav'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Listener_Session_PimcoreAdminWebdavService'));
  5567.         }, => 'onSuccessfulLogin'], 0);
  5568.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\CheckPassportEvent', [=> function () {
  5569.             return ($this->privates['security.listener.user_checker.pimcore_admin_webdav'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Listener_UserChecker_PimcoreAdminWebdavService'));
  5570.         }, => 'preCheckCredentials'], 256);
  5571.         $instance->addListener('security.authentication.success', [=> function () {
  5572.             return ($this->privates['security.listener.user_checker.pimcore_admin_webdav'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Listener_UserChecker_PimcoreAdminWebdavService'));
  5573.         }, => 'postCheckCredentials'], 256);
  5574.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\CheckPassportEvent', [=> function () {
  5575.             return ($this->privates['security.listener.user_provider'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Listener_UserProviderService'));
  5576.         }, => 'checkPassport'], 1024);
  5577.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\CheckPassportEvent', [=> function () {
  5578.             return ($this->privates['security.listener.check_authenticator_credentials'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Listener_CheckAuthenticatorCredentialsService'));
  5579.         }, => 'checkPassport'], 0);
  5580.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\LoginSuccessEvent', [=> function () {
  5581.             return ($this->privates['security.listener.password_migrating'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Listener_PasswordMigratingService'));
  5582.         }, => 'onLoginSuccess'], 0);
  5583.         $instance->addListener('security.authentication.success', [=> function () {
  5584.             return ($this->privates['security.authentication.provider_preparation_listener.two_factor.pimcore_admin'] ?? $this->getSecurity_Authentication_ProviderPreparationListener_TwoFactor_PimcoreAdminService());
  5585.         }, => 'onLogin'], 9223372036854775807);
  5586.         $instance->addListener('security.authentication.success', [=> function () {
  5587.             return ($this->privates[''] ?? ($this->privates[''] = new \Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\TwoFactor\Event\AuthenticationSuccessEventSuppressor()));
  5588.         }, => 'onLogin'], 9223372036854775806);
  5589.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\CheckPassportEvent', [=> function () {
  5590.             return ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->load('getSchebTwoFactor_Security_Listener_CheckTwoFactorCodeService'));
  5591.         }, => 'checkPassport'], 0);
  5592.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\LoginSuccessEvent', [=> function () {
  5593.             return ($this->privates[''] ?? ($this->privates[''] = new \Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\Http\EventListener\SuppressRememberMeListener()));
  5594.         }, => 'onSuccessfulLogin'], -63);
  5595.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\LogoutEvent', [=> function () {
  5596.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Security\\Event\\LogoutListener'] ?? $this->load('getLogoutListenerService'));
  5597.         }, => 'onLogout'], 0);
  5598.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\CheckPassportEvent', [=> function () {
  5599.             return ($this->privates['security.listener.csrf_protection'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Listener_CsrfProtectionService'));
  5600.         }, => 'checkPassport'], 512);
  5601.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\LogoutEvent', [=> function () {
  5602.             return ($this->privates['security.logout.listener.csrf_token_clearing'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Logout_Listener_CsrfTokenClearingService'));
  5603.         }, => 'onLogout'], 0);
  5604.         return $instance;
  5605.     }
  5606.     /**
  5607.      * Gets the private 'security.event_dispatcher.portal_engine' shared service.
  5608.      *
  5609.      * @return \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher
  5610.      */
  5611.     protected function getSecurity_EventDispatcher_PortalEngineService()
  5612.     {
  5613.         $this->privates['security.event_dispatcher.portal_engine'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher();
  5614.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\CheckPassportEvent', [=> function () {
  5615.             return ($this->privates['security.listener.portal_engine.user_provider'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Listener_PortalEngine_UserProviderService'));
  5616.         }, => 'checkPassport'], 2048);
  5617.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\LoginSuccessEvent', [=> function () {
  5618.             return ($this->privates['security.listener.session.portal_engine'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Listener_Session_PortalEngineService'));
  5619.         }, => 'onSuccessfulLogin'], 0);
  5620.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\LogoutEvent', [=> function () {
  5621.             return ($this->privates['security.logout.listener.default.portal_engine'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Logout_Listener_Default_PortalEngineService'));
  5622.         }, => 'onLogout'], 64);
  5623.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\LoginSuccessEvent', [=> function () {
  5624.             return ($this->privates['security.listener.check_remember_me_conditions.portal_engine'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Listener_CheckRememberMeConditions_PortalEngineService'));
  5625.         }, => 'onSuccessfulLogin'], -32);
  5626.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\LoginSuccessEvent', [=> function () {
  5627.             return ($this->privates['security.listener.remember_me.portal_engine'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Listener_RememberMe_PortalEngineService'));
  5628.         }, => 'onSuccessfulLogin'], -64);
  5629.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\LoginFailureEvent', [=> function () {
  5630.             return ($this->privates['security.listener.remember_me.portal_engine'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Listener_RememberMe_PortalEngineService'));
  5631.         }, => 'clearCookie'], 0);
  5632.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\LogoutEvent', [=> function () {
  5633.             return ($this->privates['security.listener.remember_me.portal_engine'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Listener_RememberMe_PortalEngineService'));
  5634.         }, => 'clearCookie'], 0);
  5635.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\TokenDeauthenticatedEvent', [=> function () {
  5636.             return ($this->privates['security.listener.remember_me.portal_engine'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Listener_RememberMe_PortalEngineService'));
  5637.         }, => 'clearCookie'], 0);
  5638.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\CheckPassportEvent', [=> function () {
  5639.             return ($this->privates['security.listener.user_checker.portal_engine'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Listener_UserChecker_PortalEngineService'));
  5640.         }, => 'preCheckCredentials'], 256);
  5641.         $instance->addListener('security.authentication.success', [=> function () {
  5642.             return ($this->privates['security.listener.user_checker.portal_engine'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Listener_UserChecker_PortalEngineService'));
  5643.         }, => 'postCheckCredentials'], 256);
  5644.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\CheckPassportEvent', [=> function () {
  5645.             return ($this->privates['security.listener.user_provider'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Listener_UserProviderService'));
  5646.         }, => 'checkPassport'], 1024);
  5647.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\CheckPassportEvent', [=> function () {
  5648.             return ($this->privates['security.listener.check_authenticator_credentials'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Listener_CheckAuthenticatorCredentialsService'));
  5649.         }, => 'checkPassport'], 0);
  5650.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\LoginSuccessEvent', [=> function () {
  5651.             return ($this->privates['security.listener.password_migrating'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Listener_PasswordMigratingService'));
  5652.         }, => 'onLoginSuccess'], 0);
  5653.         $instance->addListener('security.authentication.success', [=> function () {
  5654.             return ($this->privates['security.authentication.provider_preparation_listener.two_factor.pimcore_admin'] ?? $this->getSecurity_Authentication_ProviderPreparationListener_TwoFactor_PimcoreAdminService());
  5655.         }, => 'onLogin'], 9223372036854775807);
  5656.         $instance->addListener('security.authentication.success', [=> function () {
  5657.             return ($this->privates[''] ?? ($this->privates[''] = new \Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\TwoFactor\Event\AuthenticationSuccessEventSuppressor()));
  5658.         }, => 'onLogin'], 9223372036854775806);
  5659.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\CheckPassportEvent', [=> function () {
  5660.             return ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->load('getSchebTwoFactor_Security_Listener_CheckTwoFactorCodeService'));
  5661.         }, => 'checkPassport'], 0);
  5662.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\LoginSuccessEvent', [=> function () {
  5663.             return ($this->privates[''] ?? ($this->privates[''] = new \Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\Http\EventListener\SuppressRememberMeListener()));
  5664.         }, => 'onSuccessfulLogin'], -63);
  5665.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\LogoutEvent', [=> function () {
  5666.             return ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Security\\Event\\LogoutListener'] ?? $this->load('getLogoutListenerService'));
  5667.         }, => 'onLogout'], 0);
  5668.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\CheckPassportEvent', [=> function () {
  5669.             return ($this->privates['security.listener.csrf_protection'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Listener_CsrfProtectionService'));
  5670.         }, => 'checkPassport'], 512);
  5671.         $instance->addListener('Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\LogoutEvent', [=> function () {
  5672.             return ($this->privates['security.logout.listener.csrf_token_clearing'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Logout_Listener_CsrfTokenClearingService'));
  5673.         }, => 'onLogout'], 0);
  5674.         return $instance;
  5675.     }
  5676.     /**
  5677.      * Gets the private '' shared service.
  5678.      *
  5679.      * @return \Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Security\FirewallMap
  5680.      */
  5681.     protected function getSecurity_Firewall_MapService()
  5682.     {
  5683.         $a = ($this->privates['.service_locator.VMNzrGt'] ?? $this->get_ServiceLocator_VMNzrGtService());
  5684.         if (isset($this->privates[''])) {
  5685.             return $this->privates[''];
  5686.         }
  5687.         return $this->privates[''] = new \Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Security\FirewallMap($a, new RewindableGenerator(function () {
  5688.             yield '' => ($this->privates['.security.request_matcher.Iy.T22O'] ?? ($this->privates['.security.request_matcher.Iy.T22O'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestMatcher('^/(_(profiler|wdt)|css|images|js)/')));
  5689.             yield '' => ($this->privates['.security.request_matcher.gpN4paB'] ?? ($this->privates['.security.request_matcher.gpN4paB'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestMatcher('^/admin/asset/webdav')));
  5690.             yield '' => ($this->privates['.security.request_matcher.2aAPAae'] ?? ($this->privates['.security.request_matcher.2aAPAae'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestMatcher('^/admin(/.*)?$')));
  5691.             yield '' => ($this->privates['Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Security\\Firewall\\RequestMatcher'] ?? $this->load('getRequestMatcherService'));
  5692.         }, 4));
  5693.     }
  5694.     /**
  5695.      * Gets the private 'security.firewall_config.two_factor.pimcore_admin' shared service.
  5696.      *
  5697.      * @return \Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\TwoFactor\TwoFactorFirewallConfig
  5698.      */
  5699.     protected function getSecurity_FirewallConfig_TwoFactor_PimcoreAdminService()
  5700.     {
  5701.         $a = ($this->privates['security.http_utils'] ?? $this->getSecurity_HttpUtilsService());
  5702.         if (isset($this->privates['security.firewall_config.two_factor.pimcore_admin'])) {
  5703.             return $this->privates['security.firewall_config.two_factor.pimcore_admin'];
  5704.         }
  5705.         return $this->privates['security.firewall_config.two_factor.pimcore_admin'] = new \Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\TwoFactor\TwoFactorFirewallConfig(['auth_form_path' => '/admin/login/2fa''check_path' => '/admin/login/2fa-verify''default_target_path' => '/admin''always_use_default_target_path' => false'auth_code_parameter_name' => '_auth_code''trusted_parameter_name' => '_trusted''multi_factor' => false'post_only' => true'success_handler' => NULL'failure_handler' => NULL'authentication_required_handler' => NULL'remember_me_sets_trusted' => false'prepare_on_login' => false'prepare_on_access_denied' => false'enable_csrf' => false'csrf_parameter' => '_csrf_token''csrf_token_id' => 'two_factor''provider' => NULL], 'pimcore_admin'$a, new \Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\Http\Utils\RequestDataReader());
  5706.     }
  5707.     /**
  5708.      * Gets the private 'security.helper' shared service.
  5709.      *
  5710.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Security
  5711.      */
  5712.     protected function getSecurity_HelperService()
  5713.     {
  5714.         return $this->privates['security.helper'] = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Security(new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  5715.             'security.authorization_checker' => ['services''''get_Container_Private_Security_AuthorizationCheckerService'false],
  5716.             'security.token_storage' => ['services''''get_Container_Private_Security_TokenStorageService'false],
  5717.         ], [
  5718.             'security.authorization_checker' => '?',
  5719.             'security.token_storage' => '?',
  5720.         ]));
  5721.     }
  5722.     /**
  5723.      * Gets the private 'security.http_utils' shared service.
  5724.      *
  5725.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Security\Http\HttpUtils
  5726.      */
  5727.     protected function getSecurity_HttpUtilsService()
  5728.     {
  5729.         $a = ($this->services['router'] ?? $this->getRouterService());
  5730.         if (isset($this->privates['security.http_utils'])) {
  5731.             return $this->privates['security.http_utils'];
  5732.         }
  5733.         return $this->privates['security.http_utils'] = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Http\HttpUtils($a$a'{^https?://%s$}i''{^https://%s$}i');
  5734.     }
  5735.     /**
  5736.      * Gets the private 'security.logout_url_generator' shared service.
  5737.      *
  5738.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Logout\LogoutUrlGenerator
  5739.      */
  5740.     protected function getSecurity_LogoutUrlGeneratorService()
  5741.     {
  5742.         $a = ($this->services['router'] ?? $this->getRouterService());
  5743.         if (isset($this->privates['security.logout_url_generator'])) {
  5744.             return $this->privates['security.logout_url_generator'];
  5745.         }
  5746.         $this->privates['security.logout_url_generator'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Logout\LogoutUrlGenerator(($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())), $a, ($this->services[''] ?? $this->get_Container_Private_Security_TokenStorageService()));
  5747.         $instance->registerListener('pimcore_admin''pimcore_admin_logout''logout''_csrf_token'NULLNULL);
  5748.         $instance->registerListener('portal_engine''pimcore_portalengine_auth_logout''logout''_csrf_token'NULLNULL);
  5749.         return $instance;
  5750.     }
  5751.     /**
  5752.      * Gets the private 'security.role_hierarchy' shared service.
  5753.      *
  5754.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Role\RoleHierarchy
  5755.      */
  5756.     protected function getSecurity_RoleHierarchyService()
  5757.     {
  5758.         return $this->privates['security.role_hierarchy'] = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Role\RoleHierarchy($this->parameters['security.role_hierarchy.roles']);
  5759.     }
  5760.     /**
  5761.      * Gets the private 'sensio_framework_extra.controller.listener' shared service.
  5762.      *
  5763.      * @return \Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\ControllerListener
  5764.      */
  5765.     protected function getSensioFrameworkExtra_Controller_ListenerService()
  5766.     {
  5767.         return $this->privates['sensio_framework_extra.controller.listener'] = new \Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\ControllerListener(($this->privates['annotations.cached_reader'] ?? $this->getAnnotations_CachedReaderService()));
  5768.     }
  5769.     /**
  5770.      * Gets the private 'sensio_framework_extra.converter.listener' shared service.
  5771.      *
  5772.      * @return \Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\ParamConverterListener
  5773.      */
  5774.     protected function getSensioFrameworkExtra_Converter_ListenerService()
  5775.     {
  5776.         $a = new \Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Request\ParamConverter\ParamConverterManager();
  5777.         $a->add(new \Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Request\ParamConverter\DoctrineParamConverter(($this->services['doctrine'] ?? $this->getDoctrineService()), new \Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionLanguage()), 0'doctrine.orm');
  5778.         $a->add(new \Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Request\ParamConverter\DateTimeParamConverter(), 0'datetime');
  5779.         return $this->privates['sensio_framework_extra.converter.listener'] = new \Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\ParamConverterListener($atrue);
  5780.     }
  5781.     /**
  5782.      * Gets the private '' shared service.
  5783.      *
  5784.      * @return \Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\SecurityListener
  5785.      */
  5786.     protected function getSensioFrameworkExtra_Security_ListenerService()
  5787.     {
  5788.         $a = ($this->services[''] ?? $this->get_Container_Private_Security_AuthorizationCheckerService());
  5789.         if (isset($this->privates[''])) {
  5790.             return $this->privates[''];
  5791.         }
  5792.         return $this->privates[''] = new \Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\SecurityListener(($this->privates['framework_extra_bundle.argument_name_convertor'] ?? $this->getFrameworkExtraBundle_ArgumentNameConvertorService()), new \Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Security\ExpressionLanguage(), ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->getSchebTwoFactor_Security_Authentication_TrustResolverService()), ($this->privates['security.role_hierarchy'] ?? $this->getSecurity_RoleHierarchyService()), ($this->services[''] ?? $this->get_Container_Private_Security_TokenStorageService()), $a, ($this->privates['monolog.logger'] ?? $this->getMonolog_LoggerService()));
  5793.     }
  5794.     /**
  5795.      * Gets the private 'sensio_framework_extra.view.listener' shared service.
  5796.      *
  5797.      * @return \Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\TemplateListener
  5798.      */
  5799.     protected function getSensioFrameworkExtra_View_ListenerService()
  5800.     {
  5801.         $this->privates['sensio_framework_extra.view.listener'] = $instance = new \Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\TemplateListener(new \Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Templating\TemplateGuesser(($this->services['kernel'] ?? $this->get('kernel'1))));
  5802.         $instance->setContainer((new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  5803.             'twig' => ['services''.container.private.twig''get_Container_Private_TwigService'false],
  5804.         ], [
  5805.             'twig' => '?',
  5806.         ]))->withContext('sensio_framework_extra.view.listener'$this));
  5807.         return $instance;
  5808.     }
  5809.     /**
  5810.      * Gets the private 'session.factory' shared service.
  5811.      *
  5812.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\SessionFactory
  5813.      */
  5814.     protected function getSession_FactoryService()
  5815.     {
  5816.         $a = ($this->services['Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\SessionListener'] ?? $this->getSessionListenerService());
  5817.         if (isset($this->privates['session.factory'])) {
  5818.             return $this->privates['session.factory'];
  5819.         }
  5820.         return $this->privates['session.factory'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\SessionFactory(($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())), new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\NativeSessionStorageFactory($this->parameters[''], new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Handler\StrictSessionHandler(new \SessionHandler()), new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\MetadataBag('_sf2_meta'0), true), [=> $a=> 'onSessionUsage']);
  5821.     }
  5822.     /**
  5823.      * Gets the private 'translator.data_collector' shared service.
  5824.      *
  5825.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator
  5826.      */
  5827.     protected function getTranslator_DataCollectorService()
  5828.     {
  5829.         return $this->privates['translator.data_collector'] = new \Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator(($this->privates['translator.default'] ?? $this->getTranslator_DefaultService()));
  5830.     }
  5831.     /**
  5832.      * Gets the private 'translator.default' shared service.
  5833.      *
  5834.      * @return \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Translation\Translator
  5835.      */
  5836.     protected function getTranslator_DefaultService()
  5837.     {
  5838.         $this->privates['translator.default'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Translation\Translator(new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  5839.             'translation.loader.csv' => ['privates''translation.loader.csv''getTranslation_Loader_CsvService'true],
  5840.             'translation.loader.dat' => ['privates''translation.loader.dat''getTranslation_Loader_DatService'true],
  5841.             'translation.loader.ini' => ['privates''translation.loader.ini''getTranslation_Loader_IniService'true],
  5842.             'translation.loader.json' => ['privates''translation.loader.json''getTranslation_Loader_JsonService'true],
  5843.             '' => ['privates''''getTranslation_Loader_MoService'true],
  5844.             'translation.loader.php' => ['privates''translation.loader.php''getTranslation_Loader_PhpService'true],
  5845.             'translation.loader.po' => ['privates''translation.loader.po''getTranslation_Loader_PoService'true],
  5846.             'translation.loader.qt' => ['privates''translation.loader.qt''getTranslation_Loader_QtService'true],
  5847.             'translation.loader.res' => ['privates''translation.loader.res''getTranslation_Loader_ResService'true],
  5848.             'translation.loader.xliff' => ['privates''translation.loader.xliff''getTranslation_Loader_XliffService'true],
  5849.             'translation.loader.yml' => ['privates''translation.loader.yml''getTranslation_Loader_YmlService'true],
  5850.         ], [
  5851.             'translation.loader.csv' => '?',
  5852.             'translation.loader.dat' => '?',
  5853.             'translation.loader.ini' => '?',
  5854.             'translation.loader.json' => '?',
  5855.             '' => '?',
  5856.             'translation.loader.php' => '?',
  5857.             'translation.loader.po' => '?',
  5858.             'translation.loader.qt' => '?',
  5859.             'translation.loader.res' => '?',
  5860.             'translation.loader.xliff' => '?',
  5861.             'translation.loader.yml' => '?',
  5862.         ]), new \Symfony\Component\Translation\Formatter\MessageFormatter(new \Symfony\Component\Translation\IdentityTranslator()), 'en', ['translation.loader.php' => [=> 'php'], 'translation.loader.yml' => [=> 'yaml'=> 'yml'], 'translation.loader.xliff' => [=> 'xlf'=> 'xliff'], 'translation.loader.po' => [=> 'po'], '' => [=> 'mo'], 'translation.loader.qt' => [=> 'ts'], 'translation.loader.csv' => [=> 'csv'], 'translation.loader.res' => [=> 'res'], 'translation.loader.dat' => [=> 'dat'], 'translation.loader.ini' => [=> 'ini'], 'translation.loader.json' => [=> 'json']], ['cache_dir' => ($this->targetDir.''.'/translations'), 'debug' => true'resource_files' => ['af' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'ar' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'az' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'be' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'bg' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'bs' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'ca' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'cs' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/validators.cs.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/validators.cs.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/security.cs.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/scheb/2fa-bundle/Resources/translations/SchebTwoFactorBundle.cs.yml'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/data-hub/src/Resources/translations/admin.cs.yml'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/data-importer/src/Resources/translations/admin.cs.yml'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/data-hub-file-export/src/Resources/translations/admin.cs.yml')], 'cy' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/')], 'da' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/validators.da.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/validators.da.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/security.da.xlf')], 'de' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/scheb/2fa-bundle/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/data-hub/src/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/data-hub-simple-rest/src/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/data-importer/src/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/data-hub-file-export/src/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/data-hub-ci-hub/src/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/frontend-permission-toolkit-bundle/src/Resources/translations/'), 10 => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/blackbit/data-director/Resources/translations/')], 'el' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/validators.el.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/validators.el.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/security.el.xlf')], 'en' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/validators.en.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/validators.en.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/security.en.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/scheb/2fa-bundle/Resources/translations/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  5863.         $instance->setConfigCacheFactory(($this->privates['config_cache_factory'] ?? $this->getConfigCacheFactoryService()));
  5864.         $instance->setFallbackLocales([=> 'en']);
  5865.         return $instance;
  5866.     }
  5867.     /**
  5868.      * Gets the private 'twig.loader.native_filesystem' shared service.
  5869.      *
  5870.      * @return \Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader
  5871.      */
  5872.     protected function getTwig_Loader_NativeFilesystemService()
  5873.     {
  5874.         $this->privates['twig.loader.native_filesystem'] = $instance = new \Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader([], \dirname(__DIR__4));
  5875.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/templates'), 'App');
  5876.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/blackbit/data-director/templates'), 'BlackbitDataDirector');
  5877.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-bundle/Resources/views'), 'Security');
  5878.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-bundle/Resources/views'), '!Security');
  5879.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/Resources/views'), 'Doctrine');
  5880.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/Resources/views'), '!Doctrine');
  5881.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle/Resources/views'), 'DoctrineMigrations');
  5882.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle/Resources/views'), '!DoctrineMigrations');
  5883.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/scheb/2fa-bundle/Resources/views'), 'SchebTwoFactor');
  5884.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/scheb/2fa-bundle/Resources/views'), '!SchebTwoFactor');
  5885.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/debug-bundle/Resources/views'), 'Debug');
  5886.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/debug-bundle/Resources/views'), '!Debug');
  5887.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/web-profiler-bundle/Resources/views'), 'WebProfiler');
  5888.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/web-profiler-bundle/Resources/views'), '!WebProfiler');
  5889.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/bundles/AdminBundle/Resources/views'), 'PimcoreAdmin');
  5890.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/bundles/AdminBundle/Resources/views'), '!PimcoreAdmin');
  5891.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/bundles/CoreBundle/Resources/views'), 'PimcoreCore');
  5892.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/bundles/CoreBundle/Resources/views'), '!PimcoreCore');
  5893.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/data-hub/src/Resources/views'), 'PimcoreDataHub');
  5894.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/data-hub/src/Resources/views'), '!PimcoreDataHub');
  5895.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/data-hub-simple-rest/src/Resources/views'), 'PimcoreDataHubSimpleRest');
  5896.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/data-hub-simple-rest/src/Resources/views'), '!PimcoreDataHubSimpleRest');
  5897.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/elements/process-manager-bundle/src/Resources/views'), 'ElementsProcessManager');
  5898.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/elements/process-manager-bundle/src/Resources/views'), '!ElementsProcessManager');
  5899.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/portal-engine/src/Resources/views'), 'PimcorePortalEngine');
  5900.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/portal-engine/src/Resources/views'), '!PimcorePortalEngine');
  5901.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/statistics-explorer/src/Resources/views'), 'PimcoreStatisticsExplorer');
  5902.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/statistics-explorer/src/Resources/views'), '!PimcoreStatisticsExplorer');
  5903.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/workflow-designer/src/Resources/views'), 'PimcoreWorkflowDesigner');
  5904.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/workflow-designer/src/Resources/views'), '!PimcoreWorkflowDesigner');
  5905.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/direct-edit/src/Resources/views'), 'PimcoreDirectEdit');
  5906.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/direct-edit/src/Resources/views'), '!PimcoreDirectEdit');
  5907.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/blackbit/data-director/templates'), 'BlackbitDataDirector');
  5908.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/blackbit/data-director/templates'), '!BlackbitDataDirector');
  5909.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/templates'));
  5910.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/Resources/views/Email'), 'email');
  5911.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/Resources/views/Email'), '!email');
  5912.         $instance->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/Resources/views/Form'));
  5913.         return $instance;
  5914.     }
  5915.     /**
  5916.      * Gets the private 'twig.runtime.httpkernel' shared service.
  5917.      *
  5918.      * @return \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\HttpKernelRuntime
  5919.      */
  5920.     protected function getTwig_Runtime_HttpkernelService()
  5921.     {
  5922.         $a = ($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack()));
  5923.         return $this->privates['twig.runtime.httpkernel'] = new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\HttpKernelRuntime(new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection\LazyLoadingFragmentHandler(new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  5924.             'inline' => ['privates''fragment.renderer.inline''getFragment_Renderer_InlineService'false],
  5925.         ], [
  5926.             'inline' => '?',
  5927.         ]), $atrue), new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Fragment\FragmentUriGenerator('/_fragment', new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\UriSigner('blFuZM6tSjr2Xw5HUXrcgkjF51qOCtMxKsep6DQUEo4='), $a));
  5928.     }
  5929.     /**
  5930.      * Gets the private 'validator.builder' shared service.
  5931.      *
  5932.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Validator\ValidatorBuilder
  5933.      */
  5934.     protected function getValidator_BuilderService()
  5935.     {
  5936.         $this->privates['validator.builder'] = $instance \Symfony\Component\Validator\Validation::createValidatorBuilder();
  5937.         $a = ($this->privates['property_info'] ?? $this->getPropertyInfoService());
  5938.         $instance->setConstraintValidatorFactory(new \Symfony\Component\Validator\ContainerConstraintValidatorFactory(new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  5939.             'Symfony\\Bridge\\Doctrine\\Validator\\Constraints\\UniqueEntityValidator' => ['privates''doctrine.orm.validator.unique''getDoctrine_Orm_Validator_UniqueService'true],
  5940.             'Symfony\\Cmf\\Bundle\\RoutingBundle\\Validator\\Constraints\\RouteDefaultsTwigValidator' => ['privates''cmf_routing.validator.route_defaults''getCmfRouting_Validator_RouteDefaultsService'true],
  5941.             'Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Validator\\Constraints\\UserPasswordValidator' => ['privates''security.validator.user_password''getSecurity_Validator_UserPasswordService'true],
  5942.             'Symfony\\Component\\Validator\\Constraints\\EmailValidator' => ['privates''''getValidator_EmailService'true],
  5943.             'Symfony\\Component\\Validator\\Constraints\\ExpressionValidator' => ['privates''validator.expression''getValidator_ExpressionService'true],
  5944.             'Symfony\\Component\\Validator\\Constraints\\NotCompromisedPasswordValidator' => ['privates''validator.not_compromised_password''getValidator_NotCompromisedPasswordService'true],
  5945.             'cmf_routing.validator.route_defaults' => ['privates''cmf_routing.validator.route_defaults''getCmfRouting_Validator_RouteDefaultsService'true],
  5946.             'doctrine.orm.validator.unique' => ['privates''doctrine.orm.validator.unique''getDoctrine_Orm_Validator_UniqueService'true],
  5947.             'security.validator.user_password' => ['privates''security.validator.user_password''getSecurity_Validator_UserPasswordService'true],
  5948.             'validator.expression' => ['privates''validator.expression''getValidator_ExpressionService'true],
  5949.         ], [
  5950.             'Symfony\\Bridge\\Doctrine\\Validator\\Constraints\\UniqueEntityValidator' => '?',
  5951.             'Symfony\\Cmf\\Bundle\\RoutingBundle\\Validator\\Constraints\\RouteDefaultsTwigValidator' => '?',
  5952.             'Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Validator\\Constraints\\UserPasswordValidator' => '?',
  5953.             'Symfony\\Component\\Validator\\Constraints\\EmailValidator' => '?',
  5954.             'Symfony\\Component\\Validator\\Constraints\\ExpressionValidator' => '?',
  5955.             'Symfony\\Component\\Validator\\Constraints\\NotCompromisedPasswordValidator' => '?',
  5956.             'cmf_routing.validator.route_defaults' => '?',
  5957.             'doctrine.orm.validator.unique' => '?',
  5958.             'security.validator.user_password' => '?',
  5959.             'validator.expression' => '?',
  5960.         ])));
  5961.         if ($this->has('Symfony\\Contracts\\Translation\\TranslatorInterface')) {
  5962.             $instance->setTranslator(($this->services['Symfony\\Contracts\\Translation\\TranslatorInterface'] ?? $this->getTranslatorInterfaceService()));
  5963.         }
  5964.         $instance->setTranslationDomain('validators');
  5965.         $instance->addXmlMappings([=> (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/config/validation.xml')]);
  5966.         $instance->enableAnnotationMapping(true);
  5967.         $instance->setDoctrineAnnotationReader(($this->privates['annotations.cached_reader'] ?? $this->getAnnotations_CachedReaderService()));
  5968.         $instance->addMethodMapping('loadValidatorMetadata');
  5969.         $instance->addObjectInitializers([=> new \Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Validator\DoctrineInitializer(($this->services['doctrine'] ?? $this->getDoctrineService()))]);
  5970.         $instance->addLoader(new \Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\Loader\PropertyInfoLoader($a$a$aNULL));
  5971.         $instance->addLoader(new \Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Validator\DoctrineLoader(($this->services['doctrine.orm.pimcore_direct_edit_entity_manager'] ?? $this->getDoctrine_Orm_PimcoreDirectEditEntityManagerService()), NULL));
  5972.         $instance->addLoader(new \Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Validator\DoctrineLoader(($this->services['doctrine.orm.portal_engine_entity_manager'] ?? $this->getDoctrine_Orm_PortalEngineEntityManagerService()), NULL));
  5973.         $instance->addLoader(new \Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Validator\DoctrineLoader(($this->services['doctrine.orm.statistics_explorer_entity_manager'] ?? $this->getDoctrine_Orm_StatisticsExplorerEntityManagerService()), NULL));
  5974.         return $instance;
  5975.     }
  5976.     /**
  5977.      * Gets the private 'var_dumper.html_dumper' shared service.
  5978.      *
  5979.      * @return \Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\HtmlDumper
  5980.      */
  5981.     protected function getVarDumper_HtmlDumperService()
  5982.     {
  5983.         $this->privates['var_dumper.html_dumper'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\HtmlDumper(NULL'UTF-8'0);
  5984.         $instance->setDisplayOptions(['fileLinkFormat' => ($this->privates['debug.file_link_formatter'] ?? $this->getDebug_FileLinkFormatterService())]);
  5985.         return $instance;
  5986.     }
  5987.     /**
  5988.      * Gets the private 'web_profiler.csp.handler' shared service.
  5989.      *
  5990.      * @return \Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\Csp\ContentSecurityPolicyHandler
  5991.      */
  5992.     protected function getWebProfiler_Csp_HandlerService()
  5993.     {
  5994.         return $this->privates['web_profiler.csp.handler'] = new \Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\Csp\ContentSecurityPolicyHandler(new \Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\Csp\NonceGenerator());
  5995.     }
  5996.     /**
  5997.      * Gets the private 'web_profiler.debug_toolbar' shared service.
  5998.      *
  5999.      * @return \Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\EventListener\WebDebugToolbarListener
  6000.      */
  6001.     protected function getWebProfiler_DebugToolbarService()
  6002.     {
  6003.         $a = ($this->services['.container.private.twig'] ?? $this->get_Container_Private_TwigService());
  6004.         if (isset($this->privates['web_profiler.debug_toolbar'])) {
  6005.             return $this->privates['web_profiler.debug_toolbar'];
  6006.         }
  6007.         $b = ($this->services['router'] ?? $this->getRouterService());
  6008.         if (isset($this->privates['web_profiler.debug_toolbar'])) {
  6009.             return $this->privates['web_profiler.debug_toolbar'];
  6010.         }
  6011.         return $this->privates['web_profiler.debug_toolbar'] = new \Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\EventListener\WebDebugToolbarListener($afalse2$b'^/((index|app(_[\\w]+)?)\\.php/)?_wdt', ($this->privates['web_profiler.csp.handler'] ?? $this->getWebProfiler_Csp_HandlerService()), ($this->services['data_collector.dump'] ?? $this->getDataCollector_DumpService()));
  6012.     }
  6013.     /**
  6014.      * Gets the private 'webpack_encore.entrypoint_lookup_collection' shared service.
  6015.      *
  6016.      * @return \Symfony\WebpackEncoreBundle\Asset\EntrypointLookupCollection
  6017.      */
  6018.     protected function getWebpackEncore_EntrypointLookupCollectionService()
  6019.     {
  6020.         return $this->privates['webpack_encore.entrypoint_lookup_collection'] = new \Symfony\WebpackEncoreBundle\Asset\EntrypointLookupCollection(new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  6021.             'pimcoreStatisticsExplorer' => ['privates''webpack_encore.entrypoint_lookup[pimcoreStatisticsExplorer]''getWebpackEncore_EntrypointLookuppimcoreStatisticsExplorerService'true],
  6022.             'pimcoreWorkflowDesigner' => ['privates''webpack_encore.entrypoint_lookup[pimcoreWorkflowDesigner]''getWebpackEncore_EntrypointLookuppimcoreWorkflowDesignerService'true],
  6023.             'portalEngineAppPortalConfig_17' => ['privates''webpack_encore.entrypoint_lookup[portalEngineAppPortalConfig_17]''getWebpackEncore_EntrypointLookupportalEngineAppPortalConfig17Service'true],
  6024.             'portalEngineBundle' => ['privates''webpack_encore.entrypoint_lookup[portalEngineBundle]''getWebpackEncore_EntrypointLookupportalEngineBundleService'true],
  6025.         ], [
  6026.             'pimcoreStatisticsExplorer' => '?',
  6027.             'pimcoreWorkflowDesigner' => '?',
  6028.             'portalEngineAppPortalConfig_17' => '?',
  6029.             'portalEngineBundle' => '?',
  6030.         ]));
  6031.     }
  6032.     /**
  6033.      * Gets the private 'workflow.registry' shared autowired service.
  6034.      *
  6035.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Workflow\Registry
  6036.      */
  6037.     protected function getWorkflow_RegistryService()
  6038.     {
  6039.         return $this->privates['workflow.registry'] = new \Symfony\Component\Workflow\Registry();
  6040.     }
  6041.     /**
  6042.      * Gets the public 'pimcore.templating.engine.twig' alias.
  6043.      *
  6044.      * @return object The "twig" service.
  6045.      */
  6046.     protected function getPimcore_Templating_Engine_TwigService()
  6047.     {
  6048.         trigger_deprecation('pimcore/pimcore''10.6''The "pimcore.templating.engine.twig" alias is deprecated and will be removed in Pimcore 11');
  6049.         return $this->get('twig');
  6050.     }
  6051.     /**
  6052.      * Gets the public 'Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ConnectionRegistry' alias.
  6053.      *
  6054.      * @return object The "doctrine" service.
  6055.      */
  6056.     protected function getConnectionRegistryService()
  6057.     {
  6058.         trigger_deprecation('pimcore/pimcore''10.6''The "Doctrine\\Common\\Persistence\\ConnectionRegistry" alias is deprecated and will be removed in Pimcore 11');
  6059.         return $this->get('doctrine');
  6060.     }
  6061.     /**
  6062.      * Gets the public 'cache_clearer' alias.
  6063.      *
  6064.      * @return object The ".container.private.cache_clearer" service.
  6065.      */
  6066.     protected function getCacheClearerService()
  6067.     {
  6068.         trigger_deprecation('symfony/framework-bundle''5.2''Accessing the "cache_clearer" service directly from the container is deprecated, use dependency injection instead.');
  6069.         return $this->get('.container.private.cache_clearer');
  6070.     }
  6071.     /**
  6072.      * Gets the public 'filesystem' alias.
  6073.      *
  6074.      * @return object The ".container.private.filesystem" service.
  6075.      */
  6076.     protected function getFilesystemService()
  6077.     {
  6078.         trigger_deprecation('symfony/framework-bundle''5.2''Accessing the "filesystem" service directly from the container is deprecated, use dependency injection instead.');
  6079.         return $this->get('.container.private.filesystem');
  6080.     }
  6081.     /**
  6082.      * Gets the public 'serializer' alias.
  6083.      *
  6084.      * @return object The ".container.private.serializer" service.
  6085.      */
  6086.     protected function getSerializerService()
  6087.     {
  6088.         trigger_deprecation('symfony/framework-bundle''5.2''Accessing the "serializer" service directly from the container is deprecated, use dependency injection instead.');
  6089.         return $this->get('.container.private.serializer');
  6090.     }
  6091.     /**
  6092.      * Gets the public 'security.csrf.token_manager' alias.
  6093.      *
  6094.      * @return object The "" service.
  6095.      */
  6096.     protected function getSecurity_Csrf_TokenManagerService()
  6097.     {
  6098.         trigger_deprecation('symfony/framework-bundle''5.2''Accessing the "security.csrf.token_manager" service directly from the container is deprecated, use dependency injection instead.');
  6099.         return $this->get('');
  6100.     }
  6101.     /**
  6102.      * Gets the public 'form.factory' alias.
  6103.      *
  6104.      * @return object The ".container.private.form.factory" service.
  6105.      */
  6106.     protected function getForm_FactoryService()
  6107.     {
  6108.         trigger_deprecation('symfony/framework-bundle''5.2''Accessing the "form.factory" service directly from the container is deprecated, use dependency injection instead.');
  6109.         return $this->get('.container.private.form.factory');
  6110.     }
  6111.     /**
  6112.      * Gets the public 'form.type.file' alias.
  6113.      *
  6114.      * @return object The ".container.private.form.type.file" service.
  6115.      */
  6116.     protected function getForm_Type_FileService()
  6117.     {
  6118.         trigger_deprecation('symfony/framework-bundle''5.2''Accessing the "form.type.file" service directly from the container is deprecated, use dependency injection instead.');
  6119.         return $this->get('.container.private.form.type.file');
  6120.     }
  6121.     /**
  6122.      * Gets the public 'profiler' alias.
  6123.      *
  6124.      * @return object The ".container.private.profiler" service.
  6125.      */
  6126.     protected function getProfilerService()
  6127.     {
  6128.         trigger_deprecation('symfony/framework-bundle''5.4''Accessing the "profiler" service directly from the container is deprecated, use dependency injection instead.');
  6129.         return $this->get('.container.private.profiler');
  6130.     }
  6131.     /**
  6132.      * Gets the public 'security.authorization_checker' alias.
  6133.      *
  6134.      * @return object The "" service.
  6135.      */
  6136.     protected function getSecurity_AuthorizationCheckerService()
  6137.     {
  6138.         trigger_deprecation('symfony/security-bundle''5.3''Accessing the "security.authorization_checker" service directly from the container is deprecated, use dependency injection instead.');
  6139.         return $this->get('');
  6140.     }
  6141.     /**
  6142.      * Gets the public 'security.token_storage' alias.
  6143.      *
  6144.      * @return object The "" service.
  6145.      */
  6146.     protected function getSecurity_TokenStorageService()
  6147.     {
  6148.         trigger_deprecation('symfony/security-bundle''5.3''Accessing the "security.token_storage" service directly from the container is deprecated, use dependency injection instead.');
  6149.         return $this->get('');
  6150.     }
  6151.     /**
  6152.      * Gets the public 'twig' alias.
  6153.      *
  6154.      * @return object The ".container.private.twig" service.
  6155.      */
  6156.     protected function getTwigService()
  6157.     {
  6158.         trigger_deprecation('symfony/twig-bundle''5.2''Accessing the "twig" service directly from the container is deprecated, use dependency injection instead.');
  6159.         return $this->get('.container.private.twig');
  6160.     }
  6161.     /**
  6162.      * Gets the public 'security.password_encoder' alias.
  6163.      *
  6164.      * @return object The "" service.
  6165.      */
  6166.     protected function getSecurity_PasswordEncoderService()
  6167.     {
  6168.         trigger_deprecation('symfony/security-bundle''5.3''Accessing the "security.password_encoder" service directly from the container is deprecated, use dependency injection instead.');
  6169.         return $this->get('');
  6170.     }
  6171.     /**
  6172.      * Gets the public '' alias.
  6173.      *
  6174.      * @return object The "" service.
  6175.      */
  6176.     protected function getPimcoreAdmin_Security_UserProviderService()
  6177.     {
  6178.         trigger_deprecation('pimcore/pimcore''10.6''Accessing the "" service directly from the container is deprecated, use dependency injection instead.');
  6179.         return $this->get('');
  6180.     }
  6181.     /**
  6182.      * Gets the public '' alias.
  6183.      *
  6184.      * @return object The "" service.
  6185.      */
  6186.     protected function getPimcoreAdmin_Security_UserLoaderService()
  6187.     {
  6188.         trigger_deprecation('pimcore/pimcore''10.6''Accessing the "" service directly from the container is deprecated, use dependency injection instead.');
  6189.         return $this->get('');
  6190.     }
  6191.     /**
  6192.      * Gets the public '' alias.
  6193.      *
  6194.      * @return object The "" service.
  6195.      */
  6196.     protected function getPimcoreAdmin_Security_UserCheckerService()
  6197.     {
  6198.         trigger_deprecation('pimcore/pimcore''10.6''Accessing the "" service directly from the container is deprecated, use dependency injection instead.');
  6199.         return $this->get('');
  6200.     }
  6201.     /**
  6202.      * Gets the public 'session' alias.
  6203.      *
  6204.      * @return object The ".container.private.session" service.
  6205.      */
  6206.     protected function getSessionService()
  6207.     {
  6208.         trigger_deprecation('symfony/framework-bundle''5.3''Accessing the "session" service directly from the container is deprecated, use dependency injection instead.');
  6209.         return $this->get('.container.private.session');
  6210.     }
  6211.     /**
  6212.      * Gets the public 'validator' alias.
  6213.      *
  6214.      * @return object The ".container.private.validator" service.
  6215.      */
  6216.     protected function getValidatorService()
  6217.     {
  6218.         trigger_deprecation('symfony/framework-bundle''5.2''Accessing the "validator" service directly from the container is deprecated, use dependency injection instead.');
  6219.         return $this->get('.container.private.validator');
  6220.     }
  6221.     /**
  6222.      * @return array|bool|float|int|string|\UnitEnum|null
  6223.      */
  6224.     public function getParameter(string $name)
  6225.     {
  6226.         if (isset($this->buildParameters[$name])) {
  6227.             return $this->buildParameters[$name];
  6228.         }
  6229.         if (!(isset($this->parameters[$name]) || isset($this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name]) || \array_key_exists($name$this->parameters))) {
  6230.             throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The parameter "%s" must be defined.'$name));
  6231.         }
  6232.         if (isset($this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name])) {
  6233.             return $this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name] ? $this->dynamicParameters[$name] : $this->getDynamicParameter($name);
  6234.         }
  6235.         return $this->parameters[$name];
  6236.     }
  6237.     public function hasParameter(string $name): bool
  6238.     {
  6239.         if (isset($this->buildParameters[$name])) {
  6240.             return true;
  6241.         }
  6242.         return isset($this->parameters[$name]) || isset($this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name]) || \array_key_exists($name$this->parameters);
  6243.     }
  6244.     public function setParameter(string $name$value): void
  6245.     {
  6246.         throw new LogicException('Impossible to call set() on a frozen ParameterBag.');
  6247.     }
  6248.     public function getParameterBag(): ParameterBagInterface
  6249.     {
  6250.         if (null === $this->parameterBag) {
  6251.             $parameters $this->parameters;
  6252.             foreach ($this->loadedDynamicParameters as $name => $loaded) {
  6253.                 $parameters[$name] = $loaded $this->dynamicParameters[$name] : $this->getDynamicParameter($name);
  6254.             }
  6255.             foreach ($this->buildParameters as $name => $value) {
  6256.                 $parameters[$name] = $value;
  6257.             }
  6258.             $this->parameterBag = new FrozenParameterBag($parameters);
  6259.         }
  6260.         return $this->parameterBag;
  6261.     }
  6262.     private $loadedDynamicParameters = [
  6263.         'kernel.runtime_environment' => false,
  6264.         'kernel.build_dir' => false,
  6265.         'kernel.cache_dir' => false,
  6266.         'debug.container.dump' => false,
  6267.         'serializer.mapping.cache.file' => false,
  6268.         'validator.mapping.cache.file' => false,
  6269.         '' => false,
  6270.         'doctrine.orm.proxy_dir' => false,
  6271.     ];
  6272.     private $dynamicParameters = [];
  6273.     private function getDynamicParameter(string $name)
  6274.     {
  6275.         switch ($name) {
  6276.             case 'kernel.runtime_environment'$value $this->getEnv('default:kernel.environment:APP_RUNTIME_ENV'); break;
  6277.             case 'kernel.build_dir'$value $this->targetDir.''; break;
  6278.             case 'kernel.cache_dir'$value $this->targetDir.''; break;
  6279.             case 'debug.container.dump'$value = ($this->targetDir.''.'/App_KernelTestingDebugContainer.xml'); break;
  6280.             case 'serializer.mapping.cache.file'$value = ($this->targetDir.''.'/serialization.php'); break;
  6281.             case 'validator.mapping.cache.file'$value = ($this->targetDir.''.'/validation.php'); break;
  6282.             case ''$value = ('file:'.$this->targetDir.''.'/profiler'); break;
  6283.             case 'doctrine.orm.proxy_dir'$value = ($this->targetDir.''.'/doctrine/orm/Proxies'); break;
  6284.             default: throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The dynamic parameter "%s" must be defined.'$name));
  6285.         }
  6286.         $this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name] = true;
  6287.         return $this->dynamicParameters[$name] = $value;
  6288.     }
  6289.     protected function getDefaultParameters(): array
  6290.     {
  6291.         return [
  6292.             'kernel.project_dir' => \dirname(__DIR__4),
  6293.             'kernel.environment' => 'testing',
  6294.             'kernel.debug' => true,
  6295.             'kernel.logs_dir' => (\dirname(__DIR__3).'/log'),
  6296.             'kernel.bundles' => [
  6297.                 'FrameworkBundle' => 'Symfony\\Bundle\\FrameworkBundle\\FrameworkBundle',
  6298.                 'SecurityBundle' => 'Symfony\\Bundle\\SecurityBundle\\SecurityBundle',
  6299.                 'TwigBundle' => 'Symfony\\Bundle\\TwigBundle\\TwigBundle',
  6300.                 'TwigExtraBundle' => 'Twig\\Extra\\TwigExtraBundle\\TwigExtraBundle',
  6301.                 'MonologBundle' => 'Symfony\\Bundle\\MonologBundle\\MonologBundle',
  6302.                 'DoctrineBundle' => 'Doctrine\\Bundle\\DoctrineBundle\\DoctrineBundle',
  6303.                 'DoctrineMigrationsBundle' => 'Doctrine\\Bundle\\MigrationsBundle\\DoctrineMigrationsBundle',
  6304.                 'SensioFrameworkExtraBundle' => 'Sensio\\Bundle\\FrameworkExtraBundle\\SensioFrameworkExtraBundle',
  6305.                 'CmfRoutingBundle' => 'Symfony\\Cmf\\Bundle\\RoutingBundle\\CmfRoutingBundle',
  6306.                 'PrestaSitemapBundle' => 'Presta\\SitemapBundle\\PrestaSitemapBundle',
  6307.                 'SchebTwoFactorBundle' => 'Scheb\\TwoFactorBundle\\SchebTwoFactorBundle',
  6308.                 'FOSJsRoutingBundle' => 'FOS\\JsRoutingBundle\\FOSJsRoutingBundle',
  6309.                 'DebugBundle' => 'Symfony\\Bundle\\DebugBundle\\DebugBundle',
  6310.                 'WebProfilerBundle' => 'Symfony\\Bundle\\WebProfilerBundle\\WebProfilerBundle',
  6311.                 'PimcoreAdminBundle' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\PimcoreAdminBundle',
  6312.                 'PimcoreCoreBundle' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\PimcoreCoreBundle',
  6313.                 'PimcoreDataHubBundle' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\PimcoreDataHubBundle',
  6314.                 'PimcoreEnterpriseSubscriptionToolsBundle' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\EnterpriseSubscriptionToolsBundle\\PimcoreEnterpriseSubscriptionToolsBundle',
  6315.                 'PimcoreDataHubSimpleRestBundle' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubSimpleRestBundle\\PimcoreDataHubSimpleRestBundle',
  6316.                 'ElementsProcessManagerBundle' => 'Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\ElementsProcessManagerBundle',
  6317.                 'PimcoreDataImporterBundle' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataImporterBundle\\PimcoreDataImporterBundle',
  6318.                 'FlysystemBundle' => 'League\\FlysystemBundle\\FlysystemBundle',
  6319.                 'PimcoreDataHubFileExportBundle' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle\\PimcoreDataHubFileExportBundle',
  6320.                 'PimcoreDataHubCiHubBundle' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubCiHubBundle\\PimcoreDataHubCiHubBundle',
  6321.                 'PimcorePortalEngineBundle' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\PimcorePortalEngineBundle',
  6322.                 'WebpackEncoreBundle' => 'Symfony\\WebpackEncoreBundle\\WebpackEncoreBundle',
  6323.                 'FrontendPermissionToolkitBundle' => 'FrontendPermissionToolkitBundle\\FrontendPermissionToolkitBundle',
  6324.                 'PimcoreStatisticsExplorerBundle' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\StatisticsExplorerBundle\\PimcoreStatisticsExplorerBundle',
  6325.                 'PimcoreAssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle' => 'Pimcore\\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle\\PimcoreAssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle',
  6326.                 'AdvancedObjectSearchBundle' => 'AdvancedObjectSearchBundle\\AdvancedObjectSearchBundle',
  6327.                 'PimcoreWorkflowDesignerBundle' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\WorkflowDesignerBundle\\PimcoreWorkflowDesignerBundle',
  6328.                 'PimcoreDirectEditBundle' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DirectEditBundle\\PimcoreDirectEditBundle',
  6329.                 'BlackbitDataDirectorBundle' => 'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\BlackbitDataDirectorBundle',
  6330.                 'ERDiagramXMLExportBundle' => 'Basilicom\\ERDiagramXMLExportBundle\\ERDiagramXMLExportBundle',
  6331.             ],
  6332.             'kernel.bundles_metadata' => [
  6333.                 'FrameworkBundle' => [
  6334.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/framework-bundle'),
  6335.                     'namespace' => 'Symfony\\Bundle\\FrameworkBundle',
  6336.                 ],
  6337.                 'SecurityBundle' => [
  6338.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/security-bundle'),
  6339.                     'namespace' => 'Symfony\\Bundle\\SecurityBundle',
  6340.                 ],
  6341.                 'TwigBundle' => [
  6342.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/twig-bundle'),
  6343.                     'namespace' => 'Symfony\\Bundle\\TwigBundle',
  6344.                 ],
  6345.                 'TwigExtraBundle' => [
  6346.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/twig/extra-bundle'),
  6347.                     'namespace' => 'Twig\\Extra\\TwigExtraBundle',
  6348.                 ],
  6349.                 'MonologBundle' => [
  6350.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/monolog-bundle'),
  6351.                     'namespace' => 'Symfony\\Bundle\\MonologBundle',
  6352.                 ],
  6353.                 'DoctrineBundle' => [
  6354.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle'),
  6355.                     'namespace' => 'Doctrine\\Bundle\\DoctrineBundle',
  6356.                 ],
  6357.                 'DoctrineMigrationsBundle' => [
  6358.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle'),
  6359.                     'namespace' => 'Doctrine\\Bundle\\MigrationsBundle',
  6360.                 ],
  6361.                 'SensioFrameworkExtraBundle' => [
  6362.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/sensio/framework-extra-bundle/src'),
  6363.                     'namespace' => 'Sensio\\Bundle\\FrameworkExtraBundle',
  6364.                 ],
  6365.                 'CmfRoutingBundle' => [
  6366.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony-cmf/routing-bundle/src'),
  6367.                     'namespace' => 'Symfony\\Cmf\\Bundle\\RoutingBundle',
  6368.                 ],
  6369.                 'PrestaSitemapBundle' => [
  6370.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/presta/sitemap-bundle'),
  6371.                     'namespace' => 'Presta\\SitemapBundle',
  6372.                 ],
  6373.                 'SchebTwoFactorBundle' => [
  6374.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/scheb/2fa-bundle'),
  6375.                     'namespace' => 'Scheb\\TwoFactorBundle',
  6376.                 ],
  6377.                 'FOSJsRoutingBundle' => [
  6378.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle'),
  6379.                     'namespace' => 'FOS\\JsRoutingBundle',
  6380.                 ],
  6381.                 'DebugBundle' => [
  6382.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/debug-bundle'),
  6383.                     'namespace' => 'Symfony\\Bundle\\DebugBundle',
  6384.                 ],
  6385.                 'WebProfilerBundle' => [
  6386.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/web-profiler-bundle'),
  6387.                     'namespace' => 'Symfony\\Bundle\\WebProfilerBundle',
  6388.                 ],
  6389.                 'PimcoreAdminBundle' => [
  6390.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/bundles/AdminBundle'),
  6391.                     'namespace' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle',
  6392.                 ],
  6393.                 'PimcoreCoreBundle' => [
  6394.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/bundles/CoreBundle'),
  6395.                     'namespace' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle',
  6396.                 ],
  6397.                 'PimcoreDataHubBundle' => [
  6398.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/data-hub/src'),
  6399.                     'namespace' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle',
  6400.                 ],
  6401.                 'PimcoreEnterpriseSubscriptionToolsBundle' => [
  6402.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/enterprise-subscription-tools/src'),
  6403.                     'namespace' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\EnterpriseSubscriptionToolsBundle',
  6404.                 ],
  6405.                 'PimcoreDataHubSimpleRestBundle' => [
  6406.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/data-hub-simple-rest/src'),
  6407.                     'namespace' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubSimpleRestBundle',
  6408.                 ],
  6409.                 'ElementsProcessManagerBundle' => [
  6410.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/elements/process-manager-bundle/src'),
  6411.                     'namespace' => 'Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle',
  6412.                 ],
  6413.                 'PimcoreDataImporterBundle' => [
  6414.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/data-importer/src'),
  6415.                     'namespace' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataImporterBundle',
  6416.                 ],
  6417.                 'FlysystemBundle' => [
  6418.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/league/flysystem-bundle/src'),
  6419.                     'namespace' => 'League\\FlysystemBundle',
  6420.                 ],
  6421.                 'PimcoreDataHubFileExportBundle' => [
  6422.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/data-hub-file-export/src'),
  6423.                     'namespace' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle',
  6424.                 ],
  6425.                 'PimcoreDataHubCiHubBundle' => [
  6426.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/data-hub-ci-hub/src'),
  6427.                     'namespace' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubCiHubBundle',
  6428.                 ],
  6429.                 'PimcorePortalEngineBundle' => [
  6430.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/portal-engine/src'),
  6431.                     'namespace' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle',
  6432.                 ],
  6433.                 'WebpackEncoreBundle' => [
  6434.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/symfony/webpack-encore-bundle/src'),
  6435.                     'namespace' => 'Symfony\\WebpackEncoreBundle',
  6436.                 ],
  6437.                 'FrontendPermissionToolkitBundle' => [
  6438.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/frontend-permission-toolkit-bundle/src'),
  6439.                     'namespace' => 'FrontendPermissionToolkitBundle',
  6440.                 ],
  6441.                 'PimcoreStatisticsExplorerBundle' => [
  6442.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/statistics-explorer/src'),
  6443.                     'namespace' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\StatisticsExplorerBundle',
  6444.                 ],
  6445.                 'PimcoreAssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle' => [
  6446.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/asset-metadata-class-definitions/src'),
  6447.                     'namespace' => 'Pimcore\\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle',
  6448.                 ],
  6449.                 'AdvancedObjectSearchBundle' => [
  6450.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/advanced-object-search/src'),
  6451.                     'namespace' => 'AdvancedObjectSearchBundle',
  6452.                 ],
  6453.                 'PimcoreWorkflowDesignerBundle' => [
  6454.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/workflow-designer/src'),
  6455.                     'namespace' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\WorkflowDesignerBundle',
  6456.                 ],
  6457.                 'PimcoreDirectEditBundle' => [
  6458.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/pimcore/direct-edit/src'),
  6459.                     'namespace' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DirectEditBundle',
  6460.                 ],
  6461.                 'BlackbitDataDirectorBundle' => [
  6462.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/blackbit/data-director'),
  6463.                     'namespace' => 'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle',
  6464.                 ],
  6465.                 'ERDiagramXMLExportBundle' => [
  6466.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/vendor/basilicom/er-diagram-xml-export-bundle/ERDiagramXMLExportBundle'),
  6467.                     'namespace' => 'Basilicom\\ERDiagramXMLExportBundle',
  6468.                 ],
  6469.             ],
  6470.             'kernel.charset' => 'UTF-8',
  6471.             'kernel.container_class' => 'App_KernelTestingDebugContainer',
  6472.             'locale' => 'en',
  6473.             'log.fileobject' => (\dirname(__DIR__3).'/application-logger'),
  6474.             '' => 'localhost:9201',
  6475.             'pimcore_portal_engine.elasticsearch.index_prefix' => 'portal_engine_',
  6476.             'blackbit_pim.importstatus.cleanup_interval' => 2,
  6477.             'blackbit_pim.importstatus.abortion_threshold' => 3600,
  6478.             'blackbit_pim.application_logger_log_level' => 'warning',
  6479.             'blackbit_pim.deepl_api_key' => '',
  6480.             'blackbit_pim.aws_translate_access_key' => '',
  6481.             'blackbit_pim.aws_translate_secret_key' => '',
  6482.             'blackbit_pim.skip_translation_tag' => 'x',
  6483.             '' => [
  6484.                 'pattern' => '^/webservice/(BlackbitDataDirector|BlackbitPim)/rest/documentation/(.*)$',
  6485.                 'anonymous' => NULL,
  6486.                 'stateless' => true,
  6487.                 'provider' => 'pimcore_admin',
  6488.                 'logout' => [
  6489.                     'path' => '/admin/logout',
  6490.                     'target' => '/admin/login',
  6491.                     'success_handler' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Security\\LogoutSuccessHandler',
  6492.                 ],
  6493.                 'guard' => [
  6494.                     'entry_point' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Security\\Guard\\AdminAuthenticator',
  6495.                     'authenticators' => [
  6496.                         => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Security\\Guard\\AdminAuthenticator',
  6497.                     ],
  6498.                 ],
  6499.                 'two_factor' => [
  6500.                     'auth_form_path' => '/admin/login/2fa',
  6501.                     'check_path' => '/admin/login/2fa-verify',
  6502.                     'default_target_path' => '/admin',
  6503.                     'always_use_default_target_path' => false,
  6504.                     'auth_code_parameter_name' => '_auth_code',
  6505.                     'trusted_parameter_name' => '_trusted',
  6506.                     'multi_factor' => false,
  6507.                 ],
  6508.             ],
  6509.             '' => [
  6510.                 'pattern' => '^/webservice(/.*)?$',
  6511.                 'stateless' => true,
  6512.                 'provider' => 'pimcore_admin',
  6513.                 'guard' => [
  6514.                     'entry_point' => 'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\lib\\Pim\\Security\\Guard\\RestApiAuthenticator',
  6515.                     'authenticators' => [
  6516.                         => 'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\lib\\Pim\\Security\\Guard\\RestApiAuthenticator',
  6517.                     ],
  6518.                 ],
  6519.             ],
  6520.             '' => [
  6521.                 'pattern' => '^/api/rest/(import|export|status)',
  6522.                 'stateless' => true,
  6523.                 'provider' => 'pimcore_admin',
  6524.                 'guard' => [
  6525.                     'entry_point' => 'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\lib\\Pim\\Security\\Guard\\RestApiAuthenticator',
  6526.                     'authenticators' => [
  6527.                         => 'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\lib\\Pim\\Security\\Guard\\RestApiAuthenticator',
  6528.                     ],
  6529.                 ],
  6530.             ],
  6531.             '' => [
  6532.                 'path' => '^/api/rest/(import|export|status)',
  6533.                 'roles' => 'ROLE_PIMCORE_USER',
  6534.             ],
  6535.             '' => [
  6536.                 'path' => '^/webservice/(BlackbitDataDirector|BlackbitPim)/rest/(import|export|status)',
  6537.                 'roles' => 'ROLE_PIMCORE_USER',
  6538.             ],
  6539.             'mercure' => [
  6540.                 'hub' => [
  6541.                     'jwt_key' => 'TdOTzVsIsc1tnP0u0UzittuipBU6DNf8PnkAUejt9qS3LR9AOTErOgUpnxTLfwmRvbul',
  6542.                 ],
  6543.             ],
  6544.             'redis.provider' => 'redis://localhost:6380',
  6545.             '' => '',
  6546.             'router.request_context.scheme' => 'https',
  6547.             'secret' => 'blFuZM6tSjr2Xw5HUXrcgkjF51qOCtMxKsep6DQUEo4=',
  6548.             'security.authenticator.manager.enabled' => true,
  6549.             'pimcore_portal_engine.firewall_settings' => [
  6550.                 'provider' => 'portal_engine',
  6551.                 'request_matcher' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Security\\Firewall\\RequestMatcher',
  6552.                 'logout' => [
  6553.                     'invalidate_session' => false,
  6554.                     'path' => 'pimcore_portalengine_auth_logout',
  6555.                     'target' => 'pimcore_portalengine_auth_login',
  6556.                 ],
  6557.                 'remember_me' => [
  6558.                     'secret' => 'blFuZM6tSjr2Xw5HUXrcgkjF51qOCtMxKsep6DQUEo4=',
  6559.                     'lifetime' => 7776000,
  6560.                     'path' => '/',
  6561.                 ],
  6562.                 'custom_authenticators' => [
  6563.                     => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Security\\Authenticator\\GuestUserAuthenticator',
  6564.                     => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Security\\Authenticator\\LoginAuthenticator',
  6565.                     => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Security\\Authenticator\\TokenAuthenticator',
  6566.                     => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Security\\Authenticator\\OpenIdConnectAuthenticator',
  6567.                 ],
  6568.                 'entry_point' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Service\\Security\\Authenticator\\LoginAuthenticator',
  6569.             ],
  6570.             'event_dispatcher.event_aliases' => [
  6571.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Event\\ConsoleCommandEvent' => 'console.command',
  6572.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Event\\ConsoleErrorEvent' => 'console.error',
  6573.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Event\\ConsoleSignalEvent' => 'console.signal',
  6574.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Event\\ConsoleTerminateEvent' => 'console.terminate',
  6575.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Form\\Event\\PreSubmitEvent' => 'form.pre_submit',
  6576.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Form\\Event\\SubmitEvent' => 'form.submit',
  6577.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Form\\Event\\PostSubmitEvent' => 'form.post_submit',
  6578.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Form\\Event\\PreSetDataEvent' => 'form.pre_set_data',
  6579.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Form\\Event\\PostSetDataEvent' => 'form.post_set_data',
  6580.                 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Event\\ControllerArgumentsEvent' => 'kernel.controller_arguments',
  6581.                 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Event\\ControllerEvent' => 'kernel.controller',
  6582.                 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Event\\ResponseEvent' => 'kernel.response',
  6583.                 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Event\\FinishRequestEvent' => 'kernel.finish_request',
  6584.                 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Event\\RequestEvent' => 'kernel.request',
  6585.                 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Event\\ViewEvent' => 'kernel.view',
  6586.                 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Event\\ExceptionEvent' => 'kernel.exception',
  6587.                 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Event\\TerminateEvent' => 'kernel.terminate',
  6588.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Workflow\\Event\\GuardEvent' => 'workflow.guard',
  6589.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Workflow\\Event\\LeaveEvent' => 'workflow.leave',
  6590.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Workflow\\Event\\TransitionEvent' => 'workflow.transition',
  6591.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Workflow\\Event\\EnterEvent' => 'workflow.enter',
  6592.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Workflow\\Event\\EnteredEvent' => 'workflow.entered',
  6593.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Workflow\\Event\\CompletedEvent' => 'workflow.completed',
  6594.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Workflow\\Event\\AnnounceEvent' => 'workflow.announce',
  6595.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Event\\AuthenticationSuccessEvent' => 'security.authentication.success',
  6596.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Event\\AuthenticationFailureEvent' => 'security.authentication.failure',
  6597.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\InteractiveLoginEvent' => 'security.interactive_login',
  6598.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\SwitchUserEvent' => 'security.switch_user',
  6599.                 'Presta\\SitemapBundle\\Event\\SitemapAddUrlEvent' => 'presta_sitemap.add_url',
  6600.                 'Presta\\SitemapBundle\\Event\\SitemapPopulateEvent' => 'presta_sitemap.populate',
  6601.             ],
  6602.             'fragment.renderer.hinclude.global_template' => NULL,
  6603.             'fragment.path' => '/_fragment',
  6604.             'kernel.secret' => 'blFuZM6tSjr2Xw5HUXrcgkjF51qOCtMxKsep6DQUEo4=',
  6605.             'kernel.http_method_override' => true,
  6606.             'kernel.trusted_hosts' => [
  6607.             ],
  6608.             'kernel.default_locale' => 'en',
  6609.             'kernel.enabled_locales' => [
  6610.             ],
  6611.             'kernel.error_controller' => 'error_controller',
  6612.             'kernel.trusted_proxies' => ',,,,2a05:cc00::72:204:10/128',
  6613.             'kernel.trusted_headers' => 62,
  6614.             'debug.file_link_format' => NULL,
  6615.             'asset.request_context.base_path' => NULL,
  6616.             '' => NULL,
  6617.             'translator.logging' => false,
  6618.             'translator.default_path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/translations'),
  6619.             'debug.error_handler.throw_at' => -1,
  6620.             'router.request_context.base_url' => '',
  6621.             'router.resource' => 'kernel::loadRoutes',
  6622.             'request_listener.http_port' => 80,
  6623.             'request_listener.https_port' => 443,
  6624.             'session.metadata.storage_key' => '_sf2_meta',
  6625.             '' => [
  6626.                 'cache_limiter' => '0',
  6627.                 'cookie_secure' => 'auto',
  6628.                 'cookie_httponly' => true,
  6629.                 'cookie_samesite' => 'strict',
  6630.             ],
  6631.             'session.save_path' => NULL,
  6632.             'session.metadata.update_threshold' => 0,
  6633.             'form.type_extension.csrf.enabled' => true,
  6634.             'form.type_extension.csrf.field_name' => '_token',
  6635.             'validator.translation_domain' => 'validators',
  6636.             'profiler_listener.only_exceptions' => false,
  6637.             'profiler_listener.only_main_requests' => false,
  6638.             'security.role_hierarchy.roles' => [
  6639.                 'ROLE_PIMCORE_ADMIN' => [
  6640.                     => 'ROLE_PIMCORE_USER',
  6641.                 ],
  6642.             ],
  6643.             'security.access.denied_url' => NULL,
  6644.             'security.authentication.manager.erase_credentials' => true,
  6645.             'security.authentication.session_strategy.strategy' => 'migrate',
  6646.             'security.access.always_authenticate_before_granting' => false,
  6647.             'security.authentication.hide_user_not_found' => true,
  6648.             'security.firewalls' => [
  6649.                 => 'dev',
  6650.                 => 'pimcore_admin_webdav',
  6651.                 => 'pimcore_admin',
  6652.                 => 'portal_engine',
  6653.             ],
  6654.             'twig.form.resources' => [
  6655.                 => 'form_div_layout.html.twig',
  6656.             ],
  6657.             'twig.default_path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/templates'),
  6658.             'monolog.use_microseconds' => true,
  6659.             'monolog.swift_mailer.handlers' => [
  6660.             ],
  6661.             'monolog.handlers_to_channels' => [
  6662.                 'monolog.handler.console' => [
  6663.                     'type' => 'exclusive',
  6664.                     'elements' => [
  6665.                         => 'event',
  6666.                         => 'doctrine',
  6667.                         => 'console',
  6668.                         => 'cache',
  6669.                     ],
  6670.                 ],
  6671.                 'monolog.handler.main' => [
  6672.                     'type' => 'exclusive',
  6673.                     'elements' => [
  6674.                         => 'event',
  6675.                         => 'doctrine',
  6676.                         => 'cache',
  6677.                     ],
  6678.                 ],
  6679.             ],
  6680.             'doctrine.dbal.logger.chain.class' => 'Doctrine\\DBAL\\Logging\\LoggerChain',
  6681.             'doctrine.dbal.logger.profiling.class' => 'Doctrine\\DBAL\\Logging\\DebugStack',
  6682.             'doctrine.dbal.logger.class' => 'Symfony\\Bridge\\Doctrine\\Logger\\DbalLogger',
  6683.             'doctrine.dbal.configuration.class' => 'Doctrine\\DBAL\\Configuration',
  6684.             'doctrine.data_collector.class' => 'Doctrine\\Bundle\\DoctrineBundle\\DataCollector\\DoctrineDataCollector',
  6685.             'doctrine.dbal.connection.event_manager.class' => 'Symfony\\Bridge\\Doctrine\\ContainerAwareEventManager',
  6686.             'doctrine.dbal.connection_factory.class' => 'Doctrine\\Bundle\\DoctrineBundle\\ConnectionFactory',
  6687.             '' => 'Doctrine\\DBAL\\Event\\Listeners\\MysqlSessionInit',
  6688.             '' => 'Doctrine\\DBAL\\Event\\Listeners\\OracleSessionInit',
  6689.             'doctrine.class' => 'Doctrine\\Bundle\\DoctrineBundle\\Registry',
  6690.             'doctrine.entity_managers' => [
  6691.                 'pimcore_direct_edit' => 'doctrine.orm.pimcore_direct_edit_entity_manager',
  6692.                 'portal_engine' => 'doctrine.orm.portal_engine_entity_manager',
  6693.                 'statistics_explorer' => 'doctrine.orm.statistics_explorer_entity_manager',
  6694.             ],
  6695.             'doctrine.default_entity_manager' => 'pimcore_direct_edit',
  6696.             'doctrine.dbal.connection_factory.types' => [
  6697.                 'jsonfy' => [
  6698.                     'class' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Tools\\Doctrine\\Type\\Jsonfy',
  6699.                 ],
  6700.                 'uuid' => [
  6701.                     'class' => 'Symfony\\Bridge\\Doctrine\\Types\\UuidType',
  6702.                 ],
  6703.                 'ulid' => [
  6704.                     'class' => 'Symfony\\Bridge\\Doctrine\\Types\\UlidType',
  6705.                 ],
  6706.             ],
  6707.             'doctrine.connections' => [
  6708.                 'default' => 'doctrine.dbal.default_connection',
  6709.             ],
  6710.             'doctrine.default_connection' => 'default',
  6711.             'doctrine.orm.configuration.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Configuration',
  6712.             'doctrine.orm.entity_manager.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\EntityManager',
  6713.             'doctrine.orm.manager_configurator.class' => 'Doctrine\\Bundle\\DoctrineBundle\\ManagerConfigurator',
  6714.             'doctrine.orm.cache.array.class' => 'Doctrine\\Common\\Cache\\ArrayCache',
  6715.             'doctrine.orm.cache.apc.class' => 'Doctrine\\Common\\Cache\\ApcCache',
  6716.             'doctrine.orm.cache.memcache.class' => 'Doctrine\\Common\\Cache\\MemcacheCache',
  6717.             'doctrine.orm.cache.memcache_host' => 'localhost',
  6718.             'doctrine.orm.cache.memcache_port' => 11211,
  6719.             'doctrine.orm.cache.memcache_instance.class' => 'Memcache',
  6720.             'doctrine.orm.cache.memcached.class' => 'Doctrine\\Common\\Cache\\MemcachedCache',
  6721.             'doctrine.orm.cache.memcached_host' => 'localhost',
  6722.             'doctrine.orm.cache.memcached_port' => 11211,
  6723.             'doctrine.orm.cache.memcached_instance.class' => 'Memcached',
  6724.             'doctrine.orm.cache.redis.class' => 'Doctrine\\Common\\Cache\\RedisCache',
  6725.             'doctrine.orm.cache.redis_host' => 'localhost',
  6726.             'doctrine.orm.cache.redis_port' => 6379,
  6727.             'doctrine.orm.cache.redis_instance.class' => 'Redis',
  6728.             'doctrine.orm.cache.xcache.class' => 'Doctrine\\Common\\Cache\\XcacheCache',
  6729.             'doctrine.orm.cache.wincache.class' => 'Doctrine\\Common\\Cache\\WinCacheCache',
  6730.             'doctrine.orm.cache.zenddata.class' => 'Doctrine\\Common\\Cache\\ZendDataCache',
  6731.             'doctrine.orm.metadata.driver_chain.class' => 'Doctrine\\Persistence\\Mapping\\Driver\\MappingDriverChain',
  6732.             'doctrine.orm.metadata.annotation.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Mapping\\Driver\\AnnotationDriver',
  6733.             'doctrine.orm.metadata.xml.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Mapping\\Driver\\SimplifiedXmlDriver',
  6734.             'doctrine.orm.metadata.yml.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Mapping\\Driver\\SimplifiedYamlDriver',
  6735.             'doctrine.orm.metadata.php.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Mapping\\Driver\\PHPDriver',
  6736.             'doctrine.orm.metadata.staticphp.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Mapping\\Driver\\StaticPHPDriver',
  6737.             'doctrine.orm.metadata.attribute.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Mapping\\Driver\\AttributeDriver',
  6738.             'doctrine.orm.proxy_cache_warmer.class' => 'Symfony\\Bridge\\Doctrine\\CacheWarmer\\ProxyCacheWarmer',
  6739.             'form.type_guesser.doctrine.class' => 'Symfony\\Bridge\\Doctrine\\Form\\DoctrineOrmTypeGuesser',
  6740.             'doctrine.orm.validator.unique.class' => 'Symfony\\Bridge\\Doctrine\\Validator\\Constraints\\UniqueEntityValidator',
  6741.             'doctrine.orm.validator_initializer.class' => 'Symfony\\Bridge\\Doctrine\\Validator\\DoctrineInitializer',
  6742.             '' => 'Symfony\\Bridge\\Doctrine\\Security\\User\\EntityUserProvider',
  6743.             'doctrine.orm.listeners.resolve_target_entity.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Tools\\ResolveTargetEntityListener',
  6744.             'doctrine.orm.listeners.attach_entity_listeners.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Tools\\AttachEntityListenersListener',
  6745.             'doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.default.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Mapping\\DefaultNamingStrategy',
  6746.             'doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Mapping\\UnderscoreNamingStrategy',
  6747.             'doctrine.orm.quote_strategy.default.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Mapping\\DefaultQuoteStrategy',
  6748.             'doctrine.orm.quote_strategy.ansi.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Mapping\\AnsiQuoteStrategy',
  6749.             'doctrine.orm.entity_listener_resolver.class' => 'Doctrine\\Bundle\\DoctrineBundle\\Mapping\\ContainerEntityListenerResolver',
  6750.             'doctrine.orm.second_level_cache.default_cache_factory.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Cache\\DefaultCacheFactory',
  6751.             'doctrine.orm.second_level_cache.default_region.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Cache\\Region\\DefaultRegion',
  6752.             'doctrine.orm.second_level_cache.filelock_region.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Cache\\Region\\FileLockRegion',
  6753.             'doctrine.orm.second_level_cache.logger_chain.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Cache\\Logging\\CacheLoggerChain',
  6754.             'doctrine.orm.second_level_cache.logger_statistics.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Cache\\Logging\\StatisticsCacheLogger',
  6755.             'doctrine.orm.second_level_cache.cache_configuration.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Cache\\CacheConfiguration',
  6756.             'doctrine.orm.second_level_cache.regions_configuration.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Cache\\RegionsConfiguration',
  6757.             'doctrine.orm.auto_generate_proxy_classes' => false,
  6758.             'doctrine.orm.proxy_namespace' => 'Proxies',
  6759.             'doctrine.migrations.preferred_em' => NULL,
  6760.             'doctrine.migrations.preferred_connection' => 'default',
  6761.             'cmf_routing.uri_filter_regexp' => '',
  6762.             'cmf_routing.default_controller' => NULL,
  6763.             'cmf_routing.generic_controller' => NULL,
  6764.             'cmf_routing.controllers_by_type' => [
  6765.             ],
  6766.             'cmf_routing.controllers_by_class' => [
  6767.             ],
  6768.             'cmf_routing.templates_by_class' => [
  6769.             ],
  6770.             'cmf_routing.route_collection_limit' => 0,
  6771.             'cmf_routing.dynamic.limit_candidates' => 20,
  6772.             'cmf_routing.dynamic.locales' => [
  6773.             ],
  6774.             'cmf_routing.dynamic.auto_locale_pattern' => false,
  6775.             'cmf_routing.replace_symfony_router' => true,
  6776.             'presta_sitemap.generator.class' => 'Presta\\SitemapBundle\\Service\\Generator',
  6777.             'presta_sitemap.dumper.class' => 'Presta\\SitemapBundle\\Service\\Dumper',
  6778.             'presta_sitemap.routing_loader.class' => 'Presta\\SitemapBundle\\Routing\\SitemapRoutingLoader',
  6779.             'presta_sitemap.dump_command.class' => 'Presta\\SitemapBundle\\Command\\DumpSitemapsCommand',
  6780.             'presta_sitemap.dump_directory' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/public'),
  6781.             'presta_sitemap.timetolive' => 3600,
  6782.             'presta_sitemap.sitemap_file_prefix' => 'sitemap',
  6783.             'presta_sitemap.items_by_set' => 50000,
  6784.             'presta_sitemap.defaults' => [
  6785.                 'lastmod' => NULL,
  6786.                 'priority' => NULL,
  6787.                 'changefreq' => NULL,
  6788.             ],
  6789.             'presta_sitemap.default_section' => 'default',
  6790.             'presta_sitemap.eventlistener.route_annotation.class' => 'Presta\\SitemapBundle\\EventListener\\RouteAnnotationEventListener',
  6791.             'scheb_two_factor.model_manager_name' => NULL,
  6792.             'scheb_two_factor.security_tokens' => [
  6793.                 => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Security\\Authentication\\Token\\LegacyTwoFactorRequiredToken',
  6794.                 => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Security\\Authentication\\Token\\TwoFactorRequiredToken',
  6795.             ],
  6796.             'scheb_two_factor.ip_whitelist' => [
  6797.             ],
  6798.             '' => 'Pimcore',
  6799.             '' => 'Pimcore 2 Factor Authentication',
  6800.             '' => '@SchebTwoFactor/Authentication/form.html.twig',
  6801.             '' => 6,
  6802.             '' => 1,
  6803.             'scheb_two_factor.trusted_device.enabled' => false,
  6804.             'fos_js_routing.extractor.class' => 'FOS\\JsRoutingBundle\\Extractor\\ExposedRoutesExtractor',
  6805.             'fos_js_routing.controller.class' => 'FOS\\JsRoutingBundle\\Controller\\Controller',
  6806.             'fos_js_routing.normalizer.route_collection.class' => 'FOS\\JsRoutingBundle\\Serializer\\Normalizer\\RouteCollectionNormalizer',
  6807.             'fos_js_routing.normalizer.routes_response.class' => 'FOS\\JsRoutingBundle\\Serializer\\Normalizer\\RoutesResponseNormalizer',
  6808.             'fos_js_routing.denormalizer.route_collection.class' => 'FOS\\JsRoutingBundle\\Serializer\\Denormalizer\\RouteCollectionDenormalizer',
  6809.             'fos_js_routing.request_context_base_url' => NULL,
  6810.             'fos_js_routing.cache_control' => [
  6811.                 'enabled' => false,
  6812.             ],
  6813.             'env(VAR_DUMPER_SERVER)' => '',
  6814.             'web_profiler.debug_toolbar.intercept_redirects' => false,
  6815.             'web_profiler.debug_toolbar.mode' => 2,
  6816.             'pimcore.gdpr-data-extrator.dataobjects' => [
  6817.                 'classes' => [
  6818.                 ],
  6819.             ],
  6820.             'pimcore.gdpr-data-extrator.assets' => [
  6821.                 'types' => [
  6822.                 ],
  6823.             ],
  6824.             'pimcore_admin.dataObjects.notes_events.types' => [
  6825.                 => '',
  6826.                 => 'content',
  6827.                 => 'seo',
  6828.                 => 'warning',
  6829.                 => 'notice',
  6830.             ],
  6831.             'pimcore_admin.assets.notes_events.types' => [
  6832.                 => '',
  6833.                 => 'content',
  6834.                 => 'seo',
  6835.                 => 'warning',
  6836.                 => 'notice',
  6837.             ],
  6838.             'pimcore_admin.documents.notes_events.types' => [
  6839.                 => '',
  6840.                 => 'content',
  6841.                 => 'seo',
  6842.                 => 'warning',
  6843.                 => 'notice',
  6844.             ],
  6845.             'pimcore_admin.csrf_protection.excluded_routes' => [
  6846.             ],
  6847.             'pimcore_admin.admin_languages' => [
  6848.             ],
  6849.             'pimcore_admin.custom_admin_path_identifier' => NULL,
  6850.             'pimcore_admin.custom_admin_route_name' => 'my_custom_admin_entry_point',
  6851.             'pimcore_admin.config' => [
  6852.                 'admin_csp_header' => [
  6853.                     'exclude_paths' => [
  6854.                         => '@^/admin/workflow-designer/index@',
  6855.                     ],
  6856.                     'enabled' => false,
  6857.                     'additional_urls' => [
  6858.                         'default-src' => [
  6859.                         ],
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  6882.                 ],
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  6887.                     ],
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  6913.                     ],
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  6922.                             => 'notice',
  6923.                         ],
  6924.                     ],
  6925.                 ],
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  6927.                 ],
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  6930.                     ],
  6931.                 ],
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  6939.                                 'directory' => (\dirname(__DIR__3).'/config/admin_system_settings'),
  6940.                             ],
  6941.                         ],
  6942.                         'read_target' => [
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  6946.                             ],
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  6950.             ],
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  6954.                 => 'vendor/pimcore/pimcore/bundles',
  6955.             ],
  6956.             'pimcore.extensions.bundles.handle_composer' => true,
  6957.             'pimcore.admin.unauthenticated_routes' => [
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  6964.                 ],
  6965.                 => [
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  6970.                     ],
  6971.                 ],
  6972.                 => [
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  6977.                     ],
  6978.                 ],
  6979.             ],
  6980.             'pimcore.encryption.secret' => NULL,
  6981.             'pimcore.admin.session.attribute_bags' => [
  6982.                 'pimcore_admin' => [
  6983.                     'storage_key' => '_pimcore_admin',
  6984.                 ],
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  6986.                     'storage_key' => '_pimcore_objects',
  6987.                 ],
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  6989.                     'storage_key' => '_pimcore_copy',
  6990.                 ],
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  6993.                 ],
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  6995.                     'storage_key' => '_pimcore_importconfig',
  6996.                 ],
  6997.             ],
  6998.             'pimcore.admin.translations.path' => '@PimcoreCoreBundle/Resources/translations',
  6999.             'pimcore.translations.admin_translation_mapping' => [
  7000.             ],
  7001.             'pimcore.web_profiler.toolbar.excluded_routes' => [
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  7009.             ],
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  7011.             'pimcore.maintenance.housekeeping.cleanup_tmp_files_atime_older_than' => 7776000,
  7012.             'pimcore.maintenance.housekeeping.cleanup_profiler_files_atime_older_than' => 1800,
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  7018.             ],
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  7023.             ],
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  7027.             ],
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  7034.                     ],
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  7040.                             ],
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  7082.                         ],
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  7088.                         ],
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  8056.                             ],
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  8067.                     ],
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  8097.                         'el' => 'de',
  8098.                     ],
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  8109.                     ],
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  14529.                                 ],
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  14531.                                     => [
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  14537.                                         ],
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  14539.                                     ],
  14540.                                 ],
  14541.                             ],
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  14547.                         ],
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  14550.                             ],
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  14552.                             ],
  14553.                         ],
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  14555.                         ],
  14556.                     ],
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  14567.                         ],
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  14572.                             ],
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  14586.                             ],
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  14591.                                 ],
  14592.                             ],
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  14595.                             ],
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  14598.                             ],
  14599.                         ],
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  14605.                             ],
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  14612.                                 ],
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  14624.                                 ],
  14625.                             ],
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  14629.                                     => '1',
  14630.                                 ],
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  14639.                                     ],
  14640.                                 ],
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  14642.                                 ],
  14643.                             ],
  14644.                             => [
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  14647.                                     => '2',
  14648.                                 ],
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  14657.                                     ],
  14658.                                 ],
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  14660.                                 ],
  14661.                             ],
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  14665.                                     => '3',
  14666.                                 ],
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  14675.                                     ],
  14676.                                 ],
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  14678.                                 ],
  14679.                             ],
  14680.                         ],
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  14685.                         ],
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  14688.                             ],
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  14690.                             ],
  14691.                         ],
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  14693.                         ],
  14694.                     ],
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  14704.                             'createDate' => 1647847708,
  14705.                         ],
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  14710.                             ],
  14711.                         ],
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  14717.                             ],
  14718.                         ],
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  14729.                                 ],
  14730.                             ],
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  14735.                                 ],
  14736.                             ],
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  14739.                             ],
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  14742.                             ],
  14743.                         ],
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  14749.                             ],
  14750.                         ],
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  14752.                             => [
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  14755.                                     => '0',
  14756.                                 ],
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  14765.                                     ],
  14766.                                 ],
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  14768.                                 ],
  14769.                             ],
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  14774.                                 ],
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  14783.                                     ],
  14784.                                 ],
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  14786.                                 ],
  14787.                             ],
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  14792.                                     => '65',
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  14797.                                 ],
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  14806.                                     ],
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  14822.                                     => '65',
  14823.                                 ],
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  14827.                                 ],
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  14836.                                     ],
  14837.                                 ],
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  14839.                                     => [
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  14843.                                         ],
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  14845.                                     ],
  14846.                                 ],
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  14852.                                     => '62',
  14853.                                 ],
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  14857.                                 ],
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  14866.                                     ],
  14867.                                 ],
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  14869.                                     => [
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  14873.                                         ],
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  14875.                                     ],
  14876.                                 ],
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  14882.                                     => '62',
  14883.                                 ],
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  14887.                                 ],
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  14896.                                     ],
  14897.                                 ],
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  14899.                                     => [
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  14903.                                         ],
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  14905.                                     ],
  14906.                                 ],
  14907.                             ],
  14908.                             => [
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  14912.                                     => '62',
  14913.                                 ],
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  14917.                                 ],
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  14926.                                     ],
  14927.                                 ],
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  14929.                                     => [
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  14933.                                         ],
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  14935.                                     ],
  14936.                                 ],
  14937.                             ],
  14938.                             => [
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  14941.                                     => '66',
  14942.                                 ],
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  14948.                                 ],
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  26283.                                                                         ],
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  32863.                                                                 ],
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  32874.                                     ],
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  33071.                             ],
  33072.                         ],
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  33075.                         ],
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  33078.                                 => [
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  33082.                                 ],
  33083.                             ],
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  33090.                             'displayfield-4804-inputEl' => 'The settings below overwrite the settings from the email document if values are defined',
  33091.                             'displayfield-4810-inputEl' => 'Mehrere Empfänger können angegeben werden, indem die E-Mail-Adressen mit einem Semikolon getrennt angegeben werden.<br />Beispiel:;'."\n".'Für \'Von\' können Sie zusätzlich die Syntax <i>Mein Name & lt;;</i> verwenden',
  33092.                             'transmitter_localDirectory' => [
  33093.                                 'directory' => '/Data/Export/',
  33094.                             ],
  33095.                             'transmitter_download' => [
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  33097.                             ],
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  33100.                                 'port' => NULL,
  33101.                                 'username' => '',
  33102.                                 'password' => '',
  33103.                                 'directory' => '',
  33104.                                 'privateKey' => '',
  33105.                                 'passphrase' => '',
  33106.                             ],
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  33109.                                 'url' => '',
  33110.                                 'timeout' => NULL,
  33111.                             ],
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  33118.                                 'bcc' => '',
  33119.                             ],
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  33122.                             ],
  33123.                         ],
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  33126.                         ],
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  33129.                             'displayfield-4819-inputEl' => '<a target="_blank" href="">Cron expression generator</a>',
  33130.                             'cronDefinitionQueueOnly' => '',
  33131.                             'displayfield-4822-inputEl' => '<a target="_blank" href="">Cron expression generator</a>',
  33132.                         ],
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  33135.                             ],
  33136.                             'role' => [
  33137.                             ],
  33138.                         ],
  33139.                     ],
  33140.                 ],
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  33146.                                 'directory' => (\dirname(__DIR__3).'/config/data_hub'),
  33147.                             ],
  33148.                         ],
  33149.                     ],
  33150.                 ],
  33151.             ],
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  33153.             'pimcore.enterprise_subscription_tools.production_system' => false,
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  33155.                 => 'localhost:9201',
  33156.             ],
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  33158.             'pimcore.datahub.simplerest.index_name_prefix' => 'datahub_restindex_',
  33159.             'pimcore.datahub.simplerest.indexing_options' => [
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  33162.                     'enable_xmp' => true,
  33163.                     'enable_iptc' => true,
  33164.                 ],
  33165.                 'global_options' => [
  33166.                     'numeric_detection' => false,
  33167.                     'date_detection' => true,
  33168.                 ],
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  33172.                     ],
  33173.                 ],
  33174.             ],
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  33178.                 'disableShortcutMenu' => false,
  33179.                 'reportingEmailAddresses' => [
  33180.                     => '',
  33181.                 ],
  33182.                 'additionalScriptExecutionUsers' => [
  33183.                     => 'web-user',
  33184.                     => 'www-data',
  33185.                     => 'weblizards',
  33186.                 ],
  33187.                 'configurationMigrationsDirectory' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/src/Migrations'),
  33188.                 'configurationMigrationsNamespace' => 'App\\Migrations',
  33189.                 'restApiUsers' => [
  33190.                 ],
  33191.                 'executorClasses' => [
  33192.                     'pimcoreCommand' => [
  33193.                         'name' => 'pimcoreCommand',
  33194.                         'extJsClass' => 'pimcore.plugin.processmanager.executor.class.pimcoreCommand',
  33195.                         'class' => 'Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\Executor\\PimcoreCommand',
  33196.                         'config' => [
  33197.                         ],
  33198.                     ],
  33199.                     'classMethod' => [
  33200.                         'name' => 'classMethod',
  33201.                         'extJsClass' => 'pimcore.plugin.processmanager.executor.class.classMethod',
  33202.                         'class' => 'Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\Executor\\ClassMethod',
  33203.                         'config' => [
  33204.                         ],
  33205.                     ],
  33206.                 ],
  33207.                 'executorActionClasses' => [
  33208.                     'download' => [
  33209.                         'name' => 'download',
  33210.                         'extJsClass' => '',
  33211.                         'class' => 'Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\Executor\\Action\\Download',
  33212.                         'config' => [
  33213.                         ],
  33214.                     ],
  33215.                     'openItem' => [
  33216.                         'name' => 'openItem',
  33217.                         'extJsClass' => 'pimcore.plugin.processmanager.executor.action.openItem',
  33218.                         'class' => 'Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\Executor\\Action\\OpenItem',
  33219.                         'config' => [
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  33555.                         ],
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  33557.                         ],
  33558.                     ],
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  33579.                         ],
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  33581.                         ],
  33582.                     ],
  33583.                 ],
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  33585.                 'show_gridicon' => true,
  33586.             ],
  33587.             'advanced_object_search.core_fields_configuration' => [
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  33592.                 ],
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  33594.                     'type' => 'long',
  33595.                     'title' => 'Index',
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  33597.                 ],
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  33599.                     'type' => 'date',
  33600.                     'title' => 'creationdate',
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  33602.                 ],
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  33604.                     'type' => 'date',
  33605.                     'title' => 'modificationdate',
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  33607.                 ],
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  33614.                             => [
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  33616.                                 'value' => true,
  33617.                             ],
  33618.                             => [
  33619.                                 'key' => 'No',
  33620.                                 'value' => false,
  33621.                             ],
  33622.                         ],
  33623.                     ],
  33624.                 ],
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  33626.                     'type' => 'keyword',
  33627.                     'title' => 'type',
  33628.                     'fieldDefinition' => 'Pimcore\\Model\\DataObject\\ClassDefinition\\Data\\Select',
  33629.                     'values' => [
  33630.                         'options' => [
  33631.                             => [
  33632.                                 'key' => 'Variant',
  33633.                                 'value' => 'variant',
  33634.                             ],
  33635.                             => [
  33636.                                 'key' => 'Object',
  33637.                                 'value' => 'object',
  33638.                             ],
  33639.                         ],
  33640.                     ],
  33641.                 ],
  33642.                 'key' => [
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  33646.                 ],
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  33651.                 ],
  33652.                 'type' => [
  33653.                     'title' => 'classname',
  33654.                     'type' => 'keyword',
  33655.                 ],
  33656.             ],
  33657.             'pimcore.advanced_object_search.index_name_prefix' => 'advanced_object_search_',
  33658.             'pimcore.advanced_object_search.es_hosts' => [
  33659.                 => 'localhost:9201',
  33660.             ],
  33661.             'pimcore.advanced_object_search.index_configuration' => [
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  33663.                 'nested_fields_limit' => 200,
  33664.                 'total_fields_limit' => 100000,
  33665.                 'exclude_classes' => [
  33666.                 ],
  33667.                 'exclude_fields' => [
  33668.                 ],
  33669.             ],
  33670.             'pimcore.direct_edit.mercure_settings.client_side_url' => '<PIMCORE_SCHEMA_HOST>/hub/mercure',
  33671.             'pimcore.direct_edit.mercure_settings.server_side_url' => 'http://localhost:10081/.well-known/mercure',
  33672.             'data_director.config' => [
  33673.                 'queue_processing' => [
  33674.                     'automatic_start' => true,
  33675.                 ],
  33676.                 'text_generation' => [
  33677.                     'openai_api_key' => NULL,
  33678.                 ],
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  33681.                 ],
  33682.             ],
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  33686.                     => '@PimcoreCore/Profiler/data_collector.html.twig',
  33687.                 ],
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  33690.                     => '@WebProfiler/Collector/request.html.twig',
  33691.                 ],
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  33695.                 ],
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  33699.                 ],
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  33703.                 ],
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  33707.                 ],
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  33710.                     => '@PimcoreCore/Profiler/targeting_data_collector.html.twig',
  33711.                 ],
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  33714.                     => '@WebProfiler/Collector/form.html.twig',
  33715.                 ],
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  33718.                     => '@WebProfiler/Collector/exception.html.twig',
  33719.                 ],
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  33723.                 ],
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  33727.                 ],
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  33730.                     => '@WebProfiler/Collector/router.html.twig',
  33731.                 ],
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  33735.                 ],
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  33739.                 ],
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  33742.                     => '@Security/Collector/security.html.twig',
  33743.                 ],
  33744.                 'data_collector.twig' => [
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  33746.                     => '@WebProfiler/Collector/twig.html.twig',
  33747.                 ],
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  33751.                 ],
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  33754.                     => '@Doctrine/Collector/db.html.twig',
  33755.                 ],
  33756.                 'data_collector.dump' => [
  33757.                     => 'dump',
  33758.                     => '@Debug/Profiler/dump.html.twig',
  33759.                 ],
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  33763.                 ],
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  33767.                 ],
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  33771.                 ],
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  33775.                 ],
  33776.             ],
  33777.             'pimcore.service_controllers' => [
  33778.                 'AdvancedObjectSearchBundle\\Controller\\AdminController' => 'AdvancedObjectSearchBundle\\Controller\\AdminController',
  33779.                 'App\\Controller\\AdminController' => 'App\\Controller\\AdminController',
  33780.                 'App\\Controller\\DefaultController' => 'App\\Controller\\DefaultController',
  33781.                 'App\\Controller\\Web2printController' => 'App\\Controller\\Web2printController',
  33782.                 'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\Controller\\DocumentController' => 'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\Controller\\DocumentController',
  33783.                 'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\Controller\\FieldTypeController' => 'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\Controller\\FieldTypeController',
  33784.                 'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\Controller\\ImportController' => 'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\Controller\\ImportController',
  33785.                 'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\Controller\\ImportconfigController' => 'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\Controller\\ImportconfigController',
  33786.                 'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\Controller\\MappingconfigController' => 'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\Controller\\MappingconfigController',
  33787.                 'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\Controller\\RestController' => 'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\Controller\\RestController',
  33788.                 'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\Controller\\Web2PrintController' => 'Blackbit\\DataDirectorBundle\\Controller\\Web2PrintController',
  33789.                 'Doctrine\\Bundle\\DoctrineBundle\\Controller\\ProfilerController' => 'Doctrine\\Bundle\\DoctrineBundle\\Controller\\ProfilerController',
  33790.                 'Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\Controller\\CallbackSettingsController' => 'Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\Controller\\CallbackSettingsController',
  33791.                 'Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\Controller\\ConfigController' => 'Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\Controller\\ConfigController',
  33792.                 'Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\Controller\\IndexController' => 'Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\Controller\\IndexController',
  33793.                 'Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\Controller\\MonitoringItemController' => 'Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\Controller\\MonitoringItemController',
  33794.                 'Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\Controller\\RestController' => 'Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\Controller\\RestController',
  33795.                 'Pimcore\\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle\\Controller\\BackendController' => 'Pimcore\\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle\\Controller\\BackendController',
  33796.                 'Pimcore\\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle\\Controller\\DefaultController' => 'Pimcore\\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle\\Controller\\DefaultController',
  33797.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Asset\\AssetController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Asset\\AssetController',
  33798.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Asset\\AssetHelperController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Asset\\AssetHelperController',
  33799.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\DataObject\\ClassController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\DataObject\\ClassController',
  33800.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\DataObject\\ClassificationstoreController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\DataObject\\ClassificationstoreController',
  33801.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\DataObject\\DataObjectController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\DataObject\\DataObjectController',
  33802.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\DataObject\\DataObjectHelperController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\DataObject\\DataObjectHelperController',
  33803.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\DataObject\\QuantityValueController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\DataObject\\QuantityValueController',
  33804.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\DataObject\\VariantsController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\DataObject\\VariantsController',
  33805.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\DocumentController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\DocumentController',
  33806.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\EmailController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\EmailController',
  33807.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\FolderController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\FolderController',
  33808.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\HardlinkController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\HardlinkController',
  33809.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\LinkController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\LinkController',
  33810.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\NewsletterController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\NewsletterController',
  33811.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\PageController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\PageController',
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  33813.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\PrintpageController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\PrintpageController',
  33814.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\RenderletController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\RenderletController',
  33815.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\SnippetController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Document\\SnippetController',
  33816.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\ElementController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\ElementController',
  33817.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\EmailController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\EmailController',
  33818.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\External\\AdminerController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\External\\AdminerController',
  33819.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\External\\OpcacheController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\External\\OpcacheController',
  33820.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\IndexController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\IndexController',
  33821.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\InstallController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\InstallController',
  33822.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\LogController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\LogController',
  33823.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\LoginController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\LoginController',
  33824.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\MiscController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\MiscController',
  33825.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\NotificationController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\NotificationController',
  33826.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\PortalController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\PortalController',
  33827.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\RecyclebinController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\RecyclebinController',
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  33829.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\SettingsController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\SettingsController',
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  33831.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\TargetingController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\TargetingController',
  33832.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\TranslationController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\TranslationController',
  33833.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\UserController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\UserController',
  33834.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\WorkflowController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\WorkflowController',
  33835.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\ExtensionManager\\ExtensionManagerController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\ExtensionManager\\ExtensionManagerController',
  33836.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\GDPR\\AdminController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\GDPR\\AdminController',
  33837.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\GDPR\\AssetController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\GDPR\\AssetController',
  33838.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\GDPR\\DataObjectController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\GDPR\\DataObjectController',
  33839.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\GDPR\\PimcoreUsersController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\GDPR\\PimcoreUsersController',
  33840.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\GDPR\\SentMailController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\GDPR\\SentMailController',
  33841.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Reports\\AnalyticsController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Reports\\AnalyticsController',
  33842.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Reports\\CustomReportController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Reports\\CustomReportController',
  33843.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Reports\\SettingsController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Reports\\SettingsController',
  33844.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Searchadmin\\SearchController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Searchadmin\\SearchController',
  33845.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Controller\\PublicServicesController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Controller\\PublicServicesController',
  33846.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\Controller\\ConfigController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\Controller\\ConfigController',
  33847.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\Controller\\GraphQLExplorerController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\Controller\\GraphQLExplorerController',
  33848.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\Controller\\WebserviceController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\Controller\\WebserviceController',
  33849.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle\\Controller\\ConfigController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle\\Controller\\ConfigController',
  33850.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle\\Controller\\DownloadController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle\\Controller\\DownloadController',
  33851.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubSimpleRestBundle\\Controller\\AbstractController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubSimpleRestBundle\\Controller\\AbstractController',
  33852.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubSimpleRestBundle\\Controller\\ConfigController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubSimpleRestBundle\\Controller\\ConfigController',
  33853.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubSimpleRestBundle\\Controller\\EndpointController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubSimpleRestBundle\\Controller\\EndpointController',
  33854.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubSimpleRestBundle\\Controller\\SwaggerController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubSimpleRestBundle\\Controller\\SwaggerController',
  33855.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataImporterBundle\\Controller\\ConfigDataObjectController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataImporterBundle\\Controller\\ConfigDataObjectController',
  33856.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataImporterBundle\\Controller\\PushImportController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataImporterBundle\\Controller\\PushImportController',
  33857.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DirectEditBundle\\Controller\\AssetEditController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DirectEditBundle\\Controller\\AssetEditController',
  33858.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DirectEditBundle\\Controller\\ClientController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\DirectEditBundle\\Controller\\ClientController',
  33859.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\EnterpriseSubscriptionToolsBundle\\Controller\\LicenseCheckController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\EnterpriseSubscriptionToolsBundle\\Controller\\LicenseCheckController',
  33860.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\AbstractSiteController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\AbstractSiteController',
  33861.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\CollectionsController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\CollectionsController',
  33862.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\FrontendBuildController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\FrontendBuildController',
  33863.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\WizardController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\WizardController',
  33864.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\AuthController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\AuthController',
  33865.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\CollectionController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\CollectionController',
  33866.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\DataPool\\AssetController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\DataPool\\AssetController',
  33867.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\DataPool\\DataObjectController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\DataPool\\DataObjectController',
  33868.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\DownloadCartController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\DownloadCartController',
  33869.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\EmailController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\EmailController',
  33870.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\LanguageVariantController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\LanguageVariantController',
  33871.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\PortalController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\PortalController',
  33872.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\PublicShareController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\PublicShareController',
  33873.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\AssetUploadController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\AssetUploadController',
  33874.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\BatchTaskController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\BatchTaskController',
  33875.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\CollectionController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\CollectionController',
  33876.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\DataPool\\AssetController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\DataPool\\AssetController',
  33877.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\DataPool\\DataObjectController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\DataPool\\DataObjectController',
  33878.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\DataPool\\PublicShare\\AssetController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\DataPool\\PublicShare\\AssetController',
  33879.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\DataPool\\PublicShare\\DataObjectController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\DataPool\\PublicShare\\DataObjectController',
  33880.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\DirectEditController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\DirectEditController',
  33881.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\DownloadController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\DownloadController',
  33882.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\FolderController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\FolderController',
  33883.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\PublicShareController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\PublicShareController',
  33884.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\PublicShare\\DetailActionsController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\PublicShare\\DetailActionsController',
  33885.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\PublicShare\\DownloadController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\PublicShare\\DownloadController',
  33886.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\SavedSearchController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\SavedSearchController',
  33887.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\SearchController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\SearchController',
  33888.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\TranslationController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\Rest\\Api\\TranslationController',
  33889.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\SavedSearchController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\SavedSearchController',
  33890.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\SearchController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\SearchController',
  33891.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\SnippetController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\SnippetController',
  33892.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\StatisticExplorerController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\StatisticExplorerController',
  33893.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\UserController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Controller\\UserController',
  33894.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\StatisticsExplorerBundle\\Controller\\StatisticsController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\StatisticsExplorerBundle\\Controller\\StatisticsController',
  33895.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\WorkflowDesignerBundle\\Controller\\AdminController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\WorkflowDesignerBundle\\Controller\\AdminController',
  33896.                 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\WorkflowDesignerBundle\\Controller\\ConfigController' => 'Pimcore\\Bundle\\WorkflowDesignerBundle\\Controller\\ConfigController',
  33897.                 'kernel' => 'App\\Kernel',
  33898.             ],
  33899.             'console.command.ids' => [
  33900.                 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\Bundle\\ListCommand',
  33901.                 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\CacheWarmingCommand',
  33902.                 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\ClassesDefinitionsBuildCommand',
  33903.                 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\Definition\\Import\\ClassCommand',
  33904.                 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\Definition\\Import\\CustomLayoutCommand',
  33905.                 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\Definition\\Import\\FieldCollectionCommand',
  33906.                 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\Definition\\Import\\ObjectBrickCommand',
  33907.                 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\DeleteClassificationStoreCommand',
  33908.                 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\DeleteUnusedLocaleDataCommand',
  33909.                 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\Document\\GeneratePagePreviews',
  33910.                 10 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\Document\\MigrateElementsCommand',
  33911.                 11 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\EmailLogsCleanupCommand',
  33912.                 12 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\GenerateStaticPagesCommand',
  33913.                 13 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\InternalMigrationHelpersCommand',
  33914.                 14 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\InternalModelDaoMappingGeneratorCommand',
  33915.                 15 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\InternalUnicodeCldrLanguageTerritoryGeneratorCommand',
  33916.                 16 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\LowQualityImagePreviewCommand',
  33917.                 17 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\MaintenanceModeCommand',
  33918.                 18 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\Migrate\\StorageCommand',
  33919.                 19 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\Migrate\\ThumbnailsFolderStructureCommand',
  33920.                 20 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\MysqlToolsCommand',
  33921.                 21 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\RecyclebinCleanupCommand',
  33922.                 22 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\RequirementsCheckCommand',
  33923.                 23 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\ResetPasswordCommand',
  33924.                 24 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\RunScriptCommand',
  33925.                 25 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\SearchBackendReindexCommand',
  33926.                 26 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\ThumbnailsClearCommand',
  33927.                 27 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\ThumbnailsImageCommand',
  33928.                 28 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Command\\ThumbnailsVideoCommand',
  33929.                 29 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\Command\\Configuration\\MigrateLegacyConfig',
  33930.                 30 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\Command\\Configuration\\RebuildWorkspacesCommand',
  33931.                 31 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubBundle\\Command\\GraphQL\\RebuildDefinitionsCommand',
  33932.                 32 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubSimpleRestBundle\\Command\\CreateOrUpdateMappingCommand',
  33933.                 33 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubSimpleRestBundle\\Command\\ProcessQueueCommand',
  33934.                 34 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubSimpleRestBundle\\Command\\ResetQueueCommand',
  33935.                 35 => 'console.command.public_alias.Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\Command\\ClassMethodExecutorCommand',
  33936.                 36 => 'console.command.public_alias.Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\Command\\MaintenanceCommand',
  33937.                 37 => 'console.command.public_alias.Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle\\Command\\MigrationGeneratorCommand',
  33938.                 38 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataImporterBundle\\Command\\CronExecutionCommand',
  33939.                 39 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataImporterBundle\\Command\\DummyDataCommand',
  33940.                 40 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataImporterBundle\\Command\\ParallelProcessQueueCommand',
  33941.                 41 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataImporterBundle\\Command\\PrepareImportCommand',
  33942.                 42 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataImporterBundle\\Command\\SequentialProcessQueueCommand',
  33943.                 43 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle\\Command\\CronExecutionCommand',
  33944.                 44 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\DataHubFileExportBundle\\Command\\ExportFileCommand',
  33945.                 45 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Command\\SizeEstimationCommand',
  33946.                 46 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Command\\Update\\IndexRecreateCommand',
  33947.                 47 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Command\\Update\\IndexUpdateCommand',
  33948.                 48 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Command\\Update\\UpdateFrontendBuildCommand',
  33949.                 49 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\PortalEngineBundle\\Command\\WizardCommand',
  33950.                 50 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle\\Command\\MigrateToCustomSettingsCommand',
  33951.                 51 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle\\Command\\PopulateCommand',
  33952.                 52 => 'console.command.public_alias.AdvancedObjectSearchBundle\\Command\\ProcessUpdateQueueCommand',
  33953.                 53 => 'console.command.public_alias.AdvancedObjectSearchBundle\\Command\\ReindexCommand',
  33954.                 54 => 'console.command.public_alias.AdvancedObjectSearchBundle\\Command\\UpdateMappingCommand',
  33955.                 55 => 'console.command.public_alias.Pimcore\\Bundle\\DirectEditBundle\\Command\\CleanupCommand',
  33956.             ],
  33957.         ];
  33958.     }
  33959.     protected function throw($message)
  33960.     {
  33961.         throw new RuntimeException($message);
  33962.     }
  33963. }